tencent cloud


Mapping Remote Storage

Last updated: 2024-01-13 11:19:29

    Operation Scenarios

    Remote mapping is used as an auxiliary feature by BatchCompute for storage services to map remote storage, such as COS and CFS, to a local folder.


    Complete the preparations as instructed in Preparations and learn how to configure the general part of the custom information.


    Uploading input data file

    1. Create number.txt with the following content:
    2. Log in to the COS Console and click Bucket List on the left sidebar.
    3. Select the ID of the created bucket, click Objects, select input, and upload number.txt as shown below:

    Viewing and modifying demo

    Modify the general part of the custom information in 3_StoreMapping.py as instructed in Preparations.
    Open 3_StoreMapping.py in an editor.
    # custom (Change to your info)
    imageId = "img-m4q71qnf"
    Application = {
    "DeliveryForm": "PACKAGE",
    "Command": "python ./codepkg/sumnum.py",
    "PackagePath": "http://batchdemo-xxxxxxxxx.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/codepkg/codepkg.tgz"
    StdoutRedirectPath = "your cos path"
    StderrRedirectPath = "your cos path"
    InputMapping = {
    "SourcePath": "cos://batchdemo-xxxxxxxxx.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/input/",
    "DestinationPath": "/data/input/"
    OutputMapping = {
    "SourcePath": "/data/output/",
    "DestinationPath": "your output remote path"
    Compared to 2_RemoteCodePkg.py, some of the parameters in the custom part are modified as follows:
    Configuration Item
    Modify `Command` to `sumnum.py`.
    Input mapping.
    `SourcePath` remote storage address: modify this address to the path of the **input** folder in "Preparations". For more information, please see Getting COS Endpoints.
    `DestinationPath` local directory: retain the original setting for the time being.
    Output mapping.
    `SourcePath` local directory: retain the original setting for the moment.
    `DestinationPath` remote storage address: modify this address to the path of the **output** folder in "Preparations". For more information, please see Getting COS Endpoints.
    sumnum.py is composed as below: Open input/number.txt, add up all numbers in each row, and write the result into output/result.txt.
    import os
    inputfile = "/data/input/number.txt"
    outputfile = "/data/output/result.txt"
    def readFile(filename):
    total = 0
    fopen = open(filename, 'r')
    for eachLine in fopen:
    total += int(eachLine)
    print "total = ",total
    fwrite = open(outputfile, 'w')
    print("Local input file is ",inputfile)

    Submitting job

    Run the following command to run the Python script. The demo encapsulates the job submission process by using Python scripts and the BatchCompute command line tool.
    python 3_StoreMapping.py
    The returned result is as follows, indicating that the job is successfully submitted:
    "RequestId": "8eaeb01e-94a6-41a1-b40f-95f15417c0b4",
    "JobId": "job-97smiptb"
    If the submission operation fails, check the returned value or contact us for assistance.

    Viewing status

    Please see Viewing Status in Quick Start.

    Viewing result

    1. Log in to the COS Console and click Bucket List on the left sidebar.
    2. Select the ID of the created bucket, click Files, and select output as shown below: BatchCompute copies the output data from the local directory to the remote directory. The execution results of 3_StoreMapping.py are stored in result.txt, which is automatically synced to COS.
    result.txt is composed as below:
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