tencent cloud


SDK for Python

Last updated: 2024-01-03 10:20:35


    This document uses the SDK for Python as an example to describe how to connect the client to TDMQ for CMQ and send/receive messages.


    Queue Model


    1. Create a queue in the console as instructed in Queue Management.
    You can create a message queue in the console or via TencentCloud API. To use TencentCloud API, you need to install the SDK for Python.
    pip install --upgrade tencentcloud-sdk-python
    # API authentication information
    cred = credential.Credential(SecretId, SecretKey)
    httpProfile = HttpProfile()
    httpProfile.endpoint = NameServerAddress
    clientProfile = ClientProfile()
    clientProfile.httpProfile = httpProfile
    # Create the TDMQ client
    client = tdmq_client.TdmqClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile)
    # Create CMQ queue request parameters
    req = models.CreateCmqQueueRequest()
    params = {
    "QueueName": "queue_api",
    # Below is the dead letter queue configuration
    "DeadLetterQueueName": "dead_queue_api", # Dead letter queue, which needs to be created first
    "Policy": 0, # 0: Message has been consumed multiple times but not deleted. 1: `Time-To-Live` has elapsed
    "MaxReceiveCount": 3 # Maximum receipts. Value range: 1–1000
    # Create a CMQ message queue
    resp = client.CreateCmqQueue(req)
    API call address, which can be copied from Queue Service > API Request Address in the TDMQ for CMQ console.
    SecretId, SecretKey
    TencentCloud API key, which can be copied on the Access Key > API Key Management page in the CAM console.
    2. Import CMQ files into the project. You need to select a branch based on the used Python version. The default SDK is for Python 2, and you can switch to the Python 3 branch to view the SDK for Python 3.3. Send messages.
    import os
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/..")
    import logging
    from cmq.account import Account
    from cmq.queue import Message
    from cmq.cmq_exception import CMQExceptionBase
    # `secretId` and `secretKey` of your Tencent Cloud account, which should be kept confidential
    # You can get them at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    secretId = 'AKIDSiiRtxxxx'
    secretKey = 'GGzSeaM5xxxx'
    # CMQ service call address
    nameServerAddress = 'https://cmq-gz.public.tencenttdmq.com'
    # Initialize `my_account` and `my_queue`
    # Account class objects are not thread-safe. If you need to use them in multiple threads, initialize them for each thread
    my_account = Account(nameServerAddress, secretId, secretKey, debug=True)
    # Message queue name
    queue_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "python_queue"
    my_queue = my_account.get_queue(queue_name)
    # Message content
    msg_body = "I am test message."
    msg = Message(msg_body)
    # Send messages
    re_msg = my_queue.send_message(msg)
    # Sending result
    print("Send Message Succeed! MessageBody:%s MessageID:%s" % (msg_body, re_msg.msgId))
    except CMQExceptionBase as e:
    print("Send Message Fail! Exception:%s\\n" % e)
    API call address, which can be copied from Queue Service > API Request Address in the TDMQ for CMQ console.
    SecretId, SecretKey
    TencentCloud API key, which can be copied on the Access Key > API Key Management page in the CAM console.
    Queue name, which can be obtained on the Queue Service page in the TDMQ for CMQ console.
    3. Consume messages.
    import os
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/..")
    import logging
    from cmq.account import Account
    from cmq.cmq_exception import CMQExceptionBase
    # `secretId` and `secretKey` of your Tencent Cloud account, which should be kept confidential
    # You can get them at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    secretId = 'AKIDSiiRtxxxx'
    secretKey = 'GGzSeaM5xxxx'
    # CMQ service call address
    nameServerAddress = 'https://cmq-gz.public.tencenttdmq.com'
    # Initialize `my_account` and `my_queue`
    # Account class objects are not thread-safe. If you need to use them in multiple threads, initialize them for each thread
    my_account = Account(nameServerAddress, secretId, secretKey, debug=True)
    queue_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "python_queue"
    my_queue = my_account.get_queue(queue_name)
    wait_seconds = 3
    # Obtain messages
    recv_msg = my_queue.receive_message(wait_seconds)
    # Specific business
    print("Receive Message Succeed! ReceiptHandle:%s MessageBody:%s MessageID:%s" % (
    recv_msg.receiptHandle, recv_msg.msgBody, recv_msg.msgId))
    # Successfully consumed messages are deleted
    except CMQExceptionBase as e:
    print("Receive Message Fail! Exception:%s\\n" % e)
    API call address, which can be copied from Queue Service > API Request Address in the TDMQ for CMQ console.
    SecretId, SecretKey
    TencentCloud API key, which can be copied on the Access Key > API Key Management page in the CAM console.
    Queue name, which can be obtained on the Queue Service page in the TDMQ for CMQ console.

    Topic Model


    1. Prepare the required resources and create a topic subscription and a subscriber.
    1.1 Create a topic subscription in the console or via TencentCloud API. To use TencentCloud API, you need to install the SDK for Python.
    # API authentication information
    cred = credential.Credential(SecretId, SecretKey)
    httpProfile = HttpProfile()
    httpProfile.endpoint = NameServerAddress
    clientProfile = ClientProfile()
    clientProfile.httpProfile = httpProfile
    client = tdmq_client.TdmqClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile)
    req = models.CreateCmqTopicRequest()
    params = {
    "TopicName": "topic_api", # Topic name, which must be unique in the same region under the same account
    "FilterType": 1, # Used to specify the message match policy for the topic. 1: Tag matching policy. 2: Routing matching policy
    "MsgRetentionSeconds": 86400 # Message retention period. Value range: 60–86400 seconds (i.e., 1 minute–1 day)
    # Create a topic
    resp = client.CreateCmqTopic(req)
    API call address, which can be copied from Queue Service > API Request Address in the TDMQ for CMQ console.
    SecretId, SecretKey
    TencentCloud API key, which can be copied on the Access Key > API Key Management page in the CAM console.
    1.2 Create a subscriber in the console or via TencentCloud API. To use TencentCloud API, you need to install the SDK for Python.
    # API authentication information
    cred = credential.Credential(SecretId, SecretKey)
    httpProfile = HttpProfile()
    httpProfile.endpoint = NameServerAddress
    clientProfile = ClientProfile()
    clientProfile.httpProfile = httpProfile
    client = tdmq_client.TdmqClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile)
    req = models.CreateCmqSubscribeRequest()
    params = {
    "TopicName": "topic_api", # Name of the topic for which to create a subscription
    "SubscriptionName": "sub", # Subscription name
    "Protocol": "queue", # Subscription protocol. Currently, two protocols are supported: HTTP and queue. To use the HTTP protocol, you need to build your own web server to receive messages. With the queue protocol, messages are automatically pushed to a CMQ queue and you can pull them concurrently.
    "Endpoint": "topic_queue_api", # Endpoint that receives notifications, which varies by protocol: for HTTP, the endpoint must start with `http://`, and the `host` can be a domain or IP; for queue, `QueueName` should be entered.
    "NotifyStrategy": "BACKOFF_RETRY", # CMQ push server retry policy. Valid values: 1) BACKOFF_RETRY; 2) EXPONENTIAL_DECAY_RETRY.
    "FilterTag": ["TAG"], # Message filter tag (used for message filtering). The number of tags cannot exceed 5.
    # "BindingKey": ["a.b.c"], # The number of `BindingKey` cannot exceed 5, and the length of each `BindingKey` cannot exceed 64 bytes. This field indicates the filtering policy for subscribing to and receiving messages.
    "NotifyContentFormat": "SIMPLIFIED" # Push content format. Valid values: 1. JSON; 2. SIMPLIFIED, i.e., the raw format. If `Protocol` is `queue`, this value must be `SIMPLIFIED`. If `Protocol` is `http`, both options are acceptable, and the default value is `JSON`.
    # Create a subscription
    resp = client.CreateCmqSubscribe(req)
    BindingKey and FilterTag should be set according to the type of subscribed topic; otherwise, they will be invalid.
    API call address, which can be copied from Queue Service > API Request Address in the TDMQ for CMQ console.
    SecretId, SecretKey
    TencentCloud API key, which can be copied on the Access Key > API Key Management page in the CAM console.
    2. Import CMQ files into the project. You need to select a branch based on the used Python version. The default SDK is for Python 2, and you can switch to the Python 3 branch to view the SDK for Python 3.
    3. Create my_topic to publish messages.
    import os
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/..")
    import logging
    from cmq.account import Account
    from cmq.cmq_exception import *
    from cmq.topic import *
    # `secretId` and `secretKey` of your Tencent Cloud account, which should be kept confidential
    # You can get them at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    secretId = 'AKIDSiiRtxxxx'
    secretKey = 'GGzSeaM5xxxx'
    # CMQ service call address
    nameServerAddress = 'https://cmq-gz.public.tencenttdmq.com'
    # Initialize `my_account`
    # Account class objects are not thread-safe. If you need to use them in multiple threads, initialize them for each thread
    my_account = Account(nameServerAddress, secretId, secretKey, debug=True)
    # Topic name
    topic_name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "python_topic_route"
    my_topic = my_account.get_topic(topic_name)
    except CMQExceptionBase as e:
    print("Exception:%s\\n" % e)
    API call address, which can be copied from Queue Service > API Request Address in the TDMQ for CMQ console.
    SecretId, SecretKey
    TencentCloud API key, which can be copied on the Access Key > API Key Management page in the CAM console.
    Topic subscription name, which can be obtained on the Topic Subscription page in the TDMQ for CMQ console.
    4. Send tag messages.
    # Message tag
    tags = ["TAG", "TAG1", "TAG2"]
    for tag in tags:
    # Send tag messages
    message = Message("this is a test TAG message. TAG:" + tag, [tag])
    re_msg = my_topic.publish_message(message)
    # Sending result
    print("Send Message Succeed! MessageBody:%s MessageID:%s" % (message.msgBody, re_msg.msgId))
    5. Send route messages.
    # Message route information
    routes = ["a.b.c", "a.b.x", "a.c.d", "x.y.z", "x.y.c"]
    for route in routes:
    message = Message("this is a test route message. Route:" + route)
    # Send route messages
    re_msg = my_topic.publish_message(message, route)
    # Sending result
    print("Send Message Succeed! MessageBody:%s MessageID:%s" % (message.msgBody, re_msg.msgId))
    6. The consumer can consume messages in the message queue subscribed to by the subscriber.
    Above is a brief introduction to message production and consumption in two models. For more information, see Demo or TDMQ for CMQ code repository.
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