tencent cloud


Network Monitoring

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-05-14 12:36:06

    Enabling Feature

    Network monitoring requires the use of the qapm-plugin for instrumentation and is by default inserted at various entry and exit points of the network layer.


    A user allowlist or device allowlist, which is used to initialize the SDK, has been added through the Mobile App Performance Monitoring > Application Management > Allowlist Management page.
    The qapm-plugin has been configured in the app-level build.gradle. See Integration and Initialization.
    Currently, only okhttp3 monitoring is supported. The okhttp3 also requires okio version 1.14.0 or later.

    Configuration Process

    Add obfuscation rules in the proguard-rules.pro file in the app directory to prevent okttp3 code from being obfuscated.
    -keep class com.squareup.okhttp3.**{*;}


    Verifying Whether the Feature Is Working Properly

    Retrieval tag:QAPM_manager_QAPMPluginManager
    The log message that appears one minute after each network request indicates successful reporting of network data:
    Retrieval tag: [plugin::142]
    It requires the use of the qapm-plugin for instrumentation. Otherwise, it will not work.
    The SDK is only responsible for capturing information related to network requests. The backend analyzes issue data, such as slow requests (with the request time being greater than xxs) and network errors (with the request response code being greater than 400).
    If the correct allowlist is not configured, the SDK will not enable network monitoring.

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    기술 지원

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