tencent cloud


Last updated: 2023-12-29 11:44:50
    title: Go - CODING Help Center pageTitle: Go pagePrevTitle: Continuous Build System for WeChat Mini Programs Based on CI pagePrev: ci/practice/quick/wechat-mini-program.html pageNextTitle: Install Maven Dependency pageNext: ci/depend/maven.html alias: ci/depend/go.html
    The go command directly uses "Code Repositories" to store dependencies. Run the go get command to call the git clone command, which will pull code. If you are using a private package, you will need to configure the username and password of the private code repository.
    In "Project Settings" > "Developer Options", import the username and password. Invoke them by using environment variables to avoid exposing sensitive information in the build plan.
    Enter the username and password in the CI environment variables:
    Configure the git URL in the text editor and fill in the environment variables:
    pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
    stage('Check out') {
    steps {
    $class: 'GitSCM',
    branches: [[name: GIT_BUILD_REF]],
    userRemoteConfigs: [[
    url: GIT_REPO_URL,
    credentialsId: CREDENTIALS_ID
    stage('Install dependency') {
    steps {
    sh 'git config --global url."https://${GO_GET_USER}:${GO_GET_PASSWORD}@e.coding.net/codes-farm/go-demo/".insteadOf "https://e.coding.net/codes-farm/go-demo/"'
    sh 'go get e.coding.net/codes-farm/go-demo/labstack-echo'
    After you configure the dependency installation in the initial stage, running Continuous Integration will automatically pull code.
    ==== 2021/03/24 ====
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