tencent cloud


Source Code Description (Android)

Last updated: 2022-11-14 18:18:58

    Project Structure

    The project contains four modules: app, ugckit, xmagickit, and beautysettingkit.


    Directory overview

    File/Directory Description
    common Common components, including tools and custom UIs (beauty filter and player controls)
    login The account module, including login and registration
    logoff The account cancellation UI
    mainui The main UI of the UGSV demo app, including main activities and the video list
    manager The permission processing module
    play The VOD playback module
    userinfo The profile module
    videochoose The video file selection module
    videoeditor The video editing module
    videojoiner The video composition module
    videopublish The video publishing module
    videorecord The video shooting module
    webview The module for loading HTML5 mobile web pages

    Module overview

    The UGSV demo app's functional modules include account, main UI, playback, and UGSV (editing, composition, shooting, and publishing), which correspond to different codes. Below is a description of these modules plus their implementation methods.

    Account module

    • The account module handles the logics of user login/registration and login data caching.
    • You can replace this module with your own account system if you already have one.
    • The account module registers usernames and passwords with the backend of the UGSV demo app by calling register of TCUserMgr, handles logins by calling login of TCUserMgr, caches login data locally in Sharepreference, and clears the cached data after logout.


    Class Description
    TCApplication.java SDK initialization class
    TCLoginActivity.java User login view
    TCRegisterActivity.java User registration view
    TCUserMgr User login/registration management class
    ProgressFragmentUtil Control for displaying the progress bar
    TCUserInfoFragment.java User profile view
    TCAboutActivity "About" view of the UGSV demo app

    Main UI and list management

    • The main UI offers access to three primary features of the app: video list, video shooting/editing, and user profile.
    • By default, users log in to the video list page. When they click +, a dialog box pops up asking them to select whether to shoot new videos or edit local videos. They can also click the user profile button to go to the user information page.
    • The list management module pulls and displays the video list.


    Class Description
    TCSplashActivity.java Splash screen
    TCMainActivity.java The main UI, which includes the video list, video recording/editing and user profile pages
    TCLiveListMgr.java List management class, which provides APIs to get local videos and update the video list from the server
    TCLiveListFragment.java List view, which displays video information
    TCLiveListAdapter.java Video list adapter
    TCUGCVideoListAdapter.java Video list adapter
    TCVideoInfo Video data

    Short video shooting module

    With the UGSV demo app, users can shoot UGSV not longer than one minute, but the SDK does not show video length.

    Class Description
    TCVideoRecordActivity.java Video shooting view
    RecordProgressView View for pressing and holding to shoot videos
    ComposeRecordBtn Progress bar for multi-segment shooting

    File selection module

    This module lists all the MP4 files stored locally on phones for users to choose from.

    Class Description
    TCVideoChooseActivity.java Local MP4 file selecting view
    TCVideoEditerListAdapter.java Local MP4 file list adapter
    TCVideoEditerMgr.java MP4 file management class, which provides an API to get the MP4 files stored on mobile phones
    TCVideoFileInfo.java Local video data

    Editing module

    The video editing module offers features including video clipping, slow motion, filters, music mixing, stickers and subtitling.


    • **videoeditor/ directory: **
      TCVideoPreprocessActivity.java Video pre-processing view, which is displayed when users start editing a video after shooting
      TCVideoCutterActivity.java Video clipping view
      TCVideoEditerActivity.java The editing view displayed after video clipping, with options including music, filters, speed adjustment, tone, stickers and subtitles at the bottom
      TCVideoEffectActivity.java The special effect adding view, which shows when users click the button at the bottom
      BaseEditFragment.java Parent class of the special effect fragment, which controls the playback of special effects on multiple views
      TCVideoJoinerActivity.java If users select multiple files to edit, the SDK will compose the videos.
    • videoeditor/cutter/directory: Video clipping
    • videoeditor/time/ directory: Speed adjustment, including slow motion, loop and rewind.
    • videoeditor/bgm/ directory: Background music
    • videoeditor/paster/ directory: Stickers, including animated and static stickers
    • videoeditor/motion/ directory: Four animated filters. You cannot add your own filters. To use more filters, contact us by submitting a ticket.
    • videoditor/bubble/ directory: Bubble subtitles
    • videoeditor/utils/ directory: Video editing tools
    • videoeditor/common/directory: Common video editing components
    • videojoiner/directory: Video composition

    Short video publishing module

    This module allows users to publish videos to Tencent Cloud's video distribution platform (VOD system).

    Class Description
    TCVideoPublisherActivity.java Video publishing view

    Short video playback

    This module allows users to swipe up and down to play videos that have been published to the VOD system.


    Class Description
    TCVodPlayerActivity.java UGSV playback view


    This module is the advanced encapsulation (with the UI) of the UGSV SDK to facilitate quick integration.

    Directory overview

    File/Directory Description
    base General APIs
    component Components used on the UI
    module Encapsulated modules such as clipping, editing, special effects, composition, shooting, multi-screen shooting, upload, and video selection to be used by the corresponding views
    utils The tool module
    PermissionIntroductionDialog The permission pop-up window
    UGCKit The UGSV initialization class
    UGCKitConstants Constant configuration information
    UGCKitPicturePicker The view of the image selection module
    UGCKitVideoCut The view of the short video clipping module
    UGCKitVideoEdit The view of the short video editing module
    UGCKitVideoEffect The view of the short video special effect setting module
    UGCKitVideoJoin The view of the short video composition module
    UGCKitVideoMixRecord The view of the multi-screen shooting module
    UGCKitVideoPicker The view of the video selection module
    UGCKitVideoPublish The view of the video upload module
    UGCKitVideoRecord The view of the short video recording module


    This module encapsulates Tencent Effect so that it can quickly integrated.

    File/Directory Description
    config The configuration information for parsing animated effect resources downloaded dynamically in the demo project
    download The module for downloading animated effect resources
    module The class for creating and encapsulating Tencent Effect beauty filter attributes
    panel The beauty filter panel module
    utils The tool class
    widget The custom view
    XMagicImpl The basic encapsulation of beauty filter objects for easier use


    This module is the basic beauty filter module of UGSV. To use basic beauty filters, you can use this module for quick integration.

    File/Directory Description
    adapter The UI adapter of the beauty filter panel
    constant The beauty filter constant definitions
    download The beauty filter download module
    model The encapsulated module of beauty filter attributes
    utils The tool class
    view The beauty filter panel
    BeautyImpl The encapsulation class for using beauty filters
    BeautyParams The encapsulation class of beauty filter parameters
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