tencent cloud


Migrating from UGSV Enterprise

Last updated: 2022-08-02 15:05:19
    We have deprecated UGSV Enterprise. The beauty filter module in UGSV Enterprise is now offered as an independent SDK: Tencent Effect SDK. The SDK features more natural effects and more powerful beautification features. It also offers greater flexibility in terms of integration. This document shows you how to migrate from UGSV Enterprise to Tencent Effect SDK.


    1. Modify the version number of the glide library in the Xmagic module to make it the same as the actual version number.
    2. Modify the earliest version number in the Xmagic module to make it the same as the actual version number.


    Step 1. Replace resources

    1. Download the UGSV demo which has integrated the Tencent Effect SDK. This demo is built based on the Tencent Effect SDK S1-04 edition.
    2. Replace the SDK files in the demo with the files for the SDK you actually use. Specifically, follow the steps below:
    Replace the .aar file in the libs directory of the Xmagic module with the .aar file in libs of your SDK.
    Replace all the files in ../src/main/assets of the Xmagic module with those in assets/ of your SDK. If there are files in the MotionRes folder of your SDK package, also copy them to the ../src/main/assets directory.
    Replace all the .so files in ../src/main/jniLibs of the Xmagic module with the .so files in jniLibs of your SDK package (you need to decompress the ZIP files in the jinLibs folder to get the .so files for arm64-v8a and armeabi-v7a).
    3. Import the Xmagic module in the demo into your project.

    Step 2. Upgrade the SDK edition

    Upgrade the SDK from UGSV Enterprise to UGSV Professional.
    Before replacement: implementation 'com.tencent.liteav:LiteAVSDK_Enterprise:latest.release'
    After replacement: implementation 'com.tencent.liteav:LiteAVSDK_Professional:latest.release'

    Step 3. Configure the license

    1. Call the following APIs in oncreate of application in your project:
    2. In the XMagicImpl class, replace the values of license URL and key to the ones you obtain from Tencent Cloud.

    Step 4. Implement the code

    The following example shows you how to implement the short video shooting view (TCVideoRecordActivity.java).
    1. Add the following variables to the TCVideoRecordActivity.java class:
    private XMagicImpl mXMagic;
    private int isPause = 0;// 0: not paused; 1: paused; 2: pausing; 3: to be terminated
    2. Add the following code after onCreate in the TCVideoRecordActivity.java class:
    TXUGCRecord instance = TXUGCRecord.getInstance(this);
    instance.setVideoProcessListener(new TXUGCRecord.VideoCustomProcessListener() {
    public int onTextureCustomProcess(int textureId, int width, int height) {
    if (isPause == 0 && mXMagic != null) {
    return mXMagic.process(textureId, width, height);
    return 0;
    public void onDetectFacePoints(float[] floats) {
    public void onTextureDestroyed() {
    if (Looper.getMainLooper() != Looper.myLooper()) { // Not the main thread
    if (isPause == 1) {
    isPause = 2;
    if (mXMagic != null) {
    isPause = 0;
    } else if (isPause == 3) {
    if (mXMagic != null) {
    XMagicImpl.checkAuth((errorCode, msg) -> {
    if (errorCode == TELicenseCheck.ERROR_OK) {
    } else {
    TXCLog.e("TAG", "Authentication failed. Check the authentication URL and key" + errorCode + " " + msg);
    3. Add the following code to onStop:
    isPause = 1;
    if (mXMagic != null) {
    4. Add the following code to onDestroy:
    isPause = 3;
    5. Add the following code at the beginning of onActivityResult:
    if (mXMagic != null) {
    mXMagic.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    6. Add the following two methods to the end of this class:
    private void loadXmagicRes() {
    if (XMagicImpl.isLoadedRes) {
    new Thread(() -> {
    XmagicResParser.setResPath(new File(getFilesDir(), "xmagic").getAbsolutePath());
    XMagicImpl.isLoadedRes = true;
    new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(() -> {
    * Initialize the beauty filter SDK
    private void initXMagic() {
    if (mXMagic == null) {
    mXMagic = new XMagicImpl(this, mUGCKitVideoRecord.getBeautyPanel());

    Step 5. Modify other classes

    1. Change the type of mBeautyPanel in the AbsVideoRecordUI class to RelativeLayout and the response type of getBeautyPanel() to RelativeLayout. You also need to modify the corresponding XML file and comment out the code that reports errors.
    2. Comment out the code that reports errors in the UGCKitVideoRecord class.
    3. In the ScrollFilterView class, delete the mBeautyPanel variable and comment out the code that reports errors.

    Step 6. Delete the beautysettingkit dependencies

    In the build.gradle file of the ugckit module, delete the beautysettingkit dependencies, compile the project, and comment out the code that report errors.
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