Under the HTTP/HTTPS Listener Management tab, click Set a rule in the operation column to enter the domain name and URL management page.
After adding a domain name, click Add Rule to add the corresponding URL and select the origin server type. You can add up to 20 URL rules for one domain name as shown below:
Basic configuration:
Processing policy for the origin server:
Configure the origin server processing policy, that is, if a listener is bound with multiple origin servers, you need to select a scheduling policy for origin servers.
Origin health check mechanism:
The health check mechanism can be enabled. For the current domain name, you can configure an independent check URL. HEAD and GET request methods are supported. Check status codes include http_1xx, http_2xx, http_3xx, http_4xx, and http_5xx, and one or multiple codes can be selected. When a specified status code is detected, the listener considers that the backend origin server is normal. If no status code is detected, the listener considers that the backend origin server has an exception.
After adding a domain name, you can click Modify Domain Name to modify the domain name.
After adding a domain name, you can click Delete to delete the domain name. If a rule under the domain name has been bound to an origin server, you need to select Force deletion of listeners bound with origin server.
The HTTP3 configuration controls whether to support HTTP3 (QUIC). Currently, HTTP3 can only be configured for HTTPS listeners.
Refer to the Adding a rule section above. The main difference is that the domain name and origin server type cannot be modified.
For more information, see Binding Origin Server. You can bind different ports to different origin servers. For more information on the Cover Port and Complement Port features, see Binding TCP/UDP Listener to Origin Server.
Note:A rule can be bound to up to 100 origin servers.
After adding a rule, you can click Delete to delete the rule. If the rule has been bound to an origin server, you need to select Force deletion of listeners bound with origin server first.
variable can be used to specify the real client IP carried in the request header (by default, the X-Forwarded-For
header carries the client IP for origin-pull). To use other variables with $
, please submit a ticket.Note:
- The
value of the HTTP header name can contain 1–100 digits (0–9), letters (a–z, A–Z), and special symbols (-, _, :, and space). TheValue
can contain 1–100 characters;- Up to 10 origin-pull HTTP request headers can be configured for each rule;
- The standard headers listed below cannot be set/added/deleted in a self-service manner.
www-authenticate | authorization | proxy-authenticate | proxy-authorization |
age | cache-control | clear-site-data | expires |
pragma | warning | accept-ch | accept-ch-lifetime |
early-data | content-dpr | dpr | device-memory |
save-data | viewport-width | width | last-modified |
etag | if-match | if-none-match | if-modified-since |
if-unmodified-since | vary | connection | keep-alive |
Accept | accept-charset | expect | max-forwards |
access-control-allow-origin | access-control-max-age | access-control-allow-headers | access-control-allow-methods |
access-control-expose-headers | access-control-allow-credentials | access-control-request-headers | access-control-request-method |
origin | timing-allow-origin | dnt | tk |
content-disposition | content-length | content-type | content-encoding |
content-language | content-location | forwarded | x-forwarded-host |
x-forwarded-proto | via | from | host |
referer-policy | allow | server | accept-ranges |
range | if-range | content-range | cross-origin-embedder-policy |
cross-origin-opener-policy | cross-origin-resource-policy | content-security-policy | content-security-policy-report-only |
expect-ct | feature-policy | strict-transport-security | upgrade-insecure-requests |
x-content-type-options | x-download-options | x-frame-options(xfo) | x-permitted-cross-domain-policies |
x-powered-by | x-xss-protection | public-key-pins | public-key-pins-report-only |
sec-fetch-site | sec-fetch-mode | sec-fetch-user | sec-fetch-dest |
last-event-id | nel | ping-from | ping-to |
report-to | transfer-encoding | te | trailer |
sec-websocket-key | sec-websocket-extensions | sec-websocket-accept | sec-websocket-protocol |
sec-websocket-version | accept-push-policy | accept-signature | alt-svc |
date | large-allocation | link | push-policy |
retry-after | signature | signed-headers | server-timing |
service-worker-allowed | sourcemap | upgrade | x-dns-prefetch-control |
x-firefox-spdy | x-pingback | x-requested-with | x-robots-tag |
x-ua-compatible | max-age |
Open the HTTP/HTTPS Listener Management tab, click Delete on the right of the selected listener. If the listener has been bound with the origin server, you need to check Allow force deletion of listeners bound with origin servers first. After it is deleted, acceleration of the listener port will stop.
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