tencent cloud


Querying Script Parameters

Last updated: 2024-07-17 16:23:47
Data Lake Compute allows you to configure date parameters to facilitate queries with scripts. Data Lake Compute adopts the standard date format of yyyymmddhh24miss and uses the ${} command to set a date as a variable consisting of the date and time.
Date: It can be in any date format or a predefined system variable, such as yyyymmdd, yyyymm, yyyy-mm-dd, yy, and dataDate.
Time: It can be +/-N cycles and supports N/Nd, Nm, Nw, Nh, and Nmi. It is compatible with various calculation formulas, such as 7*N and N/24.
+/- N Cycle
Compatible Format
N years later
N years ago
One year ago: ${yyyymmdd-12m}: 20190920
N months later
N months ago
${yyyymmdd-1m}: 20200820
${yyyymm}: 202009
${dataDate-1m}: 20200820
N weeks later
N weeks ago
N days later
N days ago
${yyyymmdd-1}, ${dataDate-1}
N hours later
N hours ago
${yyyymmddhh24-1h}: 2020092014
${dataDate-1h}: 2020092014
N minutes later
N minutes ago
${yyyymmddhh24mi-10mi}, ${dataDate-10mi}
Make sure that the variable or the part before +/- in the variable is in line with the standard date format; otherwise, the system cannot recognize and use it.

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