tencent cloud


Purchasing Private Data Engine

Last updated: 2024-07-17 17:55:49
    A private data engine in Data Lake Compute supports pay-as-you-go and monthly subscription billing modes. For billing details, see Billing Overview.

    Private engine purchase

    You can purchase on the Data Lake Compute purchase page or in the console as instructed below:
    1. Log in to the Data Lake Compute console and select the service region. You need to have the Tencent Cloud admin or financial collaborator permission.
    2. Click Data engine on the left sidebar to enter the data engine management page.
    3. Click Create resource in the top-left corner to enter the Resource configuration page. Configure the resource as needed and view the estimated price.
    4. Confirm the price and make the purchase.
    Configuration parameter description:
    Region: Cloud products in different regions are not interconnected over private networks and the region cannot be changed after you purchase the service. Proceed with caution.
    Compute engine: Presto and Spark engines are supported. Note that the engine cannot be changed once purchased. Presto is suitable for faster interactive query and analysis and multi-source federated query, while Spark is suitable for more stable offline tasks with large data volumes.
    Cluster spec: Cluster specification is measured in CU. 1 CU equals to 1 CPU core and 4 GB memory of compute resources. The specification determines the amount of compute resources during task execution and can be purchased as needed.
    If you need more than 152 CUs, submit a ticket for assistance.
    Min cluster count: Set the minimum number of clusters during cluster start or resident resources in a monthly subscribed cluster. Multiple clusters can deliver a higher concurrency.
    Max cluster count: Set the maximum number of clusters for elastic scaling. If it is the same as the minimum cluster count, elastic scaling is not enabled for the cluster.
    Auto-start: If it is enabled, a suspended data engine will be automatically started after receiving a task request.
    As pay-as-you-go resources are not reserved, it is possible that they cannot be started right away. If you need resident and stable compute resources, purchase a monthly subscribed data engine instead.
    Suspension policy: Configure the suspension method of a pay-as-you-go data engine. Automatic suspension and scheduled suspension are supported. A suspended pay-as-you-go data engine will not incur fees.
    Auto-suspension: The data engine will be automatically switched to the Suspended status after it has been idle for a certain period of time.
    Timing policy: You can configure scheduled start and suspension policies by week. The system will start or suspend clusters regularly as configured.
    Suspension after task end: After the specified time elapses, if a task is running, the system will automatically suspend the data engine within five minutes after the task ends.
    Suspension after task pause: After the specified time elapses, if a task is running, the system will pause the task and suspend the data engine immediately.
    Advanced configuration: If you need to use federated query, configure the IP range in the advanced configuration.
    Tag: Set tags to categorize purchased resources and allocate costs. For more information, see Associating Tag with Private Engine Resource.

    Bill query

    You can query bills in the Data Lake Compute console in the following steps:
    1. Log in to the Data Lake Compute console and select the service region. You need to have the Tencent Cloud admin or financial collaborator permission.
    2. Click Data engine on the left sidebar to enter the data engine management page.
    3. Click Bill query to view the detailed bill and settlement information (the financial collaborator permission is required).

    Renewal management

    For a monthly subscribed private data engine, you can perform renewal and other operations in the Data Lake Compute console > Renewal management > Resource management in the following steps:
    1. Log in to the Data Lake Compute console and select the service region. You need to have the Tencent Cloud admin or financial collaborator permission.
    2. Click Data engine on the left sidebar to enter the data engine management page.
    3. Click Renewal management to enter the resource list and renew resources (the financial collaborator permission is required).
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