tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-01-13 15:49:41


    This document describes the live playback feature of Live Flutter Plugin.

    Live streaming overview

    In live streaming, the video source is pushed by the host in real time. When the host stops pushing the source, the player will also stop playing the video. Because the live stream is played back in real time, no progress bar will be displayed in the player during the playback.

    Supported protocols

    Common live streaming protocols are as listed below. We recommend you use an FLV-based live streaming URL that starts with http and ends with .flv for LVB. For LEB, we recommend you use the WebRTC protocol. For more information, see LEB.
    Playback Latency
    Mature, well adapted to high-concurrency scenarios
    SDK integration is required
    3–5 seconds
    Mature, well adapted to high-concurrency scenarios
    SDK integration is required.
    2-3 seconds
    Relatively low latency
    Poor performance in high-concurrency scenarios
    1-3 seconds
    Lowest latency
    SDK integration is required
    < 1 second
    LVB and LEB are priced differently. For details, see LVB Billing Overview and LEB Billing Overview.


    The SDK does not impose any restrictions on the sources of playback URLs, which means you can use it to play both Tencent Cloud and non-Tencent Cloud URLs. However, the player of the SDK supports only live streaming URLs in FLV, RTMP, HLS (M3U8), and WebRTC formats and VOD URLs in MP4, HLS (M3U8), and FLV formats.

    Sample Code

    Tencent Cloud offers an easy-to-understand API example project to help you quickly learn how to use different APIs.
    GitHub Address

    Getting Started

    1. Set dependencies

    Integrate live_flutter_plugin into your application as instructed in SDK Integration Guide.
    live_flutter_plugin: latest version number

    2. Configure a license for the SDK

    1. Get the license:
    If you have the required license, get the license URL and key in the CSS console.
    If you don't have the required license, apply for a license as instructed in New License and Renewal.
    2. Before your application calls features of live_flutter_plugin, complete the following configuration:
    import 'package:live_flutter_plugin/v2_tx_live_premier.dart';
    /// Tencent Cloud license management page (https://console.tencentcloud.com/live/license)
    setupLicense() {
    // The license URL of the current application
    var LICENSEURL = "";
    // The license key of the current application
    var LICENSEURLKEY = "";
    V2TXLivePremier.setLicence(LICENSEURL, LICENSEURLKEY);
    The packageName/BundleId configured in the license must be the same as that of the application; otherwise, playback will fail.

    3. Create the player

    The V2TXLivePlayer module in the SDK offers live playback capabilities.
    import 'package:live_flutter_plugin/v2_tx_live_player.dart';
    /// Initialize `V2TXLivePlayer`
    initPlayer() {
    _livePlayer = V2TXLivePlayer();

    4. Render the view

    In Flutter, you need to depend on v2_tx_live_video_widget to create a video rendering view for the player to display video images on.
    import 'package:live_flutter_plugin/widget/v2_tx_live_video_widget.dart';
    /// The video rendering view widget
    Widget renderView() {
    return V2TXLiveVideoWidget(
    onViewCreated: (viewId) async {
    // Set the video rendering view

    5. Start playback

    /// Start pulling the stream
    startPlay() async {
    // Generate the `url` (RTMP/TRTC/LEB)
    var url = ""
    // Start pulling the stream
    await _livePlayer?.startPlay(url);
    How do I get a valid stream push URL? Activate CSS. In the CSS console, go to Auxiliary Tools > Address Generator to generate a stream push URL. For more information, see Publishing/Playback URL.
    Why is V2TXLIVE_ERROR_INVALID_LICENSE returned?If the startPush API returns V2TXLIVE_ERROR_INVALID_LICENSE, it means your license verification failed. Please check your configuration against Step 2. Configure a license for the SDK.

    6. Adjust the image

    setRenderFillMode: Fill or fit
    Images are scaled to fill the entire screen, and the excess parts are cropped. There are no black bars in this mode, but images may not be displayed entirely.
    Images are scaled so that the long side of the video fits the screen. Neither side exceeds the screen after scaling. Images are centered, and there may be black bars visible.
    setRenderRotation: Clockwise rotation of video
    No rotation
    Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
    Rotate 180 degrees
    Rotate 270 degrees clockwise

    7. Pause playback

    Technically speaking, you cannot pause a live playback. In this document, pausing live playback refers to freezing the video and disabling the audio. While the video is frozen, new video streams continue to be sent to the cloud. When you resume playback, it resumes playing the current latest stream. This is different from pausing and resuming playback in VOD, in which the player behaves the same way as it does when you pause and resume a local video file.
    // Pause playback
    // Resume playback

    8. Stop playback

    // Stop playback

    Latency Control

    The live playback feature of the SDK is not based on FFmpeg, but Tencent Cloud's proprietary playback engine, which is why the SDK offers better latency control than open-source players do. We provide three latency control modes, which can be used for live showrooms, game streaming, and hybrid scenarios.
    Comparison of control modes
    Average Latency
    Relatively high
    Live showroom
    Has better latency control and is suitable for scenarios that require a low latency.
    >= 5s
    Game streaming
    Suitable for game live streaming scenarios with a high bitrate.
    Adapts to network conditions
    The better the network conditions at the audience end, the lower the latency.
    Code to integrate the three modes
    // Auto mode
    _txLivePlayer.setCacheParams(1, 5);
    // Speedy mode
    _txLivePlayer.setCacheParams(1, 1);
    // Smooth mode
    _txLivePlayer.setCacheParams(5, 5);
    // Start playback after configuration
    For more information on stutter and latency control, see Video Stutter.

    Listening for SDK Events

    You can bind a V2TXLivePlayerObserver to V2TXLivePlayer. Then, all internal SDK status information, such as player status, playback volume level, reception of the first audio/video frame, statistical data, warnings, and errors, will be notified to you through corresponding callbacks.

    Periodically triggered notification

    The onStatisticsUpdate notification is triggered once every 2 seconds to provide real-time feedback on the current player status. It can act as a dashboard to inform you of what is happening inside the SDK so you can better understand the current network conditions and video information.
    CPU usage (%) of the application
    CPU usage (%) of the system
    Video width
    Video height
    Frame rate (fps)
    Audio bitrate (Kbps)
    Video bitrate (Kbps)
    onPlayoutVolumeUpdate is the callback for the player volume level. It will be returned only when you call enableVolumeEvaluation to enable the prompt for the player volume level. The callback interval is the same as that specified by the intervalMs parameter in enableVolumeEvaluation.

    Event-triggered notifications

    Other callbacks are triggered when specific events occur.
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