tencent cloud


Release Notes

Last updated: 2024-07-23 15:08:07

    April 2022

    Release Date
    Releases the linkage tracing feature
    The linkage tracing feature is added to EventBridge. For each event published to the event bus, a full-linkage processing log is reported, which makes each event traceable and improves product observability.
    Supports DTS event sources
    DTS event sources are integrated into EventBridge. DML and DDL operations on upstream databases such as MySQL, TDSQL, and MariaDB can be synced to EventBridge in real time. Then these database operations are distributed to downstream targets such as computing and storage entities for processing.

    March 2022

    Release Date
    Releases the ETL data conversion capability
    The ETL capability is integrated into EventBridge. With the capability, EventBridge can directly cleanse, filter, associate, and convert data passed into EventBridge data sources in real time to create unified structured data and deliver the data to specified targets, implementing the fusion of different types of data from various data sources.

    February 2022

    Release Date
    Supports CKafka event targets
    CKafka event targets are added to EventBridge. Compared with the previous scheme of transferring events to CKafka by using SCF templates, this feature shortens the call linkage in the CKafka transfer scenario and significantly improves the architecture performance and processing efficiency.
    Integrates CloudAudit event sources
    CloudAudit event sources are integrated into EventBridge. Operation logs of more than 100 Tencent Cloud services can be delivered to EventBridge. Then EventBridge filters the operation logs based on rules and delivers them to specified targets for processing, implementing automated Ops of business events on the cloud.
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