tencent cloud


Last updated: 2025-01-16 15:07:42
    By integrating Chat and CallKit, you can achieve the following effects. Click Trying It Online.

    Environment Requirements

    React version 18+ (17.x versions are not supported)
    Node.js version 16+
    npm (use a version that matches the Node version in use)

    Step 1: Integrating Chat

    For detailed steps, please refer to: Quick Integration of Chat.

    Step 2: Activating the Audio and Video Call Capability

    Before using the audio and video services provided by Tencent Cloud, you need to go to the console to activate the service for the application. Refer to the specific steps in Activate the Service.

    Step 3: Download the TUICallKit Component

    Download the TUICallKit component via npm, version 3.3.6 and above:
    npm i @tencentcloud/call-uikit-react

    Step 4: Introducing and Invoking the TUICallKit Component

    Just add two lines of code to experience the call feature. Introduce TUICallKit and invoke the TUICallKit component.
    Enable Call in the <ChatHeader /> component, display the Icon, and set enableCall to true.
    1. If you have not integrated TUIKit yet, please follow the Integrate TUIKit documentation to integrate TUIKit first. TUIKit version 2.2.8 and above.
    2. The TUICallKit component can add style to display and control the position, width, height, and other styles of TUICallKit.
    // 1. Import TUICallKit
    import { TUICallKit } from '@tencentcloud/call-uikit-react';
    // 2. If you are displaying on a PC, please add style to initialize the position of TUICallKit. If it is displayed on H5, it is not needed.
    const callStyle: React.CSSProperties = {
    position: 'fixed',
    top: '50%',
    left: '50%',
    zIndex: '999',
    transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
    // 3. Please use the TUICallKit component in UIKitProvider
    return (
    <div style={{display: 'flex', height: '100vh'}}>
    <UIKitProvider language={"en-US"}>
    <TUICallKit style={callStyle} />
    <div style={{maxWidth: '400px'}}>
    <Profile />
    <ConversationList />
    <ChatHeader enableCall={true}/>
    <MessageList />
    <MessageInput />
    <ChatSetting />

    Step 5: Launching the Project

    npm run start

    Step 6: Sending Your First Message

    Enter your message in the input box and press Enter to send.

    Step 7. Make your first call

    As shown in the figure, click the video/audio Icon in the toolbar to realize the call effect.


    If you encounter any problems with access and use, please refer to FAQs.
    If you have any requirements or feedback, you can contact: info_rtc@tencent.com.
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