tencent cloud


Basic Index Information

Last updated: 2024-11-29 21:58:05
    The data management feature allows you to view basic information such as index status, cluster, and Elasticsearch version and manage backing indices.


    1. Log in to the ES console.
    2. Select the target cluster in Data Management. Then, click an Index name in the index list to enter the Basic Information page of the index.

    Basic Information

    Basic information

    The basic information module displays information such as index name, index status, index type, cluster, Elasticsearch version, index size, and creation time. The index size is obtained by adding the size of all backing indices in the index.

    Configuration information

    The configuration information module displays information such as write mode, time field, and index lifecycle settings.

    Backing index management

    You generally don't need to care about backing index, as it is the underlying implementation logic of autonomous index. If you want to pay more attention to and manipulate backup index, see the following: The backing index management module allows you to view the information of backing indices, including index name, index status, index size, current lifecycle phase, and creation time, as well as delete backing indices.
    The latest backing index in an autonomous index and the backing index being written cannot be deleted.
    A rolling update will create a new backing index for the autonomous index. Currently, two rolling update methods are supported:
    Automatic rolling update: It is implemented through the built-in feature of the autonomous index. When the rollover cycle condition configured for the autonomous index is met, or when the node of the backing index currently providing the write service fails, the new backing index will be rolled over automatically.
    Manual rolling update: It is implemented through the rollover API.
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