tencent cloud


Player Adapter for Android

最終更新日:2022-10-17 11:16:01

    Player Adapter for Android is a player plugin provided by VOD for customers who want to use a third-party or proprietary player to connect to Tencent Cloud PaaS resources. It is generally used by customers who strongly need to customize player features.

    SDK Download

    The Player Adapter SDK and demo for Android can be downloaded here.

    Integration Guide

    Integrating the SDK

    Integrate the SDK, copy TXCPlayerAdapter-release-1.0.0.aar to the libs directory, and add dependencies:

    implementation(name:'TXCPlayerAdapter-release-1.0.0', ext:'aar')

    Add the script for obfuscation:

    -keep class com.tencent.** { *;}

    Using the Player

    Declare the variables and then create an instance. The main class of the player is ITXCPlayerAssistor, and videos can be played back after it is created.

    A fileId is usually returned by the server after the video is uploaded:

    1. After the video is published on the client, the server will return a fileId to the client.
    2. When the video is uploaded to the server, the corresponding fileId will be included in the notification of upload confirmation.

    If the file already exists in Tencent Cloud, you can go to Media Assets and find it. After clicking it, you can view relevant parameters in the video details on the right.

    // `psign` is a player signature. For more information on the signature and how to generate it, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/266/42436?from_cn_redirect=1.
    private String mFileId, mPSign;
    ITXCPlayerAssistor mPlayerAssistor = TXCPlayerAdapter.createPlayerAssistor(mFileId, mPSign);


    // Initialize the component
    TXCPlayerAdapter.init(appId); // `appid` can be applied for in Tencent Cloud VOD
    TXCPlayerAdapter.setLogEnable(true); // Enable log
    mSuperPlayerView = findViewById(R.id.sv_videoplayer);  
    mPlayerAssistor = TXCPlayerAdapter.createPlayerAssistor(mFileId, mPSign);

    Request the video information and play back the video:

    mPlayerAssistor.requestVideoInfo(new ITXCRequestVideoInfoCallback() {
      public void onError(int errCode, String msg) {
          Log.d(TAG, "onError msg = " + msg);
          runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                  Toast.makeText(VideoActivity.this, "onError msg = " + msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
      public void onSuccess() {
          Log.d(TAG, "onSuccess");
          TXCStreamingInfo streamingInfo = mPlayerAssistor.getStreamingInfo();
          Log.d(TAG, "streamingInfo = " + streamingInfo);
          runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                  if (mPlayerAssistor.getStreamingInfo() != null) {
                      // Play back the video
                  } else {
                      Toast.makeText(VideoActivity.this, "streamInfo = null", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    Terminate the player after use


    SDK API Description

    Initializing TXCPlayerAdatper

    This API is used to initialize Adapter each time.


    TXCPlayerAdapter.init(String appId);

    Parameter description

    appId: Enter the appid (if a subapplication is used, enter the subappid). |

    Terminating TXCPlayerAdatper

    This API is used to terminate Adapter. It can be called after the program exits.



    Creating the Player auxiliary class

    An auxiliary class of the player can be used to get the playback fileId and process DRM encryption APIs.


    ITXCPlayerAssistor playerAssistor = TXCPlayerAdapter.createPlayerAssistor(String fileId, String pSign);

    Parameter description

    Parameter Type Description
    fileId String The fileId of the video to be played. back.
    pSign String The player signature.

    Terminating the Player auxiliary class

    This API is used to terminate an auxiliary class. You can call it when exiting the player or switching to the next video for playback.


    TXCPlayerAdapter.destroyPlayerAssistor(ITXCPlayerAssistor assistor);

    Requesting video playback information

    This API is used to request the stream information of the video to be played back from the Tencent Cloud VOD server.


    playerAssistor.requestVideoInfo(ITXCRequestVideoInfoCallback callback);

    Parameter description

    Parameter Type Description
    callback ITXCRequestVideoInfoCallback Async callback function.

    Getting the basic video information

    This API is used to get the video information and will take effect only after playerAssistor.requestPlayInfo is called back.


    TXCVideoBasicInfo playerAssistor.getVideoBasicInfo();

    Parameter description

    The parameters of TXCVideoBasicInfo are as follows:

    Parameter Type Description
    name String The video name.
    duration Float The video duration in seconds.
    description String The video description.
    coverUrl String The video thumbnail.

    Getting video stream information

    This API is used to get the video stream information list and will take effect only after playerAssistor.requestPlayInfo is called back.


    TXCStreamingInfo playerAssistor.getStreamimgInfo();

    Parameter description


    Parameter Type Description
    playUrl String The playback URL.
    subStreams List The adaptive bitrate substream information of the SubStreamInfo type.

    The parameters of SubStreamInfo are as follows:

    Parameter Type Description
    type String Substream type. Valid values: video
    width Int The substream video width in px.
    height Int The substream video height in px.
    resolutionName String The specification name of the substream video displayed in the player.

    Getting keyframe timestamp information

    This API is used to get the video keyframe timestamp information and will take effect only after playerAssistor.requestPlayInfo is called back.


    List<TXCKeyFrameDescInfo> playerAssistor.getKeyFrameDescInfo();

    Parameter description

    The parameters of TXCKeyFrameDescInfo are as follows:

    Parameter Type Description
    timeOffset Float 1.1
    content String "Beginning now..."

    Getting thumbnail information

    This API is used to get the thumbnail information and will take effect only after playerAssistor.requestPlayInfo is called back.


    TXCImageSpriteInfo playerAssistor.getImageSpriteInfo();

    Parameter description

    The parameters of TCXImageSpriteInfo are as follows:

    Parameter Type Description
    imageUrls List Array of thumbnail download URLs of String type.
    webVttUrl String Thumbnail VTT file download URL.




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