tencent cloud


Transaction Split Feature

Last updated: 2024-03-25 17:11:06
    The TDSQL-C for MySQL database proxy provides the transaction split feature. This feature separates read and write operations in a transaction to different instances for execution and forwards read requests to read-only instances, thereby effectively reducing the load on the read-write instance.
    Split is currently not supported by explicit transactions (such as BEGIN TRANSACTION or START TRANSACTION).
    Enabling or disabling the transaction split feature will affect newly established connections only.


    By default, the TDSQL-C for MySQL database proxy sends all requests within a transaction to the read-write instance to ensure transaction correctness. However, certain frameworks may encapsulate all requests in non-autocommit transactions, leading to increased load on the read-write instance. In such cases, you can use the transaction split feature. To enable or disable the transaction split feature, you can go to Database Proxy > Overview > Connection Address. Then, click Adjust Configurations in the Operation column.


    You have enabled database proxy. For details, see Enabling Database Proxy.


    1. Log in to the TDSQL-C for MySQL console.In the cluster list, select the cluster with the proxy enabled and click its ID to navigate to the Cluster Management page.
    2. On the Cluster Management page, click Cluster Details > Details to open the Database Proxy Management page. Alternatively, you can directly enter the Database Proxy Management page by selecting Database Proxy on the Cluster Management page.
    3. On the Database Proxy Management page, select Access Policy, find the target access policy, and click Adjust Configuration.
    You can also find the target proxy address in Database Proxy > Overview > Connection Address. Then, click Adjust Configurations in the Operation column.
    4. In the Adjust Configuration window, enable or disable the transaction split feature and click OK to save the changes.
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