tencent cloud


Creating Cluster

Last updated: 2024-06-28 11:31:37


    Cluster is a resource dimension in TDMQ for Apache Pulsar, and namespaces, topics, and role permissions of different clusters are completely isolated from each other. Each cluster has its own resource limits, such as the total number of topics and message retention period. It is common for the development, test, and production environments to use their respective dedicated clusters.
    Clusters are divided into virtual clusters and professional clusters:
    Virtual cluster: Virtual computing and storage resources are used and automatically allocated based on usage. There are certain use limits. You don't need to pay for resources, and you can create up to 5 virtual clusters under each account.
    Professional cluster: Physical resources are exclusive, and data is secure. There are almost no use limits. Resource usage fees will be charged even if resources are idle.
    Currently, clusters are available in multiple versions. For more information, see Cluster Version Updates.
    TDMQ for Apache Pulsar resource hierarchy


    Creating a cluster

    1. Log in to the TDMQ for Apache Pulsar console and enter the Cluster page.
    2. On the Cluster page, select the region and click Create Cluster to enter the Create Cluster window.
    3. In the Create Cluster window, select the cluster type and set the cluster attributes:
    Cluster type: For a comparison of the differences between virtual clusters and pro clusters, see Product Selection.
    Billing mode: Virtual clusters support the pay-as-you-go, whereas pro clusters support the monthly subscription. For more details, see Billing Overview.
    Region: Select a region closest to your business. Cloud products in different regions cannot communicate over the private network. The choice cannot be changed after purchase. Choose with caution. For example, cloud servers in the Guangzhou region cannot access clusters in the Shanghai region over the private network. For cross-region private network communication, see Peering Connection.
    Deployment mode: The po cluster supports deployment in three different availability zones. This feature is in public beta and currently not charged. For more details, see Cross Availability Zone Deployment.
    Cluster specification: Select the cluster specifications that suit your business needs. For a description of different cluster configurations, see Pro Cluster Specifications.
    Storage specification: Select the storage specifications that suit your business needs. The Pulsar pro cluster is deployed with 3 replicas by default.
    Virtual Private Cloud: Bind the newly purchased cluster's access point domain name to the specified Virtual Private Cloud.
    Public network access: It is not enabled by default. To enable it, submit a ticket for application. We recommend you only enable this option for development and test clusters as it cannot be disabled once enabled.
    Cluster name: Set the name of the environment, which can contain up to 64 digits, letters, and special symbols (-_=:.).
    Resource tag: Set a resource tag. For more information, see Managing Resource with Tag.
    4. Select I have read and agree to TDMQ Terms of Service , and then click Buy Now .
    5. On the order payment page, click Pay , and within 3-5 minutes, the created cluster will be visible on the cluster management list page.
    Each user can create up to 5 virtual clusters.

    Subsequent steps

    1. Get the access address to get the connection information of the server.
    2. Create a namespace as instructed in Namespace in the cluster.
    3. Create a role as instructed in Role and Authentication in the cluster and grant it the production/consumption permissions of the namespace.
    4. Create a topic as instructed in Topic Management in the namespace.
    5. Write a demo as instructed in SDK Overview and configure the connection information and token for message production/consumption.

    Viewing cluster details

    On the Cluster Management list page, click the ID of the target cluster to enter the cluster details page, where you can view the following information:
    Professional Cluster
    Virtual Cluster
    Real-Time Production Speed
    The number of messages produced to the cluster per second at the current time.
    Average Message Size
    The average size of message data within the selected time range, including the size of the message header and body.
    Average Production Speed
    The average rate at which messages are produced to the cluster within the selected time range.
    Average Consumption Speed
    The average rate at which the cluster pushes messages to clients within the selected time range.
    Total Produced Messages
    The number of messages produced to the cluster within the selected time range.
    Storage Use
    At the last time point of the selected time range, the actual size of message data consumed by storage. (This value changes only with the end point of the time range).
    Basic information of the cluster: cluster name/ID, version, access address, region, cluster specification, billing mode, etc.
    Cluster statistics: Displays the average message size, average production and consumption rate, number of produced messages, and cumulative storage duration within a specific time range.
    Statistics data is not supported for clusters on version 2.6.x.
    Average Message Size
    The average size of message data within the selected time range, including the size of the message header and body.
    Production Speed
    The average rate at which messages are produced to the cluster within the selected time range.
    Consumption Speed
    The average rate at which the cluster pushes messages to clients within the selected time range.
    Produced Messages
    The number of messages produced to the cluster within the selected time range.
    Actual Storage Usage
    At the last time point of the selected time range, the actual size of message data consumed by storage. (This value changes only with the end point of the time range).
    Basic information of the cluster: Cluster name/ID, version, access address (can only view in clusters v2.7.1 and above), region, billing mode, creation time, description, resource tags.
    Cluster configuration:
    Cluster Configuration
    Configuration Instructions
    Max Production TPS per Topic Partition
    Maximum number of messages that can be produced per second per single Topic partition.
    Max Consumption TPS per Topic Partition
    Maximum number of messages that can be pushed to the client per second per single Topic partition.
    Max Production Bandwidth per Topic Partition
    Maximum message size that can be produced per second per single Topic partition.
    Max Consumption Bandwidth per Topic Partition
    Maximum message size that can be pushed to the client per second per single Topic partition.
    Max Namespaces
    Maximum number of namespaces that can be created within a cluster.
    Max Topics
    Maximum number of Topics that can be created per namespace.
    Max Message Storage
    Maximum disk capacity used by message backlog, exceeding this will prevent the production of new messages (under normal circumstances, message backlog should not be too large. If such a situation occurs, check whether the business is normally consuming messages).
    Max Retention Period
    Maximum message retention period that can be configured. A shorter period can be configured at the namespace level.
    Max Message Delay
    Maximum message consumption time delay.

    Getting the access address

    On the Cluster Management list page, click Access Address in the Operation column of the target cluster. You can get the access address in the following ways:
    A cluster can be configured with multiple access points. Currently only VPC network access is supported. For configuration method, see VPC Access.

    Pro Cluster Send-Receive Ratio Configuration

    Configuration path: Pro Cluster Details > Basic Information > Cluster Configuration > Send-Receive Ratio Configuration Item . At the top right corner, click Edit for configuration.
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