tencent cloud


Producer Management

Last updated: 2024-06-28 11:31:37


    This document describes how to view the details of a producer connected to a topic in the TDMQ for Apache Pulsar console, so that you can stay up to date with the status of the connected producer and troubleshoot problems promptly.


    1. Log in to the TDMQ for Apache Pulsar console and click Topic Management on the left sidebar.
    2. On the Topic Management list page, click View Producer in the Operation column of the target topic to enter the producer list.

    Producer overview

    Current Production TPS: Total number of messages produced by producers currently connected to the topic per second.
    Current Production Throughput: Size of messages produced by producers currently connected to the topic per second.
    Current Producers: Total number of producers currently connected to the topic (the listed items are combinations of producers and partitions; therefore, if there are multiple AZs, the number of producers displayed on the overview page will be less than the number of listed items).
    Current Message Storage Size: Total size of messages currently stored in the topic memory.
    Producer details
    Producer ID
    Producer ID.
    Producer Name
    Message producer name.
    Producer Address
    Message producer address and port.
    Client Version
    Pulsar client version.
    Message Production Rate (Messages/Sec)
    Number of messages produced by producers to the topic per second.
    Message Production Throughput (Mbps)
    Size of messages produced by producers per second.
    Avg Message Size (Bytes)
    Average size of messages produced by producers to the topic.
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