tencent cloud


Error Codes and Messages

Last updated: 2024-01-06 17:34:56
The following error codes have been added for the proxy:

#define ER_PROXY_SANITY_ERROR 601 // "Sanity error: %s"
#define ER_PROXY_GS_NOT_SUPPORT 602 // Unsupported SQL type
#define ER_PROXY_ORDERBY_INDEX_NEG 603 // order by index is negative
#define ER_PROXY_ORDERBY_INDEX_TOO_BIG 604 // order by index is too big
#define ER_PROXY_ORDERBY_TYPE_UNSUPPORT 605 // ORDER BY is not supported
#define ER_PROXY_GROUPBY_INDEX_NEG 606 // group by index is negative
#define ER_PROXY_GROUPBY_INDEX_TOO_BIG 607 // group by index is too big
#define ER_PROXY_GROUPBY_TYPE_UNSUPPORT 608 // GROUP BY is not supported
#define ER_PROXY_GET_AUTO_ID_FAILED 609 // Failed to obtain auto-increment ID
#define ER_PROXY_TEANS_ROLLED_BACK 610 // The transaction has been rolled back
#define ER_PROXY_ONE_SET 611 // The current SQL statement should have been sent to one backend but it has not
#define ER_PROXY_CLIENT_HS_ERROR 612 // An error occurred while parsing the client handshake packet
#define ER_PROXY_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR 613 // The length of readu_auth_switch_result is not 20, which should not happen
#define ER_PROXY_TRANS_NOT_ALLOWED 614 // Command not allowed in the transaction
#define ER_PROXY_TRANS_READ_ONLY 615 // Command not allowed in the read-only transaction
#define ER_PROXY_TRANS_ERROR_DIFFENT_SET 616 // In the non-XA transaction, the read-only SQL uses multiple backends
#define ER_PROXY_STRICT_ERROR 617 // In the strict mode, only one set can be modified at a time
#define ER_PROXY_SC_TOO_LONG 618 // The backend is disconnected for a long time and the connection is closed
#define ER_PROXY_START_TRANS_FAILED 619 // Failed to start a new XA transaction
#define ER_PROXY_SC_RETRY 620 // The server is closed. Please retry the previous SQL statement.
#define ER_PROXY_SC_TRANS_IN_ROLLBACK_ONLY 621 // The server is closed. The current transaction is being rolled back.
#define ER_PROXY_SC_COMMIT_LATER 622 // The server is closed. The transaction will be committed later.
#define ER_PROXY_SC_ROLLBACL_LATER 623 // The server is closed. The transaction will be rolled back later.
#define ER_PROXY_SC_IN_COMMIT_OR_ROLLBACK 624 // The server was closed when the transaction was being committed/rolled back
#define ER_PROXY_SC_NEED_ROLLBACK 625 // The server is closed. The current transaction needs to be rolled back.
#define ER_PROXY_SC_STATE_WILL_ROLLBACK 626 // The server is closed. Rollback will be performed.
#define ER_PROXY_XA_UNSUPPORT 627 // Command is not supported by XA currently.
#define ER_PROXY_XA_INVALID_COMMAND 628 // The XA command is invalid.
#define ER_PROXY_XA_GTID_INIT_ERROR 629 // GTID log initialization failed
#define ER_PROXY_XA_GET_SET_IP_PORT_FAILED 630 // Failed to obtain the set address
#define ER_PROXY_XA_UPDATE_GTID_LOG_FAILED 631 // Failed to update GTID log
#define ER_PROXY_MYSQL_PARSER_ERROR 632 // Failed to parse the embedded database SQL
#define ER_PROXY_ILLEGAL_ID 633 // Kill ID is invalid
#define ER_PROXY_NOT_SUPPORT_CURSOR 634 // CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY is currently not supported
#define ER_PROXY_UNKNOWN_PREPARE_HANDLER 635 // The executed prepare is unknown
#define ER_PROXY_SET_PARA_FAIL 636 // Set parameters failed
#define ER_PROXY_SUBPARTITION_DEAY 637 // An error occurred while handling subpartitions
#define ER_PROXY_NO_SUBPARTITION_ROUTE 638 // No routing information was obtained for the subpartitioned table
#define ER_PROXY_LOCK_MORE_TABLE 639 // Only one subpartitioned table can be locked at a time
#define ER_PROXY_GET_ROUTER_LOCK_FAIL 640 // Failed to obtain the route lock
#define ER_PROXY_PART_NAME_EMPTY 641 // Partition name is empty
#define ER_PROXY_SUB_PART_TABLE_IS_NONE 646 // There is no subpartition
#define ER_PROXY_PART_TYPE_DENY 643 // The subpartition type is not supported
#define ER_PROXY_PART_NAME_ILLEGAL 644 // The partition name is invalid
#define ER_PROXY_DROP_ALL_PARTITION_FAIL 645 // Failed to delete all partitions. Please try deleting the table.
#define ER_PROXY_GET_OLD_PART_NUM_FAIL 646 // Failed to obtain the number of shards of the table
#define ER_PROXY_EMPTY_SQL 647 // Empty SQL, which will not be returned to the client
#define ER_PROXY_ERROR_SHARDKEY 648 // The shardkey must be a specified column
#define ER_PROXY_ERROR_SUB_SHARDKEY 649 // Shardkey for subpartitioning failed
#define ER_PROXY_SQLUSE_NOT_SUPPORT 650 // The proxy does not support this usage
#define ER_PROXY_DBFW_WHITE_LIST_DENY 651 // Not in the allowlist and blocked by the firewall
#define ER_PROXY_DBFW_DENY 652 // Blocked by the firewall
#define ER_PROXY_INCORRECT_ARGS 653 // The "stmt" parameter is incorrect
#define ER_PROXY_SYSTABLE_UNSUPPORT_NON_READ_SQL 654 // Non-read-only SQL statements cannot access system tables
#define ER_PROXY_TABLE_NOT_EXIST 655 // The table does not exist
#define ER_PROXY_SHARD_JOIN_UNSUPPORT_TYPE 656 // Shard join is currently not supported
#define ER_PROXY_RECURSIVE_JOIN_DENY 657 // Recursive join is not supported
#define ER_PROXY_JOIN_INTERNAL_ERROR 658 // The join operation is exceptional
#define ER_PROXY_SQL_TOO_COMPLEX 659 // The SQL statement is too complex and groupshard is currently not supported
#define ER_PROXY_INVALID_ARG_FOR_GTID_STATE 660 // The "gtid_state()" parameter is invalid
#define ER_PROXY_CANT_SET_GLOBAL_AUTOCOMMIT_GS 661 // Global autocommit cannot be set in groupshard
#define ER_PROXY_INVALID_VALUE_FOR_AUTOCOMMIT 662 // The "autocommit" value is invalid
#define ER_PROXY_XID_ERROR 663 // xid is invalid
#define ER_PROXY_XID_GENERAT_FAILED 664 // xid cannot be specified by the user
#define ER_PROXY_CANT_EXEC_IN_INTER_TRANS 665 // "The command cannot be executed in internal transction"
#define ER_PROXY_XID_TIME_ERROR 666 // "Unexpected time part of xid"
#define ER_PROXY_XID_TIMEDIFF_TOO_LONG 667 // "timediff > 1800s, it's not safe to execute boost"
#define ER_PROXY_SAVEPOINT_NOT_EXIST 668 // The SAVEPOINT does not exist
#define ER_PROXY_SC_TRANS_IN_ROLLED 669 // The transaction has been rolled back as the server is closed
#define ER_PROXY_CANT_BOOST_IN_TRANS 670 // SQLCOM_BOOST is not allowed in the transaction
#define ER_PROXY_TRANS_EXPECTED 671 // "A transaction is expected, this maybe a bug"
#define ER_PROXY_EXTERNAL_TRANS 672 // An external XA transaction cannot be executed
#define ER_PROXY_AUTO_INC_FAIL 673 // "Deal auto inc failed"
#define ER_PROXY_CHECK_JOIN_FAIL 674 // "Check join failed"
#define ER_PROXY_TABLE_TYPE_NOT_MATCH 675 // "Do not support shard-table operations in noshard instance"
#define ER_PROXY_UNSUPPORT_NS_IN_INSERT 676 // "Do not support noshard and noshard_allset in insert sql"
#define ER_PROXY_ALTER_SEQ_ID_FAIL 677 // Alter seq id failed
#define ER_PROXY_ALTER_ID_ILLEGAL 678 // Alter seq id is illegal
#define ER_PROXY_CANT_CHANGE_STEP 679 // "Current table use zk to get auto inc, do not support to change step: \\'%s\\'"
#define ER_PROXY_ALTER_STEP_FAIL 680 // Alter step failed
#define ER_PROXY_TOO_MUCH_TABLES 681 // The maximum number of tables has been reached
#define ER_PROXY_TABLE_EXISTED 682 // The table already exists
#define ER_PROXY_CREATE_STABLE_FAILED 683 // Failed to create the sharded table, as complex SQL statements cannot be used to create a sharded table
#define ER_PROXY_DDL_DENY 684 //The DDL operation is not allowed
#define ER_PROXY_SHADKEY_ERROR 685 // SQL should not relate to subpartition tables
#define ER_PROXY_NO_SK 686 // reject nosk
#define ER_PROXY_COMBINE_SQL_KEY 687 // Something went wrong
#define ER_PROXY_GET_SK_ERROR 688 // Failed to get the shardkey
#define ER_PROXY_SHOW_FAILED 689 // The "proxy show" command is incorrect
#define ER_PROXY_SET_FAILED 690 // The "proxy set" command is incorrect
#define ER_PROXY_SET_FAILED 690 // The SQL statement format is incorrect
#define ER_PROXY_UNLOCK_ROUTER_FAIL 692 // Failed to disable route lock
#define ER_PROXY_LOCK_ROUTER_FAIL 693 // Failed to enable route lock
#define ER_PROXY_PROXY_CMD_FAIL 694 // The "/*proxy*/" command is not supported
#define ER_PROXY_PROCESS_RULE_FILE_FAILED 695 // dump_error
#define ER_PROXY_GET_AUTO_NUM_ERROR 696 // Failed to obtain the auto-increment value
#define ER_PROXY_SEQUENCE_NOT_EXIST 697 // The sequence does not exist
#define ER_PROXY_SEQUENCE_ERROR 698 // The sequence is invalid
#define ER_PROXY_SEQUENCE_ALREADY_EXIST 699 // The sequence already exists
#define ER_PROXY_SQL_RETRY 700 // The SQL statement has not been committed or rolled back
#define ER_PROXY_XA2PC_ABORT 701 // 2PC failed and the transaction will be rolled back
#define ER_PROXY_XA2PC_COMMIT 702 // 2PC failed and it will be committed later
#define ER_PROXY_XA2PC_UNCERTAIN 703 // 2PC failed with unknown result
#define ER_PROXY_KILL_ERROR 704 // Failed to kill
#define ER_PROXY_TRACE_DENY705 // The SQL statement cannot be executed in the trace mode
#define ER_PROXY_SQL_IMCOMPLETE 706 // The transaction is in the incomplete status
#define ER_PROXY_SHARDKEY_HASH_ERROR 709// Shardkey hash error


// system error -----------------------------------------------------------------------

#define ER_PROXY_SLICING 901 // The slice is modified and possibly being scaled, causing the current SQL statement to be rejected
#define ER_PROXY_NO_DEFAULT_SET 902 // The set is empty
#define ER_PROXY_GET_ADDRESS_FAILED 903 // Initialization has not been completed yet. Failed to obtain the backend address. Please try again later.
#define ER_PROXY_SQL_SIZE_ERROR_IN_GET_CANDIDATE_ADDRESS 904 // An error occurred while obtaining the backend address (the number of destination backend is incorrect)
#define ER_PROXY_GET_ADDRESS_ERROR 905 // An error occurred while obtaining the backend address
#define ER_PROXY_CANDIDATE_ADDRESS_EMPTY 906 // No backend address has been obtained
#define ER_PROXY_CANT_GET_SOCK 907 // Failed to obtain the socket
#define ER_PROXY_GET_SET_SOCK_FAIL 908 // Failed to obtain the socket
#define ER_PROXY_CONNECT_ERROR 909 // Backend connection failed
#define ER_PROXY_NO_SQL_ASSIGN_TO_SET 910 // An exception occurred while sending SQL statements
#define ER_PROXY_STATUS_ERROR 911 // The group is in an exceptional status and disconnected
#define ER_PROXY_CONN_BROKEN_ERROR 912 // The server is closed and the SQL statement is in an exceptional status
#define ER_PROXY_UNKNOWN_ERROR 913 // Unknown proxy error
#define ER_PROXY_ALL_SLAVES_UNAVAILABLE 914 // All secondary servers are unavailable
#define ER_PROXY_ALL_SLAVES_CHANGE 915 // The secondary server has an exception

#define ER_PROXY_ERROR_END 916
Error code 900 and higher are system errors, which will be alarmed through the Cloud Monitor platform.
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