tencent cloud


TencentDB for MySQL

Last updated: 2024-09-11 09:49:41

    Fundamental information

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Console Authorization by Tag Authorization Granularity IP Restriction
    Cloud Database cdb Supported Supported Resource level Partially supported


    The authorization granularity of cloud products is divided into three levels: service level, operation level, and resource level, based on the degree of granularity.

    • Service level: It defines whether a user has the permission to access the service as a whole. A user can have either full access or no access to the service. For the authorization granularity of cloud products at service level, the authorization of specific APIs are not supported.
    • Operation level: It defines whether a user has the permission to call a specific API of the service. For example, granting an account read-only access to the CVM service is an authorization at the operation level.
    • Resource level: It is the finest authorization granularity which defines whether a user has the permission to access specific resources. For example, granting an account read/write access to a specific CVM instance is an authorization at the resource level.

    API authorization granularity

    Two authorization granularity levels of API are supported: resource level, and operation level.

    • Resource level: It supports the authorization of a specific resource.
    • Operation level: It does not support the authorization of a specific resource. If the policy syntax restricts a specific resource during authorization, CAM will determine that this API is not within the scope of authorization, and deem it as unauthorized.

    Write operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    AddInstanceInDeployGroup add instance in deploy group Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    AddPartSqlFile AddPartSqlFile Operation level * not supported
    AddTimeWindow add a maintenance time window for a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    AddTimeWindowSwitchForZone In the area added by this interface, all switching tasks within the time window initiated by the user will be invalid, and no switching will be perfor Operation level * Supported
    AdjustCdbProxy adjust cdb proxy Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    AdjustCdbProxyAddress adjust cdb proxy address Operation level * Supported
    AssociateSecurityGroups bind security groups to instances in batches Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    BalanceRoGroupLoad load balancing in ro group Operation level * Supported
    BatchUpgradeDBInstance Configuration for upgrading or downgrading ApsaraDB for instances in batches. The instance types support primary instances, disaster recovery instance Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    CancelBatchOperation stop batch import task Operation level * Supported
    CancelDBInstanceTask cancel task Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    ClearInstanceAuditPolicy clear Instance auditPolicy Operation level * not supported
    CloseAuditService Instance shutdown audit service Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} Supported
    CloseCDBProxy close cdb proxy Operation level * Supported
    CloseCdbProxyAddress close cdb proxy address Operation level * Supported
    CloseDBInstanceAudit close instance audit Operation level * not supported
    CloseTransparentSlaveAccess close transparent slave access Operation level * Supported
    CloseWanService disable public network access for TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ConfigDataComparisonJob config data comparison job Operation level * not supported
    CreateAuditLogFile create instance audit log file Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    CreateAuditPolicy create instance audit policy Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    CreateAuditRule create audit rule Operation level * not supported
    CreateAuditRuleTemplate Create audit rule templates Operation level * Supported
    CreateBackup create a TencentDB instance backup Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    CreateBatchJobFiles upload SQL files in batches Operation level * Supported
    CreateCdbProxy create cdb proxy Operation level * Supported
    CreateCdbProxyAddress create cdb proxy address Operation level * Supported
    CreateCloneInstance create a clone instance from instance backup Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    CreateDBImportJob Create a task to import data into the instance Operation level * Supported
    CreateDatabase create database Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    CreateDeployGroup create deploy group Operation level * Supported
    CreateMigrateJob create migrate job Operation level * Supported
    CreateMonitorTemplate CreateMonitorTemplate Operation level * Supported
    CreateParamTemplate create a parameter template Operation level * Supported
    CreateRoInstanceIp create RO instance vip Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    CreateRotationPassword CreateRotationPassword Resource level qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} Supported
    DeleteAccounts delete TencentDB accounts Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DeleteAuditLogFile delete instance audit log file Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DeleteAuditPolicy delete instance audit policy Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DeleteAuditRule delete audit rule Operation level * not supported
    DeleteAuditRuleTemplates Delete audit rule template Operation level * Supported
    DeleteBackup delete a TencentDB instance backup Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DeleteBackups delete backups Operation level * Supported
    DeleteBatchJobFiles delete list of submitted SQL files Operation level * Supported
    DeleteDatabase delete database Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DeleteDeployGroups delete deploy groups Operation level * Supported
    DeleteInstanceFromDeployGroup delete instance from deploy group Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DeleteMonitorTemplate delete monitoring template items Operation level * Supported
    DeleteParamTemplate delete a parameter template Operation level * Supported
    DeleteReadOnlyInstanceIp This interface (DeleteReadOnlyInstanceIp) deletes the independent VIP of ApsaraDB for a read-only instance. Operation level * not supported
    DeleteRotationPassword DeleteRotationPassword Resource level qcs::cdb:${Region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} Supported
    DeleteTableSmoothly delete table smoothly Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DeleteTimeWindow delete a maintenance time window for a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DeleteTimeWindowSwitchForZone If the area is deleted by this interface, the task switched within the time window initiated by the user in this area will not be invalid, and the nor Operation level * Supported
    DisassociateSecurityGroups unbind security groups from instances in batches Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    DropDatabaseTables drop database or table of a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    EnableProxyAddressPolarisAddr Enable proxy polaris address Operation level * Supported
    EndReservedRollbackInstance The end version upgrade supports rollback. After completion, the current instance version is 5.7, and rollback to version 5.6 is no longer supported. Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    InitDBInstances initialize instances Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    InjectFatalErrorIntoInstance Inject fatal error into instance for error mocking . Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    IsolateDBInstance isolate a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    IsolateDBInstances The instance needs to first judge whether it can be returned through the describeinstancesreturnable interface.For instances that are billed by volu Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    KillDBProcessByIds terminate the specified thread of instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyAccountDescription modify the remarks of a TencentDB instance account Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyAccountHost Modify the host of the cloud database account Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyAccountMaxUserConnections modify account max_user_connections Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyAccountPrivileges modify the permissions of a TencentDB instance account Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyAuditConfig modify instance audit config Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyAuditPolicy modify audit policy Operation level * not supported
    ModifyAuditRule modify audit rule Operation level * not supported
    ModifyAuditRuleTemplates Modify the audit rule template Operation level * Supported
    ModifyAuditService This interface (ModifyAuditService) is used to modify the cloud database audit log storage time, audit rules and other service configurations Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} Supported
    ModifyAutoRenewFlag modify the auto-renewal flag of a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyBackupConfig modify the database backup configuration Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyBackupDownloadRestriction modify backup download restriction config Operation level * not supported
    ModifyBackupEncryptionStatus configure whether backup files are encrypted Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    ModifyBackupInfo ModifyBackupInfo Operation level * Supported
    ModifyCDBProxyConnectionPool modify cdb proxy conncetion pool Operation level * not supported
    ModifyCDBProxyDesc modify cdb proxy desc Operation level * not supported
    ModifyCDBProxyVipVPort modify cdb proxy vip vport Operation level * Supported
    ModifyCdbProxyAddressDesc modify cdb proxy address desc Operation level * Supported
    ModifyCdbProxyAddressVipAndVPort modify cdb proxy address vip and vPort Operation level * Supported
    ModifyCdbProxyParam modify cdb proxy param Operation level * Supported
    ModifyDBInstanceLogToCLS Start/Stop DBInstance log delivery to CLS Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    ModifyDBInstanceModes change the mode of TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyDBInstanceName rename a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyDBInstanceProject modify the project to which a TencentDB instance belongs Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyDBInstanceReadOnlyStatus The user of this interface (modifydbinstancereading onlystatus) sets the MySQL cloud database instance as read-only. Operation level * Supported
    ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups used to modify the security groups bound to a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    ModifyDBInstanceVipVport modify the IP and port number of a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyDeployGroupConfigure modify deploy group configure Operation level * Supported
    ModifyInstanceParam modify instance parameters Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    ModifyInstancePasswordComplexity This interface (modifyinstancepasswordcomplexity) is used to modify the password complexity of cloud database instances. Operation level * Supported
    ModifyInstanceTag modify tags of TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyLocalBinlogConfig ModifyLocalBinlogConfig Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    ModifyManualBackupName This interface (modifymanualbackupname) is used to modify the manual backup alias. Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    ModifyMonitorTemplate modify monitor template Operation level * Supported
    ModifyNameOrDescByDpId modify name or desc by DpId Operation level * Supported
    ModifyPackageAgentInstanceApplyStatus modify package agent instance apply status Operation level * Supported
    ModifyParamTemplate modify a parameter template Operation level * Supported
    ModifyProtectMode change protect mode of a TencentDB instance Operation level * Supported
    ModifyRemoteBackupConfig modify remote backup config Operation level * Supported
    ModifyRoGroupInfo modify basic info of ro group Operation level * Supported
    ModifyRoGroupVipVport modify vip/vport of ro group Operation level * Supported
    ModifyRollbackInstanceSyncStatus Skipping version upgrade supports data synchronization errors during rollback, that is, skipping the abnormal SQL copied from 5.7 to 5.6. Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    ModifyTimeWindow update the maintenance time window of a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    OfflineDBInstances offline TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    OfflineIsolatedInstances offline isolated instances Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    OpenAuditService CDB instance opening audit service Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    OpenDBInstanceEncryption enable instance encryption Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    OpenDBInstanceGTID enable GTID for a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    OpenSSL Enable SSL connection function. Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    OpenTransparentSlaveAccess This interface (opentransparentslaveaccess) is used to enable transparent standby read-only. Operation level * Supported
    OpenWanService enable public network access for an instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    RecycleVip recycle vip Operation level * Supported
    RegisterCKafkaToAudit register CKafka instance to audit Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ReloadBalanceProxyNode reload balance proxy node Operation level * Supported
    RemoveMigrateJob remove migrate job Operation level * Supported
    RenewDBInstance renew a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    ResetPassword ResetPassword Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ResetRootAccount reset root account Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    RollbackDBInstanceEngineVersion Rollback the instance that initiated the version upgrade. Currently, it only supports upgrading from 5.6 to 5.7, that is, rollback from 5.7 to 5.6。 Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    StartBatchRollback roll back the tables of a TencentDB instance in batches Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    StartCheckMasterInstanceStockByMultiCondition start check master instance stock by multi condition Operation level * Supported
    StartCheckRoInstanceStockByMultiCondition start check roInstance stock by multi condition Operation level * Supported
    StartCpuExpand Start CPU expand for this instance . Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    StartInstanceAutoTune Initiate a parameter adjustment task. Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    StartMigrateCluster start migrate cluster Resource level qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    StartMigrateJob start migrate job Operation level * Supported
    StartReplay Enable fixed-point playback, playback to a specified time point or a specified location Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    StartReplication StartReplication Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    StopCpuExpand Stop CPU expand for this instance . Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    StopDBImportJob stop a data import task Operation level * Supported
    StopReplication StopReplication Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    StopRollback cancel the rollback task Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    SubmitBatchOperation submit tasks in batches Operation level * Supported
    SubmitInstanceUpgradeCheckJob submit instance upgrade check job Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    SwitchCDBProxy switch cdb proxy Operation level * Supported
    SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlave support users to actively switch between the master and slave roles of the instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    SwitchDrInstanceToMaster switch dr instance to master instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    SwitchDrMasterRole This interface (SwitchDrMasterRole) is used for disaster recovery and failback. Operation level * Supported
    SwitchForMigrateCluster switch for migrate cluster Resource level qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    SwitchForUpgrade switch to a new instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    TerminateInstanceAutoTune Cancel the parameter adjustment task. Only parameter transfer tasks that have not been completed and whose instances have not been destroyed can be ca Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    TerminateMigrateJob terminate migrate job Operation level * Supported
    TransferPreToPost Prepaid to postpaid interface。 Operation level * Supported
    UnAssociateSecurityGroups Unbind cloud resources from security groups in batches Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} not supported
    UpgradeCDBProxyVersion upgrade cdb proxy version Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    UploadSqlFiles upload SQL file Operation level * not supported

    Read operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    AnalyzeAuditLogs Aggregate statistical analysis of audit logs Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} Supported
    CheckDrInstanceRecovery It is used to check whether the disaster recovery can be switched back. Before promoting the disaster recovery instance as the primary instance Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    CheckIpInSubnet This interface (CheckIpInSubnet) is used to check whether the IP is in the subnet. Operation level * Supported
    CheckMigrateCluster check migrate cluster Resource level qcs::cdb:${Region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    CheckMigrateJob check migrate job Operation level * Supported
    CreateAccounts CreateAccounts Operation level * Supported
    CreateDBInstance CreateDBInstance Operation level * not supported
    CreateDBInstanceHour CreateDBInstanceHour Operation level * not supported
    DescribeAccountPrivileges query the information of TencentDB account permissions Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeAccounts DescribeAccounts Operation level * Supported
    DescribeAsyncRequestInfo query the async task execution result of a TencentDB instance Operation level * Supported
    DescribeAuditConfig describe instance audit config Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeAuditInstanceList Get the list of audit instances Operation level * not supported
    DescribeAuditLogFiles describe instance audit log files Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeAuditLogs describe instance audit logs Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeAuditLogsForVStation describe auditLogs for VStation Operation level * not supported
    DescribeAuditPolicies describe instance audit policies Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeAuditRuleTemplateModifyHistory Query rule template change records Operation level * Supported
    DescribeAuditRuleTemplates Query audit rule template information Operation level * Supported
    DescribeAuditRuleWithInstanceIds According to the instance ID, query the audit rules of the instance Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceIds} Supported
    DescribeAuditRules describe audit rules Operation level * Supported
    DescribeAuditStatus describe audit status Operation level * not supported
    DescribeBackupConfig query the configuration information of a TencentDB instance backup Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    DescribeBackupDecryptionKey query the decryption key of the backup file Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeBackupDownloadDbTableCode DescribeBackupDownloadDbTableCode Operation level * Supported
    DescribeBackupDownloadRestriction describe backup download restriction config Operation level * Supported
    DescribeBackupEncryptionStatus query whether the new backup file is encrypted by default Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeBackupOverview used to query the user\'s backup overview Operation level * Supported
    DescribeBackupSummaries used to query backup summaries Operation level * Supported
    DescribeBackups Operation level * not supported
    DescribeBackupsForBackupService describe backups for backup service Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeBatchJobFileContent query SQL file contents Operation level * Supported
    DescribeBatchJobInfo DescribeBatchJobInfo Operation level * not supported
    DescribeBinlogBackupOverview used to query the user\'s total log backup overview in the current region. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeBinlogs DescribeBinlogs Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeBinlogsForBackupService describe binlogs for backup service Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeCDBProxy describe cdb proxy Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCKafkaTaskStatus describe register cKafka task status Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeCageList Describe cage/dedicate list Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCageRealServerUsage describe cage real server usage Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCdbProxyInfo describe cdb proxy info Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCdbZoneConfig This interface (DescribeCdbZoneConfig) is used to query the specifications and configurations that can be sold in each region of the cloud database. Operation level * not supported
    DescribeCdzRealServerUsage Describe the topology of resource which in CDZ Zone . Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCloneList describe instance clone list Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeClusterInfo describe cluster instance info Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeCpuExpandStrategy Describe CPU expand strategy for this instance . Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeDBDiskInfo This interface (DescribeDBDiskInfo) is used to query the disk information of the physical machine of the cloud database. Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeDBFeatures This interface (DescribeDBFeatures) is used to query cloud database version properties, including whether it supports database encryption Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeDBInstanceCharset query the character set and its name of a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeDBInstanceConfig query the configuration information of a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeDBInstanceGTID describe db instance gtid Resource level qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeDBInstanceInfo DescribeDBInstanceInfo Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeDBInstanceLogToCLS describe DBInstance slowLog and errorLog delivery to CLS config Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeDBInstanceProcess This interface (DescribeDBInstanceProcess) is used to query instance active threads. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDBInstanceRebootTime query the estimated time needed for a TencentDB instance to restart Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeDBInstances DescribeDBInstances Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDBPrice query the price of TencentDB instance Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDBRoutes describe routing of instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    DescribeDBSecurityGroupsDetail describe db security groups detail Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDataBackupOverview used to query the user\'s total data backup overview in the current region Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDataBackupSavePlan This interface (DescribeDataBackupSavePlan) is used to query the database backup retention plan for the next year. Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeDatabases DescribeDatabases Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeDefaultParamTemplates describe default param templates Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDeployGroupList describe deploy group list Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDeviceMonitorInfo describe device monitor info Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeDownloadBackupRecords DescribeDownloadBackupRecords Operation level * Supported
    DescribeErrorLogData describe error log data Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeInstanceAlarmEvents DescribeInstanceAlarmEvents Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} Supported
    DescribeInstanceAuditConfig Query instance audit configuration Operation level * Supported
    DescribeInstanceDiskStatus describe instanc disk status Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeInstanceGTIDInfo Query the GTID information of a cloud data instance. Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeInstanceInfo Describe Instance Information Operation level * Supported
    DescribeInstanceNumberByVpcSubnetId Used to query the number of CDB instances in the VPC network. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeInstanceUpgradeCheckJob describe instance upgrade check job Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeInstanceUpgradeType Describe database instance upgrade type Operation level * Supported
    DescribeInstancesAuditStatus DescribeInstancesAuditStatus Operation level * Supported
    DescribeInstancesReturnable describe instances returnable Operation level * Supported
    DescribeLocalBinlogConfig describe local binlog config Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeMasterInstanceStockByMultiCondition describe master instance stock by multi condition Operation level * not supported
    DescribeModifyAccountPrivilegesSql describe modify account privileges sql Resource level qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeMonitorData get instance monitoring data Operation level * Supported
    DescribeMonitorTemplate query monitoring template items Operation level * Supported
    DescribePackageAgentInfo describe package agent info Operation level * Supported
    DescribePackageAgentInstances describe package agent instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribePackageAgentSummary describe package agent summary Operation level * Supported
    DescribeParamTemplateInfo query parameter template details Operation level * Supported
    DescribeProxyCommercialDate Query agent commercialization time Operation level * Supported
    DescribeProxyConnectionPoolConf describe proxy connection pool conf Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeProxyCustomConf describe proxy custom conf Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeProxySpecs Query proxy free specifications Operation level * Supported
    DescribeProxySupportParam describe proxy support param Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRecycleVipList describe recycle vip list Resource level qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeRemoteBackupConfig describe remote backup config Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRequestResult query the execution results of asynchronous task Operation level * Supported
    DescribeResourceDetail describe resource detail Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeRoGroupInfo describe ro group info Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRoInstanceStockByMultiCondition describe ro instance stock by multi condition Operation level * not supported
    DescribeRoMinScale query minimum specifications for ro instance purchase Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRollbackInstanceSyncStatus describe rollback instance sync status Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRollbackNewInstInfo Query upgrade rollback reserved instance information Resource level qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} Supported
    DescribeRollbackRangeTime query the time range available for instance rollback Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeRollbackTaskDetail describe rollback task detail Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeSSLStatus Query the SSL activation. If SSL has been enabled, the certificate download link will be returned synchronously. Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeSlowLogData describe slow log data Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeSlowLogs DescribeSlowLogs Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeStatisticsInfo Operation level * not supported
    DescribeStockCheckResult describe stock check result Operation level * Supported
    DescribeSupportDeviceClass Get the models supported by the placement group. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeSupportPOCSubVersions The corresponding version storage engine of MySQL has its supported kernel small version number (mainly used for POC testing) Operation level * Supported
    DescribeSupportedPrivileges query the information of TencentDB account permissions Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeSwitchableInstanceList Get a list of all instances to be switched by the user Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeTables DescribeTables Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeTablesByRegexp This interface (DescribeTablesByRegexp) is used to query table names according to regular expressions。 Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported
    DescribeTagsOfInstanceIds describe tags of instanceIds Operation level * Supported
    DescribeTasks Query the task list of cloud database instances Operation level * Supported
    DescribeTimeWindow query the maintenance time window of a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    DescribeTimeWindowSwitchForZone This interface obtains which regions have closed the time window, that is, all the switching tasks within the time window initiated by the user are in Operation level * Supported
    GetCheckMigrateJobResult get check migrate job result Operation level * Supported
    GetDataComparisonResult get data comparison result Operation level * not supported
    GetMigrateJob get migrate job Operation level * Supported
    InquiryPriceUpgradeInstances query the price of upgrade a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    ModifyAccountPassword modify account password Operation level * Supported
    QueryCDBProxy QueryCDBProxy Operation level * Supported
    ReleaseIsolatedDBInstances Release isolated PostPay DB Instances. Operation level * Supported
    RestartDBInstances RestartDBInstances Operation level * Supported
    ShowMigrateDatabaseTable show migrate database table Operation level * Supported
    UpgradeDBInstance Upgrade TencentDB instance Operation level * not supported
    UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersion Upgrade cloud database instance version Resource level qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    VerifyRootAccount Check whether the ROOT account of the cloud database instance has sufficient permissions to perform authorized operations. Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported

    Other Operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    CloseSSL Turn off SSL connection function. Resource level qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} Supported

    List Operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    DescribeBackupDatabases query the databases contained in a backup file Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeBackupTables DescribeBackupTables Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    DescribeBatchJobFiles DescribeBatchJobFiles Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDBImportRecords query the records of import tasks in a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeDBSecurityGroups query the security group details of an instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    DescribeDBSwitchRecords query the instance switch records Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeDatabasesForInstances query the databases of TencentDB instances in batches Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    DescribeDefaultParams query the list of default configurable parameters Operation level * Supported
    DescribeErrLogInfo describe error log info Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    DescribeInstanceParamRecords query the parameter modification records of an instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeInstanceParams query the list of parameters for an instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeParamTemplates query the list of parameter templates Operation level * Supported
    DescribeProjectSecurityGroups query the security group details of a project Operation level * not supported
    DescribeRoGroups query ro group information of a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    DescribeSlowLogInfo describe slow log info Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId not supported
    DescribeTableColumns query table columns of a TencentDB instance Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
    DescribeUploadedFiles show uploaded file list Operation level * Supported
    ShowProcessList show processlist Resource level qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId Supported
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