tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-10-25 09:14:10

    Fundamental information

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Console Authorization by Tag Authorization Granularity IP Restriction
    dns dnspod Supported not supported Resource level Partially supported


    The authorization granularity of cloud products is divided into three levels: service level, operation level, and resource level, based on the degree of granularity.

    • Service level: It defines whether a user has the permission to access the service as a whole. A user can have either full access or no access to the service. For the authorization granularity of cloud products at service level, the authorization of specific APIs are not supported.
    • Operation level: It defines whether a user has the permission to call a specific API of the service. For example, granting an account read-only access to the CVM service is an authorization at the operation level.
    • Resource level: It is the finest authorization granularity which defines whether a user has the permission to access specific resources. For example, granting an account read/write access to a specific CVM instance is an authorization at the resource level.

    API authorization granularity

    Two authorization granularity levels of API are supported: resource level, and operation level.

    • Resource level: It supports the authorization of a specific resource.
    • Operation level: It does not support the authorization of a specific resource. If the policy syntax restricts a specific resource during authorization, CAM will determine that this API is not within the scope of authorization, and deem it as unauthorized.

    Write operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    BanRecordBySubDomain Ban Record By Sub Domain Operation level * not supported
    CancelFile Cancel File Download Operation level * Supported
    CancelOrder Cancel Order Operation level * Supported
    CreateCertificate Create Certificate Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    CreateDNSOrder Create DNS Order Operation level * not supported
    CreateDNSSec Create DNS Sec Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CreateDNSSecCancel Create DNS Sec Cancel Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CreateDNSSecKeys Create DNS Sec Keys Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CreateDeal Create Deal Operation level * Supported
    CreateDomain Create Domain Operation level * not supported
    CreateDomainAlias Create Domain Alias Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CreateDomainBatch Create Domain Batch Operation level * not supported
    CreateDomainBatchAccquire Create Domain Batch Accquire Operation level * not supported
    CreateDomainCustomLine Create Domain Custom Line Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CreateDomainGroup Create Domain Group Operation level * Supported
    CreateImportedRecords Create Imported Records Operation level * not supported
    CreateLineGroup Create Line Group Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    CreateLineGroupCopy Create Line Group Copy Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CreateMidasOrderParams Create Midas Order Params Operation level * Supported
    CreatePackageRequest Submit a Premium package request Operation level * Supported
    CreatePtrRecord Create PTR Record Operation level * Supported
    CreateRecord Create Record Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    CreateRecordBatch Create Record Batch Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    CreateRecordBatchV2 Batch.Record.Create.new Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CreateRecordGroup Create Record Group Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CreateShareDomains Create Share Domains Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CreateSlaveDNSConfig Create slave DNS config Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} not supported
    CreateSnapshot Create Snapshot Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CreateSpecialPackageOrder Create Special Package Order Operation level * Supported
    CreateSubdomainValidateTXTValue create subdomain validate TXT value Operation level * Supported
    CreateTXTRecord Create TXT record Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} Supported
    CreateUploadPreSignedURL Create Upload Pre Signed URL Operation level * Supported
    DeleteCooperatorSubdomain Delete Cooperator Subdomain Operation level * Supported
    DeleteDNSSec Delete DNS Sec Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DeleteDNSSecCancel Delete DNS Sec Cancel Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DeleteDomain Delete Domain Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DeleteDomainAlias Delete Domain Alias Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DeleteDomainBatch Delete Domain Batch Operation level * Supported
    DeleteDomainCustomLine Delete Domain Custom Line Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DeleteDomainGroup Delete Domain Group Operation level * Supported
    DeleteDomainShareByStatus Delete Domain Share By Status Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DeleteDomainsTagCache Felete Domain Tag Cache Operation level * Supported
    DeleteFile Delete File Download Item Operation level * Supported
    DeleteLineGroup Delete Line Group Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DeleteOrder Delete Order Operation level * Supported
    DeletePackageBindSecurityVAS Delete Package Bind Security VAS Operation level * Supported
    DeletePtrRecord Delete PTR Record Operation level * Supported
    DeleteRecord Delete Record Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DeleteRecordBatch Batch Delete Record Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DeleteRecordGroup Delete Record Group Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DeleteShareDomain Delete Share Domain Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DeleteShareDomains Delete Share Domains Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DeleteSlaveDNSConfig Delete slave DNS config Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} not supported
    DeleteSnapshot Delete Snapshot Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    MarkExpireDomainNotify Mark Expire Domain Notify Operation level * Supported
    ModifyDomainAliasStatus Modify Domain Alias Status Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainAutoRenewStatus Modify Domain Auto Renew Status Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainCameSpeedup Modify Domain Came Speedup Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    ModifyDomainCustomLine Modify Domain Custom Line Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainDNS Modify Domain DNS Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainDNSFixStatus Modify Domain DNS Fix Status Operation level * not supported
    ModifyDomainGroup Modify Domain Group Operation level * Supported
    ModifyDomainLayoutSettings Modify the domain name display field Operation level * Supported
    ModifyDomainLock Modify Domain Lock Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainOwner Modify Domain Owner Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainOwnerByCodeValidate Modify Domain Owner By Code Validate Operation level * Supported
    ModifyDomainOwnerByTxtValidate Modify Domain Owner By Txt Validate Operation level * Supported
    ModifyDomainParkingStatus Modify Domain Parking Status Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    ModifyDomainPolicy Modify Domain Policy Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainRecursiveStatus Modify Domain Recursive Status Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainRemark Modify Domain Remark Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainShareByStatus Modify Domain Share By Status Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainShareStatus Modify Domain Share Status Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainStatus Modify Domain Status Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainTTL Modify Domain TTL Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainToGroup Modify Domain To Group Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDomainUnlock Modify Domain Unlock Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyDynamicDNS Modify Dynamic DNS Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyLineGroup ModifyLineGroup Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyPackageAutoRenew Modify Package Auto Renew Operation level * Supported
    ModifyPackageBindDomain modify package bind domain Operation level * Supported
    ModifyPackageDomain Modify Package Domain Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyPackageDownGrade Modify Package Down Grade Operation level * Supported
    ModifyPtrRecord Modify PTR Record Operation level * not supported
    ModifyRecord Modify Record Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    ModifyRecordBatch Modify Record Batch Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    ModifyRecordBatchV2 Batch.Record.Modify.new Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyRecordFields Modify Record Fields Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyRecordGroup Modify Record Group Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyRecordRemark Modify Record Remark Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    ModifyRecordStatus Modify Record Status Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    ModifyRecordToGroup Modify Record To Group Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyRecordWeightBatch Modify Record Weight Batch Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} Supported
    ModifyShareDomainStatusPause Modify Share Domain Status Pause Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyShareDomainStatusResume Modify Share Domain Status Resume Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyShareDomains Modify Share Domains Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifySlaveDNSSwitch Modify slave DNS sync switch Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} not supported
    ModifySnapshotConfig Modify Snapshot Config Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifySubdomainStatus Pause subdomain records Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifySystemNSRecordByDefault Modify System NS Record By Default Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    ModifyTXTRecord Modify TXT record Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} not supported
    ModifyTipConfigStatus Modify Tip Config Status Operation level * Supported
    ModifyVasAutoRenewStatus Modify Vas Auto Renew Status Operation level * Supported
    ModifyVasDomain Modify Vas Domain Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    PayDeal Pay Deal Operation level * not supported
    PayOrderWithBalance Pay Order With Balance Operation level * not supported
    RollbackRecordSnapshot Rollback Record Snapshot Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    RollbackSnapshot Rollback Snapshot Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    SetUseDPConsole Set Use DNSPod Console Operation level * Supported
    SpecialPackageOrderChange Special Package Order Change Operation level * Supported
    SyncSlaveDNSManual Start slave DNS sync manual Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} not supported
    TransferProjectToDomainGroup Transfer Project To Domain Group Operation level * Supported
    TransferProjectToRecordGroup Transfer Project To Record Group Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    TransferRecordList Transfer Record List Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} Supported
    UploadDomainRecordsFile Upload Records File Operation level * Supported

    Read operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    CheckBatchDomain Check Batch Domain Operation level * Supported
    CheckCreateDNSSec Check Create DNSSec Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CheckRecordSnapshotRollback Check Record Snapshot Rollback Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CheckSnapshotRollback Check Snapshot Rollback Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    CreateSecurityProtectionDetailFile Download Security Protection Detail List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} Supported
    DescribeBalance Describe Balance Operation level * not supported
    DescribeBatchList Describe Batch List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeBatchResult Describe Batch Result Operation level * not supported
    DescribeBatchTask Describe Batch Task Operation level * not supported
    DescribeCooperatorSubdomainList Describe Cooperator Subdomain List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCooperatorSubdomainStatus Describe Cooperator Subdomain Status Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCooperatorSubdomainUserList Describe Cooperator Subdomain User List Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDNSGoodsList Check the list of DNSPod sale resources Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDNSGoodsPrice Describe DNS Goods Price Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDNSProductInfo Describe DNS Product Info Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDNSSecKeys Describe DNS Sec Keys Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDNSSecStatus Describe DNS Sec Status Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDealVoucherList Describe Deal Voucher List Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDomain Describe Domain Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeDomainAcquireTxtValue Describe Domain Acquire Txt Value Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainAcquireValidateCode Describe Domain Acquire Validate Code Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainActualNSList Describe Domain Actual NS List Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDomainAliasInfo Describe Domain Alias Info Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainAliasList Describe Domain Alias List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeDomainAnalytics Describe Domain Analytics Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeDomainBatchAccquireTXTValue Describe Domain Batch Accquire TXT Value Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDomainCustomLineList Describe Domain Custom Line List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeDomainDigResult Describe Domain Dig Result Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainExistRecordList Describe Domain Exist Record List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainFreeDNSList Describe Domain Free DNS List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainGradeInfo Describe Domain Grade Info Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainGroupProjectTransferStatus Describe Transfer Domain From Project To Group Status Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainLastPackageInfo Describe Domain Last Package Info Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainLayoutFields Display fields of the domain name list Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainLoadBalanceStatusList DescribeDomainLoadBalanceStatusList Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainLogFile Describe Domain Log File Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainLogFilterFile Describe Domain Log Filter File Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainLogFilterList Describe Domain Log Filter List Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainLogList Describe Domain Log List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeDomainOwner Describe Domain Owner Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainOwnerInfo Describe Domain Owner Info Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDomainPolicyList Describe Domain CAM Policy List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainPreview Obtain domain name overview information Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainPurview Describe Domain Purview Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainRegistration Describe Domain Registration Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeDomainShareInfo Describe Domain Share Info Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainShareUserList Describe Domain Share User List Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeDomainSpamInfo Describe Domain Spam Info Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} not supported
    DescribeDomainUnlockMail Describe Domain Unlock Mail Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainWhois Query the Whois information about the domain Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDomainZoneInfo Describe Domain Zone Info Operation level * Supported
    DescribeExcelDomainsBatch Describe Excel Domains Batch Operation level * Supported
    DescribeExcelRecords Describe Excel Records Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeExcelRecordsBatch Record.Export.Excel.batch Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeExistSubDomainList Describe Exist Sub Domain List Operation level * not supported
    DescribeExpireDomainNotifyList Describe Expire Domain Notify List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeExtendApplicationFlowPacketInfo Describe Extend Application FlowPacket Info Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeInvoiceAmount Describe Invoice Amount Operation level * not supported
    DescribeLineGroupList Describe Line Group List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeModifyDomainDNSStatus Describe Modify Domain DNS Status Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeMyDomainRegistrationInfo Describe My Domain Registration Info Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeOrderDetail Describe Order Detail Operation level * Supported
    DescribeOrderList Describe Order List Operation level * Supported
    DescribePackageActivityList Describe Package Activity List Operation level * Supported
    DescribePackageDetail Obtain the configuration details of each package Operation level * Supported
    DescribePackageResourceInfo Get package resource information Operation level * Supported
    DescribeProductInfo Describe Product Info Operation level * not supported
    DescribeProjectDomainCount Describe Project Domain Count Operation level * Supported
    DescribeProjectDomainList Describe Project Domain List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeProjectIdList Describe Project Id List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeProjectSubDomainCount Describe Project Sub Domain Count Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeProjectSubDomainList Describe Project Sub Domain List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribePtrRecordList Acquire Ptr Record List Operation level * Supported
    DescribePtrRecordStatus Flush the status of PTR record for the IP Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRecord Describe Record Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeRecordExistExceptDefaultNS Check whether any record other than the default @-NS record exists Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeRecordFilterList Filter Record List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeRecordGroupList Describe Record Group List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeRecordGroupProjectTransferStatus Describe Transfer Record From Project To Group Status Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeRecordImpactInfo Describe Record Impact Info Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeRecordLineCategoryList Describe Record Line By Category Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeRecordLineList Describe Record Line List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRecordList Describe Record List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeRecordSnapshotRollbackResult Describe Record Snapshot Rollback Result Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeRecursiveStatus Describe Recursive Status Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeRelateMainDomain Describe Relate Main Domain Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRenewParams Query the renewal parameters Operation level * not supported
    DescribeShareSubdomainList Describe Share Subdomain List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeSlaveDNSConfig View slave DNS config Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} Supported
    DescribeSnapshotConfig Describe Snapshot Config Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeSnapshotRollbackResult Describe Snapshot Rollback Result Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeSnapshotRollbackTask Describe Recent Snapshot Rollback Task Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeSpecialPackageChangeOrderList Describe Special Package Change Order List Operation level * not supported
    DescribeSpecialPackageGoodsList Describe Special Package Goods List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeSpecialPackageOrderChangeLogs Describe Special Package Order Change Logs Operation level * Supported
    DescribeSpecialPackageOrderDetail Describe Special Package Order Detail Operation level * Supported
    DescribeSpecialPackageOrderList Describe Special Package Order List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeSpecialPackageOrderPrice Describe Special Package Order Price Operation level * Supported
    DescribeSubdomainAnalytics Describe Subdomain Analytics Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeSubdomainList Describe Subdomain List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeSubdomainValidateStatus describe subdomain validate status Operation level * Supported
    DescribeTXTRecords Describe TXT Records Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeTipConfigInfo Describe Tip Config Info Operation level * Supported
    DescribeUinByDomain Describe Uin By Domain Operation level * Supported
    DescribeUserDetail Describe User Detail Operation level * not supported
    DescribeUserLogList Describe User Log List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeVasList Describe Vas List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeVasLog Describe Vas Log Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeVasStatistic Describe Vas Statistic Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeVoucherCount Describe Voucher Count Operation level * not supported
    DescribeZoneRecords Describe Zone Records Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DownloadSnapshot Download Snapshot Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported

    List Operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    DescribeConfigWarningRecordList Describe Config Warning Record List Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainAndRecordList Describe Domain And Record List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeDomainFilterList Filter Domain List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeDomainList Describe Domain List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeDomainListAndExport Export Domain List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainListNSStatus Query the NS status of the domain name list Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/${DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainListNsStatus Query the NS status of the domain name list Resource level qcs::dnspod:${region}:uin/${uin}:domain/${DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainLoadBalanceList describe domain load balance record list Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeDomainVipList Describe Domain Vip List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
    DescribeFileList View File Download List Operation level * Supported
    DescribeInfoListByFQDN Describe Info List By FQDN Operation level * not supported
    DescribePackageResourceIdList Describe Package Resource Id List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${DomainId} Supported
    DescribeSecurityProtectionDetailList Query Security Protection Detail List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} Supported
    DescribeSecurityProtectionHistoryList Query Security Protection History List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} Supported
    DescribeShareDomainList Describe Share Domain List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeSlaveDNSLogList Query slave DNS sync log list Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/${domainId} Supported
    DescribeSnapshotList Describe Snapshot List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} Supported
    DescribeUserLineGroupList Describe User Line Group List Resource level qcs::dnspod::uin/${uin}:domain/{DomainId} not supported
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