tencent cloud


Group Management

Last updated: 2024-01-17 17:48:36

    Operation Scenarios

    A group is used to identify a category of Consumers. These consumers typically consume the same kind of messages and subscribe to them in a consistent manner.
    This document provides instructions on how to create, delete, and query a Group in the TDMQ for RocketMQ console.


    A corresponding namespace must be previously established.
    You have created a message producer and consumer using the SDK provided by TDMQ, and they are functioning normally.


    Create a Group

    1. Log in to the Console for RocketMQ.
    2. Navigate to Group Management from the left navigation bar, select the desired region and intended cluster.
    3. Click Create to access the Group creation page.
    4. Provide the relevant Group details.
    Group Name: Enter the group name (cannot be edited after creation). It can contain 3 to 64 characters, including letters, numbers, "-" and "_".
    Group Description: Enter a description for the group.
    Maximum Retries: Indicates the maximum number of times a message can be redelivered. If a message is still not successfully consumed after exceeding the maximum number of retries, the message will be delivered to the dead letter queue or discarded. If you are using the RocketMQ 4.x client, the number of message retries is determined by the retry count you set in the client. If you are using the RocketMQ 5.x client, then the number of message retries is based on what you have set on the current page.
    Delivery Order: The order in which the server delivers messages to consumers. It supports sequential and concurrent delivery. By default, messages are delivered concurrently.
    Enable Consumption: If this option is disabled, all consumers in the group will stop consumption, but will resume consuming if it is enabled again.
    5. Click Submit to complete Group creation.

    View Consumer Details

    1. In Group list, click the Group name to enter the client connection list, where you can view the basic information about the Group as well as the client connection list.
    Group Name
    Creation Time
    Delivery Orderliness: Sequential delivery or Concurrent delivery
    Consumer Type: PUSH or PULL
    Total Backlog: The total number of heaped messages.
    2. Click View Details in the client operation bar to review consumer details.
    3. Switch to the Subscription tab to view the list of Topics subscribed by the Group and their subscription properties.

    Set an offset

    1. In Group list, click Reset Offset in the operation column of the intended Group.
    2. In the pop-up window, you can either choose to Start from the latest offset or Start from a specified point to set the Topic's Consumer Offset (Namely, specify where the consumer under this subscription begins to consume messages).
    3. Click Submit to complete the setting.
    TDMQ-RocketMQ supports resetting the offset (consumption position) for offline Groups, but currently only supports consumer groups under the Push consumption model; otherwise, it might fail to reset.

    Edit Group

    1. In Group list, click Edit in the operations column of the intended Group.
    2. In the pop-up window, edit the Group information.
    3. Click Submit to complete the modification.

    Delete Group

    Batch Deletion: In Group list, select all the Groups that need to be deleted, click Batch Delete at the top-left corner. In the prompt box, click Delete to conclude the deletion.
    Single Deletion: In Group list, locate the Group that requires to delete, click Delete in the Operations column. In the prompt box, click Delete to conclude the deletion.
    After the Group is deleted, consumers identified by this Group will cease to receive messages immediately. All configurations under this Group will be erased and are irretrievable. Please proceed with caution.

    Metadata Import/Export

    Export Metadata

    You can directly export metadata through the
    button located at the upper-right corner of the Group list page. The exported metadata will be formatted as an .xlsx spreadsheet file.

    Import Metadata

    If you need to load Group information from one cluster into another, after exporting metadata, click the
    button located in the upper-right corner of the Group list page to import Group data into the specified namespace.
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