tencent cloud


Notification Tap-to-Redirect

Last updated: 2024-01-16 17:34:39

    Use Cases

    You can redirect subscribers who tap your notification to the specified in-app page, HTML5 page, or deep link to meet your needs in different use cases.

    Application Scope

    Intent redirect: jumps to the specified in-app page. You can also pass in custom parameters.
    Open application: directly goes to the application’s homepage.
    URL: opens the browser and accesses the specified webpage.
    In-app activity: jumps to the specified in-app page.
    Opens the app by default.
    Implements the business logic based on the delivered custom key and value.

    Android Applications

    In the SDK, a tap on a message can trigger a click event by default, which opens the target page. If a redirect action is configured in onNotifactionClickedResult, it will conflict with the custom redirect rule specified in the console or API, and the custom redirect rule will fail.

    Configuring SDK

    To use Intent redirect, first configure the page to be redirected to in the client application’s AndroidManifest file.
    If you want to redirect to the page specified by AboutActivity, use the following sample code:
    android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" >
    <!-- Other intent-filter -->
    <!-- <intent-filter> ... </intent-filter> -->
    <!-- AndroidManifest supports configuring multiple intent-filters for an Android component. Please add the custom redirection configuration in a separate intent-filter. -->
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
    <!-- Customize the content of the data block to specify your complete scheme. -->
    <!-- According to your configuration, a URL in the `scheme name://host name/path name` format will be formed. -->
    <!-- To avoid conflicts with the redirection destination pages of other apps, you are advised to use fields that can uniquely identify the app for configuration, such as those with the app name or app package name. -->
    android:scheme="Scheme name"
    android:host="Host name"
    android:path="/Path name" />

    Using the console

    Intent redirect (recommended)

    To set the Intent redirect in the Tencent Push Notification Service console, go to Task List > Create Push > Advanced Settings > Open Location and enter the following information:

    Open app

    Tapping on the notification that is pushed via the console will open the application by default.

    URL redirect

    To set the URL redirect in the Tencent Push Notification Service console, go to Advanced Settings > Open Location and enter the following information:

    In-app activity redirect

    This method will be disused, so we don’t recommend using it. Go to Advanced Settings > Open Location in the console and enter the following information:

    Using RESTful APIs

    Add the action and action_type fields under body.message.android of the push message body.
    Parent Project
    Default Value
    This sets the action after the notification bar is tapped; the default action is to open an application.
    One-tap action. Valid values:
    1: opens activity or app
    2: opens browser
    3: opens Intent (recommended; for more information, see Configuring SDK)

    Intent redirect (recommended)

    Below is a sample of a complete message:
    "audience_type": "token",
    "token_list": [
    "message_type": "notify",
    "title": "xxx",
    "content": "xxx",
    "android": {
    "action": {
    "action_type": 3, // Action type. `1`: opens activity or app; `2`: opens browser; `3`: opens Intent
    "intent": "xgscheme://com.tpns.push/notify_detail" // The SDK must be version 1.0.9 or later. Configure the data tag in the client's Intent and set the scheme attribute
    If you want to pass in custom parameters such as param1 and param2, use the sample code below:
    "audience_type": "token",
    "token_list": [
    "message_type": "notify",
    "title": "xxx",
    "content": "xxx",
    "android": {
    "action": {
    "action_type": 3, // Action type. `1`: opens activity or app; `2`: opens browser; `3`: opens Intent
    "intent": "xgscheme://com.tpns.push/notify_detail?param1=aa&param2=bb" // The SDK must be version 1.0.9 or later. Configure the data tag in the client's Intent and set the scheme attribute
    If the client requires more parameters for other responses, refer to Getting parameters on the client.

    Open app

    Below is a sample of a complete message:
    "audience_type": "token",
    "token_list": [
    "message_type": "notify",
    "title": "xxx",
    "content": "xxx",
    "android": {
    "action": {
    "action_type": 1 // Action type. `1`: opens activity or app; `2`: opens browser; `3`: opens Intent

    URL redirect

    Below is a sample of a complete message:
    "audience_type": "token",
    "token_list": [
    "message_type": "notify",
    "title": "xxx",
    "content": "xxx",
    "android": {
    "action": {
    "action_type": 2, // Action type. `1`: opens activity or app; `2`: opens browser; `3`: opens Intent
    "browser": {
    "url": "http://tpns.qq.com", // Only HTTP and HTTPS URLs are supported
    "confirm": 1 // Whether user's confirmation is required

    Opening the in-app activity

    Below is a sample of a complete message:
    "audience_type": "token",
    "token_list": [
    "message_type": "notify",
    "title": "xxx",
    "content": "xxx",
    "android": {
    "action": {
    "action_type": 1, // Action type. `1`: opens activity or app; `2`: opens browser; `3`: opens Intent
    "activity": "com.x.y.MainActivity",
    "aty_attr": {// Activity attribute, only for action_type=1
    "if": 0, // Intent's Flag attribute
    "pf": 0 // PendingIntent's Flag attribute

    Getting parameters on the client

    1. In the onCreate method of the page you specify for redirect, add the following intent URI code:
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // ...
    // Getting parameters via `onCreate`
    // If the `intent uri` (client customization) mode is used for push, and parameters are added to the end of `intent`, you can use this code snippet to get the parameter values.
    // For example, if the value of the pushed `intent` is `xgscheme://com.tpns.push/notify_detail?param1=aa&param2=bb`,
    // you can use this code snippet to get the values of `param1` and `param2`, which are `aa` and `bb` respectively.
    Uri uri = getIntent().getData();
    Log.i(TAG, "onCreate get data uri: " + uri);
    if (uri != null) {
    String url = uri.toString();
    String p1 = uri.getQueryParameter("param1");
    String p2 = uri.getQueryParameter("param2");
    // This is new from SDK
    // If `custom_content` is set when the push task is created, you can use this API to get the content of the `custom_content` string.
    String customContent = XGPushManager.getCustomContentFromIntent(this, this.getIntent());
    // ...
    2. If your activity page is the application's resident page (for example, launchMode is set to singleTop or singleTask), the intent content for tap-to-redirect will be triggered by the onNewIntent method of the activity page. Please add the following to the onNewIntent method to get the intent URI code:
    protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
    // ...
    // Getting parameters via `onNewIntent`
    // If the `intent uri` (client customization) mode is used for push, and parameters are added to the end of `intent`, you can use this code snippet to get the parameter values.
    // For example, if the value of the pushed `intent` is `xgscheme://com.tpns.push/notify_detail?param1=aa&param2=bb`,
    // you can use this code snippet to get the values of `param1` and `param2`, which are `aa` and `bb` respectively.
    Uri uri = intent.getData();
    Log.i(TAG, "onNewIntent get data uri: " + uri);
    if (uri != null) {
    String url = uri.toString();
    String p1 = uri.getQueryParameter("param1");
    String p2 = uri.getQueryParameter("param2");
    // This is new from SDK
    // If `custom_content` is set when the push task is created, you can use this API to get the content of the `custom_content` string.
    String customContent = XGPushManager.getCustomContentFromIntent(this, intent);
    // ...
    3. If the parameters passed in contain special characters, you can use URLEncode to encode the parameter values when creating the push and use URLDecode to decode them at the terminal. The following is a sample:
    Uri uri = getIntent().getData();
    if (uri != null) {
    String p1 = uri.getQueryParameter("param1");
    String value1 = "";
    try {
    // The value of the custom parameter `param1` contains special characters. You can use URLEncode to encode it when creating the push and use URLDecode to decode it when obtaining it.
    value1 = URLDecoder.decode(p1, "UTF-8");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    Log.w("TPNS", "URLDecode param failed: " + e.toString());
    // The custom parameter `param2` is not encoded with URLEncode and can be obtained directly.
    String value2 = uri.getQueryParameter("param2");
    Log.i("TPNS" , "value1 = " + value1);

    iOS Applications

    You can pass in custom parameters in the notification for delivery, and implement the redirect or other business logic by parsing the parameters obtained on the client.

    Using the console

    To set parameters in the Tencent Push Notification Service console, go to Advanced Settings > Extra Parameter(s) and enter the following information:

    Using RESTful APIs

    Add the following custom_content field under body.message.ios of the push message body.
    Parent Project
    Default Value
    Custom parameter for delivery, which must be serialized to a JSON string.
    Below is a sample of a complete message:
    "audience_type": "token",
    "environment": "dev",
    "token_list": [
    "message_type": "notify",
    "message": {
    "title": "xxx",
    "content": "xxxxxxxxx",
    "aps": {
    "alert": {
    "subtitle": "xxx"
    "custom_content": "{\\"key\\":\\"value\\"}"

    Getting parameters on the client

    If you use iOS SDK integration, you can obtain custom parameters using click callback. This callback applies to the notification messages of the app in foreground, background, and shutdown status.
    /// Unified message click callback
    /// @param response will be `UNNotificationResponse` for iOS 10+/macOS 10.14+, or `NSDictionary` for earlier versions.
    /// @note TPNS SDK1.2.7.1+
    - (void)xgPushDidReceiveNotificationResponse:(nonnull id)response withCompletionHandler:(nonnull void (^)(void))completionHandler {
    NSLog(@"[XGDemo] click notification");
    if ([response isKindOfClass:[UNNotificationResponse class]]) {
    /// Getting messages on iOS 10 or later versions
    NSLog(@"notification dic: %@", ((UNNotificationResponse *)response).notification.request.content.userInfo);
    } else if ([response isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
    /// Getting messages on iOS versions earlier than 10
    NSLog(@"notification dic: %@", response);
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