Launching the TPNS Service
The following are device registration API methods. For more information on the timing and principle of calls, see Device registration flow. API description
Launch the TPNS service by using the information of the application registered at the official website of TPNS.
- (void)startXGWithAccessID:(uint32_t)accessID accessKey:(nonnull NSString *)accessKey delegate:(nullable id<XGPushDelegate>)delegate;
Parameter description
: AccessID
applied through the frontend
: AccessKey
applied through the frontend
: callback object
The parameters required by the API must be entered correctly; otherwise, TPNS will not be able to push messages correctly for the application.
Sample code
[[XGPush defaultManager] startXGWithAccessID:<your AccessID> accessKey:<your AccessKey> delegate:self];
Terminating the TPNS Service
The following are device unregistration API methods. For more information on the timing and principle of calls, please see Device unregistration flow. API description
After the TPNS service is stopped, the application will not be able to push messages to devices through TPNS. To receive messages pushed by TPNS again, you must call the startXGWithAccessID:accessKey:delegate:
method again to restart the TPNS service.
- (void)stopXGNotification;
Sample code
[[XGPush defaultManager] stopXGNotification];
TPNS Token and Registration Result
Querying the TPNS token
API description
This API is used to query the token string generated by the current application on the TPNS server.
@property (copy, nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *xgTokenString;
Sample code
NSString *token = [[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] xgTokenString];
Registration result callback
API description
After the SDK is started, use this method callback to return the registration result and token.
- (void)xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:(nullable NSString *)deviceToken xgToken:(nullable NSString *)xgToken error:(nullable NSError *)error
Response parameters
: device token generated by APNs.
: token generated by TPNS, which needs to be used during message push. TPNS maintains the mapping relationship between this value and the device token generated by APNs.
: error message. If error
is nil
, TPNS has been successfully registered.
Registration failure callback
API description
This is a callback for TPNS registration failures.
- (void)xgPushDidFailToRegisterDeviceTokenWithError:(nullable NSError *)error
Notification pop-up window authorization callback
API description
This is a callback for notification pop-up window authorization results.
- (void)xgPushDidRequestNotificationPermission:(bool)isEnable error:(nullable NSError *)error;
Response parameters
: whether authorization is approved or not.
: error message. If error
is nil
, the pop-up authorization result has been successfully obtained.
Account Feature
The following are account API methods. For more information on the timing and principle of calls, please see Account flow. Adding an account
API description
If there is no account of this type, it will add a new one; otherwise, it will overwrite the existing one.
- (void)upsertAccountsByDict:(nonnull NSDictionary<NSNumber *, NSString *> *)accountsDict;
This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
Parameter description
: account dictionary
The account type and account name together serve as the composite primary key.
You need to use the dictionary type, where key
is the account type and value
is the account, for example, @{@(accountType):@"account"}.
Syntax for Objective-C: @{@(0):@"account0",@(1):@"account1"}; syntax for Swift:[NSNumber(0):@"account0",NSNumber(1):@"account1"]
For more accountType
values, see the XGPushTokenAccountType
enumeration in the SDK demo package or Account Type Value Table. Sample code
XGPushTokenAccountType accountType = XGPushTokenAccountTypeUNKNOWN;
NSString *account = @"account";
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] upsertAccountsByDict:@{ @(accountType):account }];
Adding a mobile number
API description
This API is used to add or update a mobile number. It is equivalent to calling upsertAccountsByDict:@{@(1002):@"specific mobile number"}
- (void)upsertPhoneNumber:(nonnull NSString *)phoneNumber;
Parameter description
: an E.164 mobile number in the format of [+][country code or area code][mobile number]
, for example, +8613711112222. The SDK will encrypt the mobile number for transmission.
Sample code
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] upsertPhoneNumber:@"13712345678"];;
1. This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
2. You can call delAccountsByKeys:[[NSSet alloc] initWithObjects:@(1002), nil]
to delete a mobile number.
Deleting accounts
API description
This API is used to delete all accounts of a specified account type.
- (void)delAccountsByKeys:(nonnull NSSet<NSNumber *> *)accountsKeys;
This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
Parameter description
: set of account types
A set is required, and the key is fixed.
For more values of accountType
, please see the enumerated values of XGPushTokenAccountType
in the XGPush.h
file in the SDK package.
Sample code
XGPushTokenAccountType accountType = XGPushTokenAccountTypeUNKNOWN;
NSSet *accountsKeys = [[NSSet alloc] initWithObjects:@(accountType), nil];
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] delAccountsByKeys:accountsKeys];
Clearing accounts
API description
This API is used to clear all set accounts.
This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
Sample code
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] clearAccounts];
Tag Feature
The following are tag API methods. For more information on the timing and principle of calls, please see Tag flow. API description
This API is used to bind tags to different users so that push can be performed based on specific tags.
- (void)appendTags:(nonnull NSArray<NSString *> *)tags
- (void)delTags:(nonnull NSArray<NSString *> *)tags
This API works in an appending manner.
This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
One application can have up to 10,000 custom tags. One device token can be bound to a maximum of 100 custom tags (if you want to increase this limit, please submit a ticket). One custom tag can be bound to an unlimited number of device tokens. Parameter description
: tag array
For tag operations, tags
is a tag string array, which cannot contain spaces or tabs.
Sample code
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] appendTags:@[ tagStr ]];
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] delTags:@[ tagStr ]];
API description
This API is used to clear all the existing tags and then add tags in batches.
- (void)clearAndAppendTags:(nonnull NSArray<NSString *> *)tags
This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
This API will replace all the old tags corresponding to the current token with the current tag.
Parameter description
: tag array
For tag operations, tags
is a tag string array, which cannot contain spaces or tabs.
Sample code
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] clearAndAppendTags:@[ tagStr ]];
API description
This API is used to clear all set tags.
This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
Sample code
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] clearTags];
API description
This API is used to query tags bound to a device.
- (void)queryTags:(NSUInteger)offset limit:(NSUInteger)limit;
This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
Parameter description
: the offset of this query
: the page size for this query; maximum value: 200
Sample code
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] queryTags:0 limit:100];
Tag query callback
API description
This is a callback for tag query results.
- (void)xgPushDidQueryTags:(nullable NSArray<NSString *> *)tags totalCount:(NSUInteger)totalCount error:(nullable NSError *)error;
Response parameters
: tags returned for the query
: total number of the tags bound to the device
: error message. If error
is nil
, the query is successful.
User Attribute Feature
The following are user attribute API methods. For more information on the timing and principle of calls, please see User attribute flow. Adding user attributes
API description
This API is used to add or update user attributes in the key-value
structure (if there is no user attribute value corresponding to the key, it will add a new one; otherwise, it will update the value).
- (void)upsertAttributes:(nonnull NSDictionary<NSString *,NSString *> *)attributes
This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
Parameter description
: dictionary of user attribute strings, which cannot contain spaces or tabs
You need to configure user attribute keys in the console first before the operation can succeed.
Both key
and value
can contain up to 50 characters.
A dictionary is required, and key
is fixed.
Objective-C syntax: @{@"gender": @"Female", @"age": @"29"}
Syntax for Swift: ["gender":"Female", "age": "29"]
Sample code
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] upsertAttributes:attributes];
Deleting user attributes
API description
The API is used to delete existing user attributes.
- (void)delAttributes:(nonnull NSSet<NSString *> *)attributeKeys
This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
Parameter description
: set of user attribute keys, which cannot contain spaces or tabs
A set is required and the key is fixed.
Sample code
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] delAttributes:attributeKeys];
Clearing all user attributes
API description
This API is used to clear all existing user attributes.
This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
Sample code
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] clearAttributes];
Updating user attributes
API description
This API is used to clear all the existing user attributes and then add user attributes in batches.
- (void)clearAndAppendAttributes:(nonnull NSDictionary<NSString *,NSString *> *)attributes
This API should be called after xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:error:
returns a success.
Sample code
[[XGPushTokenManager defaultTokenManager] clearAndAppendAttributes:attributes];
Badge Feature
Syncing badges
API description
This API is used to sync the modified local badge value of an application to the TPNS server for the next push. You can choose Create Push > Advanced Settings > Badge Number in the console to configure the badge number.
- (void)setBadge:(NSInteger)badgeNumber;
Parameter description
: badge number of an application
After the local badge number is set for the application, call this API to sync it to the TPNS server, which will take effect in the next push. This API must be called after successful TPNS registration (xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken
Sample code
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
if ([XGPush defaultManager].xgApplicationBadgeNumber > 0) {
[XGPush defaultManager].xgApplicationBadgeNumber = 0;
return YES;
- (void)xgPushDidRegisteredDeviceToken:(nullable NSString *)deviceToken xgToken:(nullable NSString *)xgToken error:(nullable NSError *)error {
if (!error) {
[[XGPush defaultManager] setBadge:0];
Querying device notification permission
API description
This API is used to query whether the user allows device notifications.
- (void)deviceNotificationIsAllowed:(nonnull void (^)(BOOL isAllowed))handler;
Parameter description
: result return method
Sample code
[[XGPush defaultManager] deviceNotificationIsAllowed:^(BOOL isAllowed) {
Querying the SDK Version
API description
This API is used to query the current SDK version.
- (nonnull NSString *)sdkVersion;
Sample code
[[XGPush defaultManager] sdkVersion];
Log Reporting API
API description
If you find push exceptions, you can call this API to trigger reporting of local push logs. To report the problem, submit a ticket with the file address provided to facilitate troubleshooting. - (void)uploadLogCompletionHandler:(nullable void(^)(BOOL result, NSString * _Nullable errorMessage))handler;
Parameter description
: report log information
@param handler
: report callback
Sample code
[[XGPush defaultManager] uploadLogCompletionHandler:nil];
TPNS Log Hosting
API description
This method is used to get TPNS logs, which is irrelevant to XGPush > enableDebug
Parameter description
: log information
Sample code
- (void)xgPushLog:(nullable NSString *)logInfo;
Local Push
For more information about the local push feature, please click here.
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