tencent cloud


Real-time Logs

Last updated: 2023-06-29 17:45:01

    Real-time Logging

    Tencent Cloud CDN provides the real-time log feature. This feature collects and publishes access logs in real time, enabling fast retrieval and analysis of log data. You can quickly access comprehensive, stable, and reliable one-stop logging services such as log collection, log storage, and log search in the CDN console.

    Use Cases

    You can access log data to view or analyze business conditions in multiple dimensions in real time.


    Log in to the CDN console, click Log Service in the left sidebar, and then click the Real-time Logs tab.

    Enabling logging

    To use this feature, you need to activate Logging Service (CLS) and grant CDN the permissions to create a logset.


    • We recommend that you use the root account to enable this feature. If you use a sub-account or are a collaborator, enable the real-time log feature as instructed in Activate Real-time Logging as Sub-account/Collaborator.
    • When you enable the real-time log feature, CDN creates a logset for each region to host CDN logs.
    • A logset is a billable item as a part of CLS. However, the publish of CDN logs is free. For more information about the billing rules, see Billing Overview.
    • At present, log shipping is supported in Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanjing, Guangzhou, and Singapore.

    Creating a log topic

    Create a log topic in a logset, and ship the access logs of the target accelerated domain name to CLS.


    • A logset can contain up to 500 log topics.
    • The topic name must be unique.
    • You cannot bind both CDN and ECDN domain names to the same log topic.
    • Logs of CDN domain names in the Chinese mainland can be shipped to Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanjing, and Guangzhou. The logs of CDN domain names outside the Chinese mainland can be shipped to only the Singapore region.
    • ECDN domain names do not support log publishing to regions outside the Chinese mainland.

    Log search supports various search and analysis methods and chart types. For more information, see Search and Analysis.

    You can search for logs by log topic. To do so, select a log topic as needed and click Search to access the log search page.

    Managing log topics and logsets

    You can manage log topics in the CDN console. The following operations are supported:

    • Manage: Update the list of domain names bound to a log topic
    • Disable: Stop shipping logs of bound domain names to the log topic. . Received logs are retained.
    • Enable: Ship logs of bound domain names to the log topic.
    • Delete: After a log topic is deleted, the log topic no longer accepts new log shipping of the bound domain names, and completely clears all logs it contains.

    For more logset managing operations, such as renaming a logset, you can go to the CLS console.

    Real-time Log Fields

    Log Field Raw Log Type Log Service Type Description
    app_id Integer long Tencent Cloud account APPID
    client_ip String text Client IP
    file_size Integer long File size
    hit String text Cache hit/miss. Both hits on CDN edge servers and parent nodes are marked as hit
    host String text Domain name
    http_code Integer long HTTP status code
    isp String text ISP
    method String text HTTP method
    param String text Parameter carried in URL
    proto String text HTTP protocol identifier
    prov String text ISP province
    referer String text Referer information, i.e., HTTP source address
    request_range String text Range parameter, i.e., request range
    request_time Integer long Response time (in milliseconds), which refers to the time it takes for a node to return all packets to the client after receiving a request.
    remote_port String long A port connecting the client and CDN nodes. This field will be displayed as - if the port does not exist.
    rsp_size Integer long Number of returned bytes
    time Integer long Request timestamp in UNIX format (in seconds)
    ua String text User-Agent information
    url String text Request path
    uuid String text Unique request ID
    version Integer long CDN real-time log version



    A logset is a project management unit in the log service. It is used to distinguish between logs of different projects and corresponds to an item or application. The CDN logset has the following basic attributes:

    • Region: The region to which a logset belongs.

      At present, log shipping is supported in Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanjing, Guangzhou, and Singapore.

    • Logset name: Name of the logset.
    • Retention period: Retention period of data in the logset.
    • Creation time: Logset creation time.

    Log topic

    A log topic is the basic management unit in the log service. One logset can contain multiple log topics, and one log topic corresponds to one type of application or service. We recommend you collect similar logs on different machines into the same log topic. For example, if a business project has three types of logs: operation log, application log, and access log, you can create a log topic for each type of log.

    The log service system manages different log data based on different log topics. Each log topic can be configured with different data sources, index rules, and shipping rules. Therefore, a log topic is the basic unit for configuring and managing log data in the log service. You need to configure corresponding rules first after creating a log topic before you can perform log collection, search, analysis, and shipping.

    Log topic features include:

    • Collect logs to log topics.
    • Store and manage logs based on log topics.
    • Search and analyze logs by log topics.
    • Ship logs to other platforms based on log topics.
    • Download and consume logs from log topics.

    For more information, see CLS documentation.


    Some of my logsets and log topics in the CLS console are not displayed in the CDN console. Why is that?

    The CDN console displays only the logs created by the CDN service role, which are real-time logs exclusive to CDN. Other logsets and log topics are not synchronized to the CDN console.

    I cannot retrieve the data I want in the real-time logs. Are they lost?

    It may be because your log data volume is large, but the corresponding log topic has only a single partition, or automatic splitting is disabled for it. When you create a log topic, the default number of partitions is 1, and automatic splitting is enabled by default.
    We recommend you estimate the number of required partitions based on your log volume and configure it in the advanced options in the CLS console. For more information, see Topic Partition.

    Can I delete CLS logsets?

    Yes. To delete a CDN logset, go to the CLS console, delete all log topics in the logset, and then delete the logset. The deletion will be synchronized to the CDN console. You can create new logsets and log topics in the CDN console later.

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