tencent cloud


Persistent Image Processing

Last updated: 2024-02-29 16:13:43


    This document provides an overview of APIs and SDK code samples for persistent image processing.
    Processes images persistently.

    Processing during upload

    Feature description

    CI allows you to process images during upload and save the input images and processing results to COS. Currently, images within 20 MB can be processed.

    Method prototype

    CosResult PutImage(const PutImageByFileReq& request, PutImageByFileResp* response);

    Sample request

    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);
    std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    PutImageByFileReq req(bucket_name, object_name, local_file);
    PutImageByFileResp resp;
    PicOperation pic_operation;
    PicRules rule;
    // Path of the processing result file. If the path starts with `/`, the result file will be stored in the specified folder; otherwise, it will be stored in the same directory as the input image file.
    rule.fileid = "/" + object_name + "_sharpen";
    // Sharpening parameter
    rule.rule = "imageMogr2/sharpen/70";
    rule.fileid = "/" + object_name + "_rotate";
    // Rotation parameter
    rule.rule = "imageMogr2/rotate/90";
    CosResult result = cos.PutImage(req, &resp);
    if (result.IsSucc()) {
    // The call is successful. You can call the `resp` member functions to get the return content.
    std::cout << "ProcessResult: " << resp.GetUploadResult().to_string() << std::endl;
    } else {
    // The call failed. You can call the `result` member functions to get the error information.

    Parameter description

    PutImage operation request.
    PutImage operation response.
    req involves the following structures:
    struct PicRules {
    std::string bucket; // Name of the destination bucket to store the results in the format of `BucketName-APPID`. If this parameter is not specified, the results will be stored in the current bucket by default.
    std::string fileid; // Path of the processing result file. If the path starts with `/`, the result file will be stored in the specified folder; otherwise, it will be stored in the same directory as the input image file.
    std::string rule; // Processing parameters. For more information, see the COS image processing API. To process an image with a specified style, the value must start with `style/` with the style name followed. For example, if the style name is `test`, the value of `rule` should be `style/test`.
    class PicOperation {
    PicOperation() : is_pic_info(true) {}
    virtual ~PicOperation() {}
    void AddRule(const PicRules& rule) { rules.push_back(rule); }
    void TurnOffPicInfo() { is_pic_info = false; }
    boolis_pic_info; // Whether to return the input image information. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes). Default value: 0.
    std::vector<PicRules> rules; // Processing rules (up to five rules are supported). Each rule corresponds to one processing result. If this parameter is not specified, images will not be processed.
    resp involves the following structures:
    struct CodeLocation {
    std::vector<std::string> points; // QR code coordinates
    struct QRcodeInfo {
    std::string code_url; // QR code content. Content may not be recognized.
    CodeLocation code_location; // Location coordinates of the QR code recognized in the image
    struct Object {
    std::string key; // Filename
    std::string location; // Image path
    std::string format; // Image format
    int width; // Image width
    int height; // Image height
    int size; // Image size
    int quality; // Image quality
    std::string etag; // `ETag` of the processing result image
    int code_status; // Whether QR codes are recognized. 0: no; 1: yes.
    int watermark_status; // When `type`
    // is 2, this field will be returned to indicate the confidence of the extracted blind watermark.
    // Value range: 0–100. If the value is above 75, there is a confirmed blind watermark. If the value is between 60 and 75, there is a suspected blind watermark. If the value is below 60, no blind watermark is extracted.
    std::vector<QRcodeInfo> qr_code_info; // Recognized QR code. There may be multiple ones.
    struct ProcessResults {
    std::vector<Object> objects; // There may be multiple objects
    struct ImageInfo {
    std::string format; // Format
    int width; // Image width
    int height; // Image height
    int quality; // Image quality
    std::string ave; // Image average hue
    int orientation; // Image rotation angle
    struct UploadResult {
    OriginalInfo original_info; // Input image information
    ProcessResults process_result; // Image processing result

    Processing in-cloud image

    Feature description

    This feature can process an image stored in COS and save the processing result to COS.

    Method prototype

    CosResult CloudImageProcess(const CloudImageProcessReq& request, CloudImageProcessResp* response);

    Sample request

    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);
    std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    CloudImageProcessReq req(bucket_name, object_name);
    CloudImageProcessResp resp;
    PicOperation pic_operation;
    PicRules rule;
    // Path of the processing result file. If the path starts with `/`, the result file will be stored in the specified folder; otherwise, it will be stored in the same directory as the input image file.
    rule.fileid = "/" + object_name + "_thumbnail";
    // Scaling parameter
    rule.rule = "imageMogr2/thumbnail/!30p";
    rule.fileid = "/" + object_name + "_cut";
    // Cropping parameter
    rule.rule = "imageMogr2/cut/300x300";
    CosResult result = cos.CloudImageProcess(req, &resp);
    if (result.IsSucc()) {
    // The call is successful. You can call the `resp` member functions to get the return content.
    } else {
    // The call failed. You can call the `result` member functions to get the error information.

    Parameter description

    PutImage operation request.
    PutImage operation response.
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