tencent cloud


Basic Image Processing

Last updated: 2024-03-01 14:43:58


    COS has integrated Cloud Infinite (CI), a one-stop professional multimedia solution that offers the image processing features outlined below. For more information, see Image Processing Overview.
    Scales an image proportionally or to the target width and height.
    Performs regular cropping, cropping and scaling, cropping to circle, or smart face cropping.
    Performs adaptive rotation or regular rotation.
    Converts the format of an image, optimizes the GIF format, and performs progressive display.
    Changes the quality of images in JPG and WEBP formats.
    Blurs an image by a Gaussian function.
    Adjusts the image brightness.
    Adjusts the image contrast.
    Sharpens an image.
    Sets an image to a grayscale image.
    Processes an image watermark.
    Processes a text watermark.
    Queries the basic information of an image, such as format, width, and height.
    Gets the EXIF data of an image.
    Gets the average hue of an image.
    Removes the image metadata, including the EXIF data.
    Performs quick format conversion, scaling, and cropping to generate thumbnails.
    Limits the size of an output image, such as a scaled or compressed image.
    Performs multiple operations on images in sequence


    Feature description

    CI uses the imageMogr2 API to scale images. The input image cannot be larger than 32 MB, with its width and height not exceeding 30,000 pixels, and the total number of pixels not exceeding 250 million. The width and height of the output image cannot exceed 9,999 pixels. For an input animated image, the total number of pixels (Width x Height x Number of frames) cannot exceed 250 million pixels.

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials'=> array(
    'secretId' => $secretId ,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - scaling. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/36540?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $imageRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\ImageMogrTemplate();
    $imageRule->thumbnailByScale(50); // /thumbnail/!<Scale>p
    $imageRule->thumbnailByWidthScale(50); // /thumbnail/!<Scale>px
    $imageRule->thumbnailByHeightScale(50); // /thumbnail/!x<Scale>p
    $imageRule->thumbnailByWidth(60); // /thumbnail/<Width>x
    $imageRule->thumbnailByHeight(60); // /thumbnail/x<Height>
    $imageRule->thumbnailByMaxWH(100, 100); // /thumbnail/<Width>x<Height>
    $imageRule->thumbnailByMinWH(30, 30); // /thumbnail/!<Width>x<Height>r
    $imageRule->thumbnailByWH(50, 50); // /thumbnail/<Width>x<Height>!
    $imageRule->thumbnailByPixel(10000); // /thumbnail/<Area>@
    $imageRule->thumbnailEqualRatioReduceByWH(300, 300); // /thumbnail/<Width>x<Height>>
    $imageRule->thumbnailEqualRatioEnlargeByWH(300, 300); // /thumbnail/<Width>x<Height><
    $imageRule->pad(1); // /pad/1
    $imageRule->color('#3D3D3D'); // /color/IzNEM0QzRA
    $imageRule->ignoreError(); // /ignore-error/1
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($imageRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $imageRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    Operation: thumbnail
    Object name, such as folder/sample.jpg.
    Scales an image to Scale% of its original width and height.
    Scales an image to Scale% of its original width while keeping the height unchanged.
    Scales an image to Scale% of its original height while keeping the width unchanged.
    Specifies the target image width as Width, with the height proportionally scaled.
    Specifies the target image height as Height, with the width proportionally scaled.
    Specifies the maximum width and height of a thumbnail as Width and Height respectively for proportional scaling.
    Specifies the maximum width and height of a thumbnail as Width and Height respectively for proportional scaling down. The smaller value between the width scale ratio and height scale ratio will be used as the scale ratio. If both the output width and height are greater than the input width and height, the image will not be scaled.
    Specifies the maximum width and height of a thumbnail as Width and Height respectively for proportional scaling up. The smaller value between the width scale ratio and height scale ratio will be used as the scale ratio. If both the output width and height are less than the input width and height, the image will not be scaled.
    Specifies the minimum width and height of a thumbnail as Width and Height respectively for proportional scaling.
    Forces image scaling with the specified Width and Height, which may cause deformation of the target image.
    Proportionally scales an image so that the total number of its pixels does not exceed Area.
    Pads the blank area with the color specified by color after the input image is scaled as large as possible in a rectangle with the specified Width and Height, with the image centered. Valid values: 0 (not to pad), 1 (to pad).
    Fill color. The value must be in hexadecimal format, such as #FF0000. For format conversion, see RGB Color Codes Chart. The value must be URL-safe Base64-encoded as described in FAQs. Default value: #FFFFFF (white).
    If this parameter is carried and the image fails to be processed because the image is too large or a parameter value exceeds the limit, the input image will be returned with no error reported.


    Feature description

    CI uses the imageMogr2 API to crop images, such as regular cropping, scaling and cropping, inscribed circle cropping, rounded corner cropping, and smart cropping.

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials'=> array(
    'secretId' => $secretId ,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - cropping. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/36541?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $imageRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\ImageMogrTemplate();
    $imageRule->cut(400, 400, 100, 100); // Parameters for regular cropping /cut/<width>x<height>x<dx>x<dy>
    $imageRule->cropByWidth(400, 'center'); // Parameters for scaling and cropping /crop/<Width>x
    $imageRule->cropByHeight(400, 'center'); // Parameters for scaling and cropping /crop/x<Height>
    $imageRule->cropByWH(400, 400, 'center'); // Parameters for scaling and cropping /crop/<Width>x<Height>
    $imageRule->iradius(30); // Parameters for cropping to circle /iradius/<radius>
    $imageRule->rradius(30); // Parameters for rounded corner cropping /rradius/<radius>
    $imageRule->scrop(30, 30); // Parameters for smart face cropping /scrop/<Width>x<Height>
    $imageRule->ignoreError(); // /ignore-error/1
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($imageRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $imageRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    If this parameter is carried and the image failed to be processed because the image size or the parameter value is too large, the input image will be returned with no error reported.
    Parameters for regular cropping
    Operation: cut
    Width of the output image
    Height of the output image
    Horizontal offset relative to the top-left vertex
    Vertical offset relative to the top-left vertex
    The values should be greater than 0 and smaller than the width/height of the input image.
    Parameters for scaling and cropping
    Operation: crop
    Width of the output image with the height unchanged. The value must be greater than 0 and smaller than the width of the input image.
    Height of the output image with the width unchanged. The value must be greater than 0 and smaller than the height of the input image.
    Width and height of the output image. The values of width and height should be greater than 0 and smaller than those of the input image, respectively.
    When performing scaling and cropping, you can also use the gravity parameter to specify the start position of the operation. For more information, see Cropping.
    Parameters for cropping to circle
    Operation: iradius
    Crops to a circle. radius specifies the radius of the inscribed circle, which should be an integer greater than zero and less than half of the shorter side of the input image. The center of the inscribed circle is the center of the image. This operation is not supported for GIF images.
    Parameters for rounded corner cropping
    Operation: rradius
    Crops with round corners. radius specifies the radius of the rounded corner of the image, which should be an integer greater than zero and less than half of the shorter side of the input image. The two sides of the image are the tangent lines of the rounded corner. This operation is not supported for GIF images.
    Parameters for smart face cropping
    Operation: scrop
    Scales and crops an image based on the face position in the image. The width and height of the target image are specified by Width and Height respectively.


    Feature description

    CI uses the imageMogr2 API to rotate an image by a specified angle or automatically.

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials'=> array(
    'secretId' => $secretId ,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - rotation. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/36542?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $imageRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\ImageMogrTemplate();
    $imageRule->rotate(90); // /rotate/<rotateDegree>
    $imageRule->autoOrient(); // /auto-orient
    $imageRule->flip('vertical'); // /flip/<flip>
    $imageRule->ignoreError(); // /ignore-error/1
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($imageRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $imageRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    Rotates an image clockwise by a specified angle. The value can be 0−360. By default, the image is not rotated.
    Rotates an image automatically according to its EXIF data.
    Flips an image. Valid values: vertical, horizontal.
    If this parameter is carried and the image fails to be processed because the image is too large or a parameter value exceeds the limit, the input image will be returned with no error reported.

    Format Conversion

    Feature description

    CI uses the imageMogr2 API to perform format conversion, GIF optimization, and progressive display.

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials'=> array(
    'secretId' => $secretId ,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - format conversion. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/36543?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $imageRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\ImageMogrTemplate();
    $imageRule->format('jpg'); // Format conversion /format/<Format>
    $imageRule->gifOptimization(1); // GIF optimization /cgif/<FrameNumber>
    $imageRule->jpegInterlaceMode(1); // Progressive mode of the output JPG image, where `Mode` can be `0` or `1`. /interlace/<Mode>
    $imageRule->ignoreError(); // /ignore-error/1
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($imageRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $imageRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    Converts the image format. The target format can be JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, WebP, or YJPEG (which is optimized based on JPEG and is essentially JPG). The default format is the format of the input image.
    Optimizes images in the GIF format by reducing frames and colors of images. There are two cases: FrameNumber=1: Cut the input GIF to the default number of frames (30). If the original number of frames is greater than 30, excessive frames will be cut. FrameNumber=(1,100]: Compress the image to the specified number of frames (FrameNumber).
    Progressive mode of the output JPG image. Valid values: 0 (default): Disables the progressive mode; 1: Enables the progressive mode. This parameter takes effect only when the output image is in JPG format.
    If this parameter is carried and the image fails to be processed because the image is too large or a parameter value exceeds the limit, the input image will be returned with no error reported.

    Quality Change

    Feature description

    CI uses the imageMogr2 API to adjust the quality of an image.

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials'=> array(
    'secretId' => $secretId ,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - quality change. For more information, https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/36544?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $imageRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\ImageMogrTemplate();
    $imageRule->quality(90, 1); // Absolute quality /quality/<Quality>
    $imageRule->lowestQuality(90); // Lowest quality /lquality/<quality>
    $imageRule->relativelyQuality(90); // Relative quality /rquality/<quality>
    $imageRule->ignoreError(); // /ignore-error/1
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($imageRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $imageRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    Operation: quality
    Absolute quality of the image. The value can be 0–100. Use the value of the original image quality (default) or the specified quality, whichever is smaller. If there is an exclamation mark (!) after <Quality> (such as 90!), the specified quality value is forcibly used.
    Image quality relative to that of the input image. The value can be 0−100. For example, if the input image quality is 80 and rquality is set to 80, the quality of the output image will be 64 (80 * 80%).
    Minimum quality of the image. Value range: 0−100. If the input image quality is 85 and lquality is set to 80, the quality of the output image will be 85. If the input image quality is 60 and lquality is set to 80, the quality of the output image will be improved to 80.
    If this parameter is carried and the image fails to be processed because the image is too large or a parameter value exceeds the limit, the input image will be returned with no error reported.

    Gaussian Blurring

    Feature description

    CI uses the imageMogr2 API to blur an image.

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials'=> array(
    'secretId' => $secretId ,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - Gaussian blurring. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/36545?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $imageRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\ImageMogrTemplate();
    $imageRule->blur(8, 5); // Gaussian blurring /blur/<radius>x<sigma>
    $imageRule->ignoreError(); // /ignore-error/1
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($imageRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $imageRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    Operation: blur
    Blurring radius. Value range: 1–50.
    Standard deviation of normal distribution. The value must be greater than 0.
    If this parameter is carried and the image failed to be processed because the image size or the parameter value is too large, the input image will be returned with no error reported.

    Adjusting Brightness

    Feature description

    CI uses the imageMogr2 API to adjust the brightness of an image.

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials' => array(
    'secretId' => $secretId,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - brightness. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/51808?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $imageRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\ImageMogrTemplate();
    $imageRule->bright(70); // Image brightness adjustment /bright/<value>
    $imageRule->ignoreError(); // /ignore-error/1
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($imageRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $imageRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    Operation: bright
    Adjusts the brightness of an image. The value must be an integer in the range of [-100, 100]. value < 0: Reduces the image brightness. value = 0: Does not adjust the image brightness. value > 0: Increases the image brightness.
    If this parameter is carried and the image failed to be processed because the image size or the parameter value is too large, the input image will be returned with no error reported.

    Adjusting Contrast

    Feature description

    CI uses the imageMogr2 API to adjust an image’s contrast, which is the difference in luminance between the brightest and darkest points in an image (i.e., the contrast in grayscale).

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials' => array(
    'secretId' => $secretId,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - contrast. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/51809?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $imageRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\ImageMogrTemplate();
    $imageRule->contrast(-70); // Image contrast adjustment /contrast/<value>
    $imageRule->ignoreError(); // /ignore-error/1
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($imageRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $imageRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    Operation: contrast
    Adjusts the contrast of an image. The value must be an integer in the range of [-100, 100]. value < 0: Reduces the contrast. value = 0: Does not adjust the contrast. value > 0: Increases the contrast.
    If this parameter is carried and the image fails to be processed because the image is too large or a parameter value exceeds the limit, the input image will be returned with no error reported.


    Feature description

    CI uses the imageMogr2 API to sharpen an image.

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials' => array(
    'secretId' => $secretId,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - sharpening. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/36546?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $imageRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\ImageMogrTemplate();
    $imageRule->sharpen(70); // Image sharpening /sharpen/<value>
    $imageRule->ignoreError(); // /ignore-error/1
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($imageRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $imageRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    Operation: sharpen
    Sharpens an image, where value controls the strength of the sharpening effect. The value must be an integer ranging from 10 to 300 (70 is recommended). The greater the value, the more obvious the sharpening effect.
    If this parameter is carried and the image fails to be processed because the image is too large or a parameter value exceeds the limit, the input image will be returned with no error reported.

    Grayscale Image

    Feature description

    COS uses CI’s imageMogr2/grayscale API to set an image to be a grayscale image.

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials' => array(
    'secretId' => $secretId,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - grayscale image. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/66519?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $imageRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\ImageMogrTemplate();
    $imageRule->grayscale(1); // Conversion of the image to grayscale image /grayscale/<value>
    $imageRule->ignoreError(); // /ignore-error/1
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($imageRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $imageRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    Operation: grayscale
    Whether to set an image to be a grayscale image. Valid values of the value field: 0 (no), 1 (yes).
    If this parameter is carried and the image fails to be processed because the image is too large, the input image will be returned with no error reported.

    Image Watermark

    Feature description

    COS implements image watermarking using the watermark API provided by CI, and thus only images stored in CI-bound buckets can be processed. For the restrictions on Basic Image Processing (including watermarking), please see Rules and Limits.

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials' => array(
    'secretId' => $secretId,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - image watermark. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/6930?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $imageWatermarkRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\ImageWatermarkTemplate();
    $imageWatermarkRule->setImage('https://www.xxx.com/xxx.jpg'); // Watermark image address
    $imageWatermarkRule->setGravity('SouthEast'); // Image watermark position
    $imageWatermarkRule->setDx(10); // Horizontal offset in px. Default value: `0`.
    $imageWatermarkRule->setDy(10); // Vertical offset in px. Default value: `0`.
    $imageWatermarkRule->setBlogo(1); // Adaptation mode for an image watermark that is larger than the input image
    $imageWatermarkRule->setScatype(1); // Scale the image watermark to the size of the input image
    $imageWatermarkRule->setSpcent(200); // Use together with `scatype`
    $imageWatermarkRule->setDissolve(70); // Image watermark opacity
    $imageWatermarkRule->setBatch(1); // Tile the image watermark
    $imageWatermarkRule->setDegree(90); // Set the angle to rotate the image watermark. This parameter will take effect only when `/batch/` is set to `1`.
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($imageWatermarkRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $imageWatermarkRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    In the code above, watermark is the operation name and the number 1 indicates that the watermark is an image.
    Image watermark URL, which must be URL-safe Base64-encoded. For example, if the image watermark URL is http://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/shuiyin_2.png, you should set this parameter to aHR0cDovL2V4YW1wbGVidWNrZXQtMTI1MDAwMDAwMC5jb3MuYXAtc2hhbmdoYWkubXlxY2xvdWQuY29tL3NodWl5aW5fMi5wbmc.
    Position of the image watermark, which is a square in a 3x3 grid. Default value: SouthEast.
    Horizontal offset in px. Default value: 0.
    Vertical offset in px. Default value: 0.
    Adaptation mode for an image watermark that is larger than the input image. Valid values: 1 (scales the image watermark to the size of the input image); 2 (crops the image watermark to the size of the input image).
    Scaling mode for the image watermark (relative to the input image). Valid values: 1 (scales by width); 2 (scales by height); 3 (scales by area).
    Scale ratio of the image watermark in permillage. This parameter must be used together with scatype. Value range: 1−1000 (if scatype is set to 1); 1−1000 (if scatype is set to 2); 1−250 (if scatype is set to 3). Example: http://examples-1251000004.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/sample.jpeg?watermark/1/image/xxxxxxx/scatype/3/spcent/250
    Opacity of the image watermark. Value range: 1−100. Default value: 90 (meaning 90% opacity)
    Whether to tile the image watermark. If this parameter is set to 1, the image watermark will be tiled across the input image.
    Angle to rotate the image watermark. This parameter will take effect only when /batch/ is set to 1. Value range: 0−360. Default value: 0.
    An image watermark must:
    Be stored in the same bucket as the input image.
    Have a URL containing a COS domain name (a CDN acceleration domain name such as examplebucket-1250000000.file.myqcloud.com/shuiyin_2.png is unsupported) and be accessible (if the image watermark is set to private-read, it must carry a signature).
    Have a URL starting with http://. Note that "http://" cannot be omitted or changed to "https://". For example, examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/shuiyin_2.png and https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/shuiyin_2.png are invalid watermark URLs.

    Text Watermark

    Feature description

    COS uses the watermark API provided by CI to add text watermarks in real time. An input image cannot be larger than 32 MB, with its width and height not exceeding 30,000 pixels and the total number of pixels not exceeding 250 million. The width and height of the output image cannot exceed 9,999 pixels. For an input animated image, its total number of pixels (Width x Height x Number of frames) cannot exceed 250 million.

    Sample codes

    require dirname(__FILE__, 2) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $secretId = "SECRETID"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretId`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $secretKey = "SECRETKEY"; //Replace it with the actual `SecretKey`, which can be viewed and managed in the CAM console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi
    $region = "ap-beijing"; // Replace it with the actual region, which can be viewed in the console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    $cosClient = new Qcloud\\Cos\\Client(
    'region' => $region,
    'schema' => 'https', // Protocol, which is `http` by default
    'credentials' => array(
    'secretId' => $secretId,
    'secretKey' => $secretKey)));
    try {
    // Image processing - text watermark. For more information, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/460/6951?from_cn_redirect=1.
    $textWatermarkRule = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\TextWatermarkTemplate();
    $textWatermarkRule->setText('Watermark content'); // Watermark content
    $textWatermarkRule->setFont('tahoma.ttf'); // Watermark font
    $textWatermarkRule->setFontsize(13); // Watermark text font size
    $textWatermarkRule->setFill('#3D3D3D'); // Font color. The value must be in hexadecimal RGB format, such as `#FF0000`. Default value: `#3D3D3D` (gray).
    $textWatermarkRule->setDissolve(90); // Text opacity. Value range: 1−100. Default value: `90` (meaning 90% opacity).
    $textWatermarkRule->setGravity('SouthEast'); // Position of the text watermark in the 3x3 grid position diagram. Default value: `SouthEast`.
    $textWatermarkRule->setDx(10); // Horizontal offset in px. Default value: `0`.
    $textWatermarkRule->setDy(10); // Vertical offset in px. Default value: `0`.
    $textWatermarkRule->setBatch(1); // Whether to tile the text watermark. If this parameter is set to `1`, the text watermark will be tiled across the input image.
    $textWatermarkRule->setDegree(10); // Angle to rotate the text watermark. This parameter will take effect only when `/batch/` is set to `1`. Value range: 0−360. Default value: `0`.
    $textWatermarkRule->setShadow(10); // Text shadow effect. Value range: 0−100. Default value: `0` (no shadow).
    $picOperations = new Qcloud\\Cos\\ImageParamTemplate\\PicOperationsTransformation();
    $picOperations->setIsPicInfo(1); // is_pic_info
    $picOperations->addRule($textWatermarkRule, "output.png"); // rules
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // $downloadUrl = $cosClient->getObjectUrl('examplebucket-1250000000', 'xxx.jpg'); // Get the download URL
    $downloadUrl = 'https://examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/xxx.jpg'; // Private images can be processed in the same way as detailed above, except that a signature is carried. The signature is concatenated with other processing parameters by an ampersand (&).
    $rule = $textWatermarkRule->queryString();
    echo "{$downloadUrl}?{$rule}";
    // echo "{$downloadUrl}&{$rule}"; // The URL of an image with a signature is concatenated by "&".
    // -------------------- 1. Processing during download -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->putObject(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'object.jpg',
    'Body' => fopen('/tmp/local.jpg', 'rb'), // Local file
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 2. Processing during upload -------------------- //
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    $result = $cosClient->ImageProcess(array(
    'Bucket' => 'examplebucket-1250000000', // Bucket name in the format of `BucketName-Appid`, which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket.
    'Key' => 'test.png',
    'PicOperations' => $picOperations->queryString(),
    // Request succeeded
    // -------------------- 3. Processing in-cloud data -------------------- //
    } catch (\\Exception $e) {
    // Request failed


    In the code above, watermark is the operation name and the number 2 indicates that the watermark is a text.
    Watermark text, which must be URL-safe Base64-encoded.
    Font of the text, which must be URL-safe Base64-encoded. Default font: Tahoma.ttf (see Supported Fonts).
    Font size, in pt. Default value: 13. To scale the text watermark proportionally based on the original image, convert the text watermark to a PNG image. For more configuration information, see Image Watermarking
    Font color. The value must be in hexadecimal format, for example, #FF0000. For format conversion, see RGB Color Codes Chart. The value must be URL-safe Base64-encoded. Default value: #3D3D3D (gray).
    Text opacity. Value range: 1−100. Default value: 90 (meaning 90% opacity)
    Position of the text watermark, which is a square in a 3x3 grid. Default value: SouthEast.
    Horizontal offset in px. Default value: 0.
    Vertical offset in px. Defaul