tencent cloud


Getting Started

Last updated: 2024-02-29 16:13:43

    Download and Installation

    Download the COS XML C++ SDK source code below: Linux/Windows/macOS: XML Linux C++ SDK
    Download the XML C++ SDK.
    Download the demo here.
    For the SDK changelog, see Changelog.
    If you encounter errors such as non-existent functions or methods when using the XML version of the SDK, update the SDK to the latest version and try again.

    Precompilation (Recommended)

    Download the XML C++ SDK source code. In the libs directory, you can find the ready-to-use precompiled libraries. Choose the one that suits your system version.
    libs/linux/libcossdk.a # Linux static library. `libcossdk.a` is compiled based on GCC v4.8.5. If your compilation environment uses a different GCC version, you need to compile `libcossdk.a` again.
    libs/linux/libcossdk-shared.so # Linux dynamic library
    libs/Win32/cossdk.lib # Windows 32-bit library
    libs/x64/cossdk.lib # Windows 64-bit library
    libs/macOS/libcossdk.a # macOS static library
    libs/macOS/libcossdk-shared.dylib # macOS dynamic library
    Copy the libraries and SDK include files for your OS to your project.
    The following third-party dependent libraries can be found in the Third-party directory:
    third_party/lib/linux/poco/ # Linux-dependent POCO dynamic library. The POCO library is compiled based on OpenSSL v1.0.2. If your compilation environment uses a different OpenSSL version, you need to compile the POCO library again.
    third_party/lib/Win32/openssl/ # Windows 32-bit-dependent OpenSSL library
    third_party/lib/Win32/poco/ # Windows 32-bit-dependent POCO library
    third_party/lib/x64/openssl/ # Windows 64-bit-dependent OpenSSL library
    third_party/lib/x64/poco/ # Windows 64-bit-dependent POCO library
    third_party/lib/macOS/poco/ # macOS-dependent POCO library
    Copy the dependent libraries for your OS to your project.

    Manual Compilation

    Compilation options

    You can configure the following compilation options by using the CMakeLists.txt file in the root directory:
    option(BUILD_UNITTEST "Build unittest" OFF) # Configure unit testing compilation
    option(BUILD_DEMO "Build demo" ON) # Configure demo testing code compilation
    option(BUILD_SHARED_LIB "Build shared library" OFF) # Configure dynamic library compilation

    Dependent libraries

    Dynamic libraries: POCO, OpenSSL, and Crypto.

    Compiling Linux SDK

    1. Install the compiler and dependent libraries.
    yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ make cmake openssl
    # The CMake version should be later than 2.8.
    2. Compile the SDK. Download the XML C++ SDK source code to your development environment and run the following command:
    cd ${cos-cpp-sdk}
    mkdir -p build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    3. Install the POCO library.
    cd ${cos-cpp-sdk}
    sh install-libpoco.sh
    This script installs the POCO dynamic library to the /usr/lib64 directory and creates a soft link. To use a COS SDK in the production environment, install the POCO library to the production environment as well.
    4. Run the demo.
    You can skip this step if you don't need to test the demo.
    cd ${cos-cpp-sdk}
    vim demo/cos_demo.cpp # Modify the bucket name and testing code in the demo
    vim CMakeLists.txt # Set `BUILD_DEMO` to `ON` in `CMakeLists.txt` to start compiling the demo
    cd build && make # Compile the demo
    ls bin/cos_demo # The generated executable file is in the `bin` directory
    vim bin/config.json # Modify the key and region
    cd bin && ./cos_demo # Run the demo
    5. Use the SDK. The compiled libraries can be found in the build/lib directory. The static library name is libcossdk.a, and the dynamic library name is libcossdk-shared.so. During actual use, copy the include directory to the include path of your project.

    Compiling Windows SDK

    1. Install Visual Studio 2017. Install the Visual Studio 2017 development environment.
    2. Install CMake. Download the CMake for Windows compiler from CMake official website, and then configure ${CMake installation path}\\bin in the Path environment variable.
    3. Compile the SDK. i. Download the XML Windows C++ SDK source code to your development environment. ii. Open the Windows command-line tool, run cd to the directory of the C++ SDK source code, and run the following command:
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. # Generate the Windows 32-bit Makefile
    cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 Win64" .. # Generate the Windows 64-bit Makefile
    iii. Use Visual Studio 2017 to open the Solution Explorer and perform compilation.
    4. Run the demo.
    You can skip this step if you don't need to test the demo.
    Modify the demo code and compile it. The generated cos_demo.exe file is in the bin directory. You can modify bin/config.json to run cos_demo.exe.
    5. Use the SDK. The compiled libraries can be found in the build/Release directory. The static library name is cossdk.lib. During actual use, copy the include directory to the include path of your project.

    Compiling macOS SDK

    1. Install the compiler and dependent libraries.
    brew install gcc make cmake openssl
    2. Compile the SDK. Download the XML C++ SDK source code to your development environment and run the following command:
    cd ${cos-cpp-sdk}
    mkdir -p build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    3. Install the POCO library. The POCO library is in the third_party/lib/macOS/poco directory. You can install it by yourself.
    4. Run the demo.
    You can skip this step if you don't need to test the demo.
    Modify the demo code and compile it. The generated cos_demo is in the bin directory. Copy cos-cpp-sdk-v5/demo/config.json to the bin directory and modify bin/config.json. Then, you can run cos_demo.
    5. Use the SDK. The compiled libraries can be found in the build/lib directory. The static library name is libcossdk.a, and the dynamic library name is libcossdk-shared.dylib. During actual use, copy the include directory to the include path of your project.

    Common compilation errors

    1. The following error information is displayed when the executable program is compiled:
    PocoCrypto.so.64: undefined reference to `PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey@libcrypto.so.10'
    libPocoNetSSL.so.64: undefined reference to `X509_check_host@libcrypto.so.10'
    ibPocoCrypto.so.64: undefined reference to `ECDSA_sign@OPENSSL_1.0.1_EC'
    libPocoCrypto.so.64: undefined reference to `CRYPTO_set_id_callback@libcrypto.so.10'
    ibPocoCrypto.so.64: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_id@libcrypto.so.10'
    libPocoNetSSL.so.64: undefined reference to `SSL_get1_session@libssl.so.10'
    libPocoNetSSL.so.64: undefined reference to `SSL_get_shutdown@libssl.so.10'
    libPocoCrypto.so.64: undefined reference to `EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA@libcrypto.so.10'
    libPocoCrypto.so.64: undefined reference to `SSL_load_error_strings@libssl.so.10'
    This is usually caused by the inconsistency between the project's built-in SSL version on which the POCO library compilation depends and the SSL version on your device. You need to compile the POCO library again and replace the POCO library in third_party.
    wget https://github.com/pocoproject/poco/archive/refs/tags/poco-1.9.4-release.zip
    cd poco-poco-1.9.4-release/
    ./configure --omit=Data/ODBC,Data/MySQL
    mkdir my_build
    cd my_build
    cmake ..
    make -j5
    2. The PocoNetSSL library failed to be compiled during POCO library compilation. This is usually because the openssl-devel library is not installed.
    yum install -y openssl-devel
    3. The following error information is displayed when the executable program is compiled:
    undefined reference to `qcloud_cos::CosConfig::CosConfig(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
    This is usually caused by the inconsistency between the project's built-in GCC version used by the libcossdk.a compilation and the GCC version on your device. You need to compile the POCO library and libcossdk.a again.

    Getting Started

    The section below describes how to use the COS C++ SDK to perform basic operations, such as initializing a client, creating a bucket, querying a bucket list, uploading an object, querying an object list, downloading an object, or deleting an object.
    For the definitions of terms such as SecretId, SecretKey, and bucket, see Introduction.


    We recommend you use a sub-account key and environment variables to call the SDK for security purposes. When authorizing a sub-account, follow the Notes on Principle of Least Privilege to avoid leaking resources besides your buckets and objects.
    If you must use a permanent key, we recommend you follow the Notes on Principle of Least Privilege to limit the scope of permission on the permanent key.
    Fields in the configuration file are as described below:
    "SecretId":"********************************", // Replace the value with your `SecretId`, which can be viewed at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.
    "SecretKey":"*******************************", // Replace the value with your `SecretKey`, which can be viewed at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi.
    "Region":"ap-guangzhou", // Bucket region. Replace it with your bucket region, which can be viewed on the overview page in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket/. For more information on regions, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.
    "SignExpiredTime":360, // Signature expiration time in seconds
    "ConnectTimeoutInms":6000, // Connection timeout period in milliseconds
    "ReceiveTimeoutInms":60000, // `Receive` timeout period in milliseconds
    "UploadPartSize":10485760, // Size of the part to be uploaded, which can be 1 MB to 5 GB. Default value: 10 MB.
    "UploadCopyPartSize":20971520, // Size of the copied part for upload, which can be 5 MB to 5 GB. Default value: 20 MB.
    "UploadThreadPoolSize":5, // Size of the upload thread pool for a single multipart upload
    "DownloadSliceSize":4194304, // Size of the part to be downloaded
    "DownloadThreadPoolSize":5, // Size of the download thread pool for a single file
    "AsynThreadPoolSize":2, // Size of the async thread pool for uploads/downloads
    "LogoutType":1, // Log output type. Valid values: 0 (no output), 1 (output to screen), 2 (output to syslog).
    "LogLevel":3, // Log level. Valid values: 1 (ERR), 2 (WARN), 3 (INFO), 4 (DBG).
    "IsDomainSameToHost":false, // Whether to use a specific host
    "DestDomain":"", // Specific host
    "IsUseIntranet":false, // Whether to use a specific IP and port number
    "IntranetAddr":"" // Specific IP and port number, such as ``

    Accessing COS with temporary key

    To access COS with a temporary key, see the code below:
    #include "cos_api.h"
    #include "cos_sys_config.h"
    #include "cos_defines.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    // Token is required for temporary keys but not permanent keys. For more information on how to generate and use a temporary key, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/14048
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);

    Printing SDK internal logs to custom log file

    To print SDK internal logs (especially for Windows) to a custom log file, see the code below:
    #include "cos_api.h"
    #include "cos_sys_config.h"
    #include "cos_defines.h"
    void TestLogCallback(const std::string& log) {
    std::ofstream ofs;
    ofs.open("test.log", std::ios_base::app);
    ofs << log;
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);

    Creating bucket

    #include "cos_api.h"
    #include "cos_sys_config.h"
    #include "cos_defines.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // 1. Specify the path of the configuration file and initialize CosConfig
    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);
    // 2. Construct a request to create a bucket
    std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000"; // Bucket name in the format of `bucketname-appid` (`appid` is required), which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket. Replace it with your bucket name.
    qcloud_cos::PutBucketReq req(bucket_name);
    qcloud_cos::PutBucketResp resp;
    // 3. Call the bucket creation API
    qcloud_cos::CosResult result = cos.PutBucket(req, &resp);
    // 4. Process the call result
    if (result.IsSucc()) {
    // Created successfully
    } else {
    // Failed to create the bucket. You can call the CosResult member functions to output the error information such as the `requestID`.
    std::cout << "HttpStatus=" << result.GetHttpStatus() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorCode=" << result.GetErrorCode() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorMsg=" << result.GetErrorMsg() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ResourceAddr=" << result.GetResourceAddr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosRequestId=" << result.GetXCosRequestId() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosTraceId=" << result.GetXCosTraceId() << std::endl;

    Querying bucket list

    #include "cos_api.h"
    #include "cos_sys_config.h"
    #include "cos_defines.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // 1. Specify the path of the configuration file and initialize CosConfig
    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);
    // 2. Construct a request to query the bucket list
    qcloud_cos::GetServiceReq req;
    qcloud_cos::GetServiceResp resp;
    qcloud_cos::CosResult result = cos.GetService(req, &resp);
    // 3. Get the response information
    const qcloud_cos::Owner& owner = resp.GetOwner();
    const std::vector<qcloud_cos::Bucket>& buckets = resp.GetBuckets();
    std::cout << "owner.m_id=" << owner.m_id << ", owner.display_name=" << owner.m_display_name << std::endl;
    for (std::vector<qcloud_cos::Bucket>::const_iterator itr = buckets.begin(); itr != buckets.end(); ++itr) {
    const qcloud_cos::Bucket& bucket = *itr;
    std::cout << "Bucket name=" << bucket.m_name << ", location="
    << bucket.m_location << ", create_date=" << bucket.m_create_date << std::endl;
    // 4. Process the call result
    if (result.IsSucc()) {
    // Queried the bucket list successfully
    } else {
    // Failed to query the bucket list. You can call the CosResult member functions to output the error information such as the `requestID`.
    std::cout << "HttpStatus=" << result.GetHttpStatus() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorCode=" << result.GetErrorCode() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorMsg=" << result.GetErrorMsg() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ResourceAddr=" << result.GetResourceAddr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosRequestId=" << result.GetXCosRequestId() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosTraceId=" << result.GetXCosTraceId() << std::endl;

    Uploading object

    #include "cos_api.h"
    #include "cos_sys_config.h"
    #include "cos_defines.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // 1. Specify the path of the configuration file and initialize CosConfig
    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);
    // 2. Construct a request to upload a file
    std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000"; // Bucket name in the format of `bucketname-appid` (`appid` is required), which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket. Replace it with your bucket name.
    std::string object_name = "exampleobject"; // `exampleobject` is the object key, the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, if an object's access endpoint is `examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc/pic.jpg`, its key is `doc/pic.jpg`. Replace it with your object name.
    qcloud_cos::PutObjectByFileReq req(bucket_name, object_name, "/path/to/local/file"); // Replace the value with your file path
    //req.SetXCosStorageClass("STANDARD_IA"); // `STANDARD_IA` is the default value. You can call the `Set` method to set the storage class.
    qcloud_cos::PutObjectByFileResp resp;
    // 3. Call the object uploading API
    qcloud_cos::CosResult result = cos.PutObject(req, &resp);
    // 4. Process the call result
    if (result.IsSucc()) {
    // Uploaded the file successfully
    } else {
    // Failed to upload the file. You can call the CosResult member functions to output the error information such as the `requestID`.
    std::cout << "HttpStatus=" << result.GetHttpStatus() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorCode=" << result.GetErrorCode() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorMsg=" << result.GetErrorMsg() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ResourceAddr=" << result.GetResourceAddr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosRequestId=" << result.GetXCosRequestId() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosTraceId=" << result.GetXCosTraceId() << std::endl;

    Querying object list

    #include "cos_api.h"
    #include "cos_sys_config.h"
    #include "cos_defines.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // 1. Specify the path of the configuration file and initialize CosConfig
    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);
    // 2. Construct a request to query the object list
    std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000"; // Bucket name in the format of `bucketname-appid` (`appid` is required), which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket. Replace it with your bucket name.
    qcloud_cos::GetBucketReq req(bucket_name);
    qcloud_cos::GetBucketResp resp;
    qcloud_cos::CosResult result = cos.GetBucket(req, &resp);
    std::vector<qcloud_cos::Content> cotents = resp.GetContents();
    for (std::vector<qcloud_cos::Content>::const_iterator itr = cotents.begin(); itr != cotents.end(); ++itr) {
    const qcloud_cos::Content& content = *itr;
    std::cout << "key name=" << content.m_key << ", lastmodified ="
    << content.m_last_modified << ", size=" << content.m_size << std::endl;
    // 3. Process the call result
    if (result.IsSucc()) {
    // Queried the object list successfully
    } else {
    // Failed to query the object list. You can call the CosResult member functions to output the error information such as the `requestID`.
    std::cout << "HttpStatus=" << result.GetHttpStatus() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorCode=" << result.GetErrorCode() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorMsg=" << result.GetErrorMsg() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ResourceAddr=" << result.GetResourceAddr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosRequestId=" << result.GetXCosRequestId() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosTraceId=" << result.GetXCosTraceId() << std::endl;

    Downloading object

    #include "cos_api.h"
    #include "cos_sys_config.h"
    #include "cos_defines.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // 1. Specify the path of the configuration file and initialize CosConfig
    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);
    // 2. Construct a request to download an object
    std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000"; // Bucket name in the format of `bucketname-appid` (`appid` is required), which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket. Replace it with your bucket name.
    std::string object_name = "exampleobject"; // `exampleobject` is the object key, the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, if an object's access endpoint is `examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc/pic.jpg`, its key is `doc/pic.jpg`. Replace it with your object name.
    std::string local_path = "/tmp/exampleobject";
    // `appid`, `bucketname`, `object`, and a local path (including filename) are required for the request
    qcloud_cos::GetObjectByFileReq req(bucket_name, object_name, local_path);
    qcloud_cos::GetObjectByFileResp resp;
    // 3. Call the object downloading API
    qcloud_cos::CosResult result = cos.GetObject(req, &resp);
    // 4. Process the call result
    if (result.IsSucc()) {
    // Downloaded the file successfully
    } else {
    // Failed to download the file. You can call the CosResult member functions to output the error information such as the `requestID`.
    std::cout << "HttpStatus=" << result.GetHttpStatus() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorCode=" << result.GetErrorCode() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorMsg=" << result.GetErrorMsg() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ResourceAddr=" << result.GetResourceAddr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosRequestId=" << result.GetXCosRequestId() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosTraceId=" << result.GetXCosTraceId() << std::endl;

    Deleting object

    #include "cos_api.h"
    #include "cos_sys_config.h"
    #include "cos_defines.h"
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // 1. Specify the path of the configuration file and initialize CosConfig
    qcloud_cos::CosConfig config("./config.json");
    qcloud_cos::CosAPI cos(config);
    // 2. Construct a request to delete an object
    std::string bucket_name = "examplebucket-1250000000"; // Bucket name in the format of `bucketname-appid` (`appid` is required), which can be viewed in the COS console at https://console.tencentcloud.com/cos5/bucket. Replace it with your bucket name.
    std::string object_name = "exampleobject"; // `exampleobject` is the object key, the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, if an object's access endpoint is `examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc/pic.jpg`, its key is `doc/pic.jpg`. Replace it with your object name.
    // 3. Call the object deleting API
    qcloud_cos::DeleteObjectReq req(bucket_name, object_name);
    qcloud_cos::DeleteObjectResp resp;
    qcloud_cos::CosResult result = cos.DeleteObject(req, &resp);
    // 4. Process the call result
    if (result.IsSucc()) {
    // Deleted the object successfully
    } else {
    // Failed to delete the object. You can call the CosResult member functions to output the error information such as the `requestID`.
    std::cout << "HttpStatus=" << result.GetHttpStatus() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorCode=" << result.GetErrorCode() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ErrorMsg=" << result.GetErrorMsg() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "ResourceAddr=" << result.GetResourceAddr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosRequestId=" << result.GetXCosRequestId() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "XCosTraceId=" << result.GetXCosTraceId() << std::endl;
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