tencent cloud


System Table Description

Last updated: 2022-04-25 12:29:36

    This document is composed based on System Tables at ClickHouse official website.

    • System tables are used to implement certain system features and provide access to information on how the system is working.
    • You cannot delete a system table (but you can run DETACH).
    • System tables do not have files with data or metadata on the disk. The server creates all the system tables when it starts.
    • System tables are read-only.
    • System tables are located in the system database.


    This system table contains metrics that are calculated periodically in the background, such as the RAM capacity in use.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    metric String Metric name
    value Float64 Metric value

    Sample code:

    SELECT * FROM system.asynchronous_metrics LIMIT 10

    Column Name Type Description
    cluster String Cluster name
    shard_num UInt32 Shard number in cluster
    shard_weight UInt32 Shard weight during data writing
    replica_num UInt32 Replica number in shard
    host_name String Host name
    host_address String Host IP address
    port UInt16 Port for connecting to server
    user String Username for connecting to server
    errors_count UInt32 Number of host's failures in reaching replica
    estimated_recovery_time UInt32 Seconds left until replica error count is zeroed and status is back to normal


    This system table contains information on clusters available in the configuration file and the servers in them.

    Column information:
    errors_count is updated once per query in the cluster, while estimated_recovery_time is recalculated on demand. Therefore, there could be a case of non-zero errors_count and zero estimated_recovery_time. In this case, the next query will zero errors_count and try to use the replica as if it has no errors.


    This system table contains information on columns in all the tables. You can use this table to get information similar to the DESCRIBE TABLE query, but for multiple tables at once.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    database String Database name
    table String Table name
    name String Column name
    type String Column type
    default_kind String Expression type (DEFAULT, MATERIALIZED, or ALIAS) for the default value, or an empty string if it is not defined
    default_expression String Expression for the default value, or an empty string if it is not defined
    data_compressed_bytes UInt64 Size of compressed data in bytes
    data_uncompressed_bytes UInt64 Size of decompressed data in bytes
    marks_bytes UInt64 Size of marks in bytes
    comment String Column comment, or an empty string if it is not defined
    is_in_partition_key UInt8 Flag that indicates whether the column is in the partition expression
    is_in_sorting_key UInt8 Flag that indicates whether the column is in the sorting key expression
    is_in_primary_key UInt8 Flag that indicates whether the column is in the primary key expression
    is_in_sampling_key UInt8 Flag that indicates whether the column is in the sampling key expression


    This system table contains information on contributors. All contributors are in random order during query execution.


    This system table contains a single String column called name, which is the name of a database. Each database that the server knows about has a corresponding entry in it. It is used to implement the SHOW DATABASES query.


    This system table contains information on detached parts of MergeTree tables. The reason column specifies why the part was detached. For user-detached parts, the reason is empty. Such parts can be attached with the ALTER TABLE ATTACH PARTITION|PART command. For the description of other columns, please see system.parts . If the part name is invalid, values of some columns may be NULL. Such parts can be deleted with the ALTER TABLE DROP DETACHED PART command.


    This system table contains information on external dictionaries.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    name String Dictionary name
    type String Dictionary type, which can be Flat, Hashed, or Cache
    origin String Path to the configuration file that describes the dictionary
    attribute.names Array(String) Array of attribute names provided by dictionary
    attribute.types Array(String) Corresponding array of attribute types provided by dictionary
    has_hierarchy UInt8 Whether the dictionary is hierarchical
    bytes_allocated UInt64 RAM capacity allocated for dictionary
    hit_rate Float64 Percentage of the usage of the value in the cache for cache dictionaries
    element_count UInt64 Number of items stored in dictionary
    load_factor Float64 Percentage filled in dictionary
    creation_time DateTime Time of creation or last successful reload of dictionary
    last_exception String Text of the error that occurs when the dictionary is created or reloaded if the dictionary cannot be created
    source String Text describing dictionary data source


    This system table contains information on the number of events that have occurred in the system. For example, in this table, you can find how many SELECT queries have been processed since the ClickHouse server was started.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    event String Event name
    value UInt64 Number of occurred events
    description String Event description

    Sample code:

    SELECT * FROM system.events LIMIT 5


    This system table contains information on regular and aggregate functions.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    name String Function name
    is_aggregate UInt8 Whether the function is aggregate


    This system table contains information on parameters graphite_rollup which are used in tables with * GraphiteMergeTree engines.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    config_name String graphite_rollup variable name
    regexp String Metric name pattern
    function String Aggregate function name
    age UInt64 Minimum data usage duration in seconds
    precision UInt64 Data usage duration precision in seconds
    priority UInt16 Pattern priority
    is_default UInt8 Whether the pattern is the default one
    Tables.database Array(String) Array of names of the database tables that use the config_name parameter
    Tables.table Array(String) Array of table names that use the config_name parameter


    This system table contains information on merges and part mutations currently in process for tables in the MergeTree family.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    database String Name of the database where the table resides
    table String Table name
    elapsed Float64 Time elapsed (in seconds) since the merge started
    progress Float64 Percentage of work completion (from 0 to 1)
    num_parts UInt64 Number of the parts to be merged
    result_part_name String Name of the part that will be formed as the result of merging
    is_mutation UInt8 1 if this process is a part mutation
    total_size_bytes_compressed UInt64 Total size of the compressed data in the merged blocks
    total_size_marks UInt64 Total number of marks in merged parts
    bytes_read_uncompressed UInt64 Number of uncompressed read bytes
    rows_read UInt64 Number of read rows
    bytes_written_uncompressed UInt64 Number of uncompressed written bytes
    rows_written UInt64 Number of written rows


    This system table contains metrics which can be calculated instantly or have a current value, such as the number of simultaneously processed queries or the current replica delay. This table is always up to date.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    metric String Metric name
    value Int64 Metric value
    description String Metric description

    You can find the list of supported metrics in the dbms/src/Common/CurrentMetrics.cpp source code file of ClickHouse.

    Sample code:

    SELECT * FROM system.metrics LIMIT 10


    This system table contains the history of metric values from the system.metrics and system.events tables, which are regularly flushed to the disk.

    To enable metric history collection on system.metric_log, create /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/metric_log.xml with the following content and restart clickhouse-server:


    Sample code:

    SELECT * FROM system.metric_log LIMIT 1 FORMAT Vertical;


    This system table contains a single UInt64 column named number that contains almost all the natural numbers starting from zero. You can use this table for tests or for a brute force search as needed. Reads from this table are not parallelized.


    This system table is the same as system.numbers, but reads from it are parallelized. The numbers can be returned in any order (used for tests).


    This system table contains a single row with a single dummy UInt8 column containing the value 0. It is used if a SELECT query does not specify the FROM clause. It is similar to the DUAL table found in other DBMSs.


    This system table contains information on parts of MergeTree tables. Each row describes one data part.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    partition String Partition name
    name String Data part name
    active UInt8 Flag that indicates whether the data part is active. If it is active, it will be used in a table; otherwise, it will be deleted. Inactive data parts will be retained after merging
    marks UInt64 Number of marks
    rows UInt64 Number of rows
    bytes_on_disk UInt64 Total size of all data part files in bytes
    data_compressed_bytes UInt64 Total size of compressed data in data part. All the auxiliary files (e.g., files with marks) are not included
    data_uncompressed_bytes UInt64 Total size of uncompressed data in data part. All the auxiliary files (e.g., files with marks) are not included
    marks_bytes UInt64 Size of the file with marks
    modification_time DateTime Time when the directory with the data part was modified
    remove_time DateTime Time when the data part became inactive
    refcount UInt32 Number of places where the data part is used. A value greater than 2 indicates that the data part is used in queries or merges
    min_date Date Minimum value of date key in data part
    max_date Date Maximum value of date key in data part
    min_time DateTime Minimum value of date and time key in data part
    max_time DateTime Maximum value of date and time key in data part
    partition_id String Partition ID
    min_block_number UInt64 Minimum number of data parts that make up the current part after merging
    max_block_number UInt64 Maximum number of data parts that make up the current part after merging
    level UInt32 Depth of merge tree. 0 indicates that the current part was created by insertion rather than by merging other parts
    data_version UInt64 Mutations that should be applied to the data part (mutations with a version above data_version)
    primary_key_bytes_in_memory UInt64 Memory capacity in bytes used by primary key values
    primary_key_bytes_in_memory_allocated UInt64 Memory capacity (in bytes) reserved for primary key values
    is_frozen UInt8 Flag that indicates whether a partition data backup exists. 1: yes; 0: no
    database String Database name
    table String Table name
    engine String Table engine name without parameters
    path String Absolute path to the folder containing data part files
    disk String Name of the disk that stores data parts
    hash_of_all_files String Compressed files of SipHash128
    hash_of_uncompressed_files String Uncompressed files of SipHash128 (files with marks, index files, etc.)
    uncompressed_hash_of_compressed_files String Data in the SipHash128 compressed files as if they were uncompressed
    bytes UInt64 Alias for bytes_on_disk
    marks_size UInt64 Alias for mark_bytes


    This system table can be created only if the part_log server setting is specified. It contains information on events that occurred with data parts in the MergeTree family tables, such as adding or merging data.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    event_type Enum Type of the event that occurred with the data part. Valid values: NEW_PART, MERGE_PARTS, DOWNLOAD_PART, REMOVE_PART, MUTATE_PART, MOVE_PART
    event_date Date Event date
    event_time DateTime Event time
    duration_ms UInt64 Duration
    database String Name of the database where the data part resides
    table String Name of the table where the data part resides
    part_name String Data part name
    partition_id String ID of the partition into which the data part is inserted
    rows UInt64 Number of rows in data part
    size_in_bytes UInt64 Data part size in bytes
    merged_from Array(String) Array of names of the parts that make up the current part (after merging)
    bytes_uncompressed UInt64 Size of uncompressed bytes
    read_rows UInt64 Number of rows read during merging
    read_bytes UInt64 Number of bytes read during merging
    error UInt16 Error code
    exception String Error message

    The system.part_log table will be created after the first insertion of data into the MergeTree table.


    This system table is used to implement the SHOW PROCESSLIST query.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    user String User who made the query
    address String IP address from which the request was initiated
    elapsed Float64 Elapsed time in seconds since request execution started
    rows_read UInt64 Number of rows read from table. For distributed processing, on the requester server, this parameter is the total for all remote servers
    bytes_read UInt64 Number of uncompressed bytes read from table. For distributed processing, on the requester server, this parameter is the total for all remote servers
    total_rows_approx UInt64 Approximation of total number of the rows that should be read. For distributed processing, on the requester server, this parameter is the total for all remote servers.
    memory_usage UInt64 RAM capacity used by request. It might not include some types of dedicated memory
    query String Query text. For INSERT, it does not include the data to insert
    query_id String Query ID (if defined)


    This system table contains log entries. Levels of logs that can be stored in this table can be limited with the text_log.level server setting.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    event_date Date Entry date
    event_time DateTime Entry time
    microseconds UInt32 Entry time
    thread_name String Name of thread for logging
    thread_id UInt64 OS thread ID
    level Enum8 Log level. Valid values: 'Fatal' = 1, 'Critical' = 2, 'Error' = 3, 'Warning' = 4, 'Notice' = 5, 'Information' = 6, 'Debug' = 7, 'Trace' = 8
    query_id String Query ID
    logger_name LowCardinality(String) Logger name (such as DDLWorker)
    message String Log message
    revision UInt32 ClickHouse version
    source_file LowCardinality(String) Source file from which the logging was done
    source_line UInt64 Source line from which the logging was done


    This system table contains information on execution of queries. For each query, you can view the processing start time, processing duration, error message, and other information.

    • This table does not contain input data for INSERT queries.
    • ClickHouse will create this table only if the query_log server parameter is specified, which sets the logging rules, such as the logging interval or the name of the table into which the queries will be logged.
    • To enable query logging, please set the log_queries parameter to 1.

    The system.query_log table registers two types of queries:

    • Initial queries that were run directly by the client.
    • Subqueries that were initiated by other queries (for distributed query execution). For this type of queries, information on the parent queries is displayed in the initial_* columns.

    Each query creates one or two rows in the query_log table based on the query status:

    • If the query execution succeeds, two events of types 1 and 2 will be created (for more information, please see the type column).
    • If an error occurs during query processing, two events of types 1 and 4 will be created.
    • If an error occurs before the query is started, one event of type 3 will be created.

    By default, logs are added to the table at intervals of 7.5 seconds. You can set this interval in the query_log server setting (for more information, please see the flush_interval_milliseconds parameter). To flush the logs forcibly from the memory buffer into the table, please use the SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS query.

    When the table is deleted manually, it will be automatically created immediately. All the previous logs will be deleted.

    Note: the log storage period is unlimited. Logs will not be automatically deleted from the table, and you need to delete outdated logs by yourself. You can specify an arbitrary partitioning key for the system.query_log table in the query_log server setting (for more information, please see the partition_by parameter).


    This system table contains information on each query execution thread.

    • ClickHouse will create this table only if the query_thread_log server parameter is specified, which sets the logging rules, such as the logging interval or the name of the table into which the queries will be logged.
    • To enable query logging, please set the log_query_threads parameter to 1.

    By default, logs are added to the table at intervals of 7.5 seconds. You can set this interval in the query_log server setting (for more information, please see the flush_interval_milliseconds parameter). To flush the logs forcibly from the memory buffer into the table, please use the SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS query.

    When the table is deleted manually, it will be automatically created immediately. All the previous logs will be deleted.

    Note: the log storage period is unlimited. Logs will not be automatically deleted from the table, and you need to delete outdated logs by yourself. You can specify an arbitrary partitioning key for the system.query_log table in the query_log server setting (for more information, please see the partition_by parameter).


    This system table contains stack traces collected by the sampling query profiler. ClickHouse will create this table when the trace_log server configuration is set. You also need to set query_profiler_real_time_period_ns and query_profiler_cpu_time_period_ns. To analyze logs, please use the addressToLine, addressToSymbol, and demangle introspection functions.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    event_date Date Sampling date
    event_time DateTIme Sampling time
    revision UInt32 ClickHouse server version revision
    timer_type Enum8 Timer type. Valid values: Real, CPU
    thread_number UInt32 Thread identifier
    query_id String Query identifier that can be used to get details of a running query from the query_log system table
    trace Array(UInt64) Stack trace at the moment of sampling. Each element is a virtual memory address inside the ClickHouse server process

    Sample code:

    SELECT * FROM system.trace_log LIMIT 1 \G;


    This system table contains information and status of replicated tables residing on the local server. It can be used for monitoring and contains a row for every Replicated * table.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    database String Database name
    table String Table name
    engine String Table engine name
    is_leader UInt8 Whether the replica is the leader
    can_become_leader UInt8 Whether the replica can be elected as the leader
    is_readonly UInt8 Whether the replica is in read-only mode
    is_session_expired UInt8 Expiration of session with ZooKeeper. It is basically the same as is_readonly
    future_parts UInt32 Number of data parts that will appear as the result of uncompleted INSERT statements or merges
    parts_to_check UInt32 Number of data parts in queue for verification. A part will be put into the verification queue if it is suspected to be corrupted
    zookeeper_path String Path to table data in ZooKeeper
    replica_name String Replica name in ZooKeeper. Different replicas of the same table have different names
    replica_path String Path to replica data in ZooKeeper
    columns_version Int32 Version number of table structure, which indicates how many times ALTER has been executed
    queue_size UInt32 Size of queue for operations waiting to be performed. Operations include inserting blocks of data, merging, and certain other actions. It is usually the same as future_parts
    inserts_in_queue UInt32 Number of data blocks that need to be inserted. Insertions are usually replicated quickly. If this number is large, it means that something is wrong
    merges_in_queue UInt32 Number of merges waiting to be made. Sometimes merges are lengthy, so this value may be greater than zero for a long time
    part_mutations_in_queue UInt32 Number of mutations waiting to be made
    queue_oldest_time DateTime Time when the earliest operation was added to the queue (this will be displayed only if queue_size is greater than 0)
    inserts_oldest_time DateTime For more information, please see queue_oldest_time
    merges_oldest_time DateTime For more information, please see queue_oldest_time
    part_mutations_oldest_time DateTime For more information, please see queue_oldest_time
    log_max_index UInt64 Maximum number of entries in the log of general activity
    log_pointer UInt64 Maximum number of entries in the log of general activity to whose execution queue the replica is copied plus one. If log_pointer is much smaller than log_max_index, something is wrong
    last_queue_update DateTime Time when the queue was last updated
    absolute_delay UInt64 Delay in seconds of the current replica
    total_replicas UInt8 Total number of known replicas of this table
    active_replicas UInt8 Number of replicas of this table that have a session in ZooKeeper (i.e., number of running replicas)

    Only one replica can be the leader at a time. The leader is responsible for selecting backend merges to perform. Data can be written into any replica that is available and has a session in ZooKeeper, regardless of whether it is a leader.

    • If you request all the columns, the table may run a bit slowly, as several reads from ZooKeeper are made for each row.
    • If you do not request the last 4 columns (log_max_index, log_pointer, total_replicas, and active_replicas), the table runs quickly.

    For example, you can check whether everything is running correctly as follows:

    FROM system.replicas
      OR is_session_expired
      OR future_parts > 20
      OR parts_to_check > 10
      OR queue_size > 20
      OR inserts_in_queue > 10
      OR log_max_index - log_pointer > 10
      OR total_replicas < 2
      OR active_replicas < total_replicas

    If this query does not return anything, it means that everything is normal.


    This system table contains information on settings that are being used currently, i.e., used for executing queries to read from the system.settings table.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    name String Setting name
    value String Setting value
    changed UInt8 Whether a setting is explicitly defined or changed in the configuration

    Sample code:

    SELECT name,value,changed FROM system.settings WHERE changed;


    This system table contains descriptions of table engines supported by the server and their feature support information. It has only one column indicating the table engine name.

    Sample code:

    select * from system.table_engines limit 5;


    This system table contains metadata of each table that the server knows about. Detached tables are not displayed in system.tables.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    database String Name of the database where the table resides
    name String Table name
    engine String Table engine name (without parameters)
    is_temporary UInt8 Flag that indicates whether the table is temporary
    data_path String Path to table data in file system
    metadata_path String Path to table metadata in file system
    metadata_modification_time DateTime Last modified time of table metadata
    dependencies_database Array(String) Database dependencies
    dependencies_table Array(String) Table dependencies (MaterializedView tables based on current table)
    create_table_query String Query that was used to create the table
    engine_full String Table engine parameters
    partition_key String Partition key expression specified in table
    sorting_key String Sorting key expression specified in table
    primary_key String Primary key expression specified in table
    sampling_key String Sampling key expression specified in table

    The system.tables table is used to implement SHOW TABLES queries.


    This system table can't exist if ZooKeeper is not configured. It allows reading data from the ZooKeeper cluster defined in the configuration. The query must have a path equality condition in the WHERE clause. This is the path to the descendants in ZooKeeper from which you want to get data.

    The SELECT * FROM system.zookeeper WHERE path = '/clickhouse' query outputs data of all descendants on the /clickhouse node. To output data of all root nodes, write the path ='/'. If the path specified in path does not exist, an exception will be thrown.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    name String Node name
    path String Node path
    value String Node value
    dataLength Int32 Value size
    numChildren Int32 Number of descendants
    czxid Int64 ID of the transaction that created the node
    mzxid Int64 ID of the transaction that last changed the node
    pzxid Int64 ID of the transaction that last deleted or added descendants
    ctime DateTime Node creation time
    mtime DateTime Last modified time of node
    version Int32 Node version, i.e., number of times that the node was changed
    cversion Int32 Number of added or deleted descendants
    aversion Int32 Number of changes to ACL
    ephemeralOwner Int64 ID of the session that owns this node for an ephemeral node


    This system table contains information on mutations of MergeTree tables and their progress. Each mutation command is represented by a single row.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    database String Name of the database to which the mutation was applied
    table String Name of the table to which the mutation was applied
    mutation_id String Mutation ID
    command String Mutation command
    create_time DateTime Time when this mutation command was submitted for execution
    block_numbers.partition_id Array(String) Partition ID
    block_numbers.number Array(Int64) Block number
    parts_to_do Int64 Number of data parts that need to be mutated for the mutation to be completed
    is_done UInt8 Flag indicates whether the mutation is completed
    latest_failed_part String Name of the last part that could not be mutated
    latest_fail_time DateTime Time of the last part mutation failure
    latest_fail_reason String Message of the exception that caused the last part mutation failure


    This system table contains information on disks defined in the server configuration.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    name String Disk name in server configuration
    path String Path to mount point in file system
    free_space UInt64 Available disk space in bytes
    total_space UInt64 Disk volume in bytes
    keep_free_space UInt64 Disk space that should stay available on disk in bytes. It is defined in the keep_free_space_bytes parameter in disk configuration


    This system table contains information on storage policies and volumes defined in the server configuration.

    Column information:

    Column Name Type Description
    policy_name String Storage policy name
    volume_name String Volume name as defined in storage policy
    volume_priority UInt64 Volume priority in configuration
    disks Array(String) Disk names as defined in storage policy
    max_data_part_size UInt64 Maximum size of data part that can be stored on volume disks (from 0 to infinite)
    move_factor Float32 Ratio of available disk capacity. When the ratio exceeds this value, ClickHouse will start to move data to the next volume in order

    If the storage policy contains more than one volume, then information for each volume will be stored in individual rows of the table.

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