tencent cloud


RSS Development Guide

Last updated: 2023-02-23 14:17:19

    RSS overview

    Apache Uniffle is a unified remote shuffle service (RSS) for compute engines. It provides the ability to aggregate and store shuffle data on a remote server, thus improving the performance and reliability of large jobs.


    Problems with the existing shuffle solution:

    • The existing shuffle solution cannot make computing serverless. Therefore, shuffle data will be computed again when server resources are preempted.
    • Shuffle partitioning will lead to a large number of shuffle connections and small network packets, tending to cause timeouts in large-scale scenarios.
    • The shuffle process is subject to write amplification and random I/O. In the case of a large shuffle data volume, the cluster performance and stability will be severely affected.
    • The Spark shuffle service and NodeManager are in the same process, which means the NodeManager tends to restart due to a high I/O load, thereby affecting YARN scheduling.

    Basic RSS characteristics

    1. It stores shuffle data on a remote server and supports computing-storage separation, hybrid deployment of computing and storage, and other cluster deployment modes.
    2. It supports mechanisms for aggregating and caching shuffle data, maximizes memory utilization, and reduces random access to the disk.
    3. It supports multiple methods for storing shuffle data, such as MEMORY_LOCALFILE, MEMORY_HDFS, and MEMORY_LOCALFILE_HDFS.
    4. It supports verifying the correctness of shuffle data, ensuring the data correctness in the computing process while filtering out invalid data.
    5. It adopts the primary-secondary architecture and active-standby multi-site active-active mode to improve the cluster resource utilization and service stability.

    Basic RSS architecture

    Here, component features are as follows:

    • Coordinator: It manages shuffle servers based on the heartbeat mechanism, stores metadata information such as shuffle server resource usage, and assigns tasks. Specifically, it assigns proper shuffle servers to Spark applications to process different partition data based on the shuffle server load.
    • Shuffle server: It receives, aggregates, and writes shuffle data into the storage. It also reads shuffle data based on different storage methods (such as MEMORY_LOCALFILE).
    • Shuffle client: It communicates with the coordinator and shuffle server, sends shuffle data read/write requests, and keeps the heartbeats of the application and coordinator.

    RSS use

    An RSS cluster provides the remote shuffle service. It cannot be used alone and needs to be associated with a Spark container cluster as follows:
    Click Spark Cluster > Cluster Info > Associate RSS cluster and select a running RSS cluster.

    RSS configuration

    You can view the configuration files and common configuration items of different RSS roles on the Cluster Service > Configuration Management page.
    The coordinator role has coordinator.conf and log4j.properties configuration files, and the shuffle server role has server.conf and log4j.properties configuration files.
    We recommend you not modify common configuration items in coordinator.conf.

    Parameter Default Value Description
    rss.coordinator.app.expired 60000 Application expiration time (ms)
    rss.coordinator.dynamicClientConf.enabled false Whether to enable dynamic client configuration. This parameter can be obtained from the Spark client.
    rss.coordinator.exclude.nodes.file.path file:///usr/local/service/rss/conf/exclude_nodes The configuration file path of the excluded node
    rss.coordinator.server.heartbeat.timeout 30000 The timeout period if no heartbeat is obtained from the shuffle server
    rss.coordinator.shuffle.nodes.max 1000 The maximum number of shuffle servers that can be assigned
    rss.jetty.http.port 19998 Coordinator HTTP port
    rss.rpc.server.port 19999 Coordinator RPC port
    rss.storage.type MEMORY_LOCALFILE RSS storage type. Valid values: MEMORY_ONLY, MEMORY_LOCALFILE, MEMORY_LOCALFILE_HDFS. As there is no available Hadoop cluster, MEMORY_LOCALFILE is used by default.

    We recommend you not modify common configuration items in server.conf.

    Parameter Default Value Description
    rss.coordinator.quorum rss-coordinator-rss--0:19999,rss-coordinator-rss--1:19999 Coordinator quorum
    rss.jetty.http.port 19998 The HTTP port for the shuffle server
    rss.rpc.server.port 19999 The RPC port for the shuffle server
    rss.server.buffer.capacity Memory limit value * 0.75 * 0.6 The maximum memory of the buffer manager for the shuffle server
    rss.server.disk.capacity The capacity of a data disk * 0.9 The available disk capacity on the shuffle server
    rss.server.flush.thread.alive The number of data disks The number of threads for flushing data to a file
    rss.server.flush.threadPool.size The number of data disks * 2 The size of the thread pool for flushing data to a file
    rss.server.heartbeat.interval 10000 The heartbeat interval to the coordinator
    rss.server.heartbeat.timeout 60000 Heartbeat timeout period
    rss.server.read.buffer.capacity Memory limit value * 0.75 * 0.2 The maximum size of buffer for reading data
    rss.storage.basePath /data1/rssdata,/data2/rssdata... The number of paths equals to that of data disks by default. The data disk path into which shuffle data is written
    rss.storage.type MEMORY_LOCALFILE RSS storage type, which must be the same as that of the coordinator

    For more information, see incubator-uniffle.

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