tencent cloud


Comparison with CVM

Last updated: 2022-06-16 19:07:34
Compared with CVM, Lighthouse is easier to use and more suitable for SMEs, developers, cloud computing beginners, and students, as it simplifies CVM's advanced concepts and features. It offers high-bandwidth data transfer plans and integrates basic cloud services into cost-effective bundles. Such bundles contain popular open-source software programs perfect for lightweight use cases with low to medium load and moderate access requests, such as small and mid-sized websites, web applications, blogs, forums, mini games, ecommerce, cloud storage, and image hosting, as well as development, testing, and learning environments in the cloud.
When creating a Lighthouse instance, you cannot specify the CPU model of the underlying physical server; instead, Tencent Cloud will randomly assign a physical CPU model that meets the selected bundle specification.
At the same specification level, Lighthouse has a CPU and memory performance comparable with that of CVM.
The table below lists Lighthouse's strengths and main differences from CVM:
Target user
SMEs and individual developers
Large enterprises
Lightweight scenario-oriented
Lightweight use cases:
Enterprise websites, blogs, forums, news, and product display
General web applications
WeChat mini programs and mini games
Mobile apps, H5 apps, and WeChat Official Account
E-commerce shops, individual websites
Cloud storage and image hosting services
Cloud-based development, testing, and learning environments
Use cases with complex architectures:
High-concurrency websites
Large games
Complex distributed cluster applications
Video encoding/decoding
Big data analysis
Machine learning and deep learning
Favorable pricing
Selling method
Cost-effective bundles (combinations of computing/network/storage resources)
Flexible selection of computing/storage/network resources that are billed independently
Network billing
High-bandwidth data transfer plan
Fixed bandwidth/traffic usage
Simpler use
Console operation
Integrated, independent, and simplified console
For all services, with more details of CVM, VPC, EIP, and security group involved
Application creation
Out-of-the-box and premium official application images, preset with the optimal combination of software stacks required by the application system
Application creation in one minute as well as automatic installation of application software and runtime environment and initialization configuration
Application creation on your own
Automatic network resource creation without manual management needed
Network creation, configuration, and management on your own
Compared with CVM, the main limits of Lighthouse at the functional level include the following: An instance supports the overall upgrade of the configuration (computing, storage, and network) on a bundle basis but not bundle downgrade. For more information, see Upgrading Instance Bundle. For the specific use limits of Lighthouse, see Use Limits.
There are certain limits on private network connectivity for Lighthouse. For more information, see Region and Network Connectivity.
Lighthouse cloud disks are independent of CVM cloud disks, which means Lighthouse cloud disks can only be attached to Lighthouse instances but not CVM instances.
For scenarios like high-concurrency websites, video encoding/decoding, large-scale games, and complex distributed cluster applications, it's recommended to use CVM. CVM provides rich instance models, such as Memory Optimized, High I/O, Big Data, Bare Metal, and GPU/FPGA Heterogeneous Computing. For more information, see CVM Instance Types.
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