tencent cloud


Web standards

Last updated: 2023-12-13 11:13:40
    Edge Functions designs a serverless code execution environment based on the V8 JavaScript engine and provides the following standardized Web APIs.

    JavaScript Standard Built-in Objects

    Edge Functions supports all JavaScript standard built-in objects. For more information, see Standard built-in objects.


    const urlInfo = new URL('https://www.tencentcloud.com/');
    The URL API is used to parse, construct, standardize, and encode URLs. For more information, see URL.


    const blob = new Blob(['hello', 'world'], { type: 'text/plain' });
    The Blob API represents a file-like object of immutable and raw data. For more information, see Blob.



    function btoa(data: string | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView): string;
    The btoa() method performs Base64 encoding. Unicode strings are not supported. For more information, see btoa().


    function atob(data: string): string;
    The atob() method performs Base64 decoding. Unicode strings are not supported. For more information, see atob().


    function btoaUTF8(data: string): string;
    The btoaUTF8() method performs Base64 encoding. Unicode strings are supported.


    function atobUTF8(data: string): string;
    The atobUTF8() method performs Base64 decoding. Unicode strings are supported.




    setTimeout(func: function): number;
    setTimeout(func: function, delay: number): number;
    setTimeout(func: function, delay: number, ...args: any[]): number;
    Functioning as an ordinary timer, it executes the designated function upon expiration. For more details, see setTimeout.


    clearTimeout(timeoutID: number): void;
    It is an ordinary timer to clear the designated timeoutID. For more information, see clearTimeout.


    setInterval(func: function): number;
    setInterval(func: function, delay: number): number;
    setInterval(func: function, delay: number, ...args: any[]): number;
    Functioning as a recurring timer, it implemets the designated function upon expiration. For more information, see setInterval.


    clearInterval(intervalID: number): void;
    It is used to clear a recurring timer. For more details, seeclearInterval.


    setImmediate(func: function): number;
    setImmediate(func: function, ...args: any[]): number;
    Functioning as an immediate timer, it executes the designated function after the EDGE-FUNCTION stack has been cleared. For more information, see setImmediate.


    clearImmediate(immediateID: number): void;
    It is used to clear an immediate timer. For more information, see setImmediate.

    EventTarget and Event


    const eventTarget = new EventTarget();
    The EventTarget API allows objects to publish and subscribe to events. For more information, see EventTarget.


    const event = new Event('type name');
    The Event API represents a basic event. For more information, see Event.

    AbortSignal and AbortController


    const signal = AbortSignal.abort();
    The AbortSignal API represents a signal object that allows you to stop a request. For more information, see AbortSignal.


    const controller = new AbortController();
    The AbortController API represents a controller object that allows you to stop a request. For more information, see AbortController.

    CompressionStream and DecompressionStream


    const { readable, writable } = new CompressionStream('gzip');
    CompressionStream supports compression methods including gzip, deflate, and br. For more details, see CompressionStream.


    const { readable, writable } = new DecompressionStream('gzip');
    DecompressionStream supports decompression methods including gzip, deflate, and br. For more details, see DecompressionStream.
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