tencent cloud



Last updated: 2025-01-17 11:15:15

    1. API Description

    Domain name for API request: teo.intl.tencentcloudapi.com.

    This API is used to query the top N data of the L7 domain name by a specified dimension. Note that there is a delay of about 10 minutes for this API. It is recommended to pull data from 10 minutes before the current time.

    A maximum of 100 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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    2. Input Parameters

    The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

    Parameter Name Required Type Description
    Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: DescribeTopL7AnalysisData.
    Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2022-09-01.
    Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required.
    StartTime Yes Timestamp ISO8601 The start time.
    EndTime Yes Timestamp ISO8601 The end time.
    MetricName Yes String Queried metric. Valid values:
  • l7Flow_outFlux_country: L7 EdgeOne response traffic metric counted by the country/region dimension;
  • l7Flow_outFlux_province: L7 EdgeOne response traffic metric counted by the dimension of provinces in Chinese mainland;
  • l7Flow_outFlux_statusCode: L7 EdgeOne response traffic metric counted by the status code dimension;
  • l7Flow_outFlux_domain: L7 EdgeOne response traffic metric counted by the domain name dimension;
  • l7Flow_outFlux_url: L7 EdgeOne response traffic metric counted by the URL path dimension;
  • l7Flow_outFlux_resourceType: L7 EdgeOne response traffic metric counted by the resource type dimension;
  • l7Flow_outFlux_sip: L7 EdgeOne response traffic metric counted by the client IP dimension;
  • l7Flow_outFlux_referers: L7 EdgeOne response traffic metric counted by the referer dimension;
  • l7Flow_outFlux_ua_device: L7 EdgeOne response traffic metric counted by the device type dimension;
  • l7Flow_outFlux_ua_browser: L7 EdgeOne response traffic metric counted by the browser type dimension;
  • l7Flow_outFlux_ua_os: L7 EdgeOne response traffic metric counted by the operating system type dimension;
  • l7Flow_request_country: L7 access request count metric counted by the country/region dimension;
  • l7Flow_request_province: L7 access request count metric counted by the dimension of provinces in the Chinese mainland;
  • l7Flow_request_statusCode: L7 access request count metric counted by the status code dimension;
  • l7Flow_request_domain: L7 access request count metric counted by the domain name dimension;
  • l7Flow_request_url: L7 access request count metrics counted by the URL path dimension;
  • l7Flow_request_resourceType: L7 access request count metric counted by the resource type dimension;
  • l7Flow_request_sip: L7 access request count metric counted by the client IP dimension;
  • l7Flow_request_referer: L7 access request count metric counted by the referer dimension;
  • l7Flow_request_ua_device: L7 access request count metric counted by the device type dimension;
  • l7Flow_request_ua_browser: L7 access request count metric counted by the browser type dimension;
  • l7Flow_request_ua_os: L7 access request count metric counted by the operating system type dimension.

  • ZoneIds.N No Array of String ZoneId set. This parameter is required.
    Limit No Integer Indicates the top N data to be queried. The maximum value is 1000. If this parameter is not input, the default value is 10, indicating querying the top 10 data.
    Filters.N No Array of QueryCondition Filter criteria. The detailed Key values are as follows:
  • country: Filter by country/region. The country/region follows the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. Example value: CN.
  • province: Filter by province. This parameter is supported only when the service area is the Chinese mainland. For province codes, refer to the Mapping Table of Provinces Within the Chinese Mainland. Example value: 22.
  • isp: Filter by ISP. This parameter is supported only when the service area is the Chinese mainland. Valid values are as follows:
    2: China Telecom;
    26: China Unicom;
    1046: China Mobile;
    3947: China Tietong;
    38: CERNET;
    43: Great Wall Broadband;
    0: other ISPs.
  • domain: Filter by subdomain name. Example value: www.example.com.
  • url: Filter by URL path. Example value: /content or /content/test.jpg. If the url parameter is input, up to 30 days of data can be queried.
  • referer: Filter by Referer request header. Example value: http://www.example.com/. If the referer parameter is input, up to 30 days of data can be queried.
  • resourceType: Filter by resource type, which is generally the file suffix. Example value: .jpg. If the resourceType parameter is input, up to 30 days of data can be queried;
  • protocol: Filter by HTTP protocol version. Valid values are as follows:
  • socket: Filter by HTTP protocol type. Valid values are as follows:
    HTTP: HTTP protocol;
    HTTPS: HTTPS protocol;
    QUIC: QUIC protocol.
  • statusCode: Filter by edge status code. If the statusCode parameter is input, up to 30 days of data can be queried. Valid values are as follows:
    1XX: 1xx status code;
    2XX: 2xx status code;
    3XX: 3xx status code;
    4XX: 4xx status code;
    5XX: 5xx status code;
    An integer within the range [0,600).
  • browserType: Filter by browser type. If the browserType parameter is input, up to 30 days of data can be queried. Valid values are as follows:
    Firefox: Firefox browser;
    Chrome: Chrome browser;
    Safari: Safari browser;
    Other: other browser types;
    Empty: The browser type is empty;
    Bot: search engine crawler;
    MicrosoftEdge: Microsoft Edge browser;
    IE: IE browser;
    Opera: Opera browser;
    QQBrowser: QQ browser;
    LBBrowser: LB browser;
    MaxthonBrowser: Maxthon browser;
    SouGouBrowser: Sogou browser;
    BIDUBrowser: Baidu browser;
    TaoBrowser: Tao browser;
    UBrowser: UC browser.
  • deviceType: Filter by device type. If the deviceType parameter is input, up to 30 days of data can be queried. Valid values are as follows:
    TV: TV device;
    Tablet: tablet device;
    Mobile: mobile device;
    Desktop: desktop device;
    Other: other device types;
    Empty: The device type is empty.
  • operatingSystemType: Filter by operating system type. If the operatingSystemType parameter is input, up to 30 days of data can be queried. Valid values are as follows:
    Linux: Linux operating system;
    MacOS: MacOS operating system;
    Android: Android operating system;
    IOS: iOS operating system;
    Windows: Windows operating system;
    NetBSD: NetBSD;
    ChromiumOS: ChromiumOS;
    Bot: search engine crawler;
    Other: other types of operating systems;
    Empty: The operating system is empty.
  • tlsVersion: Filter by TLS version. If the tlsVersion parameter is input, up to 30 days of data can be queried. Valid values are as follows:
  • ipVersion: Filter by IP version. Valid values are as follows:
    4: IPv4;
    6: IPv6.
  • cacheType: Filter by cache status. Valid values are as follows:
    hit: The request hits the EdgeOne node cache and the resources are provided by the node cache. A partial cache hit for resources is also recorded as hit.
    miss: The request does not hit the EdgeOne node cache and the resources are provided by the origin server.
    dynamic: The requested resources cannot be cached or are not configured with node cache and are provided by the origin server.
    other: unrecognizable cache status. Requests responded to by edge functions are recorded as other.
  • clientIp: Filter by client IP.
  • Interval No String Query period granularity. Valid values:
  • min: 1 minute;
  • 5min: 5 minutes;
  • hour: 1 hour;
  • day: 1 day.
  • If this parameter is not filled in, the granularity will be automatically calculated based on the interval between the start time and end time. Specifically, data will be queried with a granularity of min, 5min, hour, and day respectively when the period is no more than 2 hours, no more than 2 days, no more than 7 days, and over 7 days.
    Area No String Data region. Values:
  • overseas: Regions outside the Chinese mainland
  • mainland: Chinese mainland
  • global: Global
  • If this field is not specified, the default value global is used.

    3. Output Parameters

    Parameter Name Type Description
    TotalCount Integer Total number of query results.
    Data Array of TopDataRecord The top N data list obtained from the statistics of L7 access data by a specified dimension MetricName.
    Note: This field may return null, which indicates a failure to obtain a valid value.
    RequestId String The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.

    4. Example

    Example1 Querying the Traffic Data of the Top URL Path Under a Specific HTTP Protocol Version

    This example shows you how to query the traffic data of the top URL path under a specific HTTP protocol version (HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1).

    Input Example

    POST / HTTP/1.1
    Host: teo.intl.tencentcloudapi.com
    Content-Type: application/json
    X-TC-Action: DescribeTopL7AnalysisData
    <Common request parameters>
        "Area": "mainland",
        "Interval": "day",
        "Limit": "1",
        "StartTime": "2022-07-31T00:00:00+08:00",
        "EndTime": "2022-08-29T19:17:59+08:00",
        "MetricName": "l7Flow_outFlux_url",
        "Filters": [
                "Key": "protocol",
                "Operator": "equals",
                "Value": [
        "ZoneIds": [

    Output Example

        "Response": {
            "RequestId": "7c499897-8ad9-4a2d-884e-6154f283d723",
            "Data": [
                    "DetailData": [
                            "Key": "/",
                            "Value": 1210001
                    "TypeKey": "251227260"
            "TotalCount": 1

    5. Developer Resources


    TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

    Command Line Interface

    6. Error Code

    The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

    Error Code Description
    FailedOperation Operation failed.
    InternalError.ProxyServer An unknown error occurred in the backend server.
    InvalidParameter Parameter error.
    InvalidParameterValue Invalid parameter value.
    LimitExceeded The quota limit has been reached.
    LimitExceeded.QueryTimeLimitExceeded Query time limit exceeded.
    OperationDenied Operation denied.
    ResourceNotFound The resource doesn’t exist.
    ResourceUnavailable The resource is unavailable.
    UnauthorizedOperation.CamUnauthorized CAM is not authorized.
    UnauthorizedOperation.NoPermission The sub-account is not authorized for the operation. Please get permissions first.
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