variable, which can extract the hostname
in each HTTP request. This capability enables the rule engine to handle more complex business logic.Name | Type | Description | Example |
http.request.scheme | String | Client request protocol | http https | | String | Site name | |
http.request.zoneid | String | Site ID | zone-2c2r77pc3796 | | String | Hostname in the client request URI | |
http.request.full_uri | String | Full URI of the client request (not including #fragment) | |
http.request.method | String | Client request HTTP method | GET |
http.request.uri | String | Client request URI path and query string | /articles/index?section=539061&expand=comments |
http.request.uri.path | String | Client request URI path | /articles/index |
http.request.file_extension | String | File extension of the client request file | jpg |
http.request.filename | String | Filename of the client request file | bot.txt |
http.request.uri.query | String | The whole query string of the client request, not including the ? separator | section=539061&expand=comments |
http.request.headers["key"] | String | The header value of the specified header name "key" in the client request, "key" can be replaced with your specified name. If the specified header name appears multiple times, the variable value will be the last one. | Client request URL: , with headers -H 'key: 123' -H 'key: 456' , then the variable value obtained is 456 |
http.request.uri.args["key"] | String | The parameter value of the specified parameter name "key" in the client query string, "key" can be replaced with your specified name. If the specified header name appears multiple times, the variable value will be the last one. | Client request URL: , then the variable value obtained is 456 |
http.request.version | String | The version of the HTTP protocol used in the client request | HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.1 HTTP/2 HTTP/3 |
http.request.ip | String | Client TCP IP address, for example: | |
http.request.ip.port | String | Client Port | 1028 | | String | City associated with the client IP address | San Francisco |
http.request.ip.continent | String | Continent code associated with the client IP address | AF: Africa AS: Asia EU: Europe NA: North America SA: South America OC: Oceania AN: Antarctica | | String | 2-letter country code in ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 format associated with the client IP address |
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