tencent cloud


Chat Salon (Flutter)

Last updated: 2022-03-18 23:03:18

    Demo UI

    To quickly enable the chat salon feature, you can modify the demo we provide and adapt it to your needs. You may also use the TRTCChatSalon component and customize your own UI.

    Room Owner Listener

    Using the Demo UI

    Step 1. Create an application

    1. Log in to the TRTC console and select Development Assistance > Demo Quick Run.
    2. Enter an application name such as TestChatSalon and click Create.

    This feature uses two basic PaaS services of Tencent Cloud, namely TRTC and IM. When you activate TRTC, IM will be activated automatically. IM is a value-added service. See Pricing for its billing details.

    Step 2. Download the SDK and demo source code

    1. Download the SDK and demo source code for your platform.
    2. Click Next.

    Step 3. Configure the demo project file

    1. In the Modify Configuration step, select your platform.

    2. Find and open /example/lib/debug/GenerateTestUserSig.dart.

    3. Set parameters in GenerateTestUserSig.dart as follows.

      • `SDKAPPID`: a placeholder by default. Set it to the actual `SDKAppID`.
      • `SECRETKEY`: a placeholder by default. Set it to the actual key.
    4. Click Next to complete the creation.

    5. After compilation, click Return to Overview Page.


    • The method for generating UserSig described in this document involves configuring SECRETKEY in client code. In this method, SECRETKEY may be easily decompiled and reversed, and if your key is leaked, attackers can steal your Tencent Cloud traffic. Therefore, this method is only suitable for the local execution and debugging of the demo.
    • The correct UserSig distribution method is to integrate the calculation code of UserSig into your server and provide an application-oriented API. When UserSig is needed, your application can send a request to the business server for a dynamic UserSig. For more information, see How do I calculate UserSig on the server?.

    Step 4. Compile and run


    An Android project must be run on a real device rather than a simulator.

    1. Run flutter pub get.
    2. Compile, run, and test the project.
      1. Run flutter run.
      2. Open the demo project with Android Studio (3.5 or above), and click Run.

    Step 5. Modify the demo source code

    The trtcchatsalondemo folder in the source code contains two subfolders: ui and model. The ui folder contains the UI code. The table below lists the files (folders) and the UI views they represent. You can refer to it when making UI changes.

    File or Folder Description
    base Basic classes used by the UI
    list The list and room creation views
    room The main room views for room owner and listener
    widget Common controls

    Customizing UI

    The trtcchatsalondemo folder in the source code contains two subfolders: ui and model. The model subfolder contains the reusable open-source component TRTCChatSalon. You can find the component's APIs in TRTCChatSalon.dart and use them to customize your own UI.

    Step 1. Integrate the SDKs

    The chat salon component trtcchatsalondemo depends on the TRTC SDK and IM SDK. You can configure pubspec.yaml to download their updates automatically.

    Add the following dependencies to pubspec.yaml of your project.

     tencent_trtc_cloud: latest version number
     tencent_im_sdk_plugin: latest version number

    Step 2. Configure permission requests and obfuscation rules

    Add requests for mic permission in Info.plist:

    <string>Audio calls are possible only with mic access.</string>

    Step 3. Import the TRTCChatSalon component

    Copy all the files in the directory below to your project:


    Step 4. Create an instance and log in

    1. Call the sharedInstance API to create an instance of the TRTCChatSalon component.
    2. Call the registerListener function to register event callbacks of the component.
    3. Call the login API to log in to the component, and set the key parameters as described below.
      Parameter Description
      SDKAppID You can view `SDKAppID` in the TRTC console.
      userId ID of the current user, which is a string that can contain letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), hyphens (-), and underscores (_). We recommend you set it based on your business account system.
      userSig Tencent Cloud's proprietary security signature. To obtain one, see UserSig.
    TRTCChatSalon trtcVoiceRoom = await TRTCChatSalon.sharedInstance();
    ActionCallback resValue = await trtcVoiceRoom.login(
    if (resValue.code == 0) {
    // Logged in

    Step 5. Create a room and become a speaker

    1. After performing step 4 to log in, call setSelfProfile to set your nickname and profile photo.
    2. Call createRoom to create a chat salon, passing in room attributes such as room ID and room name.
    3. You will receive a TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAudienceEnter notification that someone entered the room, and mic capturing will be enabled automatically.

    // 1. Set your nickname and profile photo.
    trtcVoiceRoom.setSelfProfile("my_name", "my_face_url", null);

    // 2. Call `createRoom` to create a room
    ActionCallback resp = await trtcVoiceRoom.createRoom(
    coverUrl: 'Room cover URL',
    roomName: 'Room name',
    if (resp.code == 0)
    //3. Become a speaker

    // 4. Receive a `TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAudienceEnter` notification
    onVoiceListener(type, param) async {
    switch (type)
    case TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAudienceEnter:
    // A listener enters the room

    Step 6. Enter a room as a listener

    1. After performing step 4 to log in, call setSelfProfile to set your nickname and profile photo.
    2. Get the latest chat salon room list from the backend.

      The chat salon list in the demo is for demonstration only. The business logic of the chat salon list varies significantly. Tencent Cloud does not provide list management services for the time being. Please manage the list by yourself.

    3. Call getRoomInfoList to get short descriptions of the rooms, which are provided by the room owner during room creation via the calling of createRoom.

      If your chat salon list already contains enough room information, you can skip the step of calling getRoomList. Just pass in the room ID to enter the room.

    4. After room entry, you will receive the TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAudienceEnter and TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAudienceExit notifications about listeners’ entry/exit. Refresh the information on the UI accordingly.
    5. You will also receive the TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAnchorEnterMic and TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAnchorLeaveMic notifications that someone becomes a speaker or listener.

    // 1. Set your nickname and profile photo.
    trtcVoiceRoom.setSelfProfile("my_name", "my_face_url");

    // 2. Get the room list from the backend. Suppose it is `roomList`.
    List<integer> roomList = GetRoomList();

    // 3. Call `getRoomInfoList` to get details of the rooms.
    RoomInfoCallback resp = await trtcVoiceRoom.getRoomInfoList(roomList);
    if (resp.code == 0) {
    //Refresh the room list on your UI

    // 4. Pass in `roomId` to enter a room.
    ActionCallback enterRoomResp =
    await trtcVoiceRoom.enterRoom(_currentRoomId);
    if (enterRoomResp.code == 0) {
    // Entered room successfully
    // 5. After successful room entry, you receive an event notification
    onVoiceListener(type, param) async {
    switch (type) {
    case TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAudienceEnter:
    // A listener enters the room
    case TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAudienceExit:
    //A listener leaves the room
    case TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAnchorLeaveMic:
    //The room owner leaves the room
    case TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAnchorEnterMic:
    //The room owner enters the room

    Step 7. Mic on/off

    1. A room owner can call leaveMic to become a listener. All users in the room will receive an onAnchorLeaveMic notification.
    2. A room owner can remove a speaker by passing in the speaker’s userId to kickMic. All users in the room will receive an onAnchorLeaveMic notification.

    // 1. Become a listener

    //2. Remove a speaker

    Step 8. Use signaling for invitations

    If you want listeners and room owners to obtain each other’s consent before performing the above actions in your application, you can use signaling for invitation sending.

    ::: Listener requesting to speak

    1. A listener calls raiseHand to request to speak.
    2. The room owner receives an onRaiseHand notification, and a window pops up on the UI asking the room owner whether to accept the request.
    3. The room owner accepts the request and calls agreeToSpeak, with the listener’s userId passed in.
    4. The listener receives an onAgreeToSpeak notification and calls enterMic to become a speaker.

    // Listener
    // 1. A listener calls `sendInvitation` to request to speak.

    // 2. Place the user in the seat after the invitation is accepted
    onVoiceListener(type, param) async {
    switch (type) {
    case TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onRaiseHand:

    // Room owner
    // 1. The room owner receives the request.
    onVoiceListener(type, param) async {
    switch (type) {
    case TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onAgreeToSpeak:

    Step 9. Enable text chat and on-screen comments

    Call sendRoomTextMsg to send common text messages. All users in the room will receive an onRecvRoomTextMsg callback.
    IM has its default content moderation rules. Text messages that contain restricted terms will not be forwarded by the cloud.

    // Sender: send text messages
    trtcVoiceRoom.sendRoomTextMsg("Hello Word!");
    // Recipient: listen for text messages
    onVoiceListener(type, param) async {
    switch (type) {
    case TRTCChatSalonDelegate.onRecvRoomTextMsg:
    // Group text messages are received. This feature can be used to enable text chat rooms.

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