FuncList | DESC |
Error event callback. | |
The current user was kicked offline. | |
The current user signature is expired. | |
The name of the room has changed. | |
The status of disabling to open microphone has changed for all users. | |
The status of disabling to open camera has changed for all users. | |
The status of disabling to open screen sharing has changed for all users. | |
The status of disabling to send message has changed for all users. | |
Room was dismissed. | |
The current user has been kicked off from the room. | |
The room seat mode has changed. | |
The count of user in the room has changed. | |
The key-value of room metadata has changed. | |
Remote user entered room. | |
Remote user left room. | |
User information has changed in the room. | |
The status of the user has video stream changed. | |
The status of the user has audio stream changed. | |
User volume changed. | |
The status of disabling to send message has changed for user. | |
The user network status changed. | |
Screen sharing stopped. | |
Seat list changed. | |
The user was kicked off the seat. | |
Receive a request message. | |
Received a cancelled request. | |
Receive a request to be processed by other administrator/owner. | |
Local device added. |
- (void)onError: | |
message: | (NSString *)message |
Param | DESC |
errorCode | |
message | Error message. |
- (void)onKickedOffLine: | (NSString *)message |
Param | DESC |
message | Description of being kicked off. |
- (void)onRoomNameChanged: | (NSString *)roomId |
roomName: | (NSString *)roomName |
Param | DESC |
roomId | Room ID. |
roomName | Room name. |
- (void)onAllUserMicrophoneDisableChanged: | (NSString *)roomId |
isDisable: | (BOOL)isDisable |
Param | DESC |
isDisable | true: disable user to open microphone false: enable user to open microphone. |
roomId | Room ID. |
- (void)onAllUserCameraDisableChanged: | (NSString *)roomId |
isDisable: | (BOOL)isDisable |
Param | DESC |
isDisable | true: disable user to open camera false: enable user to open camera. |
roomId | Room ID. |
- (void)onScreenShareForAllUserDisableChanged: | (NSString *)roomId |
isDisable: | (BOOL)isDisable |
Param | DESC |
isDisable | true: disable user to open screen sharing false: enable user to open screen sharing. |
roomId | Room ID. |
- (void)onSendMessageForAllUserDisableChanged: | (NSString *)roomId |
isDisable: | (BOOL)isDisable |
Param | DESC |
isDisable | true: disable user to send message false: enable user to send message. |
roomId | Room ID. |
- (void)onRoomDismissed: | (NSString *)roomId |
reason: |
Param | DESC |
reason | |
roomId | Room ID. |
- (void)onKickedOutOfRoom: | (NSString *)roomId |
reason: | |
message: | (NSString *)message |
Param | DESC |
message | Description of being kicked off. |
reason | Reason for being kicked off. |
roomId | Room ID. |
- (void)onRoomSeatModeChanged: | (NSString *)roomId |
seatMode: |
Param | DESC |
roomId | : Room ID. |
seatMode | #### [REMARK] Called when the seat mode of the room changes. |
- (void)onRoomUserCountChanged: | (NSString *)roomId |
userCount: | (NSInteger)userCount |
Param | DESC |
roomId | Room ID. |
userCount | Count of user. #### [REMARK] Called when the user count of the room changes. |
- (void)onRoomMetadataChanged: | (NSString *)key |
value: | (NSString *)value |
Param | DESC |
key | The key of room metadata. |
value | The value of room metadata. #### [REMARK] Called when the custom information of the room changes. |
- (void)onRemoteUserEnterRoom: | (NSString *)roomId |
userInfo: |
Param | DESC |
roomId | Room ID. |
userInfo |
- (void)onRemoteUserLeaveRoom: | (NSString *)roomId |
userInfo: |
Param | DESC |
roomId | Room ID. |
userInfo |
- (void)onUserInfoChanged: | |
modifyFlag: | (TUIUserInfoModifyFlag)modifyFlag |
Param | DESC |
modifyFlag | Modifiable parameter. More details, see TUIUserInfoModifyFlag. |
userInfo |
- (void)onUserVideoStateChanged: | (NSString *)userId |
streamType: | |
hasVideo: | (BOOL)hasVideo |
reason: |
Param | DESC |
hasVideo | The current user whether has video stream. |
reason | The reason why the video stream changed: TUIChangeReasonBySelf: Changed by self TUIChangeReasonByAdmin: Changed by administrator. |
streamType | |
userId | User ID. |
- (void)onUserAudioStateChanged: | (NSString *)userId |
hasAudio: | (BOOL)hasAudio |
reason: |
Param | DESC |
hasAudio | The current user whether has audio stream. |
reason | The reason why the video stream changed: TUIChangeReasonBySelf: Changed by self TUIChangeReasonByAdmin: Changed by administrator. |
userId | User ID. |
Param | DESC |
volumeMap | : User volume dictionary key: userId, value: the volume of all speaking users, with a value range of 0 - 100. |
- (void)onSendMessageForUserDisableChanged: | (NSString *)roomId |
userId: | (NSString *)userId |
isDisable: | (BOOL)muted |
Param | DESC |
isDisable | true: disable user to send message false: enable user to send message. |
userId | User ID. |
- (void)onUserNetworkQualityChanged: |
Param | DESC |
networkList |
- (void)onUserScreenCaptureStopped: | (NSInteger)reason |
Param | DESC |
reason | Stop reason, 0: user actively stops; 1: the screen or the window is closed ; 2: the status of the screen or the window has changed (such as device disconnect). |
- (void)onSeatListChanged: | |
seated: | |
left: |
Param | DESC |
leftList | List of newly leave-seat users. |
seatList | The latest user list on seat, including new users. |
seatedList | List of newly take-seat users. |
- (void)onKickedOffSeat: | (NSInteger)seatIndex |
operateUser: |
Param | DESC |
operateUser | User information of the owner/administrator who kicked the user. |
seatIndex | Seat index. |
- (void)onRequestReceived: |
Param | DESC |
request |
- (void)onRequestCancelled: | |
operateUser: |
Param | DESC |
operateUser | Operator information. |
request |
- (void)onRequestProcessed: | |
operateUser: |
Param | DESC |
operateUser | Operator information. |
request |
- (void)onDeviceChanged: | (NSString *)deviceId |
type: | |
state: |
Param | DESC |
deviceId | Device ID. |
state | 0: the device has been added; 1: the device has been removed; 2: the device has been enabled. |
type |
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