A version number is in the format of major.minor.patch
: Major version number. If there is major version refactoring, this field will be incremented. Generally, the APIs of different major versions are not compatible with each other.
: Minor version number. The APIs of different minor versions are compatible with each other. If there is a new or optimized API, this field will be incremented.
: Patch number. If there is a feature improvement or bug fix, this field will be incremented.
Please update to the latest version in a timely manner for service stability and better online support.
Version 5.8.6 @2024.12.27
Optimize the reconnection logic to improve the success rate of reconnection.
Optimize the setRemoteAudioVolume interface to support setting the volume before playing the audio stream.
Avoid the issue of no audio on some Honor devices.
Avoid the issue of memory leakage caused by enabling watermark in iOS 16&18.
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue of no audio when screen sharing + system audio.
Fix the issue of occasional rendering distortion after dynamically updating the resolution in iOS 16.
Fix the issue of occasional AudioContext error in iOS WKWebview.
Fix the issue of empty pcm data in audio-frame event after switching microphone.
Version 5.8.5 @2024.12.03
Breaking Changed
The Debug plugin becomes a built-in plugin and does not need to be imported externally. Reference Debug plugin. Feature
Support screen sharing on main stream.
The Debug plugin supports to dump audio & video.
Improved volume callback accuracy and compatibility.
Bug Fixed
Fixed the no audio issue after occasionally sharing system audio.
Fixed the loading SDK error in Android X5 kernel.
Fixed compatibility issues with WebAR SDK in iOS 16.
Fixed the no audio issue with frequent enterRoom & exitRoom.
Fixed the video lag issue when using CrossRoom plugin.
Fixed the video rendering issue with enabling virtual background when switching between front and background.
Version 5.8.3 @2024.10.25
Add AUDIO_FRAME event. You can get the microphone pcm data from this event. Improvement
Improve the rendering performance in Safari.
Bug Fixed
Fixed the issue that the non-specified device may be captured when capturing device.
Fixed an issue of CDNStreaming plugin that the mixing stream may be failed when the roomId is not fill in.
Version 5.8.2 @2024.10.11
Reduce the time taken to enter the room.
Improve the stability of the virtual background plugin.
Bug Fixed
Fixed an no audio issue when calling trtc.stopScreenShare.
Fixed an occasional issue that CrossRoom plugin cannot start again.
Fixed an occasional issue that the custom messages being lost.
Version 5.8.1 @2024.09.12
Support sending and receiving SEI messages in Safari and Firefox.
Optimize type declaration files.
Improve the browser compatibility(Firefox and Safari) of VirtualBackground plugin.
Bug Fixed
Fix the occasional issue of custom message loss.
Fixed the occasional issue that the remote video was not playing in Firefox.
Fixed the issue that cannot publish video with 15fps+ in Safari.
Fixed the issue that removing the camera view would cause the stream to stop publishing in Safari 16.
Version 5.8.0 @2024.08.23
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue that publishing video failed after enableSEI occasionally.
Fix the issue that the resolution of screen sharing is higher than setting in Firefox.
Version 5.7.1 @2024.08.07
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue of remote video rendering in iOS 17.
Fix the issue that the unifiedProxy does not works.
Version 5.7.0 @2024.07.19
Support sending & receiving sei message in sub stream.
The preview box will only display the current page when screen sharing using the captureElement parameter.
Avoid the chrome issue that unplug the headset will cause no audio issue in Android Webview. Improve the detection logic of h264 capability.
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue that cannot see remote video in the browser that support h264 decoding, but not h264 encoding.
Version 5.6.3 @2024.06.28
Support listening to audio playback progress events in AudioMixer plugin.
Support set blur level in VirtualBackground plugin
Improve the success rate of resuming normal calls after interrupting iOS calls.
Improve the success rate of audio autoplay in iOS.
Bug Fixed
Fixed the occasional reconnection issue in Chrome M91-.
Fixed the audio lag issue after remote user mute & unmute microphone.
Fixed the issue that remote publishing screen share event was mistakenly thrown in certain scenarios.
Version 5.6.2 @2024.06.07
Reduce the video or audio lag for the audience.
Improve the success rate of reconnection.
Bug Fixed
Fixed the issue that capturing camera 1920 * 1280 failed in Mac Safari.
Fixed a occasional issue that cannot resume audio after autoplay failed in mobile chrome.
Fixed a occasional issue that cannot receive remote audio.
Fixed a occasional issue that muteRemoteAudio throws an abort error.
Version 5.6.1 @2024.05.23
Bug Fixed
Fixed a no audio issue when autoReceiveAudio disabled.
Version 5.6.0 @2024.05.17
Breaking Changed
Set the default value of autoReceiveVideo
to false, refer to: Upgrade Guide. Feature
Bug Fixed
Fixed the issue that startRemoteVideo got error in Chrome 123.
Fixed the issue that enter room failed in iOS 12.0.
Fixed the issue that the encoding mirror occasionally fails.
Fixed the issue that the AudioMixer plugin loop would not work.
Version 5.5.2 @2024.04.29
Avoid the video flicker issue in iOS 17, refer to: webkit bug. Bug Fixed
Fixed the issue that getting error occasionally when subscribing remote small video in Chrome M123+.
Fixed the issue that playing remote video failed occasionally.
Version 5.5.1 @2024.04.12
Improve the success rate of reconnection.
Improve the success rate of recapturing.
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue that video was not playing in iOS 15.1.
Fix the issue that screen sharing was publishing on the main stream but not sub stream after calling trtc.updateScreenShare({ publish: true })
Fix the issue that the bitrate was not 128kbps when setting the audio profile to TRTC.TYPE.AUDIO_PROFILE_HIGH
Fix the issue that the base64 imageUrl was unable to set to the WaterMark plugin.
Version 5.5.0 @2024.03.29
Optimize the capability of the AI Denoiser plugin in mobile phone.
Improve the success rate of media recapturing.
Bug Fixed
Fixed the issue that the preview of local video is black in iOS 16.
Fixed the issue that the user cannot hear the sound of remote audio occasionally in iOS 14.
Fixed the issue that startLocalAudio throws TypeError occasionally.
Version 5.4.3 @2024.03.15
Added support for passing MediaStreamTrack to the AudioMixer plugin. Added support for calling trtc.getAudioTrack to obtain the screen sharing audio MediaStreamTrack. Bug Fixed
Fixed the occasional issue where setting setRemoteAudioVolume to 0 did not works.
Fixed the issue that screen sharing audio was not published after calling updateScreenShare({ publish: true }).
Fixed the issue where virtual backgrounds could not be enabled in Safari.
Version 5.4.2 @2024.03.01
Bug Fixed
Fixed the issue that startRemoteVideo failed occasionally.
Fixed the issue that unpublish failed occasionally.
Fixed the issue that audio & video are not synchronized.
Fixed the issue that enterRoom failed when using nginx proxy.
Version 5.4.1 @2024.02.05
Optimize the reconnection logic to improve the success rate of reconnection.
Bug Fixed
Fixed the issue that mirror is reset by calling updateLocalVideo.
Fixed the issue that CONNECTING state is not emitted by CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED event.
Version 5.4.0 @2024.01.16
Support setting an image after mute video. Refer to: the mute parameter of startLocalVideo(). Support screen sharing to capture a certain DOM element on the page. Refer to: startScreenShare(). Improvement
Optimize the logic of enterRoom and reduce the time cost of enterRoom.
Optimize the reconnection logic of laptop closed and reopened.
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue that publish failed on the version before Chrome 69.
Fix the issue that publish 1080p video failed on iOS 13 & 14.
Version 5.3.2 @2023.12.26
Improve audio and video encoding stability and quality.
Bug Fixed
Fix known issues with the CDNStreaming plugin.
Fix the issue where the volume value returned by the volume event is 0 after setting remoteAudioVolume to 0.
Fix the issue of occasional vocals dropping words when AI denoiser is enabled on some external microphones.
Version 5.3.1 @2023.12.08
Bug Fixed
Fix the abnormal issue with the mixing plugin.
Fix the inability to enter the room in earlier versions of Chrome 74.
Fix the issue that some audio interfaces do not perform as expected with AI noise reduction open.
Fix the issue that in multiple TRTC instance scenarios, the destruction of one instance prevents the others from receiving the DEVICE_CHANGED event.
Version 5.3.0 @2023.12.01
Support SEI messaging, which can be used for functions such as lyric synchronization and live quiz. For more details, please refer to sendSEIMessage. Enable dynamic switching of large and small streams. For more details, please refer to the option.small parameter in updateLocalVideo. Support mute pushing. For more details, please refer to the mute parameter in startLocalAudio(). Enable role switching with updated privateMapKey. For more details, please refer to the privateMapKey parameter in switchRole. Improvement
Improve the room entry process to reduce the time consuming.
Improve the encoding quality for high-resolution call scenarios and earlier devices of Android Chrome.
Improve device acquisition logic. With media access unauthorized, the SDK may temporarily request media permissions to ensure normal access to media devices, which will then be released.
Improve the parsing logic of the url parameter in the mixing plugin.
Improve the noise reduction effect of the AI noise reduction plugin.
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue of Android Chrome being unable to encode 120p.
Fix the issue where stopping screen sharing in non-pushing scenarios would cause the camera pushing to stop.
Fix the issue of the invail CDN mixing plugin parameter.
Version 5.2.1 @2023.11.08
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue that local microphone is muted after switching microphone.
Version 5.2.0 @2023.10.31
Improve the success rate of device capture.
Optimize the mirror processing logic of "Picture-in-Picture mode".
When the user's system rejects the browser permission, RtcError.handler() can be called to jump to the system authorization settings and guide the user to turn on the permission quickly. Refer to 5302. Bug Fixed
Fixed a occasional issue that remote audio is not playing in low version of Chrome.
Version 5.1.3 @2023.09.11
Avoided iOS 15.1 bug that caused page crash when switching camera. Bug Fixed
Fix the issue that Firefox stopLocalVideo and then restart startLocalVideo failed.
Fix the issue that Firefox fails to capture camera with certain resolution, e.g. 640 * 360.
Fix the issue of remote video not playing occasionally.
Version 5.1.2 @2023.08.25
Reduce time cost to enter a room.
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue that webpack package build of trtc.esm.js occasionally reporting errors.
Fix the issue that startLocalAudio passing in custom capture audioTrack does not work.
Version 5.1.1 @2023.08.18
Default video profile changed to 480p_2 to reduce uplink bandwidth consumption.
Avoid the Chrome Bug that Android Chrome 115 occasionally fails to encode at resolutions lower than 360p. Bug Fixed
Fix the issue that cannot enter room or startLocalVideo on Windows Chrome 57 and iOS Safari 12.
Fix the issue that the video bitrate is abnormal on Dashboard.
Version 5.1.0 @2023.08.11
Breaking Change
Restrict the roomId parameter of the trtc.enterRoom interface to be of number type and no longer support passing in string type. If you want to use a string roomId, please use the strRoomId parameter. When upgrading, please pay attention, see Upgrade Guide for details. Feature.
Bug Fixed.
Fix the issue that setting screen sharing capture resolution does not work.
Fix the issue of occasional playback failure of remote screen sharing.
Version 5.0.3 @2023.07.31
Optimize the reconnection mechanism to improve the stability of network connection.
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue that when calling trtc.stopRemoteVideo to stop the main video, the sub video is also stopped.
Version 5.0.2 @2023.07.21
Optimize the performance and weak network resistance in multi-person call.
Optimize device capture logic to avoid the issue that some Lenovo devices cannot turn on the camera.
Optimize the capture parameters of screen sharing to avoid the issue of occasional frame dropping in long-time screen sharing.
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue that the small stream bit rate setting does not take effect.
Fix the issue that systemAudio parameter does not work.
Fix the issue that video tag is not destroyed after remote user screen sharing stopped.
Version 5.0.1 @2023.06.25
Support playing video with multiple view at the same time.
Bug Fixed
Fix the issue that screen sharing cannot be restarted after clicking the browser hover window to close screen sharing.
Version 5.0.0 @2023.05.26
The new architecture version of the TRTC Web SDK provides a flat interface that dramatically simplifies the API and reduces access costs. Features of the new API:
Flatter APIs that are easier to access.
Better stability.
Better performance.
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