Parameter | Description |
xxxxxx | The reserved domain for the country/region where the SDKAppID is located: |
v1/records/get_record_by_callId | Request API |
sdkappid | SDKAppID assigned by the console when creating an application |
identifier | Using the Admin account of Chat |
usersig | The Signature generated by the App Administrator account, for detailed operations, please refer to Generating UserSig |
random | Enter a random 32-bit unsigned integer, range 0 to 4294967295 |
contenttype | The request format fixed value is json |
{"callId": "2ae7d549-c441-4a9b-87c0-61810fe19582"}
Field | Type | Attribute | Description |
callId | String | Mandatory | Call Unique ID |
{"errorCode": 0,"errorMessage": "Success","requestId": "3fdc344c7a67461c6af3cfc3e77744b5","data": {"callId": "2ae7d549-c441-4a9b-87c0-61810fe19582","sdkAppId": 88888888,"mediaType": "video","roomId": "123456","startCallTs": 1688705638,"acceptTs": 1688705641,"endTs": 1688705668,"caller": "alice","totalUserNumber": 2,"callType": "single","callResult": "normal_end","callees": ["bob1","bob2"]}}
Field | Type | Description |
errorCode | Integer | Error code, 0 indicates success |
errorMessage | String | Error message |
requestId | String | Unique Request ID |
callId | String | Unique ID of the call |
sdkAppId | Integer | Your sdkAppId |
mediaType | String | Media type video Video Callaudio Audio Call |
roomId | String | Room ID of the call |
startCallTs | Integer | Call Initiation Timestamp (in seconds) |
acceptTs | Integer | Call Connection Timestamp (in seconds) |
endTs | Integer | Call End Timestamp (in seconds) |
caller | String | Caller userId |
totalUserNumber | Integer | Total Number of Participants in the Call |
callType | String | Call Type: single One-on-one callgroup Group Call |
callResult | String | Call Result: cancel Cancel: The caller cancelled the call before connection.reject Declined call: The callee rejected.not_answer Not Answered: The callee did not answer in time.normal_end Completed: The call was connected and ended normally.call_busy Busy: The line was busy during the call.interrupt Interrupts: The call was interrupted due to network or other reasons. |
callees | Array | List of callee user IDs who participated in the call |
. Error code | Description |
0 | Request succeeded |
50001 | The current application needs to purchase the TUICallKit Group Call Version Package to use |
70011 | No records found |
Unknown error code |
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