tencent cloud


Data Types

Last updated: 2024-07-10 16:14:13


    Cross-MLC-border acceleration.

    Used by actions: CreateApplicationProxy, DescribeApplicationProxies, DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyApplicationProxy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable Cross-MLC-border acceleration. Valid values:
  • on: Enable;
  • off: Disable.
  • AccelerateType

    Acceleration type

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Acceleration switch. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • AccelerationDomain

    Accelerated domain name

    Used by actions: DescribeAccelerationDomains.

    Name Type Description
    ZoneId String ID of the site.
    DomainName String Accelerated domain name
    DomainStatus String Status of the accelerated domain name. Values:
  • online: Activated
  • process: Being deployed
  • offline: Disabled
  • forbidden: Blocked
  • init: Pending activation
  • OriginDetail OriginDetail Details of the origin.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OriginProtocol String Origin-pull protocol configuration. Values:
  • FOLLOW: Follow the protocol of origin
  • HTTP: Send requests to the origin over HTTP
  • HTTPS: Send requests to the origin over HTTPS

  • Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    HttpOriginPort Integer The port used for HTTP origin-pull requests
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    HttpsOriginPort Integer The port used for HTTPS origin-pull requests
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    IPv6Status String IPv6 status. Values:
  • follow: Follow the IPv6 configuration of the site
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable

  • Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Cname String The CNAME address.
    IdentificationStatus String Ownership verification status. Values:
  • pending: Pending verification
  • finished: Verified

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CreatedOn Timestamp ISO8601 Creation time of the accelerated domain name.
    ModifiedOn Timestamp ISO8601 Modification time of the accelerated domain name.
    OwnershipVerification OwnershipVerification Information required to verify the ownership of a domain name.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Certificate AccelerationDomainCertificate Domain name certificate information
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Information of the acceleration domain name certificate.

    Used by actions: DescribeAccelerationDomains.

    Name Type Required Description
    Mode String No Certificate configuration mode. Values:
  • disable: Do not configure the certificate;
  • eofreecert: Use a free certificate provided by EdgeOne;
  • sslcert: Configure an SSL certificate.
  • List Array of CertificateInfo No List of certificates
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The condition that makes up an access control rule

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    MatchFrom String Yes Filters:
  • host: Request domain name;
  • sip: Client IP;
  • ua: User-Agent;
  • cookie: Cookie;
  • cgi: CGI script;
  • xff: XFF header;
  • url: Request URL;
  • accept: Request content type;
  • method: Request method<;/li>
  • header: Request header;
  • app_proto: Application layer protocol;
  • sip_proto: Network layer protocol;
  • uabot: UA rules (only available in custom bot rules);
  • idcid: IDC rules (only available in custom bot rules);
  • sipbot: Search engine rules (only available in custom bot rules);
  • portrait: Client reputation (only available in custom bot rules);
  • header_seq: Header sequence (only available in custom bot rules);
  • hdr: Request body (only available in custom Web protection rules).
  • MatchParam String Yes The parameter of the field. When MatchFrom = header, the key contained in the header can be passed.
    Operator String Yes The logical operator. Values:
  • equal: Value equals
  • not_equal: Value not equals
  • include: String contains
  • not_include: String not contains
  • match: IP matches
  • not_match: IP not matches
  • include_area: Regions contain
  • is_empty: Value left empty
  • not_exists: Key fields not exist
  • regexp: Regex matches
  • len_gt: Value greater than
  • len_lt: Value smaller than
  • len_eq: Value equals
  • match_prefix: Prefix matches
  • match_suffix: Suffix matches
  • wildcard: Wildcard
  • MatchContent String Yes The content to match.


    ACL configuration

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • AclUserRules Array of AclUserRule Yes The custom rule.
    Customizes Array of AclUserRule No Custom managed rules
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    The custom rule

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    RuleName String Yes The rule name.
    Action String Yes The action. Values:
  • trans: Allow
  • drop: Block the request
  • monitor: Observe
  • ban: Block the IP
  • redirect: Redirect the request
  • page: Return the specified page
  • alg: JavaScript challenge
  • RuleStatus String Yes The rule status. Values:
  • on: Enabled
  • off: Disabled
  • AclConditions Array of AclCondition Yes The custom rule.
    RulePriority Integer Yes The rule priority. Value range: 0-100.
    RuleID Integer No Rule ID, which is only used as an output parameter.
    UpdateTime String No The update time, which is only used as an output parameter.
    PunishTime Integer No IP ban duration. Range: 0-2 days. It's required when Action=ban.
    PunishTimeUnit String No The unit of the IP ban duration. Values:
  • second: Second
  • minutes: Minute
  • hour: Hour
  • Default value: second.
    Name String No Name of the custom return page. It's required when Action=page.
    PageId Integer No (Disused) ID of the custom return page. The default value is 0, which means that the system default blocking page is used.
    CustomResponseId String No ID of custom response. The ID can be obtained via the DescribeCustomErrorPages API. It's required when Action=page.
    ResponseCode Integer No The response code to trigger the return page. It's required when Action=page. Value: 100-600. 3xx response codes are not supported. Default value: 567.
    RedirectUrl String No The redirection URL. It's required when Action=redirect.


    Rule engine action. Each feature supports only one of the following three action types. The RuleAction array can be of only one of the following types. For all details, see DescribeRulesSetting.

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    NormalAction NormalAction No Common feature operations. The options for this category include:
  • Access URL overriding (AccessUrlRedirect);
  • Origin URL overriding (UpstreamUrlRedirect);
  • QUIC;
  • WebSocket;
  • Video dragging (VideoSeek);
  • Token authentication (Authentication);
  • Custom CacheKey (CacheKey);
  • Node caching TTL (Cache);
  • Browser caching TTL (MaxAge);
  • Offline caching (OfflineCache);
  • Smart routing (SmartRouting);
  • Range-based origin pull (RangeOriginPull);
  • HTTP/2 origin pull (UpstreamHttp2);
  • Host header overriding (HostHeader);
  • Forced HTTPS (ForceRedirect);
  • HTTPS origin pull (OriginPullProtocol);
  • Cache pre-refresh (CachePrefresh);
  • Smart compression (Compression);
  • Hsts;
  • ClientIpHeader;
  • SslTlsSecureConf;
  • OcspStapling;
  • HTTP/2 access (Http2);
  • Redirection during origin pull (UpstreamFollowRedirect);
  • Modifying origin server (Origin);
  • Layer 7 origin pull timeout (HTTPUpstreamTimeout);
  • HTTP response (HttpResponse).

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RewriteAction RewriteAction No Feature operation with a request/response header. Features of this type include:
  • RequestHeader: HTTP request header modification.
  • ResponseHeader: HTTP response header modification.

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CodeAction CodeAction No Feature operation with a status code. Features of this type include:
  • ErrorPage: Custom error page.
  • StatusCodeCache: Status code cache TTL.

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Key-value pair filters for conditional filtering queries and fuzzy queries, such as filtering ID, name, and status.
    If more than one filter exists, the logical relationship between these filters is AND.
    If one filter has multiple values, the logical relationship between these values is OR.

    Used by actions: DescribeAccelerationDomains, DescribeAliasDomains, DescribeConfigGroupVersions, DescribeCustomErrorPages, DescribeDeployHistory, DescribeOriginGroup, DescribePrefetchTasks, DescribePurgeTasks, DescribeRealtimeLogDeliveryTasks, DescribeZones.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String Yes Field to be filtered.
    Values Array of String Yes Value of the filtered field.
    Fuzzy Boolean No Whether to enable fuzzy query.


    AI rule engine

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Mode String Yes The status of the AI rule engine. Values:
  • smart_status_close: Disabled
  • smart_status_open: Block
  • smart_status_observe: Observe
  • AlgDetectJS

    Validate client behavior.

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String No Method to validate client behavior.
    WorkLevel String No Proof-of-work strength. Values:
  • low (default): Low
  • middle: Medium
  • high: High
  • ExecuteMode Integer No Implement a delay before executing JS in milliseconds. Value range: 0-1000. Default value: 500.
    InvalidStatTime Integer No The period threshold for validating the result "Client JS disabled" in seconds. Value range: 5-3600. Default value: 10.
    InvalidThreshold Integer No The number of times for the result "Client JS disabled" occurred in the specified period. Value range: 1-100000000. Default value: 30.
    AlgDetectResults Array of AlgDetectResult No Client behavior validation results.


    Active bot detection results.

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Result String No The validation result. Values:
  • invalid: Invalid Cookie
  • cookie_empty: No Cookie/Cookie expired
  • js_empty: Client JS disabled
  • low: Low-risk session
  • middle: Medium-risk session
  • high: High-risk session
  • timeout: JS validation timed out
  • not_browser: Invalid browser
  • is_bot: Bot client
  • Action String No The action. Values:
  • drop: Block
  • monitor: Observe
  • silence: Drop w/o response
  • shortdelay: Add short latency
  • longdelay: Add long latency
  • AlgDetectRule

    Active bot detection rule.

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    RuleID Integer No ID of the rule.
    RuleName String No Name of the rule.
    Switch String No Whether to enable the rule.
    AlgConditions Array of AclCondition No Condition specified for the rule.
    AlgDetectSession AlgDetectSession No Validate Cookie when the condition is satisfied.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AlgDetectJS Array of AlgDetectJS No Validate client behavior when the condition is satisfied.
    UpdateTime String No The update time, which is only used as an output parameter.


    Validate Cookie.

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String No Method to validate Cookie.
    DetectMode String No The validation mode. Values:
  • detect: Validate only
  • update_detect (default): Update Cookie and validate
  • SessionAnalyzeSwitch String No Whether to enable Cookie-based session check. The default value is off. Values:
  • off: Disable
  • on: Enable
  • InvalidStatTime Integer No The period threshold for validating the result "No Cookie/Cookie expired" in seconds. Value range: 5-3600. Default value: 10.
    InvalidThreshold Integer No The number of times for the result "No Cookie/Cookie expired" occurred in the specified period. Value range: 1-100000000. Default value: 300.
    AlgDetectResults Array of AlgDetectResult No Cookie validation results.
    SessionBehaviors Array of AlgDetectResult No Cookie-based session check results.


    Information of the alias domain name

    Used by actions: DescribeAliasDomains.

    Name Type Description
    AliasName String The alias domain name.
    ZoneId String The site ID.
    TargetName String The target domain name.
    Status String Status of the alias domain name. Values:
  • active: Activated
  • pending: Deploying
  • conflict: Reclaimed
  • stop: Stopped
  • ForbidMode Integer The blocking mode. Values:
  • 0: Not blocked
  • 11: Blocked due to regulatory compliance
  • 14: Blocked due to ICP filing not obtained
  • CreatedOn Timestamp ISO8601 Creation time of the alias domain name.
    ModifiedOn Timestamp ISO8601 Modification time of the alias domain name.


    Application proxy instance

    Used by actions: DescribeApplicationProxies.

    Name Type Description
    ZoneId String The site ID.
    ZoneName String The site name.
    ProxyId String The proxy ID.
    ProxyName String The domain name or subdomain name when ProxyType=hostname.
    The instance name when ProxyType=instance.
    ProxyType String The proxy type. Values:
  • hostname: The proxy is created by subdomain name.
  • instance: The proxy is created by instance.
  • PlatType String The scheduling mode. Values:
  • ip: Schedule via Anycast IP.
  • domain: Schedule via CNAME.
  • Area String Acceleration region. Values:
  • mainland: Chinese mainland.
  • overseas: Global (outside the Chinese mainland);

  • Default value: overseas.
    SecurityType Integer Whether to enable security protection. Values:
  • 0: Disable security protection.
  • 1: Enable security protection.
  • AccelerateType Integer Whether to enable acceleration. Values:
  • 0: Disable acceleration.
  • 1: Enable acceleration.
  • SessionPersistTime Integer The session persistence duration.
    Status String The rule status. Values:
  • online: Enabled
  • offline: Disabled
  • progress: Deploying
  • stopping: Disabling
  • fail: Failed to deploy or disable
  • BanStatus String The blocking status of the proxy. Values:
  • banned: Blocked
  • banning: Blocking
  • recover: Unblocked
  • recovering: Unblocking
  • ScheduleValue Array of String Scheduling information.
    HostId String When ProxyType=hostname:
    This field indicates the unique ID of the subdomain name.
    Ipv6 Ipv6 The IPv6 access configuration.
    UpdateTime Timestamp ISO8601 The update time.
    ApplicationProxyRules Array of ApplicationProxyRule List of rules.
    AccelerateMainland AccelerateMainland Cross-MLC-border acceleration.


    Application proxy rule

    Used by actions: CreateApplicationProxy, DescribeApplicationProxies.

    Name Type Required Description
    Proto String Yes The protocol. Values:
  • TCP: TCP protocol.
  • UDP: UDP protocol.
  • Port Array of String Yes The access port, which can be:
  • A single port, such as 80
  • A port range, such as 81-82

  • Note that each rule can have up to 20 ports.
    OriginType String Yes Origin server type. Valid values:
  • custom: Manually added;
  • loadbalancer: Cloud Load Balancer;
  • origins: Origin server group.
  • OriginValue Array of String Yes Details of the origin server:
  • When OriginType is custom, it indicates one or more origin servers, such as ["",""] or OriginValue=["test.com"];
  • When OriginType is loadbalancer, it indicates a single Cloud Load Balancer, such as ["lb-xdffsfasdfs"];
  • When OriginType is origins, it requires one and only one element, which represents an origin server group ID, such as ["origin-537f5b41-162a-11ed-abaa-525400c5da15"].
  • RuleId String No The rule ID.
    Status String No The rule status. Values:
  • online: Enabled.
  • offline: Disabled.
  • progress: Deploying
  • stopping: Disabling
  • fail: Failed to deploy or disable
  • ForwardClientIp String No Passes the client IP. Values:
  • TOA: Pass the client IP via TOA (available only when Proto=TCP).
  • PPV1: Pass the client IP via Proxy Protocol V1 (available only when Proto=TCP).
  • PPV2: Pass the client IP via Proxy Protocol V2.
  • OFF: Not pass the client IP.
  • Default value: OFF.
    SessionPersist Boolean No Whether to enable session persistence. Values:
  • true: Enable
  • false: Disable
  • Default value: false
    SessionPersistTime Integer No Duration for the persistent session. The value takes effect only when SessionPersist = true.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OriginPort String No The origin port, which can be:
  • A single port, such as 80
  • A port range, such as 81-82
  • RuleTag String No Rule tag.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The site ownership information

    Used by actions: DescribeIdentifications, IdentifyZone.

    Name Type Description
    Subdomain String
    RecordType String The record type.
    RecordValue String The record value.


    Billing data item

    Used by actions: DescribeBillingData.

    Name Type Description
    Time Timestamp ISO8601 Time.
    Value Integer Value.


    Billing data filter criteria.

    Used by actions: DescribeBillingData.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes Parameter name.
    Value String Yes Parameter value.


    Bindings between a shared CNAME and connected domain names

    Used by actions: BindSharedCNAME.

    Name Type Required Description
    SharedCNAME String Yes The shared CNAME to be bound with or unbound from.
    DomainNames Array of String Yes Acceleration domains (up to 20).


    Bot security configuration

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable bot security. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • BotManagedRule BotManagedRule No The settings of the bot managed rule. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    BotPortraitRule BotPortraitRule No The settings of the client reputation rule. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    IntelligenceRule IntelligenceRule No The bot intelligence settings. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BotUserRules Array of BotUserRule No Settings of the custom bot rule. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    AlgDetectRule Array of AlgDetectRule No Active bot detection rule.
    Customizes Array of BotUserRule No Settings of the bot managed rule. It is only used for output.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Bot extended actions

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Action String Yes Action. Valid values:
  • monitor: Observe;
  • alg: JavaScript challenge;
  • captcha: Managed challenge;
  • random: Actions are executed based on the percentage specified in ExtendActions;
  • silence: Silence;
  • shortdelay: Add short latency;
  • longdelay: Add long latency.
  • Percent Integer No The probability for triggering the action. Value range: 0-100.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Bot managed rules. The rule IDs can be obtained from the output of DescribeBotManagedRules.

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Action String Yes The rule action. Values:
  • drop: Block
  • trans: Allow
  • alg: JavaScript challenge
  • monitor: Observe
  • RuleID Integer No The rule ID, which is only used as an output parameter.
    TransManagedIds Array of Integer No The ID of the rule that applies the "Allow" action.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AlgManagedIds Array of Integer No The ID of the rule that applies the "JavaScript challenge" action.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CapManagedIds Array of Integer No The ID of the rule that applies the "Managed challenge" action.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    MonManagedIds Array of Integer No The ID of the rule that applies the "Observe" action.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    DropManagedIds Array of Integer No The ID of the rule that applies the "Block" action.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Bot user portrait rules

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • RuleID Integer No The rule ID, which is only used as an output parameter.
    AlgManagedIds Array of Integer No The ID of the rule that applies the "JavaScript challenge" action.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CapManagedIds Array of Integer No The ID of the rule that applies the "Managed challenge" action.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    MonManagedIds Array of Integer No The ID of the rule that applies the "Observe" action.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    DropManagedIds Array of Integer No The ID of the rule that applies the "Block" action.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Custom bot rules

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    RuleName String Yes
    Action String Yes The action. Values:
  • drop: Block the request
  • monitor: Observe
  • trans: Allow
  • redirect: Redirect the request
  • page: Return the specified page
  • alg: JavaScript challenge
  • captcha: Managed challenge
  • random: Handle the request randomly by the weight
  • silence: Keep the connection but do not response to the client
  • shortdelay: Add a short latency period
  • longdelay: Add a long latency period
  • RuleStatus String Yes The rule status. Values:
  • on: Enabled
  • off: Disabled
  • Default value: on
    AclConditions Array of AclCondition Yes Details of the rule.
    RulePriority Integer Yes The rule weight. Value range: 0-100.
    RuleID Integer No Rule ID, which is only used as an output parameter.
    ExtendActions Array of BotExtendAction No [Currently unavailable] Specify the random action and percentage.
    FreqFields Array of String No The filter. Values:
  • sip: Client IP

  • This parameter is left empty by default.
    UpdateTime String No The update time, which is only used as an output parameter.
    FreqScope Array of String No Query scope. Values:
  • source_to_eo: (Response) Traffic going from the origin to EdgeOne.
  • client_to_eo: (Request) Traffic going from the client to EdgeOne.

  • Default: source_to_eo.
    Name String No Name of the custom return page. It's required when Action=page.
    CustomResponseId String No ID of custom response. The ID can be obtained via the DescribeCustomErrorPages API. It's required when Action=page.
    ResponseCode Integer No The response code to trigger the return page. It's required when Action=page. Value: 100-600. 3xx response codes are not supported. Default value: 567.
    RedirectUrl String No The redirection URL. It's required when Action=redirect.


    CC configuration item.

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes WAF switch. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • PolicyId Integer No ID of the policy


    The configuration information of real-time log delivery to Tencent Cloud CLS

    Used by actions: CreateRealtimeLogDeliveryTask, DescribeRealtimeLogDeliveryTasks.

    Name Type Required Description
    LogSetId String Yes The ID of the Tencent Cloud CLS log set.
    TopicId String Yes The ID of the Tencent Cloud CLS log topic.
    LogSetRegion String Yes The region of the Tencent Cloud CLS log set.


    Cache time settings

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable cache configuration. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • CacheTime Integer No Cache expiration time setting.
    Unit: second. The maximum value is 365 days.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Cache rule configuration.

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Cache Cache No Cache configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    NoCache NoCache No No-cache configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FollowOrigin FollowOrigin No Follows the origin server configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The cache key configuration.

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    FullUrlCache String No Whether to enable full-path cache. Values:
  • on: Enable full-path cache (i.e., disable Ignore Query String).
  • off: Disable full-path cache (i.e., enable Ignore Query String).

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    IgnoreCase String No Whether to ignore case in the cache key. Values:
  • on: Ignore
  • off: Not ignore

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    QueryString QueryString No Request parameter contained in CacheKey.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Cache prefresh

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable cache prefresh. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • Percent Integer No The cache prefresh percentage. Values: 1-99
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The information attached when the node cache purge type is set to purge_cache_tag.

    Used by actions: CreatePurgeTask.

    Name Type Required Description
    Domains Array of String Yes List of domain names to purge cache for.


    HTTPS server certificate configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeAccelerationDomains.

    Name Type Description
    CertId String ID of the server certificate.
    Alias String Alias of the certificate.
    Type String Type of the certificate. Values:
  • default: Default certificate
  • upload: Specified certificate
  • managed: Tencent Cloud-managed certificate
  • ExpireTime Timestamp ISO8601 The certificate expiration time.
    DeployTime Timestamp ISO8601 Time when the certificate is deployed.
    SignAlgo String Signature algorithm.
    Status String Status of the certificate. Values:
  • deployed: The deployment has completed

  • u200c
  • processing: Deployment in progress

  • u200c
  • applying: Application in progress

  • u200c
  • failed: Application rejected
  • issued: Binding failed.
  • ClientIpCountry

    Location information of the client IP carried in origin-pull. It is formatted as a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country/region code.

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable configuration. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • HeaderName String No Name of the request header that contains the client IP region. It is valid when Switch=on.
    The default value EO-Client-IPCountry is used when it is not specified.


    The client IP header configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable the configuration. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • HeaderName String No Name of the request header that contains the client IP for origin-pull.
    The default value X-Forwarded-IP is used when it is not specified.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    CNAME status

    Used by actions: CheckCnameStatus.

    Name Type Description
    RecordName String The domain name.
    Cname String The CNAME address.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Status String The CNAME status. Values:
  • active: Activated
  • moved: Not activated

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Rule engine action with a status code

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    Action String Yes Feature name. For details, see DescribeRulesSetting API
    Parameters Array of RuleCodeActionParams Yes Operation parameter.


    Smart compression configuration.

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable smart compression. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • Algorithms Array of String No Compression algorithm. Values:
  • brotli: Brotli algorithm
  • gzip: Gzip algorithm

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Version information about the configuration group.

    Used by actions: DeployConfigGroupVersion, DescribeConfigGroupVersionDetail, DescribeConfigGroupVersions, DescribeDeployHistory, DescribeEnvironments.

    Name Type Required Description
    VersionId String Yes Version ID.
    VersionNumber String No Version No.
    GroupId String No Configuraration group ID.
    GroupType String No Configuration group type. Valid values:
  • l7_acceleration: L7 acceleration configuration group.
  • edge_functions: Edge function configuration group.
  • Description String No Version description.
    Status String No Version status. Valid values:
  • creating: Being created.
  • inactive: Not effective.
  • active: Effective.
  • CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 No Version creation time. The time format follows the ISO 8601 standard and is represented in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


    The configuration information of real-time log delivery to a custom HTTP(S) interface

    Used by actions: CreateRealtimeLogDeliveryTask, DescribeRealtimeLogDeliveryTasks, ModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryTask.

    Name Type Required Description
    Url String Yes The address of the custom HTTP interface for real-time log delivery. Currently, only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported.
    AccessId String No Specifies the custom SecretId for generating an encrypted signature. This parameter is required if the origin server needs authentication.
    AccessKey String No Specifies the custom SecretKey for generating an encrypted signature. This parameter is required if the origin server needs authentication.
    CompressType String No The type of data compression. Valid values:
  • gzip: gzip compression.
  • If this field is not filled in, compression is disabled.
    Protocol String No The type of the application layer protocol used when POST requests log delivery. Valid values:
  • http: HTTP protocol;
  • https: HTTPS protocol.
  • If this field is not filled in, the protocol type will be parsed from the URL field.
    Headers Array of Header No The custom request header carried during log delivery. If the header name you fill in is the default header carried by EdgeOne log delivery such as Content-Type, then the header value you fill in will override the default value. The header value supports referring to a single variable ${batchSize} to obtain the number of log entries included in each POST request.


    Custom error code page structure.

    Used by actions: DescribeCustomErrorPages.

    Name Type Description
    PageId String Custom error page ID.
    ZoneId String Zone ID.
    Name String Custom error page name.
    ContentType String Custom error page type.
    Description String Custom error page description.
    Content String Custom error page content.
    References Array of ErrorPageReference Custom error page reference.


    The custom log field in a real-time log delivery task

    Used by actions: CreateRealtimeLogDeliveryTask, DescribeRealtimeLogDeliveryTasks, ModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryTask.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String Yes Extracts data from specified positions in HTTP requests and responses. Valid values:
  • ReqHeader: Extract a specified field value from an HTTP request header;
  • RspHeader: Extract a specified field value from an HTTP response header;
  • cookie: Extract a specified field value from a cookie.

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Value String Yes Indicates the name of the parameter from which a value needs to be extracted, such as Accept-Language.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Enabled Boolean No Indicates whether to deliver this field. If not filled in, this field will not be delivered.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    DDoS mitigation configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • DDoSAttackEvent

    Information of the DDoS attacker

    Used by actions: DescribeDDoSAttackEvent.

    Name Type Description
    EventId String The event ID.
    AttackType String The attack type.
    AttackStatus Integer The attack status.
    AttackMaxBandWidth Integer The maximum attack bandwidth.
    AttackPacketMaxRate Integer The peak attack packet rate.
    AttackStartTime Integer The attack start time recorded in seconds.
    AttackEndTime Integer The attack end time recorded in seconds.
    PolicyId Integer The DDoS policy ID.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    ZoneId String The site ID.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    Area String Geolocation scope. Values:
  • overseas: Regions outside the Chinese mainland
  • mainland: Chinese mainland

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    DDoSBlockData Array of DDoSBlockData The blocking time of a DDoS attack.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


    DDoS blocking details

    Used by actions: DescribeDDoSAttackEvent.

    Name Type Description
    StartTime Integer The start time recorded in UNIX timestamp.
    EndTime Integer The end time recorded in UNIX timestamp. 0 indicates the blocking is ongoing.
    BlockArea String The regions blocked.


    Exclusive DDoS protection specifications configuration applicable to Layer 4 proxy or web site service.

    Used by actions: CreateL4Proxy, DescribeL4Proxy.

    Name Type Required Description
    LevelMainland String No Dedicated anti-DDoS specifications in the Chinese mainland. For details, refer to Dedicated Anti-DDoS Related Fees.
  • PLATFORM: uses the default protection. Dedicated anti-DDoS is not enabled;
  • BASE30_MAX300: uses dedicated anti-DDoS, which provides 30 Gbps guaranteed protection bandwidth and up to 300 Gbps elastic protection bandwidth;
  • BASE60_MAX600: uses dedicated anti-DDoS, which provides 60 Gbps guaranteed protection bandwidth and up to 600 Gbps elastic protection bandwidth.
  • If this field is not specified, the default value 'PLATFORM' will be used.
    MaxBandwidthMainland Integer No Configuration of elastic protection bandwidth for exclusive DDoS protection in the Chinese mainland.Valid only when exclusive DDoS protection in the Chinese mainland is enabled (refer to the LevelMainland parameter configuration), and the value has the following limitations:
  • When exclusive DDoS protection is enabled in the Chinese mainland and the 30 Gbps baseline protection bandwidth is used (the LevelMainland parameter value is BASE30_MAX300): the value range is 30 to 300 in Gbps;
  • When exclusive DDoS protection is enabled in the Chinese mainland and the 60 Gbps baseline protection bandwidth is used (the LevelMainland parameter value is BASE60_MAX600): the value range is 60 to 600 in Gbps;
  • When the default protection of the platform is used (the LevelMainland parameter value is PLATFORM): configuration is not supported, and the value of this parameter is invalid.
  • LevelOverseas String No Dedicated anti-DDoS specifications in global regions (excluding the Chinese mainland).
  • PLATFORM: uses the default protection. Dedicated anti-DDoS is not enabled;
  • ANYCAST300: uses dedicated anti-DDoS, which provides 300 Gbps protection bandwidth;
  • ANYCAST_ALLIN: uses dedicated anti-DDoS, which provides all available protection resources.
  • If this field is not specified, the default value 'PLATFORM' will be used.


    HTTPS server certificate configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeDefaultCertificates.

    Name Type Required Description
    CertId String Yes ID of the server certificate.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Alias String No Alias of the certificate.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Type String No Type of the certificate. Values:
  • default: Default certificate;
  • upload: Custom certificate;
  • managed: Tencent Cloud-managed certificate.

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ExpireTime Timestamp ISO8601 No Time when the certificate expires.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    EffectiveTime Timestamp ISO8601 No Time when the certificate takes effect.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CommonName String No Common name of the certificate.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SubjectAltName Array of String No Domain names added to the SAN certificate.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Status String No Deployment status. Values:
  • processing: Deployment in progress
  • deployed: Deployed
  • failed: Deployment failed

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    Message String No Failure description
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SignAlgo String No Certificate algorithm.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Real-time log delivery conditions used to define the scope of log delivery. The relationship between items in a DeliveryCondition array is "or", whereas the relationship between items in an inner Conditions array is "and".

    Used by actions: CreateRealtimeLogDeliveryTask, DescribeRealtimeLogDeliveryTasks, ModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryTask.

    Name Type Required Description
    Conditions Array of QueryCondition No Log filter conditions. Detailed filter conditions are as follows:
  • EdgeResponseStatusCode: Filter by status code returned to the client by the EdgeOne node.
    Supported operators: equal, great, less, great_equal, less_equal
    Value range: Any integer greater than or equal to 0
  • OriginResponseStatusCode: Filter by response status code of the origin server.
    Supported operators: equal, great, less, great_equal, less_equal
    Value range: Any integer greater than or equal to -1
  • SecurityAction: Filter by final action after the request hits the security rule.
    Supported operators: equal
    Options are as follows:
    -: Unknown/unhit
    Monitor: Log only
    JSChallenge: JavaScript challenge
    Deny: Interception
    Allow: Allow
    BlockIP: IP ban
    Redirect: Redirect
    ReturnCustomPage: Return to custom page
    ManagedChallenge: Managed challenge
    Silence: Silence
    LongDelay: Response after a long wait
    ShortDelay: Response after a short wait
  • SecurityModule: Filter according to the name of the security module that ultimately handles the request.
    Supported operators: equal
    Options are as follows:
    -: Unknown/miss
    CustomRule: Web protection - custom rules
    RateLimitingCustomRule: Web protection - rate limiting rule
    ManagedRule: Web Protection - Managed Rules
    L7DDoS: Web Protection - CC Attack Protection
    BotManagement: Bot Management - Bot Basic Management
    BotClientReputation: Bot Management - Client Reputation Analysis
    BotBehaviorAnalysis: Bot Management - Bot Intelligence Analysis
    BotCustomRule: Bot Management - Custom Bot Rules
    BotActiveDetection: Bot Management - Active Detection
  • DeployRecord

    Version release record details for the configuration group.

    Used by actions: DescribeDeployHistory.

    Name Type Description
    ConfigGroupVersionInfos Array of ConfigGroupVersionInfo Details about the released version.
    DeployTime Timestamp ISO8601 Release time. The time format follows the ISO 8601 standard and is represented in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
    Status String Release status. Valid values:
  • deploying: Being released.
  • failure: Release failed.
  • success: Released successfully.
  • Message String Release result information.
    RecordId String Release record ID.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Description String Change description.


    Domain name configuration information

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting.

    Name Type Description
    ZoneId String The site ID.
    Status String The acceleration status. Values:
  • process: In progress
  • online: Enabled
  • offline: Disabled
  • Host String The domain name.
    ZoneName String Name of the site
    Cname String The assigned CNAME
    Id String The resource ID.
    InstanceId String The instance ID.
    Lock Integer The lock status.
    Mode Integer The domain name status.
    Area String The acceleration area of the domain name. Values:
  • global: Global.
  • mainland: Chinese mainland.
  • overseas: Outside the Chinese mainland.
  • AccelerateType AccelerateType The acceleration type configuration item.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Https Https The HTTPS configuration item.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CacheConfig CacheConfig The cache configuration item.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Origin Origin The origin configuration item.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SecurityType SecurityType The security type.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CacheKey CacheKey The cache key configuration item.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Compression Compression The smart compression configuration item.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Waf Waf The WAF protection configuration item.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CC CC The CC protection configuration item.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    DDoS DDoS DDoS mitigation configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SmartRouting SmartRouting The smart routing configuration item.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Ipv6 Ipv6 The IPv6 access configuration item.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ClientIpCountry ClientIpCountry Whether to carry the location information of the client IP during origin-pull.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Differences between the newest and existing intermediate IPs

    Used by actions: DescribeOriginProtection.

    Name Type Description
    LatestIPWhitelist IPWhitelist The latest intermediate IPs.
    AddedIPWhitelist IPWhitelist The intermediate IPs added to the existing list.
    RemovedIPWhitelist IPWhitelist The intermediate IPs removed from the existing list.
    NoChangeIPWhitelist IPWhitelist The intermediate IPs that remain unchanged.


    Used by actions: CreateAccelerationDomain, CreateZone, DescribeAccelerationDomains, DescribeZones.

    Name Type Description
    Subdomain String The host record.
    RecordType String The record type.
    RecordValue String The record value.


    Block page configuration

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable configuration. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • WafDropPageDetail DropPageDetail No The settings of the block page that applies managed rules. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AclDropPageDetail DropPageDetail No The settings of the block page that applies custom rules. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The configuration details of the block page

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    PageId Integer Yes The ID of the block page. Specify 0 to use the default block page.
    (Disused) If 0 is passed, the default block page will be used.
    StatusCode Integer Yes The HTTP status code to trigger the block page. Range: 100-600, excluding 3xx codes. Code 566: Requests blocked by managed rules. Code 567: Requests blocked by web security rules (except managed rules).
    Name String Yes The block page file or URL.
    Type String Yes Type of the block page. Values:
  • page: Return the specified page.

  • CustomResponseId String No ID of custom response. The ID can be obtained via the DescribeCustomErrorPages API. It's required when Type=page.


    Status of domain names bound with this template.

    Used by actions: DescribeSecurityTemplateBindings.

    Name Type Description
    Entity String Instance name. Only subdomain names are supported.
    Status String Instance configuration status. Values:
  • online: Configuration has taken effect;
  • fail: Configuration failed;
  • process: Configuration is being delivered.
  • Message String Message returned after the operation completed.


    Environment information.

    Used by actions: DescribeEnvironments.

    Name Type Description
    EnvId String Environment ID.
    EnvType String Environment type. Valid values:
  • production: Production environment.
  • staging: Test environment.
  • Status String Environment status. Valid values:
  • creating: Being created.
  • running: The environment is stable, with version changes allowed.
  • version_deploying: The version is currently being deployed, with no more changes allowed.
  • Scope Array of String Effective scope of the configuration in the current environment. Valid values:
  • ALL: It takes effect on the entire network when EnvType is set to production.
  • It returns the IP address of the test node for host binding during testing when EnvType is set to staging.
  • CurrentConfigGroupVersionInfos Array of ConfigGroupVersionInfo For the effective versions of each configuration group in the current environment, there are two possible scenarios based on the value of Status:
  • When Status is set to version_deploying, the returned value of this field represents the previously effective version. In other words, during the deployment of the new version, the effective version is the one that was in effect before any changes were made.
  • When Status is set to running, the value returned by this field is the currently effective version.
  • CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 Creation time. The time format follows the ISO 8601 standard and is represented in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
    UpdateTime Timestamp ISO8601 Update time. The time format follows the ISO 8601 standard and is represented in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


    Custom error page's referenced source

    Used by actions: DescribeCustomErrorPages.

    Name Type Description
    BusinessId String Referenced business ID, such as the custom block rule ID.


    Exception rules, which are used to bypass specific rules

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable configuration. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • ExceptUserRules Array of ExceptUserRule No The settings of the exception rule. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The settings of the exception rule

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    RuleName String Yes The rule name.
    Action String Yes The rule action. It only supports the value skip, which indicates skipping all managed rules.
    RuleStatus String Yes The rule status. Values:
  • on: Enabled
  • off: Disabled
  • RuleID Integer No The rule ID, which is automatically created and only used as an output parameter.
    UpdateTime Timestamp ISO8601 No The update time. If it is null, the current date and time is recorded.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    ExceptUserRuleConditions Array of ExceptUserRuleCondition No The matching condition.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ExceptUserRuleScope ExceptUserRuleScope No The scope to which the exception rule applies.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RulePriority Integer No The rule priority. Value range: 0-100. If it is null, it defaults to 0.


    The condition of the exception rule

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    MatchFrom String No The field to match. Values:
  • host: Request domain name
  • sip: Client IP
  • ua: User-Agent
  • cookie: Cookie
  • cgi: CGI script
  • xff: XFF header
  • url: Request URL
  • accept: Request content type
  • method: Request method
  • header: Request header
  • sip_proto: Network layer protocol
  • MatchParam String No The parameter of the field. Only when MatchFrom = header, the key contained in the header can be passed.
    Operator String No The logical operator. Values:
  • equal: String equals
  • not_equal: Value not equals
  • include: String contains
  • not_include: String not contains
  • match: IP matches
  • not_match: IP not matches
  • include_area: Regions contain
  • is_empty: Value left empty
  • not_exists: Key fields not exist
  • regexp: Regex matches
  • len_gt: Value greater than
  • len_lt: Value smaller than
  • len_eq: Value equals
  • match_prefix: Prefix matches
  • match_suffix: Suffix matches
  • wildcard: Wildcard
  • MatchContent String No The value of the parameter.


    The scope to which the exception rule applies

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String No Exception mode. Values:
  • complete: Skip the exception rule for full requests.
  • partial: Skip the exception rule for partial requests.
  • Modules Array of String No The module to be activated. Values:
  • waf: Tencent Cloud-managed rules
  • rate: Rate limiting rules
  • acl: Custom rule
  • cc: CC attack defense
  • bot: Bot protection

  • Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value is obtained.
    PartialModules Array of PartialModule No Module settings of the exception rule. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    SkipConditions Array of SkipCondition No Condition settings of the exception rule. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Failure reason

    Used by actions: CreatePrefetchTask, CreatePurgeTask.

    Name Type Description
    Reason String Failure reason.
    Targets Array of String List of resources failed to be processed.


    Verification file, used to verify site ownership

    Used by actions: DescribeIdentifications, IdentifyZone.

    Name Type Description
    IdentifyPath String Directory of the verification file.
    IdentifyContent String Content of the verification file.


    Information required for verifying via a file. It's applicable to sites connected via CNAMEs.

    Used by actions: CreateAccelerationDomain, CreateZone, DescribeAccelerationDomains, DescribeZones.

    Name Type Description
    Path String EdgeOne obtains the file verification information in the format of "Scheme + Host + URL Path", (e.g. https://www.example.com/.well-known/teo-verification/z12h416twn.txt). This field is the URL path section of the URL you need to create.
    Content String Content of the verification file. The contents of this field need to be filled into the text file returned by Path.


    Key-value pair filters for conditional filtering queries, such as filtering ID, name, and status.
    If more than one filter exists, the logical relationship between these filters is AND.
    If multiple values exist in one filter, the logical relationship between these values under the same filter is OR.

    Used by actions: DescribeApplicationProxies, DescribeDefaultCertificates, DescribeHostsSetting, DescribeIdentifications, DescribeL4Proxy, DescribeL4ProxyRules, DescribeOriginProtection, DescribeRules.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String Yes Fields to be filtered.
    Values Array of String Yes Value of the filtered field.


    The configuration to detect slow attacks based on the transfer period the first 8 KB of requests

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    StatTime Integer No The transfer period threshold of the first 8 KB. If the threshold is reached, it’s considered a slow attack. Default: 5.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    The origin cache configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable the configuration of following the origin server. Valid values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • DefaultCacheTime Integer No Sets the default cache time when the origin server does not return the Cache-Control header.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    DefaultCache String No Specifies whether to enable cache when the origin server does not return the Cache-Control header.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    DefaultCacheStrategy String No Specifies whether to use the default caching policy when Cache-Control is not returned from the origin
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Force HTTPS redirect configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable force HTTPS redirect. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • RedirectStatusCode Integer No Redirect status code. Values:
  • 301: 301 redirect
  • 302: 302 redirect

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Configuration of gRPC support

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable gRPC support. Valid values:
  • on: Enable;
  • off: Disable.
  • HTTP header, used as input for the CreatePrefetchTask API

    Used by actions: CreatePrefetchTask, CreateRealtimeLogDeliveryTask, ModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryTask.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String Yes HTTP header name.
    Value String Yes HTTP header value


    HSTS configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable the configuration. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • MaxAge Integer No MaxAge (in seconds). The maximum value is 1 day.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    IncludeSubDomains String No Whether to contain subdomain names. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Preload String No Whether to enable preloading. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Domain name HTTPS acceleration configuration. This is disabled by default.

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Http2 String No Whether to enable HTTP2. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OcspStapling String No Whether to enable OCSP. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TlsVersion Array of String No TLS version. Valid values:
  • TLSv1: TLSv1 version;
  • TLSV1.1: TLSv1.1 version;
  • TLSV1.2: TLSv1.2 version;
  • TLSv1.3: TLSv1.3 version.
  • Only consecutive versions can be enabled at the same time.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Hsts Hsts No HSTS Configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CertInfo Array of ServerCertInfo No The certificate configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ApplyType String No Whether the certificate is managed by EdgeOne. Values:
  • apply: Managed by EdgeOne.
  • none: Not managed by EdgeOne.
  • If it is left empty, the default value none is used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    CipherSuite String No The cipher suite, with values:
  • loose-v2023: Provides high compatibility with general security, and supports TLS 1.0-1.3 cipher suites;
  • general-v2023: Provides relatively high compatibility with moderate security, and supports TLS 1.2-1.3 cipher suites;
  • strict-v2023: Provides high security, disables all cipher suites with security risks, and supports TLS 1.2-1.3 cipher suites.

  • Note: This field may return null, which indicates a failure to obtain a valid value.


    IP range group

    Used by actions: CreateSecurityIPGroup, DescribeSecurityIPGroup, DescribeSecurityIPGroupInfo, ModifySecurityIPGroup.

    Name Type Required Description
    GroupId Integer Yes Group ID. Enter 0.
    Name String Yes Group name.
    Content Array of String Yes IP group content. Only supports IP and IP mask.


    IP location information query

    Used by actions: DescribeIPRegion.

    Name Type Description
    IP String IP address, IPV4 or IPV6.
    IsEdgeOneIP String Whether the IP belongs to an EdgeOne node. Valid values:
  • yes: This IP belongs to an EdgeOne node;
  • no: This IP does not belong to an EdgeOne node.
  • IPWhitelist

    Intermediate IPs

    Used by actions: DescribeOriginProtection.

    Name Type Description
    IPv4 Array of String List of IPv4 addresses
    IPv6 Array of String List of IPv6 addresses


    The site verification information

    Used by actions: DescribeIdentifications.

    Name Type Description
    ZoneName String The site name.
    Domain String The subdomain name to be verified. To verify the ownership of a site, leave it blank.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Status String The verification status. Values:
  • pending: The verification is ongoing.
  • finished: The verification completed.
  • Ascription AscriptionInfo Details of the DNS record.
    OriginalNameServers Array of String The NS record of the domain name.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FileAscription FileAscriptionInfo Details of the verification file.


    Image optimization configuration.

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable configuration. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • IntelligenceRule

    Bot intelligence rules

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String No Switch. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    IntelligenceRuleItems Array of IntelligenceRuleItem No Items in a bot intelligence rule
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Bot intelligence rule items

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Label String Yes The tag to categorize bots. Values:
  • evil_bot: Malicious bot
  • suspect_bot: Suspected bot
  • good_bot: Good bot
  • normal: Normal request
  • Action String Yes The action taken on bots. Values
  • drop: Block
  • trans: Allow
  • alg: JavaScript challenge
  • captcha: Managed challenge
  • monitor: Observe
  • IpTableConfig

    IP/Region blocklist/allowlist configuration

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    IpTableRules Array of IpTableRule No The settings of the basic access control rule. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    IP blocklist/allowlist rule details

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Action String Yes The action. Values:
  • drop: Block
  • trans: Allow
  • monitor: Observe
  • MatchFrom String Yes The matching dimension. Values:
  • ip: Match by IP.
  • area: Match by IP region.
  • Operator String No Matching method. It defaults to equal if it’s left empty.
  • is_empty: The field is empty.
  • not_exists: The configuration item does not exist.
  • include: Include
  • not_include: Do not include
  • equal: Equal to
  • not_equal: Not equal to

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RuleID Integer No The rule ID, which is only used as an output parameter.
    UpdateTime Timestamp ISO8601 No The update time, which is only used as an output parameter.
    Status String No The rule status. A null value indicates that the rule is enabled. Values:
  • on: Enabled
  • off: Disabled

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RuleName String No The rule name.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    MatchContent String No Matching content. It’s not required when Operator is is_emty or not_exists.


    The IPv6 access configuration.

    Used by actions: CreateApplicationProxy, DescribeApplicationProxies, DescribeHostsSetting, DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyApplicationProxy, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable IPv6 access. Valid values:
  • on: Enable;
  • off: Disable.
  • L4OfflineLog

    The L7 log details

    Used by actions: DownloadL4Logs.

    Name Type Description
    ProxyId String L4 proxy instance ID.
    Area String Log query area. Valid values:
  • mainland: Chinese mainland;
  • overseas: Global (outside the Chinese mainland).
  • LogPacketName String Log packet name.
    Url String Log download address.
    LogTime Integer (Disused) Log packaging time.
    LogStartTime Timestamp ISO8601 Start time of log packaging.
    LogEndTime Timestamp ISO8601 End time of the log package.
    Size Integer Log size (in bytes).


    Layer 4 proxy instance.

    Used by actions: DescribeL4Proxy.

    Name Type Required Description
    ZoneId String No Zone ID.
    ProxyId String No Layer 4 proxy instance ID.
    ProxyName String No Layer 4 proxy instance name.
    Area String No Acceleration zone of the Layer 4 proxy instance.
  • mainland: Availability zone in the Chinese mainland;
  • overseas: Global availability zone (excluding the Chinese mainland);
  • global: Global availability zone.
  • Cname String No Access via CNAME.
    Ips Array of String No After the fixed IP address is enabled, this value will return the corresponding access IP address; if it is not enabled, this value will be empty.
    Status String No Status of the Layer 4 proxy instance.
  • online: Enabled;
  • offline: Disabled;
  • progress: Deploying;

  • stopping: Disabling;
  • banned: Blocked;
  • fail: Failed to deploy or disable.
  • Ipv6 String No Specifies whether to enable IPv6 access.
  • on: Enable;
  • off: Disable.
  • StaticIp String No Specifies whether to enable the fixed IP address.
  • on: Enable;
  • off: Disable.
  • AccelerateMainland String No Specifies whether to enable network optimization in the Chinese mainland.
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • DDosProtectionConfig DDosProtectionConfig No Security protection configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    L4ProxyRuleCount Integer No Number of forwarding rules under the Layer 4 proxy instance.
    UpdateTime Timestamp ISO8601 No Latest modification time.


    Details of Layer 4 proxy forwarding rules.

    Used by actions: CreateL4ProxyRules, DescribeL4ProxyRules, ModifyL4ProxyRules.

    Name Type Required Description
    RuleId String No Forwarding rule ID.
    Note: Do not fill in this parameter when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in CreateL4ProxyRules; it must be filled in when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in ModifyL4ProxyRules.
    Protocol String No Forwarding protocol. Valid values:
  • TCP: TCP protocol;
  • UDP: UDP protocol.

  • Note: This parameter must be filled in when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in CreateL4ProxyRules; it is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in ModifyL4ProxyRules. If not specified, it will retain its existing value.
    PortRange Array of String No Forwarding port, which can be set as follows:
  • A single port, such as 80;
  • A range of ports, such as 81-85, representing ports 81, 82, 83, 84, 85.

  • Note: This parameter must be filled in when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in CreateL4ProxyRules; it is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in ModifyL4ProxyRules. If not specified, it will retain its existing value.
    OriginType String No Origin server type. Valid values:
  • IP_DOMAIN: IP/Domain name origin server;
  • ORIGIN_GROUP: Origin server group;
  • LB: Cloud Load Balancer, currently only open to the allowlist.

  • Note: This parameter must be filled in when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in CreateL4ProxyRules; it is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in ModifyL4ProxyRules. If not specified, it will retain its existing value.
    OriginValue Array of String No Origin server address.
  • When OriginType is set to IP_DOMAIN, enter the IP address or domain name, such as or test.com;
  • When OriginType is set to ORIGIN_GROUP, enter the origin server group ID, such as og-537y24vf5b41;
  • When OriginType is set to LB, enter the Cloud Load Balancer instance ID, such as lb-2qwk30xf7s9g.

  • Note: This parameter must be filled in when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in CreateL4ProxyRules; it is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in ModifyL4ProxyRules. If not specified, it will retain its existing value.
    OriginPortRange String No Origin server port, which can be set as follows:
  • A single port, such as 80;
  • A range of ports, such as 81-85, representing ports 81, 82, 83, 84, 85. When inputting a range of ports, ensure that the length corresponds with that of the forwarding port range. For example, if the forwarding port range is 80-90, this port range should be 90-100.

  • Note: This parameter must be filled in when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in CreateL4ProxyRules; it is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in ModifyL4ProxyRules. If not specified, it will retain its existing value.
    ClientIPPassThroughMode String No Transmission of the client IP address. Valid values:
  • TOA: Available only when Protocol=TCP;

  • PPV1: Transmission via Proxy Protocol V1. Available only when Protocol=TCP;
  • PPV2: Transmission via Proxy Protocol V2;

  • SPP: Transmission via Simple Proxy Protocol. Available only when Protocol=UDP;

  • OFF: No transmission.

  • Note: This parameter is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in CreateL4ProxyRules, and if not specified, the default value OFF will be used; it is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in ModifyL4ProxyRules. If not specified, it will retain its existing value.
    SessionPersist String No Specifies whether to enable session persistence. Valid values:
  • on: Enable;
  • off: Disable.

  • Note: This parameter is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in CreateL4ProxyRules, and if not specified, the default value off will be used; it is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in ModifyL4ProxyRules. If not specified, it will retain its existing value.
    SessionPersistTime Integer No Session persistence period, with a range of 30-3600, measured in seconds.
    Note: This parameter is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in CreateL4ProxyRules. It is valid only when SessionPersist is set to on and defaults to 3600 if not specified. It is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in ModifyL4ProxyRules. If not specified, it will retain its existing value.
    RuleTag String No Rule tag. Accepts 1-50 arbitrary characters.
    Note: This parameter is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in CreateL4ProxyRules; it is optional when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in ModifyL4ProxyRules. If not specified, it will retain its existing value.
    Status String No Rule status. Valid values:
  • online: Enabled;
  • offline: Disabled;
  • progress: Deploying;
  • stopping: Disabling;
  • fail: Failed to deploy or disable.

  • Note: Do not set this parameter when L4ProxyRule is used as an input parameter in CreateL4ProxyRules and ModifyL4ProxyRules.
    BuId String No BuID.


    Details of L7 logs.

    Used by actions: DownloadL7Logs.

    Name Type Description
    Domain String Log domain name.
    Area String Log query area. Valid values:
  • mainland: Chinese mainland;
  • overseas: Global (outside the Chinese mainland).
  • LogPacketName String Log packet name.
    Url String Log download address.
    LogTime Integer (Disused) Log packaging time.
    LogStartTime Timestamp ISO8601 Start time of log packaging.
    LogEndTime Timestamp ISO8601 End time of the log package.
    Size Integer Original log size (in bytes).


    Output format for real-time log delivery. You can directly use the specified predefined log output format (JSON Lines / csv) through the FormatType parameter, or define a variant output format through additional parameters based on the predefined log output format.

    Used by actions: CreateRealtimeLogDeliveryTask, DescribeRealtimeLogDeliveryTasks, ModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryTask.

    Name Type Required Description
    FormatType String Yes Predefined output format type for log delivery. Valid values:
  • json: Use the predefined log output format JSON Lines, where fields in each log record are presented as key-value pairs;
  • csv: Use the predefined log output format csv, where fields in each log record is only presented as field values, excluding field names.
  • BatchPrefix String No A string added before each log delivery batch. Each log delivery batch may contain multiple log records.
    BatchSuffix String No A string appended after each log delivery batch.
    RecordPrefix String No A string added before each log record.
    RecordSuffix String No A string appended after each log record.
    RecordDelimiter String No A string inserted between log records as a separator. Valid values:
  • \n: Line break;
  • \t: Tab character;
  • ,: Half-width comma.
  • FieldDelimiter String No A string inserted between fields as a separator within a single log record. Valid values:
  • \t: Tab character;
  • ,: Half-width comma;
  • ;: Half-width semicolon.
  • MaxAge

    Browser cache rule configuration, which is used to set the default value of MaxAge and is disabled by default.

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    FollowOrigin String No Whether to follow the origin server. Values:
  • on: Follow the origin server and ignore the field MaxAgeTime;
  • off: Do not follow the origin server and apply the field MaxAgeTime.
  • MaxAgeTime Integer No Specifies the maximum amount of time (in seconds). The maximum value is 365 days.
    Note: The value 0 means not to cache.


    No-cache configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable no-cache configuration. Valid values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • NormalAction

    Common action of the rule engine

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    Action String Yes Feature name. For details, see DescribeRulesSetting API
    Parameters Array of RuleNormalActionParams Yes Parameter


    Information required for switching DNS servers. It's applicable to sites connected via NSs.

    Used by actions: CreateAccelerationDomain, CreateZone, DescribeAccelerationDomains, DescribeZones.

    Name Type Description
    NameServers Array of String The DNS server address assigned to the user when connecting a site to EO via NS. You need to switch the NameServer of the domain name to this address.


    Offline cache feature status switch.

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether offline cache is enabled. Valid values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • Origin

    The origin server configuration.

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Origins Array of String No Primary origin server list
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BackupOrigins Array of String No The list of backup origin servers.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OriginPullProtocol String No Origin-pull protocol configuration. Values:
  • http: Force HTTP for origin-pull.
  • follow: Follow protocol.
  • https: Force HTTPS for origin-pull.

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    CosPrivateAccess String No Whether to allow private access to buckets when OriginType=cos. Valid values:
  • on: Private access;
  • off: Public access.

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Details of the origin.

    Used by actions: DescribeAccelerationDomains.

    Name Type Description
    OriginType String Origin server type, with values:
  • IP_DOMAIN: IPv4, IPv6, or domain name type origin server;
  • COS: Tencent Cloud COS origin server;
  • AWS_S3: AWS S3 origin server;
  • ORIGIN_GROUP: origin server group type origin server;
  • VODEO: VOD on EO;
  • VOD: Video on Demand;
  • SPACE: origin server uninstallation. Currently only available to the allowlist;
  • LB: load balancing. Currently only available to the allowlist.
  • Origin String Origin server address, which varies according to the value of OriginType:
  • When OriginType = IP_DOMAIN, this parameter should be an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or a domain name;
  • When OriginType = COS, this parameter should be the access domain name of the COS bucket;
  • When OriginType = AWS_S3, this parameter should be the access domain name of the S3 bucket;
  • When OriginType = ORIGIN_GROUP, this parameter should be the origin server group ID;
  • When OriginType = VOD, this parameter should be the VOD application ID;
  • When OriginType = VODEO, if VodeoDistributionRange = ALL, then this parameter is "all-buckets-in-vodeo-application"; if VodeoDistributionRange = Bucket, then this parameter is the domain name of the corresponding bucket.
  • BackupOrigin String Secondary origin group ID. This parameter is valid only when OriginType is ORIGIN_GROUP and a secondary origin group is configured.
    OriginGroupName String Primary origin group name. This parameter returns a value when OriginType is ORIGIN_GROUP.
    BackOriginGroupName String Secondary origin group name. This parameter is valid only when OriginType is ORIGIN_GROUP and a secondary origin group is configured.
    PrivateAccess String Whether access to the private object storage origin server is allowed. This parameter is valid only when the origin server type OriginType is COS or AWS_S3. Valid values:
  • on: Enable private authentication;
  • off: Disable private authentication.

  • If this field is not specified, the default value 'off' will be used.
    PrivateParameters Array of PrivateParameter Private authentication parameter. This parameter is valid only when PrivateAccess is on.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VodeoSubAppId Integer MO sub-application ID
    VodeoDistributionRange String MO distribution range. Valid values:
  • All: all
  • Bucket: bucket
  • VodeoBucketId String MO bucket ID, required when the distribution range (DistributionRange) is bucket (Bucket)


    Origin group information.

    Used by actions: DescribeOriginGroup.

    Name Type Description
    GroupId String The ID of the origin group.
    Name String The name of the origin group.
    Type String The origin group type. Values:
  • GENERAL: General origin group
  • HTTP: HTTP-specific origin group
  • Records Array of OriginRecord Details of the origin record.
    References Array of OriginGroupReference List of instances referencing this origin group.
    CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 Creation time of the origin group.
    UpdateTime Timestamp ISO8601 The update time of the origin group.
    HostHeader String Origin-pull host header
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Services referencing this origin group

    Used by actions: DescribeOriginGroup.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceType String Services referencing the origin group. Values:
  • AccelerationDomain: Acceleration domain name
  • RuleEngine: Rules engine
  • Loadbalance: Load balancer
  • ApplicationProxy: L4 proxy
  • InstanceId String ID of the instances referencing the origin group
    InstanceName String Name of the instance referencing the origin group


    Details of the origin.

    Used by actions: CreateAccelerationDomain, ModifyAccelerationDomain.

    Name Type Required Description
    OriginType String Yes Origin server type, with values:
  • IP_DOMAIN: IPv4, IPv6, or domain name type origin server;
  • COS: Tencent Cloud COS origin server;
  • AWS_S3: AWS S3 origin server;
  • ORIGIN_GROUP: origin server group type origin server;

  • VOD: Video on Demand;
  • SPACE: origin server uninstallation. Currently only available to the allowlist;
  • LB: load balancing. Currently only available to the allowlist.
  • Origin String Yes Origin server address, which varies according to the value of OriginType:
  • When OriginType = IP_DOMAIN, fill in an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or a domain name;
  • When OriginType = COS, fill in the access domain name of the COS bucket;
  • When OriginType = AWS_S3, fill in the access domain name of the S3 bucket;
  • When OriginType = ORIGIN_GROUP, fill in the origin server group ID;
  • When OriginType = VOD, fill in the VOD application ID;
  • When OriginType = LB, fill in the Cloud Load Balancer instance ID. This feature is currently only available to the allowlist;
  • When OriginType = SPACE, fill in the origin server uninstallation space ID. This feature is currently only available to the allowlist.
  • BackupOrigin String No The ID of the secondary origin group. This parameter is valid only when OriginType is ORIGIN_GROUP. This field indicates the old version capability, which cannot be configured or modified on the control panel after being called. Please submit a ticket if required.
    PrivateAccess String No Whether access to the private Cloud Object Storage origin server is allowed. This parameter is valid only when OriginType is COS or AWS_S3. Valid values:
  • on: Enable private authentication;
  • off: Disable private authentication.

  • If it is not specified, the default value is off.
    PrivateParameters Array of PrivateParameter No Private authentication parameter. This parameter is valid only when PrivateAccess is on.
    VodeoSubAppId Integer No VODEO sub-application ID. This parameter is required when OriginType is VODEO.
    VodeoDistributionRange String No VOD on EO distribution range. This parameter is required when OriginType = VODEO. The values are:
  • All: all buckets under the current application;

  • Bucket: a specified bucket.
  • VodeoBucketId String No VODEO storage bucket ID. This parameter is required when OriginType is VODEO and VodeoDistributionRange is Bucket.


    Origin protection configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeOriginProtection.

    Name Type Description
    ZoneId String ID of the site.
    Hosts Array of String List of domain names.
    ProxyIds Array of String List of proxy IDs.
    CurrentIPWhitelist IPWhitelist The existing intermediate IPs.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    NeedUpdate Boolean Whether the intermediate IP update is needed for the site. Values:
  • true: Update needed;
  • false: Update not needed.
  • Status String Status of the origin protection configuration. Values:
  • online: Origin protection is activated;
  • offline: Origin protection is disabled.
  • nonactivate: Origin protection is not activated. This value is returned only when the feature is not activated before it’s used.
  • PlanSupport Boolean Whether origin protection is supported in the plan. Values:
  • true: Origin protection supported;
  • false: Origin protection not supported.
  • DiffIPWhitelist DiffIPWhitelist Differences between the latest and existing intermediate IPs.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Origin group record

    Used by actions: CreateOriginGroup, DescribeOriginGroup, ModifyOriginGroup.

    Name Type Required Description
    Record String Yes The origin record value, which can be an IPv4/IPv6 address or a domain name.
    Type String No The origin type. Values:
  • IP_DOMAIN: IPv4/IPv6 address or domain name
  • COS: COS bucket address
  • AWS_S3: AWS S3 bucket address
  • RecordId String No The origin record ID.
    Weight Integer No Weight of an origin. Range: 0-100. If it is not specified, a random weight is assigned. If 0 is passed in, there is no traffic scheduled to this origin.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Private Boolean No Whether to enable private authentication. It is valid when OriginType=COS/AWS_S3. Values:
  • true: Yes.
  • false: No.
  • Default: false.
    PrivateParameters Array of PrivateParameter No Private authentication parameters. This field is valid when Private=true.


    Information of domain name ownership verification.

    Used by actions: CreateAccelerationDomain, CreateZone, DescribeAccelerationDomains, DescribeZones.

    Name Type Description
    DnsVerification DnsVerification u200cInformation required for authentication using DNS resolution. It's applicable to sites connected via CNAME. See Ownership Verification.

    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    FileVerification FileVerification u200cInformation required for verifying via a file. It's applicable to sites connected via CNAMEs. See Ownership Verification.

    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    NsVerification NsVerification u200cInformation required for switching DNS servers. It's applicable to sites connected via NSs. For details, see Modifying DNS Server.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Module settings of the exception rule

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Module String No The module. Values:
  • waf: Managed rules
  • Include Array of Integer No List of managed rule IDs to be skipped.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    EdgeOne plan information

    Used by actions: DescribeAvailablePlans.

    Name Type Description
    Currency String Settlement currency. Values:
  • CNY: Settled by Chinese RMB;
  • USD: Settled by US dollars.
  • Flux Integer Traffic quota of the plan. It includes the traffic for security acceleration, content acceleration and smart acceleration. Unit: byte.
    Frequency String Settlement cycle. Values:
  • y: Settled by year;
  • m: Settled by month;
  • h: Settled by hour;
  • M: Settled by minute;
  • s: Settled by second.
  • PlanType String The plan option. Values:
  • sta: Standard plan that supports content delivery network outside the Chinese mainland.
  • sta_with_bot: Standard plan that supports content delivery network outside the Chinese mainland and bot management.
  • sta_cm: Standard plan that supports content delivery network inside the Chinese mainland.
  • sta_cm_with_bot: Standard plan that supports content delivery network inside the Chinese mainland and bot management.
  • sta: Standard plan that supports content delivery network over the globe.
  • sta_global_with_bot: Standard plan that supports content delivery network over the globe and bot management.
  • ent: Enterprise plan that supports content delivery network outside the Chinese mainland.
  • ent_with_bot: Enterprise plan that supports content delivery network outside the Chinese mainland and bot management.
  • ent_cm: Enterprise plan that supports content delivery network inside the Chinese mainland.
  • ent_cm_with_bot: Enterprise plan that supports content delivery network inside the Chinese mainland and bot management.
  • ent_global: Enterprise plan that supports content delivery network over the globe.
  • ent_global_with_bot: Enterprise plan that supports content delivery network over the globe and bot management.
  • Price Float Plan price (in CNY fen/US cent). The price unit depends on the settlement currency.
    Request Integer Quota on security acceleration requests
    SiteNumber Integer Number of sites to be bound to the plan
    Area String The acceleration region. Values:
  • mainland: Chinese mainland
  • overseas: Global (Chinese mainland not included)
  • global: Global (Chinese mainland included)
  • PostMaxSize

    Maximum size of the file uploaded for streaming via a POST request

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable POST upload limit (default limit: 32 MB). Valid values:
  • on: Enable;
  • off: Disable.
  • MaxSize Integer No Maximum size. Value range: 1-500 MB.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Prepaid Plan Billing Parameters

    Used by actions: CreatePlan.

    Name Type Required Description
    Period Integer No Prepaid plan duration, unit: month. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36.

    If this field is not specified, the default value '1' will be used.
    RenewFlag String No The auto-renewal flag for prepaid plan has the following values:
  • on: Enable auto-renewal;
  • off: Disable auto-renewal.

  • If this field is not specified, the default value 'off' will be used. When auto-renewal is enabled, it defaults to renewing for one month.


    Private authentication parameters for Cloud Object Storage origin server

    Used by actions: CreateAccelerationDomain, CreateOriginGroup, DescribeAccelerationDomains, DescribeOriginGroup, ModifyAccelerationDomain, ModifyOriginGroup.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String Yes The name of the private authentication parameter. Valid values:
  • AccessKeyId: Access Key ID for authentication;
  • SecretAccessKey: Secret Access Key for authentication;
  • SignatureVersion: Authentication version, v2 or v4;
  • Region: The region of the storage bucket.
  • Value String Yes The parameter value.


    The query condition

    Used by actions: CreateRealtimeLogDeliveryTask, DescribeOverviewL7Data, DescribeTimingL4Data, DescribeTimingL7AnalysisData, DescribeTimingL7CacheData, DescribeTopL7AnalysisData, DescribeTopL7CacheData, ModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryTask.

    Name Type Required Description
    Key String Yes The key of QueryCondition.
    Operator String Yes The conditional operator. Values:
  • equals: Equals
  • notEquals: Does not equal
  • include: Contains
  • notInclude: Does not contain
  • startWith: Starts with
  • notStartWith: Does not start with
  • endWith: Ends with
  • notEndWith: Does not end with
  • Value Array of String Yes The value of QueryCondition.


    Request parameter contained in CacheKey

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to use QueryString as part of CacheKey. Values:
  • on: Yes
  • off: No
  • Action String No Specifies how to use query strings in the cache key. Values:
  • includeCustom: Include partial query strings.</li><li>excludeCustom`: Exclude partial query strings.

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Value Array of String No Array of query strings used/excluded
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    QUIC configuration item

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable QUIC. Valid values:
  • on: Enable;
  • off: Disable.
  • Quota

    Purging/Pre-warming available usage and quota

    Used by actions: DescribeContentQuota.

    Name Type Description
    Batch Integer
    Daily Integer Daily submission quota limit.
    DailyAvailable Integer Remaining daily submission quota.
    Type String Type of cache purging/pre-warming. Values:
  • purge_prefix: Purge by prefix
  • purge_url: Purge by URL
  • purge_host: Purge by hostname
  • purge_all: Purge all caches
  • purge_cache_tag: Purge by cache tag
  • prefetch_url: Pre-warm by URL
  • RateLimitConfig

    Rate limiting rules

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • RateLimitUserRules Array of RateLimitUserRule No The settings of the custom rate limiting rule. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    RateLimitTemplate RateLimitTemplate No The settings of the rate limiting template. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RateLimitIntelligence RateLimitIntelligence No The client filtering settings. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RateLimitCustomizes Array of RateLimitUserRule No The custom rate limiting rules. If it is null, the previous settings is used.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Client filtering

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable configuration. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • Action String Yes Action to be executed. Values:
  • monitor: Observe
  • alg: Challenge
  • RuleId Integer No The rule ID, which is only used as a response parameter.


    Rate limit template

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Mode String Yes The mode. Values:
  • sup_loose: Super loose
  • loose: Loose
  • emergency: Emergency
  • normal: Moderate
  • strict: Strict
  • close: Off
  • Action String No The action. Values:
  • alg: JavaScript challenge
  • monitor: Observe
  • If it is left empty, the default value alg is used.
    RateLimitTemplateDetail RateLimitTemplateDetail No The settings of the rate limiting template. It is only used as an output parameter.


    The settings of the rate limiting template

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Mode String Yes Note: This field may return null, which indicates a failure to obtain a valid value.
    ID Integer Yes The unique ID.
    Action String Yes Note: This field may return null, which indicates a failure to obtain a valid value.
    PunishTime Integer Yes Note: This field may return null, which indicates a failure to obtain a valid value.
    Threshold Integer Yes The request threshold. Value range: 0-4294967294.
    Period Integer Yes The statistical period. Value range: 0-120 seconds.


    Rate limit rule

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Threshold Integer Yes The request threshold. Value range: 0-4294967294.
    Period Integer Yes The statistical period. The value can be 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 seconds.
    RuleName String Yes The rule name, which consists of only letters, digits, and underscores and cannot start with an underscore.
    Action String Yes Action. Values:
  • monitor: Observe;
  • drop: Block;
  • redirect: Redirect;
  • page: Return a specific page;
  • alg: JavaScript challenge.
  • PunishTime Integer Yes The amount of time taken to perform the action. Value range: 0 seconds - 2 days.
    PunishTimeUnit String Yes The time unit. Values:
  • second: Second
  • minutes: Minute
  • hour: Hour
  • RuleStatus String Yes The rule status. Values:
  • on: Enabled
  • off: Disabled
  • Default value: on
    AclConditions Array of AclCondition Yes The rule details.
    RulePriority Integer Yes The rule weight. Value range: 0-100.
    RuleID Integer No Rule ID, which is only used as an output parameter.
    FreqFields Array of String No The filter. Values:
  • sip: Client IP

  • This parameter is left empty by default.
    UpdateTime String No Update time. It is only used as a response parameter, and defaults to the current time.
    FreqScope Array of String No Query scope. Values:
  • source_to_eo: (Response) Traffic going from the origin to EdgeOne.
  • client_to_eo: (Request) Traffic going from the client to EdgeOne.

  • Default: source_to_eo.
    Name String No Name of the custom return page. It's required when Action=page.
    CustomResponseId String No ID of custom response. The ID can be obtained via the DescribeCustomErrorPages API. It's required when Action=page.
    ResponseCode Integer No The response code to trigger the return page. It's required when Action=page. Value: 100-600. 3xx response codes are not supported. Default value: 567.
    RedirectUrl String No The redirection URL. It's required when Action=redirect.


    Real-time log delivery task

    Used by actions: DescribeRealtimeLogDeliveryTasks.

    Name Type Description
    TaskId String The ID of the real-time log delivery task.
    TaskName String The name of the real-time log delivery task.
    DeliveryStatus String The status of the real-time log delivery task. Valid values:
  • enabled: Enabled;
  • disabled: Disabled;
  • deleted: Abnormal deletion. Check whether the destination Tencent Cloud CLS log set/log topic has been deleted.
  • TaskType String The type of the real-time log delivery task. Valid values:
  • cls: Push to Tencent Cloud CLS;
  • custom_endpoint: Push to a custom HTTP(S) address;
  • s3: Push to an AWS S3-compatible bucket address.
  • EntityList Array of String The list of entities (Layer 7 domains or Layer 4 proxy instances) corresponding to the real-time log delivery task. Valid value examples:
  • Layer 7 domain: domain.example.com;
  • Layer 4 proxy instance: sid-2s69eb5wcms7.
  • LogType String The data delivery type. Valid values:
  • domain: Site acceleration log;
  • application: Layer 4 proxy log;
  • web-rateLiming: Rate limit and CC attack defense log;
  • web-attack: Managed rule log;
  • web-rule: Custom rule log;
  • web-bot: Bot management log.
  • Area String The data delivery area. Valid values:
  • mainland: Within the Chinese mainland;
  • overseas: Global (excluding the Chinese mainland).
  • Fields Array of String The list of predefined fields for delivery.
    CustomFields Array of CustomField The list of custom fields for delivery.
    DeliveryConditions Array of DeliveryCondition Log delivery filter conditions.
    Sample Integer The sampling ratio in permille. Value range: 1 to 1000. For example, 605 represents a sampling ratio of 60.5%.
    LogFormat LogFormat Output format for log delivery. When the output parameter is null, the default format is used, which works as follows:
  • When TaskType is 'custom_endpoint', the default format is an array of JSON objects, with each JSON object representing a log entry;
  • When TaskType is 's3', the default format is JSON Lines.

  • Note: This field may return 'null', which indicates a failure to obtain a valid value.
    CLS CLSTopic Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CustomEndpoint CustomEndpoint Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    S3 S3 Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 The creation time.
    UpdateTime Timestamp ISO8601 The update time.


    Auto-renewal configuration item in a prepaid plan.

    Used by actions: ModifyPlan.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes The auto-renewal flag for prepaid plan has the following values:
  • on: Enable auto-renewal;
  • off: Disable auto-renewal.
  • Resource

    Billable resource

    Used by actions: DescribeZones.

    Name Type Description
    Id String The resource ID.
    PayMode Integer Billing mode
    0: Pay-as-you-go
    CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 The creation time.
    EnableTime Timestamp ISO8601 The effective time.
    ExpireTime Timestamp ISO8601 The expiration time.
    Status String The plan status. Values:
  • normal: Normal
  • isolated: Isolated
  • destroyed: Terminated
  • Sv Array of Sv Pricing query parameter
    AutoRenewFlag Integer Whether to enable auto-renewal. Values:
  • 0: Default status.
  • 1: Enable auto-renewal.
  • 2: Disable auto-renewal.
  • PlanId String ID of the resource associated with the plan.
    Area String Applicable area. Values:
  • mainland: Chinese mainland
  • overseas: Regions outside the Chinese mainland
  • global: Global
  • Group String The resource type. Values:
  • plan: Plan resources
  • pay-as-you-go: Pay-as-you-go resources
  • value-added: Value-added resources

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ZoneNumber Integer The sites that are associated with the current resources.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Type String Resource tag type. Valid values:
  • vodeo: vodeo resource.
  • RewriteAction

    Rule engine action for the HTTP request/response header

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    Action String Yes Feature name. For details, see DescribeRulesSetting API
    Parameters Array of RuleRewriteActionParams Yes Parameter


    Rule item of the rule engine. The items in the Conditions array are in OR relationship, and the items in the inner Conditions list are in AND relationship.

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    Conditions Array of RuleAndConditions Yes Feature execution conditions.
    Note: If any condition in the array is met, the feature will run.
    Actions Array of Action No Feature to be executed.
    Note: Actions and SubRules cannot both be empty.
    SubRules Array of SubRuleItem No The nested rule.
    Note: Actions and SubRules cannot both be empty.


    List of rule engine conditions in AND relationship

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    Conditions Array of RuleCondition Yes Rule engine condition. This condition will be considered met if all items in the array are met.


    Detailed settings of the rule engine that can be used for request match, which are optional parameter configuration items.

    Used by actions: DescribeRulesSetting.

    Name Type Description
    Name String The parameter name.
    Type String The parameter value type.
  • CHOICE: The parameter value can be selected only from Values.
  • TOGGLE: The parameter value is of switch type and can be selected from ChoicesValue.
  • CUSTOM_NUM: The parameter value is a custom integer.
  • CUSTOM_STRING: The parameter value is a custom string.
  • ChoicesValue Array of String Valid parameter values.
    Note: If Type is CUSTOM_NUM or CUSTOM_STRING, this parameter will be an empty array.
    Min Integer Minimum value. If both Min and Max are set to 0, this parameter does not take effect.
    Max Integer Maximum value. If both Min and Max are set to 0, this parameter does not take effect.
    IsMultiple Boolean Whether multiple values can be selected or entered.
    IsAllowEmpty Boolean Whether the parameter can be left empty.
    ExtraParameter RuleExtraParameter Special parameter.
  • NULL: Select NormalAction for RuleAction.
  • If the member parameter Id is Action, select RewirteAction for RuleAction.
  • If the member parameter Id is StatusCode, select CodeAction for RuleAction.
  • RuleCodeActionParams

    Parameters of the action with the StatusCode field as the rule engine condition

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    StatusCode Integer Yes The status code.
    Name String Yes The parameter name. For details, see DescribeRulesSetting.
    Values Array of String Yes The parameter value.


    Rule engine condition parameters

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    Operator String Yes Operator. Valid values:
  • equals: Equals
  • notEquals: Does not equal
  • exist: Exists
  • notexist: Does not exist
  • Target String Yes Match type. Valid values:
  • filename: File name;
  • extension: File extension;
  • host: Host name;
  • full_url: The complete URL path under the current site, which must include the HTTP protocol, host, and path;
  • url: Request for the URL path under the current site;
  • client_country: Client country/region;
  • query_string: The query string of the URL requested under the current site;
  • request_header: HTTP request header;
  • client_ip: Client IP address.
  • Values Array of String No The parameter values for match types. It is allowed to pass an empty array only when the match type is query_string or request_header and the operator value is Exist or Does Not Exist. The corresponding match types include:
  • File extension: Extensions like jpg, txt, etc.;
  • File name: For example, foo in foo.jpg;
  • All: All requests for domain names under the site;
  • HOST: The host under the current site, for example, www.maxx55.com;
  • URL Path: Request for the URL path under the current site, for example, /example;
  • URL Full: The complete URL request under the current site, which must include the HTTP protocol, host, and path, for example, https://www.maxx55.cn/example;
  • Client country/region: Country/region codes compliant with the ISO3166 standard;
  • Query string: The parameter values in the query string of the URL requested under the current site, for example, cn and 1 in lang=cn&version=1;
  • HTTP request header: The value of the HTTP request header field, for example, zh-CN,zh;q=0.9 in Accept-Language:zh-CN,zh;q=0.9;
  • Client IP: The client IP address carried by the current request, supporting IPv4, IPv6, and an IP range.
  • IgnoreCase Boolean No Whether the parameter value is case insensitive. Default value: false.
    Name String No The parameter name of the match type. This field is required only when Target=query_string/request_header.
  • query_string: Name of the query string, such as "lang" and "version" in "lang=cn&version=1".
  • request_header: Name of the HTTP request header, such as "Accept-Language" in the "Accept-Language:zh-CN,zh;q=0.9" header.
  • RuleExtraParameter

    Rule engine parameter details and special parameter types.

    Used by actions: DescribeRulesSetting.

    Name Type Description
    Id String Parameter name. Valid values:
  • Action: Required parameter for HTTP header modification when RewirteAction is selected for RuleAction.
  • StatusCode: Required parameter for the status code feature when CodeAction is selected for RuleAction.
  • Type String Parameter value type.
  • CHOICE: The parameter value can be selected only from Values.
  • CUSTOM_NUM: The parameter value is a custom integer.
  • CUSTOM_STRING: The parameter value is a custom string.
  • Choices Array of String Valid values.
    Note: If the value of Id is StatusCode, values in the array are all integer values. When entering a parameter value, enter the integer value of the string.


    Rule details of the rule engine

    Used by actions: DescribeRules.

    Name Type Description
    RuleId String The rule ID.
    RuleName String The rule name. It is a string that can contain 1–255 characters.
    Status String Rule status. Values:
  • enable: Enabled
  • disable: Disabled
  • Rules Array of Rule The rule content.
    RulePriority Integer The rule priority. The greater the value, the higher the priority. The minimum value is 1.
    Tags Array of String Tag of the rule.


    Common action parameter of a rule engine condition

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String Yes The parameter name. For details, see DescribeRulesSetting.
    Values Array of String Yes The parameter value.


    Parameter of the action for the HTTP request/response header of a rule engine condition.

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    Action String Yes Feature parameter name. For details, see DescribeRulesSetting.
  • add: Add the HTTP header.
  • set: Rewrite the HTTP header.
  • del: Delete the HTTP header.
  • Name String Yes Parameter name
    Values Array of String Yes Parameter value


    Detailed settings of the rule engine that can be used for request match.

    Used by actions: DescribeRulesSetting.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Parameter name.
    Min Integer Minimum value. If both Min and Max are set to 0, this parameter does not take effect.
    ChoicesValue Array of String Valid parameter values.
    Note: If Type is CUSTOM_NUM or CUSTOM_STRING, this parameter will be an empty array.
    Type String The parameter value type.
  • CHOICE: If Type=CHOICE, choose a value in ChoiceValue.
  • TOGGLE: If Type=TOGGLE, choose on or off from ChoicesValue.
  • OBJECT: Specify an object. If this is specified, ChoiceProperties includes attributes of the specified object. See Example 2. Create a rule with Type=OBJECT
  • CUSTOM_NUM: (Integer) Custom value.
  • CUSTOM_STRING: (String) Custom value.
  • Max Integer Maximum value. If both Min and Max are set to 0, this parameter does not take effect.
    IsMultiple Boolean Whether multiple values can be selected or entered.
    IsAllowEmpty Boolean Whether the parameter can be left empty.
    ChoiceProperties Array of RuleChoicePropertiesItem Associated configuration parameters of this parameter, which are required for API call.
    Note: This parameter will be an empty array if no special parameters are added as optional parameters.
    ExtraParameter RuleExtraParameter
  • NULL: No special parameters when NormalAction is selected for RuleAction.

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    List of the settings of the rule engine that can be used for request match and their detailed information.

    Used by actions: DescribeRulesSetting.

    Name Type Description
    Action String Feature name. Valid values:
  • Access URL rewrite (AccessUrlRedirect).
  • Origin-pull URL rewrite (UpstreamUrlRedirect).
  • Custom error page
  • QUIC (QUIC).
  • WebSocket (WebSocket).
  • Video dragging (VideoSeek).
  • Token authentication (Authentication).
  • CacheKey: Custom cache key.
  • Cache: Node cache TTL.
  • MaxAge: Browser cache TTL.
  • OfflineCache: Offline cache.
  • SmartRouting: Smart acceleration.
  • RangeOriginPull: Range GETs.
  • UpstreamHttp2: HTTP/2 forwarding.
  • HostHeader: Host header rewrite.
  • ForceRedirect: Force HTTPS.
  • OriginPullProtocol: Origin-pull HTTPS.
  • CachePrefresh: Cache prefresh.
  • Compression: Smart compression.
  • RequestHeader: HTTP request header modification.
  • HTTP response header modification (ResponseHeader).
  • Status code cache TTL (StatusCodeCache).
  • Hsts.
  • ClientIpHeader.
  • TlsVersion.
  • OcspStapling.
  • Properties Array of RulesProperties Parameter information


    The configuration information of real-time log delivery to an AWS S3 compatible bucket

    Used by actions: CreateRealtimeLogDeliveryTask, DescribeRealtimeLogDeliveryTasks, ModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryTask.

    Name Type Required Description
    Endpoint String Yes The URL without bucket name or path, for example: https://storage.googleapis.com, https://s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com, and https://cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloud.com.
    Region String Yes The region where the bucket is located, for example: ap-northeast-2.
    Bucket String Yes The bucket name and log storage directory, for example: your_bucket_name/EO-logs/. If the directory does not exist in the bucket, it will be created automatically.
    AccessId String Yes The Access Key ID used to access the bucket.
    AccessKey String Yes The secret key used to access the bucket.
    CompressType String No The data compress type. Valid values:
  • gzip: gzip compression.
  • If this field is not filled in, compression is disabled.


    Returned value of security data entry

    Used by actions: DescribeDDoSAttackData.

    Name Type Description
    Key String The query dimension value.
    Value Array of SecEntryValue The details.


    The security data queried by metric

    Used by actions: DescribeDDoSAttackData.

    Name Type Description
    Metric String The metric name.
    Detail Array of TimingDataItem The time-series data details.
    Max Integer The maximum value.
    Avg Float The average value.
    Sum Float Sum


    Security configuration

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    WafConfig WafConfig No Managed rule. If the parameter is null or not filled, the configuration last set will be used by default.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    RateLimitConfig RateLimitConfig No Rate limiting. If the parameter is null or not filled, the configuration last set will be used by default.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    AclConfig AclConfig No Custom rule. If the parameter is null or not filled, the configuration last set will be used by default.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    BotConfig BotConfig No Bot configuration. If the parameter is null or not filled, the configuration last set will be used by default.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    SwitchConfig SwitchConfig No Switch setting of the 7-layer protection. If the parameter is null or not filled, the configuration last set will be used by default.Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    IpTableConfig IpTableConfig No Basic access control. If the parameter is null or not filled, the configuration last set will be used by default.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    ExceptConfig ExceptConfig No Exception rule configuration. If the parameter is null or not filled, the configuration last set will be used by default.Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    DropPageConfig DropPageConfig No Custom block page settings. If the parameter is null or not filled, the configuration last set will be used by default.Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    TemplateConfig TemplateConfig No Security template settings
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    SlowPostConfig SlowPostConfig No Settings for slow attack defense. If the parameter is null or not filled, the configuration last set will be used by default.Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Bindings of a security policy template

    Used by actions: DescribeSecurityTemplateBindings.

    Name Type Description
    TemplateId String template ID
    TemplateScope Array of TemplateScope Binding status of the template.


    The security type setting item.

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable the security type setting. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • ServerCertInfo

    HTTPS server certificate configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, ModifyHostsCertificate, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    CertId String Yes ID of the server certificate.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Alias String No Alias of the certificate.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Type String No Type of the certificate. Values:
  • default: Default certificate

  • u200c
  • upload: Custom certificate

  • u200c
  • managed: Tencent Cloud-managed certificate

  • Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ExpireTime Timestamp ISO8601 No Time when the certificate expires.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    DeployTime Timestamp ISO8601 No Time when the certificate is deployed.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SignAlgo String No Signature algorithm.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CommonName String No Domain name of the certificate.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Exception rule conditions, used to filter requests by specific fields

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes The field type. Values:
  • header_fields: HTTP request header
  • cookie: HTTP request cookie
  • query_string: Query string in the HTTP request URL
  • uri: HTTP request URI
  • body_raw: HTTP request body
  • body_json: JSON HTTP request body
  • Selector String Yes The specific field. Values:
  • args: Query parameter in the URI, such as "?name1=jack&age=12"
  • path: Partial path in the URI, such as "/path/to/resource.jpg"
  • full: Full path in the URI, such as "example.com/path/to/resource.jpg?name1=jack&age=12"
  • upload_filename: File path segment
  • keys: All keys
  • values: Values of all keys
  • key_value: Key and its value
  • MatchFromType String No The match method used to match the key. Values:
  • equal: Exact match
  • wildcard: Wildcard match (only asterisks)
  • MatchFrom Array of String No The value that matches the key.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    MatchContentType String No The match method used to match the content.
  • equal: Exact match
  • wildcard: Wildcard match (only asterisks)
  • MatchContent Array of String No The value that matches the content.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Slow attack defense configuration.

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • FirstPartConfig FirstPartConfig No Detect slow attacks by the transfer period of the first 8 KB of requests
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    SlowRateConfig SlowRateConfig No Detect slow attacks by the data rate of the main body (excluding the first 8 KB) of requests
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    Action String No The action to taken when a slow attack is detected. Values:
  • monitor: Observe
  • drop: Block the request

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    RuleId Integer No ID of the rule
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    The configuration to detect slow attacks

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Switch. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • Interval Integer No The sampling interval in seconds. In this way, the first 8 KB of the request is ignored. The rest of data is separated in to multiple parts according to this interval for slow attack measurement.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    Threshold Integer No The transfer rate threshold in bps. When the transfer rate of a sample is lower than the threshold, it’s considered a slow attack and handled according to the specified Action.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Smart acceleration configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting, DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable smart acceleration. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • StandardDebug

    Standard debugging

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable standard debugging. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • AllowClientIPList Array of String Yes The client IP to allow. It can be an IPv4/IPv6 address or a CIDR block. If not specified, it means to allow any client IP
    ExpireTime Timestamp ISO8601 Yes The time when the standard debugging setting expires. If it is exceeded, this feature becomes invalid.


    Nested rule settings

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    Conditions Array of RuleAndConditions Yes The condition that determines if a feature should run.
    Note: If any condition in the array is met, the feature will run.
    Actions Array of Action Yes The feature to be executed.


    Rule engine nested rule

    Used by actions: CreateRule, DescribeRules, ModifyRule.

    Name Type Required Description
    Rules Array of SubRule Yes Nested rule settings
    Tags Array of String No Tag of the rule.


    Pricing query parameter

    Used by actions: DescribeZones.

    Name Type Required Description
    Key String Yes The parameter key.
    Value String Yes The parameter value.
    Pack String No Quota for a resource. Values:
  • zone: Quota for sites
  • custom-rule: Quota for custom rules
  • rate-limiting-rule: Quota for rate limiting rules
  • l4-proxy-instance: Quota for L4 proxy instances

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    InstanceId String No ID of the L4 proxy instance.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ProtectionSpecs String No The protection specification.
  • cm_30G: 30 Gbps base protection bandwidth in Chinese mainland service area
  • cm_60G: 60 Gbps base protection bandwidth in Chinese mainland service area
  • cm_100G: 100 Gbps base protection bandwidth in Chinese mainland service area
  • anycast_300G: 300 Gbps Anycast-based protection in Global (MLC) service area
  • anycast_unlimited: Unlimited Anycast-based protection bandwidth in Global (MLC) service area
  • cm_30G_anycast_300G: 30 Gbps base protection bandwidth in Chinese mainland service area and 300 Gbps Anycast-based protection bandwidth in Global (MLC) service area
  • cm_30G_anycast_unlimited: 30 Gbps base protection bandwidth in Chinese mainland service area and unlimited Anycast-based protection bandwidth in Global (MLC) service area
  • cm_60G_anycast_300G: 60 Gbps base protection bandwidth in **Chinese mainland** service area and 300 Gbps Anycast-based protection bandwidth in **Global (MLC)** service area</li><li> cm_60G_anycast_unlimited: 60 Gbps base protection bandwidth in Chinese mainland service area and unlimited Anycast-based protection bandwidth in Global (MLC) service area
  • cm_100G_anycast_300G: 100 Gbps base protection bandwidth in Chinese mainland service area and 300 Gbps Anycast-based protection bandwidth in Global (MLC) service area
  • cm_100G_anycast_unlimited`: 100 Gbps base protection bandwidth in Chinese mainland service area and unlimited Anycast-based protection bandwidth in Global (MLC) service area

  • Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Web security configuration switch

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    WebSwitch String Yes Whether to enable web protection. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • It does not affect DDoS and bot configuration.


    Tag configuration

    Used by actions: CreateZone, DescribeZones.

    Name Type Required Description
    TagKey String Yes The tag key.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TagValue String Yes The tag value.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Content management task result

    Used by actions: DescribePrefetchTasks, DescribePurgeTasks.

    Name Type Description
    JobId String ID of the task.
    Target String Resource.
    Type String Type of the task.
    Method String Node cache purge method, with values:
  • invalidate: Marks as expired. A back-to-origin validation is triggered upon user request, sending an HTTP conditional request with If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since headers. If the origin server responds with 200, the node will fetch new resources from the origin and update the cache; if the origin server responds with 304, the cache will not be updated;
  • delete: Directly deletes the node's cache, triggering a resource fetch from the origin upon user request.

  • Note: This field may return null, which indicates a failure to obtain a valid value.
    Status String Status. Valid values:
  • processing: Processing;
  • success: Succeeded;
  • failed: Failed;
  • timeout: Timed out.
  • CreateTime Timestamp ISO8601 Creation time of the task.
    UpdateTime Timestamp ISO8601 Completion time of the task.


    Security template settings

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    TemplateId String Yes The template ID.
    TemplateName String Yes The template name.


    Domain names bound with the template.

    Used by actions: DescribeSecurityTemplateBindings.

    Name Type Required Description
    ZoneId String No ID of the site.
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    EntityStatus Array of EntityStatus No List of instance statuses
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Data items of the statistical curve

    Used by actions: DescribeDDoSAttackData, DescribeOverviewL7Data, DescribeTimingL4Data, DescribeTimingL7AnalysisData, DescribeTimingL7CacheData.

    Name Type Description
    Timestamp Integer The query time recorded in seconds using UNIX timestamp.
    Value Integer The value.


    The time-series data

    Used by actions: DescribeOverviewL7Data, DescribeTimingL4Data, DescribeTimingL7AnalysisData, DescribeTimingL7CacheData.

    Name Type Description
    TypeKey String The query dimension value.
    TypeValue Array of TimingTypeValue Detailed time series data


    Detailed data of time series type

    Used by actions: DescribeOverviewL7Data, DescribeTimingL4Data, DescribeTimingL7AnalysisData, DescribeTimingL7CacheData.

    Name Type Description
    Sum Integer Sum.
    Max Integer The maximum value.
    Avg Integer The average value.
    MetricName String Metric name.
    Detail Array of TimingDataItem Details.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The top-ranked data record

    Used by actions: DescribeTopL7AnalysisData, DescribeTopL7CacheData.

    Name Type Description
    TypeKey String The query dimension value.
    DetailData Array of TopDetailData Top data rankings


    The top-ranked data details

    Used by actions: DescribeTopL7AnalysisData, DescribeTopL7CacheData.

    Name Type Description
    Key String The field name.
    Value Integer The field value.


    The Top-ranked data

    Used by actions: DescribeDDoSAttackTopData.

    Name Type Description
    Key String The query dimension value.
    Value Array of TopEntryValue The details.


    The top-ranked data

    Used by actions: DescribeDDoSAttackTopData.

    Name Type Description
    Name String The item name.
    Count Integer The number of items.


    HTTP2 origin-pull configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable HTTP2 origin-pull. Valid values:
  • on: Enable;
  • off: Disable.
  • VanityNameServers

    Custom name servers

    Used by actions: DescribeZones, ModifyZone.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable custom name servers. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • Servers Array of String No List of custom name servers


    IP information of the custom name server

    Used by actions: DescribeZones.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Custom name of the name server
    IPv4 String IPv4 address of the custom name server



    Used by actions: DescribeHostsSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable WAF. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • PolicyId Integer No ID of the policy


    WAF configuration.

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable WAF configuration. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • The configuration can be modified even when it is disabled.
    Level String Yes The protection level. Values:
  • loose: Loose
  • normal: Moderate
  • strict: Strict
  • stricter: Super strict
  • custom: Custom
  • Mode String Yes The WAF global mode. Values:
  • block: Block globally
  • observe: Observe globally
  • WafRule WafRule No The settings of the managed rule. If it is null, the settings that were last configured will be used.
    AiRule AiRule No The setting of the AI rule engine. If it is null, the setting that was last configured will be used.


    WAF rule

    Used by actions: ModifySecurityPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable managed rules. Values:
  • on: Enable
  • off: Disable
  • BlockRuleIDs Array of Integer Yes IDs of the rules to be disabled.
    ObserveRuleIDs Array of Integer Yes IDs of the rules to be executed in Observe mode.


    WebSocket configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting, ModifyZoneSetting.

    Name Type Required Description
    Switch String Yes Whether to enable WebSocket connection timeout. Values:
  • on: The field "Timeout" can be configured.
  • off: The field "Timeout" is fixed to 15 seconds.
  • Timeout Integer No The timeout period in seconds. Maximum value: 120.


    Site information

    Used by actions: DescribeZones.

    Name Type Description
    ZoneId String Site ID.
    ZoneName String The site name.
    OriginalNameServers Array of String List of name servers used by the site
    NameServers Array of String The list of name servers assigned by Tencent Cloud.
    Status String The site status. Values:
  • active: The name server is switched to EdgeOne.

  • u200c
  • pending: The name server is not switched.

  • u200c
  • moved: The name server is changed to other service providers.

  • u200c
  • deactivated: The site is blocked.
  • initializing: The site is not bound with any plan.
  • Type String Site connection method, valid values:
  • full: Connect via NS;
  • partial: Connect via CNAME;
  • noDomainAccess: Connect without using a domain name;
  • vodeo: Connect by default when VODEO is enabled.
  • Paused Boolean Whether the site is disabled.
    CnameSpeedUp String Whether CNAME acceleration is enabled. Values:
  • enabled: Enabled
  • disabled: Disabled
  • CnameStatus String CNAME record access status. Values:
  • finished: The site is verified.
  • pending: The site is being verified.
  • Tags Array of Tag The list of resource tags.
    Resources Array of Resource The list of billable resources.
    CreatedOn Timestamp ISO8601 The creation time of the site.
    ModifiedOn Timestamp ISO8601 The modification date of the site.
    Area String The site access region. Values:
  • global: Global.
  • mainland: Chinese mainland.
  • overseas: Outside the Chinese mainland.
  • VanityNameServers VanityNameServers The custom name server information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    VanityNameServersIps Array of VanityNameServersIps The custom name server IP information.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ActiveStatus String Status of the proxy. Values:
  • active: Enabled
  • inactive: Not activated
  • paused: Disabled
  • AliasZoneName String The site alias. It can be up to 20 characters consisting of digits, letters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_).
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    IsFake Integer Whether it’s a fake site. Valid values:
  • 0: Non-fake site;
  • 1: Fake site.
  • LockStatus String Lock status. Values:
  • enable: Normal. Modification is allowed.
  • disable: Locked. Modification is not allowed.
  • plan_migrate: Adjusting the plan. Modification is not allowed.
  • OwnershipVerification OwnershipVerification Ownership verification information
    Note: This field may return·null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    The site configuration.

    Used by actions: DescribeZoneSetting.

    Name Type Description
    ZoneName String Name of the site
    Area String Site acceleration region. Values:
  • mainland: Acceleration in the Chinese mainland.
  • overseas: Acceleration outside the Chinese mainland.
  • CacheKey CacheKey Node cache key configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Quic Quic The QUIC access configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PostMaxSize PostMaxSize The POST transport configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Compression Compression Smart compression configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    UpstreamHttp2 UpstreamHttp2 HTTP2 origin-pull configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ForceRedirect ForceRedirect Force HTTPS redirect configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CacheConfig CacheConfig Cache expiration time configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Origin Origin Origin server configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SmartRouting SmartRouting Smart acceleration configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    MaxAge MaxAge Browser cache configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    OfflineCache OfflineCache The offline cache configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    WebSocket WebSocket WebSocket configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ClientIpHeader ClientIpHeader Origin-pull client IP header configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CachePrefresh CachePrefresh Cache prefresh configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Ipv6 Ipv6 IPv6 access configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Https Https HTTPS acceleration configuration
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ClientIpCountry ClientIpCountry Whether to carry the location information of the client IP during origin-pull.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    Grpc Grpc Configuration of gRPC support
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    ImageOptimize ImageOptimize Image optimization configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.
    AccelerateMainland AccelerateMainland Cross-MLC-border acceleration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    StandardDebug StandardDebug Standard debugging configuration.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.