tencent cloud



Terakhir diperbarui:2022-12-13 17:10:52

    Object Management Instructions

    You can operate native Kubernetes objects such as Deployment and DaemonSet in the console.
    The Kubernetes objects are persistent entities in clusters and are used to host services running within the clusters. Different Kubernetes objects can represent diffrent entites:

    • Running applications
    • Resources available to applications
    • Policies associated with applications

    You can use Kubernetes objects directly in the TKE console or through the Kubernetes APIs such as kubectl.

    Types of Objects

    Common Kubernetes objects can be divided into the following types:

    Object Types Object Descriptions Object Management Operations
    Workload Deployment Use to manage the Pod of which the scheduling rules are specified. Deployment Management
    StatefulSet Manage the application workload API object, and the application is stateful. StatefulSet Management
    DaemonSet Ensure the Pods are running on all or some of the nodes, such as log collection program. DaemonSet Management
    Job One or more Pods are created for one Job, until the end of running. Job Management
    CronJob Job tasks that runs on a regular basis. CronJob Management
    Sevice Service A Kubernetes object that provides access to Pod. You can define different types based on your needs. Service Management
    Ingress A Kubernetes object that manages external access to services in a cluster. Ingress Management
    Configuration ConfigMap Use to store configuration information. ConfigMap Management
    Secret Use to store sensitive information, such as password and token. Secret Management
    Storage Volume Use to store data related to container access. Storage Management
    Persistent Volumes(PV) A piece of storage configured in a Kubernetes cluster.
    Persistent Volumes Claim(PVC) A statement of storage request. If you consider a PV as a Pod, then PVC is equivalent to workload.
    StorageClass Use to describe the type of storage. When a PVC is created, storage of the specified type, i.e., storage template, is created using StorageClass.

    There are dozens of other Kubernetes objects such as Namespace, HPA, and ResourceQuotas. You can use different objects based on your business needs. Available objects vary depending on Kubernetes version. For more information, visit Kubernetes website.

    Resource Quota

    TKE applies the following resource limits to all managed clusters by using ResourceQuota/tke-default-quota. If you need more quota, please submit a ticket to apply.

    Cluster Size Quota
    Pod ConfigMap
    Number of nodes ≤ 5 4000 3000
    5 < Number of nodes ≤ 20 8000 6000
    Number of nodes > 20 None None
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