tencent cloud


Using Environment Variables to Configure Log Collection

Terakhir diperbarui:2022-09-23 14:45:09


    In TKE Serverless clusters, you can use environment variables to configure log collection, and collect logs by line without parsing, or use custom resource definitions (CRD) to configure log collection.

    This document describes how to use the environment variables to configure the log collection feature for a TKE Serverless cluster, and to send the logs of services within the cluster to Cloud Log Service (CLS) or external Kafka. This feature is suitable for users who need to store and analyze service logs in TKE Serverless clusters.

    To use the log collection feature in a TKE Serverless cluster, you need to manually enable it for the cluster when creating a workload. You can enable this feature by performing the following operations:


    After the log collection feature is enabled for the TKE Serverless cluster, the log collection agent will send the collected logs in JSON format to the specified consumer end based on your configuration. The details of the collection path and consumer end are as follows:

    • Consumer end: The log collection service allows you to set Kafka or CLS as the log consumer end.
    • Collection path: The path of the logs to collect. The collection path supports collection standard output (stdout) and absolute path. It also supports wildcard (*). If multiple paths are specified, separate them with “,”.



    Configuring log collection in the console

    When the log collection is enabled for the TKE Serverless cluster, the log information is collected and output to the specified consumer end in JSON format with Kubernetes metadata attached, including the label of the Pod to which the container belongs, annotation, etc. The specific directions are as follows:

    1. Log in to the TKE console and click Cluster in the left sidebar.

    2. On the cluster management page, click the ID of the target Serverless cluster to enter the cluster details page.

    3. Select a workload type in Workload on the left to go to the corresponding page, and then click Create.

    4. In Containers in the Pod section, select Advanced settings, and check Activate to enable log collection.

    5. Refer to the following information to configure the log consumer end. You can choose CLS or Kafka as the log consume end.

      1. Select CLS as the Consumer end, and select the Logset and Log topic.

        If there is no suitable logset, you can create a logset and a log topic.

        CLS currently only supports log collection and reporting for intra-region container clusters.

      2. Enable the log index for the selected log topic. Index configuration is required for CLS log search and analysis. If it is not enabled, you cannot view the logs. For how to configure the index, see Configuring Index.
        You can go to the CLS console > Log topic page, select a log topic name, and enable the index in the Index configuration page.
    6. Select Role or Key to authorize.

      • You can only select the same authorization method for the containers in the same Pod. The last modification shall prevail. For example, if you select key authorization for the first container and role authorization for the second container, finally both containers will adopt role authorization.
      • You can only select the same role to authorize for the containers in the same Pod.
      • Select a role that can access CLS, as shown in the figure below:
      • If there is no suitable role, you can create one as follows:

      Creating a policy
      You need to create a policy before creating a role. This policy determines the permissions your role can have.

      1. Log in to the CAM console and select Policies in the left sidebar.
      2. On the “Polices” page, click Create custom policy.
      3. Select Create by policy generator in “Select policy creation method” pop-up window.
      4. In the “Visual Policy Generator”, select Cloud Log Service (cls) for Service, and select Write: pushLog for Action.
      5. Click Next to go to the “Associate users/user groups” page.
      6. Confirm the policy name and click Done.

      Creating a role
      After creating a policy, you need to bind this policy to a role, so that the role has permissions corresponding to the policy.

      1. Log in to the CAM console, and select Roles in the left sidebar.
      2. On the “Roles” page, click Create role.
      3. In the “Select role entity” window that appears, select Tencent Cloud Product Service to go to the “Create custom role” page.
      4. In the “Enter role entity info” step, select Cloud Virtual Machine (cvm) and click Next.

        You must select Cloud Virtual Machine (cvm) as the role entity, otherwise, you cannot complete the authorization process.

      5. In the “Configure role policy” step, select Created policy, and click Next.
      6. In the “Review” step, enter the role name to review the role information, and then click Done. For more information, see Creating a Role.
    7. Configure the collection path.

      At this point, you have configured the log collection feature. You can set other configurations of the workload as needed.

    Configuring log collection via yaml

    This document provides three collection methods for your choice: Collecting logs to Kafka, collecting logs to CLS via a secret and collecting logs to CLS via a role.


    If both key and role authorization are configured in yaml, the Pod actually uses role authorization.

    Enable log collection by adding environment variables.

    apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
    kind: Deployment
        deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: "1"
        k8s-app: kafka
        qcloud-app: kafka
      name: kafka
      namespace: default
      replicas: 1
          k8s-app: kafka
          qcloud-app: kafka
            eks.tke.cloud.tencent.com/cpu: "0.25"
            eks.tke.cloud.tencent.com/mem: "0.5Gi"
            k8s-app: kafka
            qcloud-app: kafka
          - env:
            - name: EKS_LOGS_OUTPUT_TYPE
              value: kafka
            - name: EKS_LOGS_KAFKA_BROKERS
            - name: EKS_LOGS_KAFKA_TOPIC
              value: eks
            - name: EKS_LOGS_KAFKA_MESSAGE_KEY # Optional
                   fieldPath: metadata.name
            - name: EKS_LOGS_METADATA_ON
              value: "true"
            - name: EKS_LOGS_LOG_PATHS
              value: stdout,/tmp/busy*.log
            image: busybox:latest
            command: ["/bin/sh"]
            args: ["-c", "while true; do echo hello world; date; echo hello >> /tmp/busy.log; sleep 1; done"]
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            name: while
                cpu: 250m
                memory: 512Mi

    Field description:

    Field Name Description
    EKS_LOGS_OUTPUT_TYPE The consumer end can be kafka or CLS. The key indicates whether log collection is enabled.
    EKS_LOGS_LOG_PATHS Log path. It supports stdout (collection standard output) and absolute path. It also supports wildcard (*). If multiple paths are specified, separate them with “,”.
    EKS_LOGS_METADATA_ON Valid values: `true` or `false`. Default value: `true`.
    EKS_LOGS_KAFKA_BROKERS kafka brokers: ip1:port1, ip1:port2, and ip2:port2 formats, separated by “,”. Use this environmental variable for external application. EKS_LOGS_KAFKA_HOST will no longer be visible to external users.
    EKS_LOGS_KAFKA_MESSAGE_KEY Optional. A key can be specified to deliver the log to the specified partition.
  • If the delivery by key is not enabled, logs will be randomly delivered to different partitions.
  • If the delivery by key is enabled, logs with the same key will be delivered to the same partition.
  • Note: Here the key gets the variable value from the field of the Pod. The above examples all take the Pod name as an example, and it also supports namespace, PodIP, etc. For more information, see Kubernetes Documentation.

    Verify whether the delivery by key is enabled, as shown below:

    • If it is not enabled, the key is not displayed in the message details, as shown below:
    • If it is enabled, the key is displayed in the message details, as shown below:

    Updating the log collection

    You can update log collection in the console or via yaml. Please refer to the following directions:

    1. Log in to the TKE console and click Cluster in the left sidebar.
    2. On the cluster management page, click the ID of the target Serverless cluster to enter the cluster details page.
    3. Choose Workload on the left, find the row of the desired workload for which you want to update log collection, and click Update Pod configuration > Advanced settings on the right to modify configurations.
    4. Click Done to complete the process.


    If you have any questions, please refer to Log Collection FAQs. If your question remains unresolved, please Contact Us.

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