tencent cloud


Terakhir diperbarui:2022-06-21 11:14:06


    Fluid is an open-source Kubernetes-native distributed dataset orchestrator and accelerator for data-intensive applications, such as big data and AI. It is hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a sandbox project. By defining the abstraction of dataset resources, it features:

    • Native support for dataset abstraction: Implements the basic capabilities required for data-intensive applications to achieve efficient data access and reduce the cost of multidimensional management.
    • Cloud data prefetch and acceleration: Fluid provides data prefetch and acceleration for cloud applications by using a distributed cache engine (GooseFS/Alluxio) with data observability, portability, and horizontal scalability.
    • Co-orchestration for data and applications: During application and data scheduling on the cloud, it takes their characteristics and location into consideration to improve the performance.
    • Multi-namespace management support: Allows you to create and manage datasets in different namespaces.
    • Heterogeneous data source management: Unifies the access to underlying data from different sources (COS, HDFS, and Ceph), applicable to hybrid cloud use cases.

    Key Concepts

    Dataset: A dataset is a set of logically related data that can be used by computing engines, such as Spark for big data and TensorFlow for AI. Smart data applications create core industry values. Managing datasets may require features in different dimensions, such as security, version management, and data acceleration.

    Runtime: The execution engine that enforces dataset security and provides version management and data acceleration capabilities. It defines a set of APIs for dataset management and acceleration throughout the lifecycle.

    GooseFS Runtime: It is a Java-based implementation of the execution engine developed by Tencent Cloud's COS team, supporting dataset management, caching, and COS. GooseFS is a Tencent Cloud product with dedicated product-level support, but its code is not open-source. Fluid enables dataset visualization, elastic scaling, and data migration by managing and scheduling GooseFS Runtime.

    Alluxio Runtime: Based on open-source Alluxio, it is an implementation of the execution engine for dataset management and caching, supporting PVC, Ceph, and CPFS computing, thereby effectively supporting hybrid cloud use cases. Alluxio is an open-source scheme. In spite of the joint efforts of Tencent Cloud and the community to promote the stability and performance of its data caching, there will be a delay in timeliness and response. Fluid enables dataset visualization, elastic scaling, and data migration by managing and scheduling Alluxio Runtime.

    - Alluxio GooseFS
    Underlying storage types PVC, Ceph, HDFS, CPFS, NFS OSS, EMR, PVC, Ceph, HDFS, CPFS, NFS
    Support Open-source community Tencent Cloud products

    Add-on Installation

    Prerequisite dependencies

    • Kubernetes cluster (v1.14 or later)
    • CSI support in the cluster

    Parameter configuration

    During Helm deployment, all configuration items are included in values.yaml.
    Some fields may need to be customized, as listed below:

    Parameter Description Default Value
    workdir Backup address of the metadata in the cache engine /tmp
    dataset.controller.image.repository Repository where the dataset controller image resides ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/fluid/dataset-controller
    dataset.controller.image.tag Dataset controller image version "v0.6.0-0bfc552"
    csi.registrar.image.repository Repository where the CSI registrar image resides "ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/fluid/csi-node-driver-registrar"
    csi.registrar.image.tag CSI registrar image version "v1.2.0"
    csi.plugins.image.repository Repository where the CSI plugins image resides "ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/fluid/fluid-csi"
    csi.plugins.image.tag CSI plugins image version "v0.6.0-def5316"
    csi.kubelet.rootDir kubelet root folder "/var/lib/kubelet"
    runtime.mountRoot Root address of the FUSE mount in the cache engine "/var/lib/kubelet"
    runtime.goosefs.enable Enable GooseFS cache engine "true"
    runtime.goosefs.init.image.repository Repository where the initialized image of the GooseFS cache engine resides "ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/fluid/init-users"
    runtime.goosefs.init.image.tag Version of the initialized image of the GooseFS cache engine "v0.6.0-0cd802e"
    runtime.goosefs.controller.image.repository Repository where the controller image of the GooseFS cache engine resides "ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/fluid/goosefsruntime-controller"
    runtime.goosefs.controller.image.tag Version of the controller image of the GooseFS cache engine "v0.6.0-bbf4ea0"
    runtime.goosefs.runtime.image.repository Repository where the GooseFS cache engine image resides "ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/fluid/goosefs"
    runtime.goosefs.runtime.image.tag Version of the GooseFS cache engine image "v1.1.10"
    runtime.goosefs.fuse.image.repository Repository where the FUSE add-on image of the GooseFS cache engine resides "ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/fluid/goosefs-fuse"
    runtime.goosefs.fuse.image.tag Version of the FUSE add-on image of the GooseFS cache engine "v1.1.10"
    runtime.alluxio.runtimeWorkers Maximum number of the concurrent workers of the Alluxio cache engine controller "3"
    runtime.alluxio.portRange Alluxio cache engine add-on port range "20000-26000"
    runtime.alluxio.enable Enable Alluxio cache engine "true"
    runtime.alluxio.init.image.repository Repository where the initialization image of the Alluxio cache engine resides "ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/fluid/init-users"
    runtime.alluxio.init.image.tag Version of the initialization image of the Alluxio cache engine "v0.6.0-def5316"
    runtime.alluxio.controller.image.repository Repository where the controller image of the Alluxio cache engine resides "ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/fluid/alluxioruntime-controller"
    runtime.alluxio.controller.image.tag Version of the controller image of the Alluxio cache engine "v0.6.0-0cd802e"
    runtime.alluxio.runtime.image.repository Repository where the Alluxio cache engine image resides "ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/alluxio/alluxio"
    runtime.alluxio.runtime.image.tag Version of the Alluxio cache engine image "release-2.5.0-2-SNAPSHOT-a05eadcff1"
    runtime.alluxio.fuse.image.repository Repository where the FUSE add-on image of the Alluxio cache engine resides "ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/alluxio/alluxio-fuse"
    runtime.alluxio.fuse.image.tag Version of the FUSE add-on image of the Alluxio cache engine "release-2.5.0-2-SNAPSHOT-a05eadcff1"

    Best Practices

    For more information, see the Fluid documentation.

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