tencent cloud


Backing up and Restoring PVC via CBS-CSI Add-on

Terakhir diperbarui:2022-04-21 12:09:40

    Operation Scenarios

    If you need to create a snapshot of the PVC data disk to backup data, or to restore the backup snapshot data to a new PVC, you can use the CBS-CSI add-on. This document describes how to use the CBS-CSI add-on to implement data backup and restoration of PVC.


    • You have created a TKE cluster or created a Kubernetes cluster in Tencent Cloud CVM. The cluster version is v1.18 or later.
    • You have installed CBS-CSI add-on.
    • You have granted related permissions of CBS snapshot for TKE_QCSRole on the Access Management page of the console. For details, see CBS-CSI.

    Operation Directions

    Restoring PVC

    Creating a VolumeSnapshotClass

    1. Use the following YAML to create a VolumeSnapshotClass object, as shown below:

      apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1beta1
      kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
        name: cbs-snapclass
      driver: com.tencent.cloud.csi.cbs
      deletionPolicy: Delete
    2. Run the following command to check whether the VolumeSnapshotClass has been created successfully, as shown below:

      $ kubectl get volumesnapshotclass
      NAME            DRIVER                      DELETIONPOLICY   AGE
      cbs-snapclass   com.tencent.cloud.csi.cbs   Delete           17m

    Create a PVC snapshot object VolumeSnapshot

    1. This document takes new-snapshot-demo as the snapshot name to create a VolumeSnapshot. Use the following YAML to create a VolumeSnapshot object, as shown below:

      apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1beta1
      kind: VolumeSnapshot
        name: new-snapshot-demo
        volumeSnapshotClassName: cbs-snapclass # Use the VolumeSnapshotClass created in the above steps
          persistentVolumeClaimName: ssd-pvc # Replace it with the PVC name that needs to be backed up
    2. Run the following command to check whether the Volumesnapshot and Volumesnapshotcontent objects have been created successfully. If READYTOUSE is true, the creation is successful, as shown below:

      $ kubectl get volumesnapshot
      new-snapshot-demo   true         ssd-pvc                             20Gi          cbs-snapclass   snapcontent-170b2161-f158-4c9e-a090-a38fdfd84a3e   2m36s          2m50s
      $ kubectl get volumesnapshotcontent
      NAME                                               READYTOUSE   RESTORESIZE   DELETIONPOLICY   DRIVER                      VOLUMESNAPSHOTCLASS   VOLUMESNAPSHOT      AGE
      snapcontent-170b2161-f158-4c9e-a090-a38fdfd84a3e   true         21474836480   Delete           com.tencent.cloud.csi.cbs   cbs-snapclass         new-snapshot-demo   3m3s
    3. Run the following command to obtain the snapshot ID of the Volumesnapshotcontent object. The field is status.snapshotHandle (here takes snap-rsk8v75j as an example). You can log in to the TKE console .com/tke2) and use the snapshot ID to check whether the snapshot exists, as shown below:

      $ kubectl get volumesnapshotcontent -o yaml snapcontent-170b2161-f158-4c9e-a090-a38fdfd84a3e
      creationTime: 1607331318000000000
      readyToUse: true
      restoreSize: 21474836480
      snapshotHandle: snap-rsk8v75j

    Restoring data from the snapshot to a new PVC

    1. This document takes the VolumeSnapshot object new-snapshot-demo created in the above step as an example. Use the following YAML to restore data from the snapshot to a new PVC, as shown below:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
        name: restore-test
        storageClassName: ssd-csi # Customize the storage class as needed
          name: new-snapshot-demo # Use the VolumeSnapshot created in the above step
          kind: VolumeSnapshot
          apiGroup: snapshot.storage.k8s.io
          - ReadWriteOnce # CBS is block storage, which only supports single machine read and write
            storage: 50Gi # The recommended storage capacity is the same as the capacity of the restored PVC
    2. Run the following command. You can check that the PVC has been created and bound to the PV, and you can find the corresponding diskid (here takes disk-ju0hw7no as an example) in the PV, as shown below:

      $ kubectl get pvc restore-test
      NAME           STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
      restore-test   Bound    pvc-940edf09-d622-4126-992b-0a209f048c7d   60Gi       RWO            ssd-topology   6m8s
      $ kubectl get pv pvc-940edf09-d622-4126-992b-0a209f048c7d -o yaml
      volumeHandle: disk-ju0hw7no

    If StorageClass uses topology awareness (schedule the Pod first and then create the PV), that is, to specify volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer, you need to deploy the Pod (to mount the PVC) to trigger the creation of the PV (create a new CBS from the snapshot and bind it to the PV).

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