tencent cloud


Playback Authentication Configuration

Last updated: 2023-10-08 14:22:34


    The content on CSS is open by default. Anyone with a playback address can access the content. To control access to your live streaming content, you can enable playback authentication.

    How to Configure

    To enable playback authentication, you need to generate an encrypted URL and provide it to end users. When an end user requests content using the encrypted URL from a CSS cache node, the node will check the authentication information of the request to determine whether it is valid. If it is, the node will return the content; otherwise, it will reject the request, protecting your live streaming content from unauthorized access.


    You have logged in to the CSS console.
    You have added a playback domain name.


    1. Select Domain Management and click the playback domain for which you want to enable authentication or click Manage.
    2. Click Access Control and, in the Key Authentication area, click Edit.
    3. Complete the following settings on the authentication configuration page:
    3.1 Click the switch next to Playback Authentication to enable playback authentication.
    3.2 Enter a custom primary key, such as testlive.
    3.3 (Optional) Enter a custom backup key, such as testing.
    3.4 Enter the signature validity period, such as 20.
    3.5 Click Save to save the configuration.
    Playback authentication of a playback domain name is disabled by default.
    Authentication Key: It is user-defined and can contain uppercase and lowercase letters and digits. It includes a primary key (required) and a backup key (optional). You can switch smoothly to the backup key if your primary key is disclosed.
    Validity Period: The validity period of the signature only supports integers.
    After authentication is enabled for the playback domain name, the original playback URL will be inaccessible and an error 403 will be returned. Before enabling this feature, please make sure that your live streaming platform is compatible with the following authentication algorithm so that your streaming services will not be affected.


    Original playback URL:
    The authentication parameters configured are as follows:
    Primary key: ngoeiq03
    Backup key: -
    Validity period: 12495 seconds
    If you have enabled authentication, the actual expiration time of a URL will be txTime plus the validity period of the key.
    For the sake of convenience, the time you set in the console is the actual expiration time. If you have enabled authentication, the system will calculate the txTime when generating playback URLs.
    If you use FLV or RTMP methods to start pulling the stream before the expiration time, the stream will be maintained normally as long as the connection is not interrupted or stopped, even if the expiration time has passed.
    If you use the HLS method to start pulling the stream before the expiration time, the stream will be stopped when the expiration time is reached.
    Timestamp calculation:
    Setting time: 2018.12.01 08:30:00
    Decimal Unix timestamp: 1543624200
    Hexadecimal Unix timestamp: 5C01D608 (case-insensitive). CSS uses hexadecimal timestamps for authentication.
    Authentication signature calculation:
    txSecret = MD5(key+StreamName+txTime)
    StreamName is the stream name, which is the same as the StreamID
    txTime is the timestamp
    key is the authentication key
    txSecret = MD5(ngoeiq03+test01+5C01D608)
    txSecret = MD5(ngoeiq03test015C01D608)
    txSecret = ce797dc6238156d548ef945e6ad1ea20
    New playback URL:
    The expiration time of this URL is 2018.12.01 08:30:00 + 12495 seconds, i.e., 2018.12.01 11:58:15 Beijing time. If authentication fails or the URL expires, CSS will return 403.
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