tencent cloud


Stream Data Query

Last updated: 2022-05-20 10:42:04

    Log in to the CSS console, select Stream Data Query on the left sidebar, and enter a stream name to view its playback data, push data, live streaming records, and callback events.

    Playback data

    Under the Playback Data tab, you can view data on bandwidth, traffic, and concurrent connections from the last 20 days. The maximum query period is 24 hours.

    Push Data

    Under the Push Data tab, you can view the upstream frame rate and bitrate data of a stream from the last three days. The maximum query period is three hours.
    After entering a stream name, select Push Data to view the push data.

    Live streaming records

    Under the Live Streaming Records tab, you can view live streaming information including the name of a stream, its push domain name, live streaming application name, start time, end time, push duration, and push client ID from the last 60 days. You can also click Details to view push data. The maximum query period is 30 days.

    Callback event

    Under the Callback Event tab, you can view the stream name, push domain, callback trigger time, response time, and the result of a push, interruption, or recording callback in the last five days. You can also click View to view the content of a callback. The maximum query period is 24 hours.

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