tencent cloud


Delayed Playback

Last updated: 2023-05-09 18:17:47
    Delayed playback is a feature that delays the delivery of live streams to viewers. This is often used in important events to allow organizers time to deal with emergencies. Delayed playback is an extended feature of CSS. This document describes how the feature is billed.


    In addition to extended feature fees, using the delayed playback feature will also incur traffic/bandwidth costs.


    Unit cost
    Price (USD/Billing Unit)
    Ratio of billing duration to actual duration:
    Extended Feature
    Billing Duration (Billing Unit) : Actual Duration (Minutes)
    Delayed playback
    0.05 : 1

    Billing Details

    Item: Extended feature
    Billing mode: Pay-as-you-go.
    Billing cycle: Daily. The fee generated each day will be deducted from your account the following day. For the actual fee deduction and bill generation time, see your billing statement.

    Calculation Formula

    Billing duration = Actual duration x Ratio
    Fee = Unit price x Billing duration

    Billing Example

    Suppose you used the delayed playback feature for 60 minutes on June 15, 2023. On June 16, the following extended feature fee would be billed:
    0.01515 (USD) x 0.05 (billing unit/minute) x 60 (minutes) = 0.04545 (USD)
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