tencent cloud


Release Notes (App)

Last updated: 2022-12-06 16:44:12

    Tencent Cloud’s media SDKs (RT-Cube) include the TRTC SDK, MLVB SDK, Player SDK, and UGSV SDK. You can choose one of the SDKs to build your application or use the All-in-One SDK.

    Version 10.8 Released on October 27, 2022


    New features

    Android: Added support for sending the system audio when publishing streams using V2TXLivePusher.


    • All platforms: Increased the success rate of playback in the LEB scenario.
    • Android: Improved instant streaming performance.

    Bug fixing

    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where, when using V2TXLivePusher to publish streams, the 1101 warning code is not returned under poor network conditions.
    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where manual focus fails to work with TXLivePusher\V2TXLivePushe.



    Android & iOS: Reduced stuttering in the playback of background music during editing.

    Bug fixing

    • Android: Fixed the occasional no audio issue if background music is changed multiple times during editing.
    • Android: Fixed the black screen issue for image transitions on HUAWEI Mate 50.
    • iOS: Fixed the issue where the video bitrate of the generated video increases in iOS 14.


    New features

    All platforms: Added the DJ scratch effect and improved the karaoke experience. For details, see TXAudioEffectManager.setMusicScratchSpeedRate.


    Android: Sped up video decoding, which reduces the time to first frame to as short as 50 ms.
    All platforms: Improved the accuracy of NTP time. For details, see TXLiveBase.updateNetworkTime.

    Bug fixing

    • All platforms: Fixed the occasional issue where, when the streams of a room are mixed and pushed to another TRTC room that does not have upstream audio or video, playback fails and callbacks stop working.
    • All platforms: Fixed the occasional issue where, after an audience member changes their role upon room entry, they fail to publish audio and video due to network type change.
    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where, after a disconnection, audio quality cannot be changed during reconnection.
    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where, after a disconnection, there is sometimes no audio in the published stream during reconnection.
    • Android & iOS: Fixed the issue where muteRemoteVideoStream removes the last video frame.



    • Android & iOS: Added the VOD_PLAY_EVT_LOOP_ONCE_COMPLETE event, which indicates that one loop of the playlist is finished.
    • Android: Fixed the issue where NetworkInfo.getExtraInfo is called twice when the SDK is started, improving compliance.

    Bug fixing

    • Android & iOS: Fixed the issue where videos encrypted using VOD’s private protocol fail to be played in certain scenarios.
    • Android & iOS: Fixed failure to play some GZIP-compressed videos.
    • Android & iOS: Fixed the issue where the duration indicated by the progress bar does not match the actual video length after playback ends.
    • iOS: Fixed the issue where, when a video is played by appid and fileid using the v2 protocol, an error occurs when the SDK gets the original video URL.

    Version 10.7 Released on September 20, 2022


    New features

    iOS & Android: The startPlay API of TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer was renamed startLivePlay, and license verification is required. For how to get a license, see “Video Playback License.”


    All platforms: Optimized the buffering policy of AudioJitterBuffer.

    Bug fixing

    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where playback of HEv2 audio using V2TXLivePlayer is abnormal in the LEB scenario.
    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where, when an IP address is used to publish RTMP streams with TXLivePusher\V2TXLivePusher, publishing fails.
    • Windows: Fixed compilation failure on C# because the V2TXLivePlayerStatistics constructor is not found.
    • iOS: Fixed the issue of low capturing volume on some iPad devices.
    • Android: Fixed the occasional issue where Bluetooth earphones are connected, but audio is played from the device’s speaker.



    Android & iOS: Optimized the shooting module to solve the no audio issue, enhancing user experience.

    Bug fixing

    • Android: Fixed the issue where the SDK crashes when the user exits during video preprocessing.
    • Android: Fixed failure to apply stickers if a video is not previewed.
    • Android: Fixed failure to apply effects when a video is played backwards.
    • Android: Fixed the issue where the video processing callback configured for video editing fails to work.
    • iOS: Fixed the issue where audio and video are out of sync in saved videos.
    • iOS: Fixed failure to splice videos without audio.
    • Android & iOS: Fixed the issue of noise in case of repeated shooting.


    New features

    • All platforms: You can now independently adjust the audio volume of each stream in On-Cloud MixTranscoding. For details, see TRTCMixUser.soundLevel.
    • All platforms: Added the onRemoteAudioStatusUpdated API, which is used to monitor the audio status of remote streams.


    • All platforms: Upgraded the encoding engine, improving the video quality of screen sharing streams.
    • All platforms: Improved rate control for encoding under poor network conditions.

    Bug fixing

    • iOS: Fixed the issue of low capturing volume on some iPad devices.
    • Android: Fixed the occasional issue where Bluetooth earphones are connected, but audio is played from the device’s speaker.
    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where the SDK occasionally crashes if a user enters and leaves the room repeatedly.



    • Android & iOS: The startPlay API for VOD playback was renamed startVodPlay.
    • Android & iOS: The startPlay API for live playback was renamed startLivePlay.
    • iOS: Fixed the issue where, if the player is switched to the foreground after remaining in the background for a long time, playback fails.
    • Android: Fixed failure to play some videos in old Android versions.

    Version 10.6 Released on September 9, 2022


    New features

    iOS & Android & macOS: TXLivePlayer and V2TXLivePlayer in the All-in-One SDK supported HLS playback, adaptive bitrate playback, and seamless bitrate change.


    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where audio volume is low in the music mode.
    • Android & iOS: Fixed the issue of audio loss when call volume is used.
    • Android: Fixed occasional echoes.

    Bug fixing

    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where, in the LEB scenario, after the internet disconnects and reconnects, V2TXLivePlayer fails to reconnect immediately.
    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where, in the LEB scenario, when a UDP channel fails to be established, V2TXLivePlayer is not able to switch to a TCP channel.
    • macOS: Fixed the issue where echo cancellation occasionally fails to work after the mic is changed.


    Bug fixing

    • Android: Short videos are now encoded using the High Profile.
    • Android: A message is now shown if the format of a background music file is not supported.
    • iOS: Fixed the issue of noise when videos are played in slow motion.



    • All platforms: Sped up room entry in IPv6 networks.
    • All platforms: Improved the audio recovery performance and audio-to-video synchronization under bad network conditions, enhancing user experience.
    • All platforms: Improved the ability to maintain connection under poor network conditions, reducing disconnections.
    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where the volume is low in the music mode (which is specified when startLocalAudio is called).
    • macOS: Improved call experiences when Bluetooth earphones are used, reducing noise and delivering clearer audio.
    • Android: Supported stereo audio capturing for more devices.
    • Android: Fixed occasional echoes, improving call experience.

    Bug fixing

    • Android & iOS: Fixed the issue of audio loss in the speech mode (which is specified when startLocalAudio is called).
    • macOS: Fixed the issue where echo cancellation occasionally fails to work after the mic is changed.



    • Android & iOS: Added callbacks of image sprites, URLs, and other information for file ID playback.
    • Android & iOS: Reduced the SDK package size.

    Bug fixing

    iOS: Fixed the issue where, in some scenarios, after videos encrypted using VOD’s private protocol are downloaded, playback fails.

    All-in-One SDK 10.5 Released on August 24, 2022



    • Android: Optimized memory management for video decoding, preventing the accumulation of memory leaks.
    • Windows: Optimized noise suppression for the built-in mic, especially in the music mode.
    • macOS: Fixed the frequent noise issue when the mic is turned on.

    Bug fixing

    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where, in the LEB scenario with V2TXLivePlayer, SEI messages are sometimes not received.
    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where, in the LEB scenario with V2TXLivePlayer, audio is missing because the timestamp moves backward.


    Bug fixing

    • Android: Fixed the green screen issue in videos made from pictures on HarmonyOS.
    • Android: Fixed the issue of incorrect length for edited videos.
    • Android: Fixed failure to play or re-encode videos with multiple audio tracks.
    • Android: Fixed the issue where the “rock light” effect is applied only once during the selected time period.
    • Android & iOS: Fixed the issue where, after a video segment is deleted during shooting, the playback progress of the background music does not match.



    • All platforms: Optimized the QoS control policy, enhancing user experience under poor network conditions.
    • iOS & Android: Reduced end-to-end latency and improved in-ear monitoring experience.
    • Android: Optimized memory management for video decoding, preventing the accumulation of memory leaks.
    • Windows: Optimized noise suppression for the built-in mic, especially in the music mode.
    • macOS: Fixed the frequent noise issue when the mic is turned on.

    Bug fixing

    All platforms: Fixed occasional errors for the OnUserVideoAvailable and OnUserAudioAvailable callbacks when a user enters and leaves different rooms consecutively.


    Bug fixing

    Android & iOS: Fixed failure to play URLs that do not include video formats at the end.

    All-in-One SDK 10.4 Released on July 25, 2022


    New features

    iOS & Android: V2TXLivePlayer can now freeze the last frame after playback ends.


    • All platforms: Fixed the issue of high memory usage when TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer plays FLV streams.
    • Android: Fixed occasional playback stutter with TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer.
    • Android: Improved the compatibility of low-latency in-ear monitoring and dual-channel capturing.
    • Android: Optimized the policy for switching from hardware to software decoding.
    • iOS: Fixed the issue of low capturing volume on iPad.

    Bug fixing

    Android: Fixed the issue where TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer occasionally switches to software decoding when playing streams.



    Android: Added the setBGMLoop API for video editing.

    Bug fixing

    • Android: Fixed the issue of setWaterMark not working.
    • Android: Fixed the issue where, when videos are previewed, TXVideoEditor fails to use the specified rendering mode.


    New features

    • iOS & Android: Added support for the RGBA32 format for custom capturing. For details, see sendCustomVideoData.
    • Windows & macOS: Added support for watermark preview after configuration. For details, see setWaterMark.


    • Android: Improved the compatibility of low-latency in-ear monitoring and dual-channel capturing.
    • Android: Optimized the policy for switching from hardware to software decoding.
    • iOS: Fixed the issue of low capturing volume on iPad.

    Bug fixing

    • All platforms: Fixed occasional room entry/exit callback errors.
    • Windows: Fixed the issue where, after the window shared changes, the new window is not displayed in full.



    Android & iOS: Added support for adaptive bitrate HLS playback.

    Bug fixing

    • Android: Fixed abnormal intervals for the onNetStatus callback and the progress callback.
    • Android: Fixed the null pointer exception caused by failure to call setConfig.
    • iOS: Fixed the stuttering issue when videos are replayed in some scenarios.

    All-in-One SDK 10.3 Released on July 8, 2022


    New features:
    All platforms: TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer added support for HLS playback.


    • All platforms: Improved audio quality in the music mode.
    • All platforms: Optimized the SEI parsing logic. TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer can parse some non-standard SEI messages now.
    • All platforms: Fixed the issue of audio and video being out of sync as a result of the timestamp moving backward when TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer plays FLV or RTMP streams.

    Bug fixing:

    • All platforms: Fixed the abnormal audio that occurs when TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer plays some AAC-HEv2 streams in the LEB scenario.
    • All platforms: Fixed incorrect cache calculation with TXLivePlayer.


    Bug fixing:

    • Android: Fixed the issue of setZoom not working during video shooting.
    • Android: Fixed failure to shoot videos with Samsung Galaxy S22.
    • iOS: Fixed failure to trigger the callback for custom video pre-processing.


    New features:

    • Windows: Added support for recording live streaming sessions and audio/video calls to local storage. For details, see the description of ITXLiteAVLocalRecord.
    • Windows & macOS: Added a parameter to startMicDeviceTest, which allows you to specify whether to play the audio captured during mic testing. For details, see the description of startMicDeviceTest.

    All platforms: Improved audio quality in the music mode.

    Bug fixing:

    • All platforms: Fixed occasional errors for the user list callback.
    • Windows: Fixed the issue where videos sometimes freeze during playback.
    • Windows: Fixed occasional video playback failure.
    • Windows: Fixed the echo issue for custom audio capturing.


    New features:
    iOS: Added support for picture-in-picture playback.

    Bug fixing:

    • Android: Fixed the issue where, when hardware decoding is used and a video playlist is played in the background, the player fails to automatically play the next video when one video is finished.
    • Android & iOS: Fixed failure to trigger the callback when seeking is completed.

    All-in-One SDK 10.2 Released on June 26, 2022


    New features:

    • All platforms: Added support for license authentication for playback with TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer.
    • All platforms: Added support for HTTP header configuration for FLV playback with V2TXLivePlayer.
    • All platforms: Allowed changing audio encoding parameters dynamically when pushing RTMP streams with TXLivePusher\V2TXLivePusher.


    • All platforms: Optimized the adaptive bitrate API of V2TXLivePlayer for LEB.
    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where V2TXLivePlayer takes a long time to reconnect in the LEB scenario.
    • All platforms: Fixed the issue of small local cache size when TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer plays FLV or RTMP streams.
    • Android: Sped up the loading of the first frame for playback with TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer.
    • iOS: Reduced the size of the iOS SDK package.
    • iOS: Packaged TXLiveBase.h into the MLVB SDK.

    Bug fixing:

    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where the stutter rate limit configured for TXLivePlayer does not take effect.
    • All platforms: Fixed abnormal timing of the callback for the first audio/video frame when V2TXLivePusher pushes RTC streams.
    • Android: Fixed the black screen issue that occurs when TXLivePlayer\V2TXLivePlayer stops and starts playback within a short period of time.


    New features:

    Android: Added support for editing videos without audio tracks.


    Android: Sped up the loading of the first frame for short video playback.

    Bug fixing:

    • Android: Fixed the issue where the wrong section of video is cropped during video shooting.
    • Android: Fixed incorrect aspect ratio for H.265 videos decoded with hardware.
    • iOS: Fixed the issue of incorrect video clipping time.
    • iOS: Fixed occasional noise that occurs in videos shot with devices with OS later than iOS 14.
    • iOS: Fixed the issue where the SDK occasionally crashes when the user returns to the shooting view after finishing video shooting.


    New features:

    • All platforms: Launched a new API for stream mixing and relaying, which offers more powerful features and greater flexibility. For details, see the description of startPublishMediaStream.
    • All platforms: Added support for 3D spatial audio. For details, see the description of enable3DSpatialAudioEffect.
    • All platforms: Added support for voice activity detection. This feature works even when local audio is muted (muteLoalAudio) or the capturing volume is set to zero (setAudioCaptureVolume). It allows you to remind users when they are talking but have not turned their mics on. For details, see the description of enableAudioVolumeEvaluation.
    • All platforms: Added support for checking a user’s permission when they switch roles. For details, see the description of switchRole(TRTCRoleType role, const char* privateMapKey).
    • iOS & macOS: The C++ API for custom pre-processing supported using textures for video processing.


    • Android: Optimized in-ear monitoring, reducing latency.
    • Android: Optimized audio capturing, fixing the issue of noise on some devices.
    • iOS: Optimized the processing of upstream video data, reducing CPU and GPU usage.
    • Windows & macOS: Improved encoding for screen sharing. The height and width of the output video are no longer limited by the window size.
    • Windows: Reduced memory fragmentation and performance overhead.

    Bug fixing:

    • All platforms: Fixed the issue where push occasionally fails after changing to a different type of network.
    • iOS: Fixed the issue of noise in recording files saved locally on some devices with iOS 14.


    Android & iOS: Optimized the callback of information including cached bytes and IP address during playback.

    Bug fixing:

    • Android & iOS: Fixed failure to play H.265 videos when hardware decoding is used.
    • Android & iOS: Fixed HLS playback errors.
    • iOS: Fixed failure to get supportedBitrates in some scenarios.
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