tencent cloud


SDK Quality Monitoring 

Last updated: 2023-07-24 11:05:08


    The statistical analysis is only applicable to Tencent Cloud's Mobile Live Video Broadcasting (MLVB) SDK, and other SDKs cannot be monitored.
    You can query the push data for the last 3 days, and the maximum time span for each query is 6 hours.


    1. Log in to the CSS console, select Quality Monitoring on the left sidebar, and view the push data (if you use the MLVB SDK).
    2. You can view Global publishing statistics, Global playback statistics, Stream publishing statistics, Stream playback statistics, or Operational statistics. For detailed data descriptions, please see the following sections.

    Data Descriptions

    Global publishing statistics

    You can query data by selecting the date and device system. The detailed data list will show you the StreamName, send bitrate (kbps), send frame rate (fps), ISP, device, and operation.
    Statistical Item
    Send bitrate
    The average send bitrate of the specific stream during the selected date range.
    Send frame rate
    The average send frame rate of the specific stream during the selected date range.
    The ISP name in the most recent data returned for the specific stream.
    The push streaming device in the most recent data returned for the specific stream.
    If you need to view the data of a single stream, click Publishing or Playback to see the details.

    Global playback statistics

    You can query data by selecting the date and device system. The detailed data include average time to first frame,
    average caching time, average playback frame rate, playback success rate, average stutter rate, and CPU usage.
    Statistical Item
    Average time to first frame
    The average first-frame time for stream playback at different moments.
    Average caching time
    The average caching time for stream playback at different moments.
    Average playback frame rate
    The average playback frame rate for stream playback at different moments.
    Playback success rate
    The ratio of successful pull streams to the total number of pull streams for each individual stream, and the average value is calculated for multiple streams.
    Average stutter rate
    The average ratio of stuttering pull streams to the total number of pull streams at different moments at the playback device.
    CPU usage
    The CPU usage at the playback device, divided into App/System, and the average value is calculated for multiple streams.


    Stream publishing statistics

    You can query data by setting a start time and end time and entering a stream name. The detailed data include overall score, send bitrate, frames to send per second, send frame rate, and CPU usage.
    Statistical Item
    Overall score
    The average comprehensive score for a single stream.
    Send bitrate
    The actual send rate should be close to the sum of the expected audio and video send rates. The closer it is, the smoother the publishing. If there is a large difference, it indicates that publishing was not smooth enough, and playback may stutter.
    Frames to send per second
    Audio/Video data that fails to be sent immediately will build up at the host's end and will be discarded after 3 seconds. Therefore, when upstream network conditions are poor, viewers may experience notable stuttering or frame drops.
    Send frame rate
    When the publishing frame rate is lower than 10 fps, playback may be choppy.
    CPU usage
    If CPU usage exceeds 95%, publishing may be lagging. Currently, statistics are not available for Android systems later than v8.0.


    Stream playback statistics

    You can query data by setting a start time and end time, entering a stream name, and selecting the device system. The detailed data include average time to first frame, average caching time, average playback frame rate, downstream bitrate, playback success rate, viewers, average stutter rate, and CPU usage.
    Statistical Item
    Average time to first frame
    The average first-frame time of a single stream playback at different moments.
    Average caching time
    The average caching time of a single stream playback at different moments.
    Average playback frame rate
    The average playback frame rate of a single stream playback at different moments.
    Downstream bitrate
    The average downstream bitrate of a single stream at different moments.
    Playback success rate
    The ratio of successful pull streams to the total number of pull streams for the single stream.
    The number of viewers for a single stream at different moments.
    Average stutter rate
    The average ratio of stuttering pull streams to the total number of pull streams at different moments at the playback device.
    CPU usage
    The CPU usage at the playback device, divided into App/System.


    Operational statistics

    Operational statistics
    You can query data by setting a start time and end time and entering a stream name. The detailed data include playback URL visits, publishing URL visits, viewers, streamers, and SDK DAU.
    Statistical Item
    Playback URL visits
    The number of times the playback URL is visited at different moments and under different dimensions (PV).
    Publishing URL visits
    The number of times the publishing URL is visited at different moments and under different dimensions (PV).
    The number of unique visitors (UV) who accessed the playback URL at different moments and under different dimensions.
    The number of unique visitors (UV) who accessed the publishing URL at different moments and under different dimensions.
    The SDK activity level at different moments and under different dimensions, equals the sum of Viewers and Streamers.
    Version statistics
    Statistical Item
    SDK versions
    The distribution of SDK versions used by your users in the past week.
    The percentage of different SDK versions used in the last week.
    The percentage of different OS used by your users in the last week.
    Device type
    The percentage of different device models used by your users in the last week
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