tencent cloud


Ping Failures

Last updated: 2024-12-10 10:47:18


    The CVM instance on the local server may be unreachable when pinged for the following reasons:
    Incorrect destination server configuration
    The domain name resolution fails
    The link is abnormal
    If the local network is normal (that is, other websites can be pinged through), troubleshoot the problem as follows:


    Check whether the instance is configured with a public IP address

    Only CVM instances configured with public IP addresses can communicate with other computers on the Internet. For CVM instances that are not configured with public IP addresses, the attempt to ping through the private IP address of an instance through the Internet will fail.
    1. Log in to the CVM console.
    2. On the Instances page, select the ID or the name of the target instance to access its details page.
    3. Check whether the instance is configured with a public IP address under Network Information.

    Check the security group settings

    A security group is a virtual firewall that allows you to control the inbound and outbound traffic of an associated instance. You can specify the protocol, port, and policy in a security group rule. The ICMP protocol is used in the ping test. Therefore, you need to check whether ICMP is allowed in the security group associated with the instance. To view the security group associated with the instance and its inbound and outbound rules, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to the CVM console.
    2. On the Instances page, select the ID or the name of the target instance to access the instance details page.
    3. Click the Security groups tab to access the security group management page of the instance.
    4. Check the security group associated with the instance and the detailed inbound and outbound rules to determine whether this security group allows ICMP.
    If no, enable the ICMP protocol policy in the security group.

    Check the OS settings

    Based on the operating system (OS) of the instance, select one of the following methods to check the OS settings:
    For the Windows OS, check the Windows firewall settings. If the firewall settings are correct, try to reset the Windows network settings.

    Checking Linux kernel parameters and firewall configurations

    In the Linux system, the kernel and the firewall settings determine whether a ping test is allowed. If the ping test is prohibited in either settings, "Request timeout" will be returned in a ping test.
    Checking the kernel parameter icmp_echo_ignore_all
    1. Log in to the instance via VNC. For details, see:
    2. Run the following command to view the icmp_echo_ignore_all settings of the system:
    cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all
    If 0 is returned, the OS allows all ICMP Echo requests. In this case, check the firewall settings.
    If 1 is returned, the OS denies all ICMP Echo requests. In this case, perform step 3.
    3. Run the following command to change the settings of the kernel parameter icmp_echo_ignore_all.
    echo "0" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all
    Checking the firewall settings
    Run the following command to check whether the firewall rule and the corresponding ICMP rule of the current server are disabled:
    iptables -L
    If the following result is returned, the corresponding ICMP rules are active.
    Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
    target prot opt source destination
    ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp echo-request
    Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
    target prot opt source destination
    Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
    target prot opt source destination
    ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp echo-request
    If the return result indicates that the corresponding ICMP rules are inactive, run the following commands to activate them.
    #Chain INPUT
    iptables -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
    #Chain OUTPUT
    iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j ACCEPT

    Checking the Windows firewall settings

    1. Log in to the instance.
    2. Open the Control panel, and select Windows firewall settings.
    3. On the Windows firewall page, select Advanced settings.
    4. In the pop-up "Windows firewall with advanced security" window, check whether ICMP inbound and outbound rules are disabled.
    If ICMP inbound and outbound rules are disabled, please enable them.

    Reset the Windows network settings

    1. Check whether your VPC network supports DHCP (DHCP is supported by a VPC network created after June 2018). If it does not support DHCP, check whether the static IP in the network settings is correct.
    2. If it supports DHCP, check whether the private IP of DHCP is correct. If it is incorrect, log in via VNC on the official website, and run PowerShell as the admin. Implement ipconfig /release and ipconfig/renew (without the need to restart the instance) to re-obtain the IP.
    3. If the IP of DHCP is correct, but the network still cannot be connected, click Start > Run, enter ncpa.cpl and click OK. Open the local connection, try to disable and enable the ENI.
    4. If the problem persists, please run the following command in CMD as the admin, and restart the instance.
    reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\NetworkList\\Profiles" /f

    Other operations

    If you cannot solve the problem by performing the operations above, perform the following operations:
    If the domain name cannot be pinged through, check your website configurations.
    If the public IP address cannot be pinged through, submit a ticket and attach relevant information about the instance and the two-way (from the local server to the CVM and from the CVM to the local server) MTR data to receive assistance. For more information on how to use MTR, see CVM Network Latency and Packet Loss.
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