Group Type ID | RESTful API Support |
Private | Yes. Same as work groups (Work) in the new version. |
Public | Yes |
ChatRoom | Yes. Same as the meeting group (Meeting) in the new version. |
AVChatRoom | Yes |
Community | Yes |
Parameter | Description |
xxxxxx | Domain name corresponding to the country/region where your SDKAppID is located. China: Singapore: Seoul: Frankfurt: Silicon Valley: Jakarta: |
v4/group_open_http_svc/send_group_msg | Request API |
sdkappid | SDKAppID assigned by the Chat console when an app is created |
identifier | |
usersig | |
random | A random 32-bit unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 4294967295. |
contenttype | Request format, which should always be json . |
{"GroupId": "@TGS#2C5SZEAEF","Random": 8912345, // A random number. If the random numbers of two messages are the same within five minutes, they are considered to be the same message."MsgBody": [ // Message body, which consists of an element array. For details, see the field description.{"MsgType": "TIMTextElem", // Text"MsgContent": {"Text": "red packet"}},{"MsgType": "TIMFaceElem", // Emoji"MsgContent": {"Index": 6,"Data": "abc\\u0000\\u0001"}}],"CloudCustomData": "your cloud custom data","SupportMessageExtension": 0,"OfflinePushInfo": {"PushFlag": 0, // Normal push"Desc": "Content to push offline","Ext": "Passthrough content","AndroidInfo": {"Sound": "android.mp3"},"ApnsInfo": {"Sound": "apns.mp3","BadgeMode": 1, // If this field is left as default or is set to `0`, the message is counted. If this field is set to `1`, the message is not counted, that is, the icon number in the upper-right corner does not increase."Title":"apns title", // APNs title"SubTitle":"apns subtitle", // APNs subtitle"Image":"" // Image URL}}}
After receiving the message, other members will see that the message is sent from the group member specified by the app admin.{"GroupId": "@TGS#2C5SZEAEF","From_Account": "leckie", // Message sender (optional)"Random": 8912345, // A random number. If the random numbers of two messages are the same within five minutes, they are considered to be the same message."MsgBody": [ // Message body, which consists of an element array. For details, see the field description.{"MsgType": "TIMTextElem", // Text"MsgContent": {"Text": "red packet"}},{"MsgType": "TIMFaceElem", // Emoji"MsgContent": {"Index": 6,"Data": "abc\\u0000\\u0001"}}]}
is added to the message body, and a message recipient is specified in it, the message will be sent only to the specified recipient, and the message is excluded from the unread count. (Supported group types: Private, Public, ChatRoom){"GroupId":"@TGS#12DEVUDHQ","Random":2784275388,"MsgBody":[{"MsgType":"TIMCustomElem","MsgContent":{"Data":"1cddddddddq1"}}],"To_Account":["brennanli2", "brennanli3"] // Specify the message recipient (up to 50 recipients can be specified). If this field is used, the message is excluded from the unread count.}
is set to NoLastMsg
, it indicates not to trigger conversation update; if it is set to NoUnread
, it indicates not to include the message in the unread count (this field cannot be used for audio-video groups (AVChatRoom). For meeting groups (Meeting), messages are excluded from the unread count by default, and you need to enable the feature; otherwise, an error will be reported when NoUnread
is set).{"GroupId": "@TGS#2C5SZEAEF","Random": 8912345, // A random number. If the random numbers of two messages are the same within five minutes, they are considered to be the same message."SendMsgControl":["NoLastMsg"],// Do not trigger conversation update."MsgBody": [ // Message body, which consists of an element array. For details, see the field description.{"MsgType": "TIMTextElem", // Text"MsgContent": {"Text": "red packet"}},{"MsgType": "TIMFaceElem", // Emoji"MsgContent": {"Index": 6,"Data": "abc\\u0000\\u0001"}}]}
There are three priority options in descending order: High
, Normal
, and Low
. They are case-sensitive.{"GroupId": "@TGS#2C5SZEAEF","Random": 8912345, // A random number. If the random numbers of two messages are the same within five minutes, they are considered to be the same message."MsgPriority": "High", // Message priority"MsgBody": [ // Message body, which consists of an element array. For details, see the field description.{"MsgType": "TIMTextElem", // Text"MsgContent": {"Text": "red packet"}},{"MsgType": "TIMFaceElem", // Emoji"MsgContent": {"Index": 6,"Data": "abc\\u0000\\u0001"}}]}
to control whether to initiate callback for a single message. By default, callback is initiated.{"GroupId": "@TGS#2C5SZEAEF","Random": 8912345, // A random number. If the random numbers of two messages are the same within five minutes, they are considered to be the same message."ForbidCallbackControl":["ForbidBeforeSendMsgCallback","ForbidAfterSendMsgCallback"], // Callback forbidding control option"MsgBody": [ // Message body, which consists of an element array. For details, see the field description.{"MsgType": "TIMTextElem", // Text"MsgContent": {"Text": "red packet"}},{"MsgType": "TIMFaceElem", // Emoji"MsgContent": {"Index": 6,"Data": "abc\\u0000\\u0001"}}]}
field have a one-to-one and sequential correspondence to the mentioned @ users in the message body.{"GroupId": "@TGS#2C5SZEAEF","Random": 8912345, // A random number. If the random numbers of two messages are the same within five minutes, they are considered to be the same message."MsgBody": [ // Message body, which consists of an element array. For details, see the field description.{"MsgType": "TIMTextElem", // Text"MsgContent": {"Text": "red @all @tommy @brennanli packet"}}],// It corresponds to @all @tommy @brennanli in the text information."GroupAtInfo":[{"GroupAtAllFlag":1 // `1`: @ all ; `0`: @ a certain group member},{"GroupAtAllFlag":0,"GroupAt_Account":"tommy" // @ a specific group member},{"GroupAtAllFlag":0,"GroupAt_Account":"brennanli"}]}
, the message is for online delivery only, not for offline or roaming retention (not available for AVChatRoom or BChatRoom).{"GroupId": "@TGS#2C5SZEAEF","Random": 8912345, // A random number. If the random numbers of two messages are the same within five minutes, they are considered to be the same message."OnlineOnlyFlag": 1, // The message is for online delivery only (only online group members will receive it), not for offline or roaming retention."MsgBody": [ // Message body, which consists of an element array. For details, see the field description.{"MsgType": "TIMTextElem", // Text"MsgContent": {"Text": "red packet"}},{"MsgType": "TIMFaceElem", // Emoji"MsgContent": {"Index": 6,"Data": "abc\\u0000\\u0001"}}]}
Field | Type | Required | Description |
GroupId | String | Yes | ID of the group to which the message will be sent |
Random | Integer | Yes | A 32-bit unsigned integer. If the content and random numbers of two messages within five minutes are the same, the later message will be discarded as a repeated message. |
MsgPriority | String | No | Message priority |
MsgBody | Array | Yes | |
From_Account | String | No | Message source account. If this field is not specified, the message sender is the app admin account used to call the API. Alternatively, apps can specify the message sender in this field to implement some special features. Note that if this field is specified, you must ensure that the account in this field exists. |
OfflinePushInfo | Object | No | |
ForbidCallbackControl | Array | No | Message callback forbidding option, valid only for a single message. ForbidBeforeSendMsgCallback : callback before sending the message is forbidden; ForbidAfterSendMsgCallback : callback after sending the message is forbidden. |
OnlineOnlyFlag | Integer | No | 1 : send to online members only; 0 (default value): send to all members. This field is not valid for audio-video groups (AVChatRoom). |
SendMsgControl | Array | No | Message sending permission, only valid for the current message. NoLastMsg : do not trigger conversation update; NoUnread : do not include the message in the unread count. (If OnlineOnlyFlag is set to 1 for the message, this field cannot be used.) |
CloudCustomData | String | No | Custom message data. It is saved in the cloud and will be sent to the receiver. Such data can be pulled after the app is uninstalled and reinstalled. |
SupportMessageExtension | Integer | No | Whether the message supports message extension. 0 : No. 1 : Yes |
To_Account | Array | No | Specify up to 50 message receivers. If this field is used, the message will be excluded from the unread count. It is available only in the Pro edition 、Pro Plus edition、Enterprise edition for work groups (Work), public groups (Public), and meeting groups (Meeting). |
TopicId | String | No | Topic ID, which indicates sending ordinary messages in the topic and applies only to topic-enabled communities. |
{"ActionStatus": "OK","ErrorInfo": "","ErrorCode": 0,"MsgTime": 1497249503,"MsgSeq": 1,"MsgDropReason" : "MsgFreqCtrl"}
Field | Type | Description |
ActionStatus | String | Request result. OK : Successful; FAIL : Failed |
ErrorCode | Integer | Error code. 0 : Successful; other values: Failed |
ErrorInfo | String | Error information |
MsgTime | Integer | Message sending timestamp, corresponding to the backend server time |
MsgSeq | Integer | Message sequence number, the unique identifier of a message |
MsgDropReason | String | Reason for discarding the message. It is empty by default. Currently, only messages that exceed the frequency limit are discarded. |
and ErrorInfo
For public error codes (60000 to 79999), see Error Codes.
The following table describes the error codes specific to this API:Error Code | Description |
10002 | Internal server error. Try again. |
10004 | Invalid parameter. Check the error description and troubleshoot the issue. |
10007 | No operation permissions. This error occurs when, for example, a member in a public group tries to remove other users from the group (only the app admin can perform this operation). |
10010 | The group does not exist or has been deleted. |
10015 | Invalid group ID. Use a correct group ID. |
10016 | The app backend rejected this operation through a third-party callback. |
10017 | The message cannot be sent due to muting. Check whether the sender is muted. |
10023 | The frequency limit for message sending is reached. Try again later. |
80002 | The message content is too long. Currently, the maximum message length supported is 12 KB. Please adjust the message length. |
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