tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-02-06 17:53:43

    Feature Description

    The methods to manipulate the group member profile are in the GroupGetMemberInfoList and GroupModifyMemberInfo core classes.

    Getting the Profile of a Group Member

    Call GroupGetMemberInfoList (Details) to get the group member profile. This API supports passing in multiple group_get_members_info_list_param_identifier_array values at a time to batch get group member profiles and therefore improve the network transfer efficiency.
    Sample code:
    // Get the group member profile
    GroupGetMemberInfoListParam param = new GroupGetMemberInfoListParam
    group_get_members_info_list_param_group_id = "group_id",
    group_get_members_info_list_param_identifier_array = new List<string>
    TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.GroupGetMemberInfoList(param, (int code, string desc, GroupGetMemberInfoListResult result, string user_data)=>{
    // Process the async logic

    Modifying the Profile of a Group Member

    The group owner or admin can call the GroupModifyMemberInfo API (Details) to modify the group name card (group_modify_member_info_name_card), custom field (group_modify_member_info_custom_info), and other information of a group member.
    Sample code:
    // Set the group member profile
    GroupModifyMemberInfoParam param = new GroupModifyMemberInfoParam
    group_modify_member_info_group_id = "group_id",
    group_modify_member_info_identifier = "userB",
    group_modify_member_info_modify_flag = TIMGroupMemberModifyInfoFlag.kTIMGroupMemberModifyFlag_NameCard,
    group_modify_member_info_name_card = "new name card"
    TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.GroupModifyMemberInfo(param, (int code, string desc, string user_data)=>{
    // Process the async logic
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